Teach find_path about inner items

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Schievink 2021-02-09 17:25:03 +01:00
parent 7067a22e1c
commit 34ad3d629a

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ use crate::{
ModuleDefId, ModuleId,
// FIXME: handle local items
/// Find a path that can be used to refer to a certain item. This can depend on
/// *from where* you're referring to the item, hence the `from` parameter.
pub fn find_path(db: &dyn DefDatabase, item: ItemInNs, from: ModuleId) -> Option<ModPath> {
@ -107,9 +105,9 @@ fn find_path_inner(
// - if the item is already in scope, return the name under which it is
let def_map = from.def_map(db);
let from_scope: &crate::item_scope::ItemScope = &def_map[from.local_id].scope;
let scope_name =
if let Some((name, _)) = from_scope.name_of(item) { Some(name.clone()) } else { None };
let scope_name = def_map.with_ancestor_maps(db, from.local_id, &mut |def_map, local_id| {
def_map[local_id].scope.name_of(item).map(|(name, _)| name.clone())
if prefixed.is_none() && scope_name.is_some() {
return scope_name
.map(|scope_name| ModPath::from_segments(PathKind::Plain, vec![scope_name]));
@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ fn find_path_inner(
// - if the item is the crate root, return `crate`
let root = def_map.module_id(def_map.root());
if item == ItemInNs::Types(ModuleDefId::ModuleId(root)) {
if item == ItemInNs::Types(ModuleDefId::ModuleId(root)) && def_map.block_id().is_none() {
return Some(ModPath::from_segments(PathKind::Crate, Vec::new()));
@ -230,7 +228,12 @@ fn find_path_inner(
if let Some(prefix) = prefixed.map(PrefixKind::prefix) {
if let Some(mut prefix) = prefixed.map(PrefixKind::prefix) {
if matches!(prefix, PathKind::Crate | PathKind::Super(0)) && def_map.block_id().is_some() {
// Inner items cannot be referred to via `crate::` or `self::` paths.
prefix = PathKind::Plain;
best_path.or_else(|| {
scope_name.map(|scope_name| ModPath::from_segments(prefix, vec![scope_name]))
@ -358,14 +361,14 @@ mod tests {
/// module the cursor is in.
fn check_found_path_(ra_fixture: &str, path: &str, prefix_kind: Option<PrefixKind>) {
let (db, pos) = TestDB::with_position(ra_fixture);
let module = db.module_for_file(pos.file_id);
let module = db.module_at_position(pos);
let parsed_path_file = syntax::SourceFile::parse(&format!("use {};", path));
let ast_path =
let mod_path = ModPath::from_src(ast_path, &Hygiene::new_unhygienic()).unwrap();
let crate_def_map = module.def_map(&db);
let resolved = crate_def_map
let def_map = module.def_map(&db);
let resolved = def_map
@ -788,4 +791,82 @@ mod tests {
check_found_path(code, "u8", "u8", "u8", "u8");
check_found_path(code, "u16", "u16", "u16", "u16");
fn inner_items() {
fn main() {
struct Inner {}
fn inner_items_from_outer_scope() {
fn main() {
struct Struct {}
fn inner_items_from_inner_module() {
fn main() {
mod module {
struct Struct {}
fn inner_items_from_parent_module() {
// FIXME: ItemTree currently associates all inner items with `main`. Luckily, this sort of
// code is very rare, so this isn't terrible.
// To fix it, we should probably build dedicated `ItemTree`s for inner items, and not store
// them in the file's main ItemTree. This would also allow us to stop parsing function
// bodies when we only want to compute the crate's main DefMap.
fn main() {
struct Struct {}
mod module {