print sysroot without any escaping

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Jung 2019-10-19 16:36:45 +02:00
parent cb932f464c
commit 324fed316f
2 changed files with 5 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ build_sysroot() {
# Build once, for the user to see.
cargo run $CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS --bin cargo-miri -- miri setup "$@"
# Call again, to just set env var.
eval $(cargo run $CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS -q --bin cargo-miri -- miri setup --env "$@")
export MIRI_SYSROOT="$(cargo run $CARGO_BUILD_FLAGS -q --bin cargo-miri -- miri setup --print-sysroot "$@")"
# Prepare and set MIRI_SYSROOT. Respects `MIRI_TEST_TARGET` and takes into account

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@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ path = ""
// Prepare xargo invocation.
let target = get_arg_flag_value("--target");
let print_env = !ask_user && has_arg_flag("--env"); // whether we just print the necessary environment variable
let print_sysroot = !ask_user && has_arg_flag("--print-sysroot"); // whether we just print the sysroot path
let mut command = xargo();
@ -339,13 +339,9 @@ path = ""
let sysroot = if is_host { dir.join("HOST") } else { PathBuf::from(dir) };
std::env::set_var("MIRI_SYSROOT", &sysroot); // pass the env var to the processes we spawn, which will turn it into "--sysroot" flags
if print_env {
// Escape an arbitrary string for the shell: by wrapping it in `'`, the only special
// character we have to worry about is `'` itself. Everything else is taken literally
// in these strings. `'` is encoded as `'"'"'`: the outer `'` end and being a
// `'`-quoted string, respectively; the `"'"` in the middle represents a single `'`.
// (We could use `'\''` instead of `'"'"'` if we wanted but let's avoid backslashes.)
println!("MIRI_SYSROOT='{}'", sysroot.display().to_string().replace('\'', r#"'"'"'"#));
if print_sysroot {
// Print just the sysroot and nothing else; this way we do not need any escaping.
println!("{}", sysroot.display());
} else if !ask_user {
println!("A libstd for Miri is now available in `{}`.", sysroot.display());