Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ type fn_ctxt =
ccx: @crate_ctxt};
// Used for ast_ty_to_ty() below.
type ty_getter = fn@(ast::def_id) -> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty;
fn lookup_local(fcx: @fn_ctxt, sp: span, id: ast::node_id) -> int {
alt fcx.locals.find(id) {
some(x) { x }
@ -229,11 +226,32 @@ fn default_arg_mode_for_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, m: ast::mode,
_ { m }
fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
-> ty::t {
fn ast_arg_to_arg(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, arg: ast::ty_arg)
tag mode { m_collect; m_check; m_check_tyvar(@fn_ctxt); }
fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
fn getter(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, id: ast::def_id)
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
alt mode {
m_check. | m_check_tyvar(_) { ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, id) }
m_collect. {
if id.crate != ast::local_crate { csearch::get_type(tcx, id) }
else {
alt tcx.items.find(id.node) {
some(ast_map::node_item(item)) {
ty_of_item(tcx, mode, item)
some(ast_map::node_native_item(native_item)) {
ty_of_native_item(tcx, mode, native_item)
fn ast_arg_to_arg(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, arg: ast::ty_arg)
-> {mode: ty::mode, ty: ty::t} {
let ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, arg.node.ty);
let ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, arg.node.ty);
ret {mode: default_arg_mode_for_ty(tcx, arg.node.mode, ty), ty: ty};
alt tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.find(ast_ty) {
@ -248,15 +266,15 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
} /* go on */
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, none::<ty::t>);
fn ast_mt_to_mt(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, mt: ast::mt) -> ty::mt {
ret {ty: ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, mt.ty), mut: mt.mut};
fn ast_mt_to_mt(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, mt: ast::mt) -> ty::mt {
ret {ty: ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, mt.ty), mut: mt.mut};
fn instantiate(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, getter: ty_getter,
fn instantiate(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, mode: mode,
id: ast::def_id, args: [@ast::ty]) -> ty::t {
// TODO: maybe record cname chains so we can do
// "foo = int" like OCaml?
let ty_param_kinds_and_ty = getter(id);
let ty_param_kinds_and_ty = getter(tcx, mode, id);
if vec::len(ty_param_kinds_and_ty.kinds) == 0u {
ret ty_param_kinds_and_ty.ty;
@ -268,7 +286,7 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
polymorphic type");
for ast_ty: @ast::ty in args {
param_bindings += [ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, ast_ty)];
param_bindings += [ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, ast_ty)];
let typ =
ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, param_bindings,
@ -286,25 +304,25 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
ast::ty_float(ft) { typ = ty::mk_mach_float(tcx, ft); }
ast::ty_str. { typ = ty::mk_str(tcx); }
ast::ty_box(mt) {
typ = ty::mk_box(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
typ = ty::mk_box(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt));
ast::ty_uniq(mt) {
typ = ty::mk_uniq(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
typ = ty::mk_uniq(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt));
ast::ty_vec(mt) {
typ = ty::mk_vec(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
typ = ty::mk_vec(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt));
ast::ty_ptr(mt) {
typ = ty::mk_ptr(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
typ = ty::mk_ptr(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt));
ast::ty_tup(fields) {
let flds = vec::map(bind ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, _), fields);
let flds = vec::map(bind ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, _), fields);
typ = ty::mk_tup(tcx, flds);
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
let flds: [field] = [];
for f: ast::ty_field in fields {
let tm = ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter,;
let tm = ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode,;
flds += [{ident: f.node.ident, mt: tm}];
typ = ty::mk_rec(tcx, flds);
@ -312,9 +330,9 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
ast::ty_fn(proto, inputs, output, cf, constrs) {
let i = [];
for ta: ast::ty_arg in inputs {
i += [ast_arg_to_arg(tcx, getter, ta)];
i += [ast_arg_to_arg(tcx, mode, ta)];
let out_ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, output);
let out_ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in constrs {
@ -325,9 +343,9 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
ast::ty_path(path, id) {
alt tcx.def_map.find(id) {
some(ast::def_ty(id)) {
typ = instantiate(tcx, ast_ty.span, getter, id, path.node.types);
typ = instantiate(tcx, ast_ty.span, mode, id, path.node.types);
some(ast::def_native_ty(id)) { typ = getter(id).ty; }
some(ast::def_native_ty(id)) { typ = getter(tcx, mode, id).ty; }
some(ast::def_ty_param(id, k)) { typ = ty::mk_param(tcx, id, k); }
some(_) {
@ -344,9 +362,9 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
for m: ast::ty_method in meths {
let ins = [];
for ta: ast::ty_arg in m.node.inputs {
ins += [ast_arg_to_arg(tcx, getter, ta)];
ins += [ast_arg_to_arg(tcx, mode, ta)];
let out = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, m.node.output);
let out = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, m.node.output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in m.node.constrs {
@ -368,10 +386,14 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
for constr: @ast::ty_constr in cs {
out_cs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, constr)];
typ = ty::mk_constr(tcx, ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, getter, t), out_cs);
typ = ty::mk_constr(tcx, ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, t), out_cs);
ast::ty_infer. {
tcx.sess.span_bug(ast_ty.span, "found ty_infer in unexpected place");
alt mode {
m_check_tyvar(fcx) { ret next_ty_var(fcx); }
_ { tcx.sess.span_bug(ast_ty.span,
"found ty_infer in unexpected place"); }
alt cname {
@ -382,16 +404,160 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, getter: ty_getter, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty)
ret typ;
fn ty_of_item(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, it: @ast::item)
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let no_kinds: [ast::kind] = [];
alt it.node {
ast::item_const(t, _) {
let typ = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, t);
let tpt = {kinds: no_kinds, ty: typ};
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
ast::item_fn(fn_info, tps) {
ret ty_of_fn_decl(tcx, mode, fn_info.decl, fn_info.proto,
tps, some(local_def(;
ast::item_obj(ob, tps, _) {
let t_obj = ty_of_obj(tcx, mode, it.ident, ob, tps);
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, t_obj);
ret t_obj;
ast::item_ty(t, tps) {
alt tcx.tcache.find(local_def( {
some(tpt) { ret tpt; }
none. { }
// Tell ast_ty_to_ty() that we want to perform a recursive
// call to resolve any named types.
let typ = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, t);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(tps), ty: typ};
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
ast::item_res(f, _, tps, _) {
let t_arg = ty_of_arg(tcx, mode, f.decl.inputs[0]);
let t_res =
{kinds: ty_param_kinds(tps),
ty: ty::mk_res(tcx, local_def(, t_arg.ty,
mk_ty_params(tcx, tps))};
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, t_res);
ret t_res;
ast::item_tag(_, tps) {
// Create a new generic polytype.
let subtys: [ty::t] = mk_ty_params(tcx, tps);
let t = ty::mk_tag(tcx, local_def(, subtys);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(tps), ty: t};
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
ast::item_mod(_) { fail; }
ast::item_native_mod(_) { fail; }
fn ty_of_native_item(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, it: @ast::native_item)
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let no_kinds: [ast::kind] = [];
alt it.node {
ast::native_item_fn(fn_decl, params) {
ret ty_of_native_fn_decl(tcx, mode, fn_decl, params,
ast::native_item_ty. {
alt tcx.tcache.find(local_def( {
some(tpt) { ret tpt; }
none. { }
let t = ty::mk_native(tcx, ast_util::local_def(;
let tpt = {kinds: no_kinds, ty: t};
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
fn ty_of_arg(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, a: ast::arg) -> ty::arg {
let ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, a.ty);
{mode: default_arg_mode_for_ty(tcx, a.mode, ty), ty: ty}
fn ty_of_fn_decl(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, decl: ast::fn_decl,
proto: ast::proto, ty_params: [ast::ty_param],
def_id: option::t<ast::def_id>) -> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let input_tys = [];
for a: ast::arg in decl.inputs { input_tys += [ty_of_arg(tcx, mode, a)]; }
let output_ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, decl.output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in decl.constraints {
out_constrs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, constr)];
let t_fn = ty::mk_fn(tcx, proto, input_tys, output_ty,
||||, out_constrs);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_fn};
alt def_id { some(did) { tcx.tcache.insert(did, tpt); } _ { } }
ret tpt;
fn ty_of_native_fn_decl(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, decl: ast::fn_decl,
ty_params: [ast::ty_param], def_id: ast::def_id)
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let input_tys = [];
for a: ast::arg in decl.inputs { input_tys += [ty_of_arg(tcx, mode, a)]; }
let output_ty = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, decl.output);
let t_fn = ty::mk_native_fn(tcx, input_tys, output_ty);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_fn};
tcx.tcache.insert(def_id, tpt);
ret tpt;
fn ty_of_method(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, m: @ast::method) -> ty::method {
let inputs = vec::map({|i| ty_of_arg(tcx, mode, i)},
let output = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, m.node.meth.decl.output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in m.node.meth.decl.constraints {
out_constrs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, constr)];
ret {proto: m.node.meth.proto,
ident: m.node.ident,
inputs: inputs,
output: output,
constrs: out_constrs};
fn ty_of_obj(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, id: ast::ident, ob: ast::_obj,
ty_params: [ast::ty_param]) -> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let methods = ty_of_obj_methods(tcx, mode, ob);
let t_obj = ty::mk_obj(tcx, ty::sort_methods(methods));
t_obj = ty::rename(tcx, t_obj, id);
ret {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_obj};
fn ty_of_obj_methods(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, object: ast::_obj)
-> [ty::method] {
vec::map({|m| ty_of_method(tcx, mode, m)}, object.methods)
fn ty_of_obj_ctor(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, id: ast::ident, ob: ast::_obj,
ctor_id: ast::node_id, ty_params: [ast::ty_param])
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let t_obj = ty_of_obj(tcx, mode, id, ob, ty_params);
let t_inputs: [arg] = [];
for f: ast::obj_field in ob.fields {
let t_field = ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, f.ty);
t_inputs += [{mode: ast::by_copy, ty: t_field}];
let t_fn = ty::mk_fn(tcx, ast::proto_shared(ast::sugar_normal),
t_inputs, t_obj.ty,
ast::return_val, []);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_fn};
tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(ctor_id), tpt);
ret tpt;
// A convenience function to use a crate_ctxt to resolve names for
// ast_ty_to_ty.
fn ast_ty_to_ty_crate(ccx: @crate_ctxt, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
fn getter(ccx: @crate_ctxt, id: ast::def_id) ->
ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
ret ty::lookup_item_type(ccx.tcx, id);
let f = bind getter(ccx, _);
ret ast_ty_to_ty(ccx.tcx, f, ast_ty);
ret ast_ty_to_ty(ccx.tcx, m_check, ast_ty);
// A wrapper around ast_ty_to_ty_crate that handles ty_infer.
@ -402,14 +568,6 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty_crate_infer(ccx: @crate_ctxt, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) ->
_ { some(ast_ty_to_ty_crate(ccx, ast_ty)) }
// A wrapper around ast_ty_to_ty_infer that generates a new type variable if
// there isn't a fixed type.
fn ast_ty_to_ty_crate_tyvar(fcx: @fn_ctxt, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
alt ast_ty_to_ty_crate_infer(fcx.ccx, ast_ty) {
some(ty) { ty }
none. { next_ty_var(fcx) }
// Functions that write types into the node type table.
@ -428,7 +586,7 @@ mod write {
// Writes a type parameter count and type pair into the node type table.
// This function allows for the possibility of type variables, which will
// be rewritten later during the fixup phase.
// be rewritten later during the fixup mode.
fn ty_fixup(fcx: @fn_ctxt, node_id: ast::node_id,
tpot: ty_param_substs_opt_and_ty) {
inner(fcx.ccx.tcx.node_types, node_id, tpot);
@ -459,6 +617,21 @@ mod write {
fn mk_ty_params(tcx: ty::ctxt, atps: [ast::ty_param]) -> [ty::t] {
let tps = [];
let i = 0u;
for atp: ast::ty_param in atps {
tps += [ty::mk_param(tcx, i, ty_param_kind(atp))];
i += 1u;
ret tps;
fn ty_param_kinds(tps: [ast::ty_param]) -> [ast::kind] {
let k: [ast::kind] = [];
for p: ast::ty_param in tps { k += [ty_param_kind(p)]; }
ret k;
// Item collection - a pair of bootstrap passes:
@ -477,209 +650,12 @@ mod write {
mod collect {
type ctxt = {tcx: ty::ctxt};
fn mk_ty_params(cx: @ctxt, atps: [ast::ty_param]) -> [ty::t] {
let tps = [];
let i = 0u;
for atp: ast::ty_param in atps {
tps += [ty::mk_param(cx.tcx, i, ty_param_kind(atp))];
i += 1u;
ret tps;
fn ty_param_kinds(tps: [ast::ty_param]) -> [ast::kind] {
let k: [ast::kind] = [];
for p: ast::ty_param in tps { k += [ty_param_kind(p)]; }
ret k;
fn ty_of_fn_decl(cx: @ctxt, convert: fn@(&&@ast::ty) -> ty::t,
ty_of_arg: fn@(ast::arg) -> arg, decl: ast::fn_decl,
proto: ast::proto, ty_params: [ast::ty_param],
def_id: option::t<ast::def_id>) ->
ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let input_tys = [];
for a: ast::arg in decl.inputs { input_tys += [ty_of_arg(a)]; }
let output_ty = convert(decl.output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in decl.constraints {
out_constrs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(cx.tcx, constr)];
let t_fn =
ty::mk_fn(cx.tcx, proto, input_tys, output_ty,
||||, out_constrs);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_fn};
alt def_id { some(did) { cx.tcx.tcache.insert(did, tpt); } _ { } }
ret tpt;
fn ty_of_native_fn_decl(cx: @ctxt, convert: fn@(&&@ast::ty) -> ty::t,
ty_of_arg: fn@(ast::arg) -> arg,
decl: ast::fn_decl,
ty_params: [ast::ty_param], def_id: ast::def_id)
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let input_tys = [];
for a: ast::arg in decl.inputs { input_tys += [ty_of_arg(a)]; }
let output_ty = convert(decl.output);
let t_fn = ty::mk_native_fn(cx.tcx, input_tys, output_ty);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_fn};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(def_id, tpt);
ret tpt;
fn getter(cx: @ctxt, id: ast::def_id) -> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
if id.crate != ast::local_crate {
// This is a type we need to load in from the crate reader.
ret csearch::get_type(cx.tcx, id);
let it = cx.tcx.items.find(id.node);
let tpt;
alt it {
some(ast_map::node_item(item)) { tpt = ty_of_item(cx, item); }
some(ast_map::node_native_item(native_item)) {
tpt = ty_of_native_item(cx, native_item);
_ { cx.tcx.sess.fatal("internal error " + std::int::str(id.node)); }
ret tpt;
fn ty_of_arg(cx: @ctxt, a: ast::arg) -> ty::arg {
let ty = ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, bind getter(cx, _), a.ty);
{mode: default_arg_mode_for_ty(cx.tcx, a.mode, ty), ty: ty}
fn ty_of_method(cx: @ctxt, m: @ast::method) -> ty::method {
let get = bind getter(cx, _);
let convert = bind ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, get, _);
let inputs = [];
for a: ast::arg in m.node.meth.decl.inputs {
inputs += [ty_of_arg(cx, a)];
let output = convert(m.node.meth.decl.output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in m.node.meth.decl.constraints {
out_constrs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(cx.tcx, constr)];
ret {proto: m.node.meth.proto,
ident: m.node.ident,
inputs: inputs,
output: output,
constrs: out_constrs};
fn ty_of_obj(cx: @ctxt, id: ast::ident, ob: ast::_obj,
ty_params: [ast::ty_param]) -> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let methods = get_obj_method_types(cx, ob);
let t_obj = ty::mk_obj(cx.tcx, ty::sort_methods(methods));
t_obj = ty::rename(cx.tcx, t_obj, id);
ret {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_obj};
fn ty_of_obj_ctor(cx: @ctxt, id: ast::ident, ob: ast::_obj,
ctor_id: ast::node_id, ty_params: [ast::ty_param]) ->
ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let t_obj = ty_of_obj(cx, id, ob, ty_params);
let t_inputs: [arg] = [];
for f: ast::obj_field in ob.fields {
let g = bind getter(cx, _);
let t_field = ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, g, f.ty);
t_inputs += [{mode: ast::by_copy, ty: t_field}];
let t_fn =
ty::mk_fn(cx.tcx, ast::proto_shared(ast::sugar_normal),
t_inputs, t_obj.ty,
ast::return_val, []);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(ty_params), ty: t_fn};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(ctor_id), tpt);
ret tpt;
fn ty_of_item(cx: @ctxt, it: @ast::item) -> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let get = bind getter(cx, _);
let convert = bind ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, get, _);
let no_kinds: [ast::kind] = [];
alt it.node {
ast::item_const(t, _) {
let typ = convert(t);
let tpt = {kinds: no_kinds, ty: typ};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
ast::item_fn(fn_info, tps) {
let f = bind ty_of_arg(cx, _);
ret ty_of_fn_decl(cx, convert, f, fn_info.decl, fn_info.proto,
tps, some(local_def(;
ast::item_obj(ob, tps, _) {
let t_obj = ty_of_obj(cx, it.ident, ob, tps);
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, t_obj);
ret t_obj;
ast::item_ty(t, tps) {
alt cx.tcx.tcache.find(local_def( {
some(tpt) { ret tpt; }
none. { }
// Tell ast_ty_to_ty() that we want to perform a recursive
// call to resolve any named types.
let typ = convert(t);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(tps), ty: typ};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
ast::item_res(f, _, tps, _) {
let t_arg = ty_of_arg(cx, f.decl.inputs[0]);
let t_res =
{kinds: ty_param_kinds(tps),
ty: ty::mk_res(cx.tcx, local_def(, t_arg.ty,
mk_ty_params(cx, tps))};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, t_res);
ret t_res;
ast::item_tag(_, tps) {
// Create a new generic polytype.
let subtys: [ty::t] = mk_ty_params(cx, tps);
let t = ty::mk_tag(cx.tcx, local_def(, subtys);
let tpt = {kinds: ty_param_kinds(tps), ty: t};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
ast::item_mod(_) { fail; }
ast::item_native_mod(_) { fail; }
fn ty_of_native_item(cx: @ctxt, it: @ast::native_item)
-> ty::ty_param_kinds_and_ty {
let no_kinds: [ast::kind] = [];
alt it.node {
ast::native_item_fn(fn_decl, params) {
let get = bind getter(cx, _);
let convert = bind ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, get, _);
let f = bind ty_of_arg(cx, _);
ret ty_of_native_fn_decl(cx, convert, f, fn_decl, params,
ast::native_item_ty. {
alt cx.tcx.tcache.find(local_def( {
some(tpt) { ret tpt; }
none. { }
let t = ty::mk_native(cx.tcx, ast_util::local_def(;
let tpt = {kinds: no_kinds, ty: t};
cx.tcx.tcache.insert(local_def(, tpt);
ret tpt;
fn get_tag_variant_types(cx: @ctxt, tag_id: ast::def_id,
variants: [ast::variant],
ty_params: [ast::ty_param]) {
// Create a set of parameter types shared among all the variants.
let ty_param_tys: [ty::t] = mk_ty_params(cx, ty_params);
let ty_param_tys: [ty::t] = mk_ty_params(cx.tcx, ty_params);
for variant: ast::variant in variants {
// Nullary tag constructors get turned into constants; n-ary tag
// constructors get turned into functions.
@ -690,11 +666,9 @@ mod collect {
} else {
// As above, tell ast_ty_to_ty() that trans_ty_item_to_ty()
// should be called to resolve named types.
let f = bind getter(cx, _);
let args: [arg] = [];
for va: ast::variant_arg in variant.node.args {
let arg_ty = ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, f, va.ty);
let arg_ty = ast_ty_to_ty(cx.tcx, m_collect, va.ty);
args += [{mode: ast::by_copy, ty: arg_ty}];
let tag_t = ty::mk_tag(cx.tcx, tag_id, ty_param_tys);
@ -709,13 +683,6 @@ mod collect {
write::ty_only(cx.tcx,, result_ty);
fn get_obj_method_types(cx: @ctxt, object: ast::_obj) -> [ty::method] {
let meths = [];
for m: @ast::method in object.methods {
meths += [ty_of_method(cx, m)];
ret meths;
fn convert(cx: @ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_mod(_) {
@ -725,24 +692,23 @@ mod collect {
// do nothing, as native modules have no types.
ast::item_tag(variants, ty_params) {
let tpt = ty_of_item(cx, it);
let tpt = ty_of_item(cx.tcx, m_collect, it);
write::ty_only(cx.tcx,, tpt.ty);
get_tag_variant_types(cx, local_def(, variants, ty_params);
ast::item_obj(object, ty_params, ctor_id) {
// Now we need to call ty_of_obj_ctor(); this is the type that
// we write into the table for this item.
ty_of_item(cx, it);
let tpt =
ty_of_obj_ctor(cx, it.ident, object, ctor_id, ty_params);
ty_of_item(cx.tcx, m_collect, it);
let tpt = ty_of_obj_ctor(cx.tcx, m_collect, it.ident, object,
ctor_id, ty_params);
write::ty_only(cx.tcx, ctor_id, tpt.ty);
// Write the methods into the type table.
// FIXME: Inefficient; this ends up calling
// get_obj_method_types() twice. (The first time was above in
// ty_of_obj().)
let method_types = get_obj_method_types(cx, object);
let method_types = ty_of_obj_methods(cx.tcx, m_collect, object);
let i = 0u;
while i < vec::len::<@ast::method>(object.methods) {
write::ty_only(cx.tcx, object.methods[i],
@ -763,10 +729,10 @@ mod collect {
ast::item_res(f, dtor_id, tps, ctor_id) {
let t_arg = ty_of_arg(cx, f.decl.inputs[0]);
let t_arg = ty_of_arg(cx.tcx, m_collect, f.decl.inputs[0]);
let t_res =
ty::mk_res(cx.tcx, local_def(, t_arg.ty,
mk_ty_params(cx, tps));
mk_ty_params(cx.tcx, tps));
let t_ctor =
ty::mk_fn(cx.tcx, ast::proto_shared(ast::sugar_normal),
[{mode: ast::by_copy with t_arg}], t_res,
@ -786,7 +752,7 @@ mod collect {
// This call populates the type cache with the converted type
// of the item in passing. All we have to do here is to write
// it into the node type table.
let tpt = ty_of_item(cx, it);
let tpt = ty_of_item(cx.tcx, m_collect, it);
write::ty_only(cx.tcx,, tpt.ty);
@ -795,7 +761,7 @@ mod collect {
// As above, this call populates the type table with the converted
// type of the native item. We simply write it into the node type
// table.
let tpt = ty_of_native_item(cx, i);
let tpt = ty_of_native_item(cx.tcx, m_collect, i);
alt i.node {
ast::native_item_ty. {
// FIXME: Native types have no annotation. Should they? --pcw
@ -1936,15 +1902,9 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
write::ty_only_fixup(fcx, id, result_ty);
ast::expr_fn(f) {
let convert = bind ast_ty_to_ty_crate_tyvar(fcx, _);
let ty_of_arg = lambda (a: ast::arg) -> ty::arg {
let tt = ast_ty_to_ty_crate_tyvar(fcx, a.ty);
ret {mode: default_arg_mode_for_ty(fcx.ccx.tcx, a.mode, tt),
ty: tt};
let cx = @{tcx: tcx};
let fty = collect::ty_of_fn_decl(cx, convert, ty_of_arg, f.decl,
f.proto, [], none).ty;
let fty = ty_of_fn_decl(cx.tcx, m_check_tyvar(fcx), f.decl,
f.proto, [], none).ty;
write::ty_only_fixup(fcx, id, fty);
@ -2241,41 +2201,11 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
let fields: [ast::anon_obj_field] = [];
alt ao.fields { none. { } some(v) { fields = v; } }
// FIXME: These next three functions are largely ripped off from
// similar ones in collect::. Is there a better way to do this?
fn ty_of_arg(ccx: @crate_ctxt, a: ast::arg) -> ty::arg {
let ty = ast_ty_to_ty_crate(ccx, a.ty);
ret {mode: default_arg_mode_for_ty(ccx.tcx, a.mode, ty), ty: ty};
fn ty_of_method(ccx: @crate_ctxt, m: @ast::method) -> ty::method {
let convert = bind ast_ty_to_ty_crate(ccx, _);
let inputs = [];
for aa: ast::arg in m.node.meth.decl.inputs {
inputs += [ty_of_arg(ccx, aa)];
let output = convert(m.node.meth.decl.output);
let out_constrs = [];
for constr: @ast::constr in m.node.meth.decl.constraints {
out_constrs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(ccx.tcx, constr)];
ret {proto: m.node.meth.proto,
ident: m.node.ident,
inputs: inputs,
output: output,
constrs: out_constrs};
let method_types: [ty::method] = [];
// Outer methods.
for m: @ast::method in ao.methods {
method_types += [ty_of_method(fcx.ccx, m)];
method_types += [ty_of_method(fcx.ccx.tcx, m_check, m)];
// Inner methods.
@ -2326,7 +2256,7 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
if str::eq(om.node.ident, m.ident) {
// We'd better be overriding with one of the same
// type. Check to make sure.
let new_type = ty_of_method(ccx, om);
let new_type = ty_of_method(ccx.tcx, m_check, om);
if new_type != m {
(om.span, "attempted to override method "
@ -2517,22 +2447,20 @@ fn check_pred_expr(fcx: @fn_ctxt, e: @ast::expr) -> bool {
_ {
"Impure function as operator \
in constraint");
in constraint");
for operand: @ast::expr in operands {
if !ast_util::is_constraint_arg(operand) {
let s =
"Constraint args must be \
slot variables or literals";
"Constraint args must be slot variables or literals";
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(e.span, s);
_ {
let s =
"In a constraint, expected the \
constraint name to be an explicit name";
let s = "In a constraint, expected the \
constraint name to be an explicit name";
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(e.span, s);
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
#include "memory_region.h"
# define PTR_SIZE (sizeof(void*))
// For some platforms, 16 byte alignment is required.
# define PTR_SIZE 16
# define ALIGN_PTR(x) (((x)+PTR_SIZE-1)/PTR_SIZE*PTR_SIZE)
# define HEADER_SIZE ALIGN_PTR(sizeof(alloc_header))
# define MAGIC 0xbadc0ffe
@ -65,11 +66,15 @@ memory_region::realloc(void *mem, size_t orig_size) {
alloc_header *alloc = get_header(mem);
assert(alloc->magic == MAGIC);
# endif
size_t size = orig_size + HEADER_SIZE;
alloc_header *newMem = (alloc_header *)_srv->realloc(alloc, size);
assert(alloc->magic == MAGIC);
assert(newMem->magic == MAGIC);
newMem->size = orig_size;
# endif
@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ memory_region::~memory_region() {
alloc_header *header = (alloc_header*)_allocation_list[i];
printf("allocation (%s) 0x%" PRIxPTR " was not freed\n",
(uintptr_t) &header->data);
(uintptr_t) get_data(header));
@ -167,7 +172,7 @@ memory_region::release_alloc(void *mem) {
if (_synchronized) { _lock.lock(); }
if (_allocation_list[alloc->index] != alloc) {
printf("free: ptr 0x%" PRIxPTR " (%s) is not in allocation_list\n",
(uintptr_t) &alloc->data, alloc->tag);
(uintptr_t) get_data(alloc), alloc->tag);
_srv->fatal("not in allocation_list", __FILE__, __LINE__, "");
else {
@ -222,6 +227,5 @@ memory_region::maybe_poison(void *mem) {
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End:
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ inline void *operator new(size_t size, memory_region *region,
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user