Switch from pico-args to xflags

This commit is contained in:
Aleksey Kladov 2021-03-02 15:01:48 +03:00
parent 61c73caa30
commit 3038579c8e
6 changed files with 317 additions and 312 deletions

Cargo.lock generated

@ -1114,12 +1114,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "pico-args"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "d70072c20945e1ab871c472a285fc772aefd4f5407723c206242f2c6f94595d6"
name = "pin-project-lite"
version = "0.2.4"
@ -1339,7 +1333,6 @@ dependencies = [
@ -1361,6 +1354,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -1914,18 +1908,18 @@ checksum = "06069a848f95fceae3e5e03c0ddc8cb78452b56654ee0c8e68f938cf790fb9e3"
name = "xflags"
version = "0.1.2"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "1a6292b9528efc06cb25a41b8a0814dd3a9590c0fe2cd95341fe41bbe034fafb"
checksum = "ddb4b07c0db813f8e2b5e1b2189ef56fcddb27a6f9ef71314dbf8cc50096a5db"
dependencies = [
name = "xflags-macros"
version = "0.1.2"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "ba2108d40e49a0653f2ee4eda59f51447e0cab5cc2cc197a5abd96525c6bd89e"
checksum = "f8e168a99d6ce9d5dd0d0913f1bded279377843952dd8ff83f81b862a1dad0e1"
dependencies = [

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ jod-thread = "0.1.0"
log = "0.4.8"
lsp-types = { version = "0.88.0", features = ["proposed"] }
parking_lot = "0.11.0"
pico-args = "0.4.0"
xflags = "0.1.2"
oorandom = "11.1.2"
rustc-hash = "1.1.0"
serde = { version = "1.0.106", features = ["derive"] }

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
//! Command like parsing for rust-analyzer.
//! If run started args, we run the LSP server loop. With a subcommand, we do a
//! one-time batch processing.
use std::{env, path::PathBuf};
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Result};
use ide_ssr::{SsrPattern, SsrRule};
use pico_args::Arguments;
use rust_analyzer::cli::{AnalysisStatsCmd, BenchCmd, BenchWhat, Position, Verbosity};
use vfs::AbsPathBuf;
pub(crate) struct Args {
pub(crate) verbosity: Verbosity,
pub(crate) log_file: Option<PathBuf>,
pub(crate) no_buffering: bool,
pub(crate) command: Command,
pub(crate) wait_dbg: bool,
pub(crate) enum Command {
Parse { no_dump: bool },
Highlight { rainbow: bool },
Diagnostics { path: PathBuf, load_output_dirs: bool, with_proc_macro: bool },
Ssr { rules: Vec<SsrRule> },
StructuredSearch { debug_snippet: Option<String>, patterns: Vec<SsrPattern> },
const HELP: &str = "\
--version Print version
-h, --help Print this help
-v, --verbose
-vv, --spammy
-q, --quiet Set verbosity
Dump a LSP config JSON schema
--log-file <PATH> Log to the specified file instead of stderr
Flush log records to the file immediately
--wait-dbg Wait until a debugger is attached to.
The flag is valid for debug builds only
RA_LOG Set log filter in env_logger format
RA_PROFILE Enable hierarchical profiler
RA_WAIT_DBG If set acts like a --wait-dbg flag
not specified Launch LSP server
parse < main.rs Parse tree
--no-dump Suppress printing
symbols < main.rs Parse input an print the list of symbols
highlight < main.rs Highlight input as html
--rainbow Enable rainbow highlighting of identifiers
analysis-stats <PATH> Batch typecheck project and print summary statistics
<PATH> Directory with Cargo.toml
--randomize Randomize order in which crates, modules, and items are processed
--parallel Run type inference in parallel
--memory-usage Collect memory usage statistics
-o, --only <PATH> Only analyze items matching this path
--with-deps Also analyze all dependencies
Load OUT_DIR values by running `cargo check` before analysis
--with-proc-macro Use proc-macro-srv for proc-macro expanding
analysis-bench <PATH> Benchmark specific analysis operation
<PATH> Directory with Cargo.toml
--highlight <PATH>
Compute syntax highlighting for this file
--complete <PATH:LINE:COLUMN>
Compute completions at this location
--goto-def <PATH:LINE:COLUMN>
Compute goto definition at this location
--memory-usage Collect memory usage statistics
Load OUT_DIR values by running `cargo check` before analysis
--with-proc-macro Use proc-macro-srv for proc-macro expanding
diagnostics <PATH>
<PATH> Directory with Cargo.toml
Load OUT_DIR values by running `cargo check` before analysis
--with-proc-macro Use proc-macro-srv for proc-macro expanding
ssr [RULE...]
<RULE> A structured search replace rule (`$a.foo($b) ==> bar($a, $b)`)
search [PATTERN..]
<PATTERN> A structured search replace pattern (`$a.foo($b)`)
--debug <snippet> Prints debug information for any nodes with source exactly
equal to <snippet>
impl Args {
pub(crate) fn parse() -> Result<Args> {
let mut matches = Arguments::from_env();
if matches.contains("--version") {
return Ok(Args {
verbosity: Verbosity::Normal,
log_file: None,
command: Command::Version,
no_buffering: false,
wait_dbg: false,
let verbosity = match (
matches.contains(["-vv", "--spammy"]),
matches.contains(["-v", "--verbose"]),
matches.contains(["-q", "--quiet"]),
) {
(true, _, true) => bail!("Invalid flags: -q conflicts with -vv"),
(true, _, false) => Verbosity::Spammy,
(false, false, false) => Verbosity::Normal,
(false, false, true) => Verbosity::Quiet,
(false, true, false) => Verbosity::Verbose,
(false, true, true) => bail!("Invalid flags: -q conflicts with -v"),
let log_file = matches.opt_value_from_str("--log-file")?;
let no_buffering = matches.contains("--no-log-buffering");
let wait_dbg = matches.contains("--wait-dbg");
if matches.contains(["-h", "--help"]) {
eprintln!("{}", HELP);
return Ok(Args {
log_file: None,
command: Command::Help,
if matches.contains("--print-config-schema") {
return Ok(Args {
command: Command::PrintConfigSchema,
let subcommand = match matches.subcommand()? {
Some(it) => it,
None => {
return Ok(Args {
command: Command::RunServer,
let command = match subcommand.as_str() {
"parse" => Command::Parse { no_dump: matches.contains("--no-dump") },
"symbols" => Command::Symbols,
"highlight" => Command::Highlight { rainbow: matches.contains("--rainbow") },
"analysis-stats" => Command::AnalysisStats(AnalysisStatsCmd {
randomize: matches.contains("--randomize"),
parallel: matches.contains("--parallel"),
memory_usage: matches.contains("--memory-usage"),
only: matches.opt_value_from_str(["-o", "--only"])?,
with_deps: matches.contains("--with-deps"),
load_output_dirs: matches.contains("--load-output-dirs"),
with_proc_macro: matches.contains("--with-proc-macro"),
path: matches
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("expected positional argument"))?,
"analysis-bench" => Command::Bench(BenchCmd {
what: {
let highlight_path: Option<String> =
let complete_path: Option<Position> =
let goto_def_path: Option<Position> =
match (highlight_path, complete_path, goto_def_path) {
(Some(path), None, None) => {
let path = env::current_dir().unwrap().join(path);
BenchWhat::Highlight { path: AbsPathBuf::assert(path) }
(None, Some(position), None) => BenchWhat::Complete(position),
(None, None, Some(position)) => BenchWhat::GotoDef(position),
_ => panic!(
"exactly one of `--highlight`, `--complete` or `--goto-def` must be set"
memory_usage: matches.contains("--memory-usage"),
load_output_dirs: matches.contains("--load-output-dirs"),
with_proc_macro: matches.contains("--with-proc-macro"),
path: matches
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("expected positional argument"))?,
"diagnostics" => Command::Diagnostics {
load_output_dirs: matches.contains("--load-output-dirs"),
with_proc_macro: matches.contains("--with-proc-macro"),
path: matches
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("expected positional argument"))?,
"proc-macro" => Command::ProcMacro,
"ssr" => Command::Ssr {
rules: {
let mut acc = Vec::new();
while let Some(rule) = matches.opt_free_from_str()? {
"search" => Command::StructuredSearch {
debug_snippet: matches.opt_value_from_str("--debug")?,
patterns: {
let mut acc = Vec::new();
while let Some(rule) = matches.opt_free_from_str()? {
_ => {
eprintln!("{}", HELP);
return Ok(Args {
log_file: None,
command: Command::Help,
Ok(Args { verbosity, log_file, command, no_buffering, wait_dbg })
fn finish_args(args: Arguments) -> Result<()> {
if !args.finish().is_empty() {
bail!("Unused arguments.");

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
//! Grammar for the command-line arguments.
use std::{env, path::PathBuf};
use ide_ssr::{SsrPattern, SsrRule};
use rust_analyzer::cli::{BenchWhat, Position, Verbosity};
use vfs::AbsPathBuf;
xflags::args_parser! {
/// LSP server for the Rust programming language.
cmd rust-analyzer {
/// Verbosity level, can be repeated multiple times.
repeated -v, --verbose
/// Verbosity level.
optional -q, --quiet
/// Log to the specified file instead of stderr.
optional --log-file path: PathBuf
/// Flush log records to the file immediately.
optional --no-log-buffering
/// Wait until a debugger is attached to (requires debug build).
optional --wait-dbg
default cmd lsp-server {
/// Print version.
optional --version
/// Print help.
optional -h, --help
/// Dump a LSP config JSON schema.
optional --print-config-schema
/// Parse stdin.
cmd parse {
/// Suppress printing.
optional --no-dump
/// Parse stdin and print the list of symbols.
cmd symbols {}
/// Highlight stdin as html.
cmd highlight {
/// Enable rainbow highlighting of identifiers.
optional --rainbow
/// Batch typecheck project and print summary statistics
cmd analysis-stats
/// Directory with Cargo.toml.
required path: PathBuf
/// Randomize order in which crates, modules, and items are processed.
optional --randomize
/// Run type inference in parallel.
optional --parallel
/// Collect memory usage statistics.
optional --memory-usage
/// Only analyze items matching this path.
optional -o, --only path: String
/// Also analyze all dependencies.
optional --with-deps
/// Load OUT_DIR values by running `cargo check` before analysis.
optional --load-output-dirs
/// Use proc-macro-srv for proc-macro expanding.
optional --with-proc-macro
/// Benchmark specific analysis operation
cmd analysis-bench
/// Directory with Cargo.toml.
required path: PathBuf
/// Collect memory usage statistics.
optional --memory-usage
/// Compute syntax highlighting for this file
optional --highlight path: PathBuf
/// Compute completions at file:line:column location.
optional --complete location: Position
/// Compute goto definition at file:line:column location.
optional --goto-def location: Position
/// Load OUT_DIR values by running `cargo check` before analysis.
optional --load-output-dirs
/// Use proc-macro-srv for proc-macro expanding.
optional --with-proc-macro
cmd diagnostics
/// Directory with Cargo.toml.
required path: PathBuf
/// Load OUT_DIR values by running `cargo check` before analysis.
optional --load-output-dirs
/// Use proc-macro-srv for proc-macro expanding.
optional --with-proc-macro
cmd ssr
/// A structured search replace rule (`$a.foo($b) ==> bar($a, $b)`)
repeated rule: SsrRule
cmd search
/// A structured search replace pattern (`$a.foo($b)`)
repeated pattern: SsrPattern
/// Prints debug information for any nodes with source exactly equal to snippet.
optional --debug snippet: String
cmd proc-macro {}
// generated start
// The following code is generated by `xflags` macro.
// Run `env XFLAGS_DUMP= cargo build` to regenerate.
pub struct RustAnalyzer {
pub verbose: u32,
pub quiet: bool,
pub log_file: Option<PathBuf>,
pub no_log_buffering: bool,
pub wait_dbg: bool,
pub subcommand: RustAnalyzerCmd,
pub enum RustAnalyzerCmd {
pub struct LspServer {
pub version: bool,
pub help: bool,
pub print_config_schema: bool,
pub struct Parse {
pub no_dump: bool,
pub struct Symbols {}
pub struct Highlight {
pub rainbow: bool,
pub struct AnalysisStats {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub randomize: bool,
pub parallel: bool,
pub memory_usage: bool,
pub only: Option<String>,
pub with_deps: bool,
pub load_output_dirs: bool,
pub with_proc_macro: bool,
pub struct AnalysisBench {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub memory_usage: bool,
pub highlight: Option<PathBuf>,
pub complete: Option<Position>,
pub goto_def: Option<Position>,
pub load_output_dirs: bool,
pub with_proc_macro: bool,
pub struct Diagnostics {
pub path: PathBuf,
pub load_output_dirs: bool,
pub with_proc_macro: bool,
pub struct Ssr {
pub rule: Vec<SsrRule>,
pub struct Search {
pub pattern: Vec<SsrPattern>,
pub debug: Option<String>,
pub struct ProcMacro {}
impl RustAnalyzer {
pub const HELP: &'static str = Self::_HELP;
pub fn from_env() -> xflags::Result<Self> {
let mut p = xflags::rt::Parser::new_from_env();
Self::_parse(&mut p)
// generated end
impl RustAnalyzer {
pub(crate) fn verbosity(&self) -> Verbosity {
if self.quiet {
return Verbosity::Quiet;
match self.verbose {
0 => Verbosity::Normal,
1 => Verbosity::Verbose,
_ => Verbosity::Spammy,
impl AnalysisBench {
pub(crate) fn what(&self) -> BenchWhat {
match (&self.highlight, &self.complete, &self.goto_def) {
(Some(path), None, None) => {
let path = env::current_dir().unwrap().join(path);
BenchWhat::Highlight { path: AbsPathBuf::assert(path) }
(None, Some(position), None) => BenchWhat::Complete(position.clone()),
(None, None, Some(position)) => BenchWhat::GotoDef(position.clone()),
_ => panic!("exactly one of `--highlight`, `--complete` or `--goto-def` must be set"),

@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
//! Driver for rust-analyzer.
//! Based on cli flags, either spawns an LSP server, or runs a batch analysis
mod args;
mod flags;
mod logger;
use std::{convert::TryFrom, env, fs, path::PathBuf, process};
use std::{convert::TryFrom, env, fs, path::Path, process};
use lsp_server::Connection;
use project_model::ProjectManifest;
use rust_analyzer::{cli, config::Config, from_json, lsp_ext::supports_utf8, Result};
use rust_analyzer::{
cli::{self, AnalysisStatsCmd, BenchCmd},
use vfs::AbsPathBuf;
#[cfg(all(feature = "mimalloc"))]
@ -28,10 +34,10 @@ fn main() {
fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
let args = args::Args::parse()?;
let flags = flags::RustAnalyzer::from_env()?;
if args.wait_dbg || env::var("RA_WAIT_DBG").is_ok() {
if flags.wait_dbg || env::var("RA_WAIT_DBG").is_ok() {
let mut d = 4;
while d == 4 {
@ -39,35 +45,62 @@ fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
setup_logging(args.log_file, args.no_buffering)?;
match args.command {
args::Command::RunServer => run_server()?,
args::Command::PrintConfigSchema => {
println!("{:#}", Config::json_schema());
args::Command::ProcMacro => proc_macro_srv::cli::run()?,
setup_logging(flags.log_file.as_deref(), flags.no_log_buffering)?;
let verbosity = flags.verbosity();
args::Command::Parse { no_dump } => cli::parse(no_dump)?,
args::Command::Symbols => cli::symbols()?,
args::Command::Highlight { rainbow } => cli::highlight(rainbow)?,
args::Command::AnalysisStats(cmd) => cmd.run(args.verbosity)?,
args::Command::Bench(cmd) => cmd.run(args.verbosity)?,
args::Command::Diagnostics { path, load_output_dirs, with_proc_macro } => {
cli::diagnostics(path.as_ref(), load_output_dirs, with_proc_macro)?
match flags.subcommand {
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::LspServer(cmd) => {
if cmd.print_config_schema {
println!("{:#}", Config::json_schema());
return Ok(());
if cmd.version {
println!("rust-analyzer {}", env!("REV"));
return Ok(());
if cmd.help {
println!("{}", flags::RustAnalyzer::HELP);
return Ok(());
args::Command::Ssr { rules } => {
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::ProcMacro(_) => proc_macro_srv::cli::run()?,
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::Parse(cmd) => cli::parse(cmd.no_dump)?,
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::Symbols(_) => cli::symbols()?,
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::Highlight(cmd) => cli::highlight(cmd.rainbow)?,
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::AnalysisStats(cmd) => AnalysisStatsCmd {
randomize: cmd.randomize,
parallel: cmd.parallel,
memory_usage: cmd.memory_usage,
only: cmd.only,
with_deps: cmd.with_deps,
path: cmd.path,
load_output_dirs: cmd.load_output_dirs,
with_proc_macro: cmd.with_proc_macro,
args::Command::StructuredSearch { patterns, debug_snippet } => {
cli::search_for_patterns(patterns, debug_snippet)?;
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::AnalysisBench(cmd) => {
let what = cmd.what();
BenchCmd {
memory_usage: cmd.memory_usage,
path: cmd.path,
load_output_dirs: cmd.load_output_dirs,
with_proc_macro: cmd.with_proc_macro,
args::Command::Version => println!("rust-analyzer {}", env!("REV")),
args::Command::Help => {}
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::Diagnostics(cmd) => {
cli::diagnostics(&cmd.path, cmd.load_output_dirs, cmd.with_proc_macro)?
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::Ssr(cmd) => cli::apply_ssr_rules(cmd.rule)?,
flags::RustAnalyzerCmd::Search(cmd) => cli::search_for_patterns(cmd.pattern, cmd.debug)?,
fn setup_logging(log_file: Option<PathBuf>, no_buffering: bool) -> Result<()> {
fn setup_logging(log_file: Option<&Path>, no_buffering: bool) -> Result<()> {
env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "short");
let log_file = match log_file {

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ pub enum BenchWhat {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Position {
pub path: AbsPathBuf,
pub line: u32,