Prevent to recompute should_show_cast
by passing down self_def_id
This commit is contained in:
@ -379,19 +379,31 @@ impl<'tcx> Clean<WherePredicate> for ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx> {
fn clean_projection<'tcx>(
ty: ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>,
cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
def_id: Option<DefId>,
) -> Type {
let lifted = ty.lift_to_tcx(cx.tcx).unwrap();
let trait_ = lifted.trait_ref(cx.tcx).clean(cx);
let self_type = ty.self_ty().clean(cx);
let self_def_id = if let Some(def_id) = def_id {
} else {
let should_show_cast = compute_should_show_cast(self_def_id, &trait_, &self_type);
Type::QPath {
assoc: Box::new(projection_to_path_segment(ty, cx)),
self_type: box self_type,
impl<'tcx> Clean<Type> for ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx> {
fn clean(&self, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Type {
let lifted = self.lift_to_tcx(cx.tcx).unwrap();
let trait_ = lifted.trait_ref(cx.tcx).clean(cx);
let self_type = self.self_ty().clean(cx);
let self_def_id = self_type.def_id(&cx.cache);
let should_show_cast = compute_should_show_cast(self_def_id, &trait_, &self_type);
Type::QPath {
assoc: Box::new(projection_to_path_segment(*self, cx)),
self_type: box self_type,
clean_projection(*self, cx, None)
@ -422,23 +434,7 @@ impl Clean<GenericParamDef> for ty::GenericParamDef {
ty::GenericParamDefKind::Type { has_default, synthetic, .. } => {
let default = if has_default {
let mut default = cx.tcx.type_of(self.def_id).clean(cx);
// We need to reassign the `self_def_id`, if there's a parent (which is the
// `Self` type), so we can properly render `<Self as X>` casts, because the
// information about which type `Self` is, is only present here, but not in
// the cleaning process of the type itself. To resolve this and have the
// `self_def_id` set, we override it here.
// See
if let QPath { ref mut should_show_cast, ref trait_, ref self_type, .. } =
let self_def_id = cx.tcx.parent(self.def_id);
*should_show_cast =
compute_should_show_cast(self_def_id, trait_, self_type);
Some(clean_ty(cx.tcx.type_of(self.def_id), cx, Some(self.def_id)))
} else {
@ -1534,196 +1530,194 @@ fn normalize<'tcx>(cx: &mut DocContext<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'_>) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
impl<'tcx> Clean<Type> for Ty<'tcx> {
fn clean(&self, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Type {
trace!("cleaning type: {:?}", self);
let ty = normalize(cx, *self).unwrap_or(*self);
match *ty.kind() {
ty::Never => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Never),
ty::Bool => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Bool),
ty::Char => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Char),
ty::Int(int_ty) => Primitive(int_ty.into()),
ty::Uint(uint_ty) => Primitive(uint_ty.into()),
ty::Float(float_ty) => Primitive(float_ty.into()),
ty::Str => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Str),
ty::Slice(ty) => Slice(box ty.clean(cx)),
ty::Array(ty, n) => {
let mut n = cx.tcx.lift(n).expect("array lift failed");
n = n.eval(cx.tcx, ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all());
let n = print_const(cx, n);
Array(box ty.clean(cx), n)
ty::RawPtr(mt) => RawPointer(mt.mutbl, box mt.ty.clean(cx)),
ty::Ref(r, ty, mutbl) => {
BorrowedRef { lifetime: r.clean(cx), mutability: mutbl, type_: box ty.clean(cx) }
ty::FnDef(..) | ty::FnPtr(_) => {
let ty = cx.tcx.lift(*self).expect("FnPtr lift failed");
let sig = ty.fn_sig(cx.tcx);
let decl = clean_fn_decl_from_did_and_sig(cx, None, sig);
BareFunction(box BareFunctionDecl {
unsafety: sig.unsafety(),
generic_params: Vec::new(),
abi: sig.abi(),
ty::Adt(def, substs) => {
let did = def.did();
let kind = match def.adt_kind() {
AdtKind::Struct => ItemType::Struct,
AdtKind::Union => ItemType::Union,
AdtKind::Enum => ItemType::Enum,
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, kind);
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, vec![], substs);
Type::Path { path }
ty::Foreign(did) => {
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::ForeignType);
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, vec![], InternalSubsts::empty());
Type::Path { path }
ty::Dynamic(obj, ref reg) => {
// HACK: pick the first `did` as the `did` of the trait object. Someone
// might want to implement "native" support for marker-trait-only
// trait objects.
let mut dids = obj.principal_def_id().into_iter().chain(obj.auto_traits());
let did = dids
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("found trait object `{:?}` with no traits?", self));
let substs = match obj.principal() {
Some(principal) => principal.skip_binder().substs,
// marker traits have no substs.
_ => cx.tcx.intern_substs(&[]),
fn clean_ty<'tcx>(this: Ty<'tcx>, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>, def_id: Option<DefId>) -> Type {
trace!("cleaning type: {:?}", this);
let ty = normalize(cx, this).unwrap_or(this);
match *ty.kind() {
ty::Never => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Never),
ty::Bool => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Bool),
ty::Char => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Char),
ty::Int(int_ty) => Primitive(int_ty.into()),
ty::Uint(uint_ty) => Primitive(uint_ty.into()),
ty::Float(float_ty) => Primitive(float_ty.into()),
ty::Str => Primitive(PrimitiveType::Str),
ty::Slice(ty) => Slice(box ty.clean(cx)),
ty::Array(ty, n) => {
let mut n = cx.tcx.lift(n).expect("array lift failed");
n = n.eval(cx.tcx, ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all());
let n = print_const(cx, n);
Array(box ty.clean(cx), n)
ty::RawPtr(mt) => RawPointer(mt.mutbl, box mt.ty.clean(cx)),
ty::Ref(r, ty, mutbl) => {
BorrowedRef { lifetime: r.clean(cx), mutability: mutbl, type_: box ty.clean(cx) }
ty::FnDef(..) | ty::FnPtr(_) => {
let ty = cx.tcx.lift(this).expect("FnPtr lift failed");
let sig = ty.fn_sig(cx.tcx);
let decl = clean_fn_decl_from_did_and_sig(cx, None, sig);
BareFunction(box BareFunctionDecl {
unsafety: sig.unsafety(),
generic_params: Vec::new(),
abi: sig.abi(),
ty::Adt(def, substs) => {
let did = def.did();
let kind = match def.adt_kind() {
AdtKind::Struct => ItemType::Struct,
AdtKind::Union => ItemType::Union,
AdtKind::Enum => ItemType::Enum,
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, kind);
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, vec![], substs);
Type::Path { path }
ty::Foreign(did) => {
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::ForeignType);
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, vec![], InternalSubsts::empty());
Type::Path { path }
ty::Dynamic(obj, ref reg) => {
// HACK: pick the first `did` as the `did` of the trait object. Someone
// might want to implement "native" support for marker-trait-only
// trait objects.
let mut dids = obj.principal_def_id().into_iter().chain(obj.auto_traits());
let did = dids
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("found trait object `{:?}` with no traits?", this));
let substs = match obj.principal() {
Some(principal) => principal.skip_binder().substs,
// marker traits have no substs.
_ => cx.tcx.intern_substs(&[]),
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Trait);
let lifetime = reg.clean(cx);
let mut bounds = vec![];
for did in dids {
let empty = cx.tcx.intern_substs(&[]);
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, vec![], empty);
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Trait);
let lifetime = reg.clean(cx);
let mut bounds = vec![];
for did in dids {
let empty = cx.tcx.intern_substs(&[]);
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, vec![], empty);
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Trait);
let bound = PolyTrait { trait_: path, generic_params: Vec::new() };
let mut bindings = vec![];
for pb in obj.projection_bounds() {
bindings.push(TypeBinding {
assoc: projection_to_path_segment(
// HACK(compiler-errors): Doesn't actually matter what self
// type we put here, because we're only using the GAT's substs.
.with_self_ty(cx.tcx, cx.tcx.types.self_param)
kind: TypeBindingKind::Equality { term: pb.skip_binder().term.clean(cx) },
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, bindings, substs);
bounds.insert(0, PolyTrait { trait_: path, generic_params: Vec::new() });
DynTrait(bounds, lifetime)
ty::Tuple(t) => Tuple(t.iter().map(|t| t.clean(cx)).collect()),
ty::Projection(ref data) => data.clean(cx),
ty::Param(ref p) => {
if let Some(bounds) = cx.impl_trait_bounds.remove(&p.index.into()) {
} else {
let bound = PolyTrait { trait_: path, generic_params: Vec::new() };
ty::Opaque(def_id, substs) => {
// Grab the "TraitA + TraitB" from `impl TraitA + TraitB`,
// by looking up the bounds associated with the def_id.
let substs = cx.tcx.lift(substs).expect("Opaque lift failed");
let bounds = cx
.map(|(bound, _)| EarlyBinder(*bound).subst(cx.tcx, substs))
let mut regions = vec![];
let mut has_sized = false;
let mut bounds = bounds
.filter_map(|bound| {
let bound_predicate = bound.kind();
let trait_ref = match bound_predicate.skip_binder() {
ty::PredicateKind::Trait(tr) => bound_predicate.rebind(tr.trait_ref),
ty::PredicateKind::TypeOutlives(ty::OutlivesPredicate(_ty, reg)) => {
if let Some(r) = reg.clean(cx) {
return None;
_ => return None,
let mut bindings = vec![];
for pb in obj.projection_bounds() {
bindings.push(TypeBinding {
assoc: projection_to_path_segment(
// HACK(compiler-errors): Doesn't actually matter what self
// type we put here, because we're only using the GAT's substs.
.with_self_ty(cx.tcx, cx.tcx.types.self_param)
kind: TypeBindingKind::Equality { term: pb.skip_binder().term.clean(cx) },
if let Some(sized) = cx.tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() {
if trait_ref.def_id() == sized {
has_sized = true;
return None;
let path = external_path(cx, did, false, bindings, substs);
bounds.insert(0, PolyTrait { trait_: path, generic_params: Vec::new() });
DynTrait(bounds, lifetime)
ty::Tuple(t) => Tuple(t.iter().map(|t| t.clean(cx)).collect()),
ty::Projection(ref data) => clean_projection(*data, cx, def_id),
ty::Param(ref p) => {
if let Some(bounds) = cx.impl_trait_bounds.remove(&p.index.into()) {
} else {
ty::Opaque(def_id, substs) => {
// Grab the "TraitA + TraitB" from `impl TraitA + TraitB`,
// by looking up the bounds associated with the def_id.
let substs = cx.tcx.lift(substs).expect("Opaque lift failed");
let bounds = cx
.map(|(bound, _)| EarlyBinder(*bound).subst(cx.tcx, substs))
let mut regions = vec![];
let mut has_sized = false;
let mut bounds = bounds
.filter_map(|bound| {
let bound_predicate = bound.kind();
let trait_ref = match bound_predicate.skip_binder() {
ty::PredicateKind::Trait(tr) => bound_predicate.rebind(tr.trait_ref),
ty::PredicateKind::TypeOutlives(ty::OutlivesPredicate(_ty, reg)) => {
if let Some(r) = reg.clean(cx) {
return None;
_ => return None,
let bindings: Vec<_> = bounds
.filter_map(|bound| {
if let ty::PredicateKind::Projection(proj) =
if proj.projection_ty.trait_ref(cx.tcx)
== trait_ref.skip_binder()
Some(TypeBinding {
assoc: projection_to_path_segment(
kind: TypeBindingKind::Equality {
term: proj.term.clean(cx),
} else {
if let Some(sized) = cx.tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() {
if trait_ref.def_id() == sized {
has_sized = true;
return None;
let bindings: Vec<_> = bounds
.filter_map(|bound| {
if let ty::PredicateKind::Projection(proj) = bound.kind().skip_binder()
if proj.projection_ty.trait_ref(cx.tcx) == trait_ref.skip_binder() {
Some(TypeBinding {
assoc: projection_to_path_segment(proj.projection_ty, cx),
kind: TypeBindingKind::Equality {
term: proj.term.clean(cx),
} else {
} else {
Some(clean_poly_trait_ref_with_bindings(cx, trait_ref, &bindings))
if !has_sized && !bounds.is_empty() {
bounds.insert(0, GenericBound::maybe_sized(cx));
Some(clean_poly_trait_ref_with_bindings(cx, trait_ref, &bindings))
if !has_sized && !bounds.is_empty() {
bounds.insert(0, GenericBound::maybe_sized(cx));
ty::Closure(..) | ty::Generator(..) => Tuple(vec![]), // FIXME(pcwalton)
ty::Bound(..) => panic!("Bound"),
ty::Placeholder(..) => panic!("Placeholder"),
ty::GeneratorWitness(..) => panic!("GeneratorWitness"),
ty::Infer(..) => panic!("Infer"),
ty::Error(_) => panic!("Error"),
ty::Closure(..) | ty::Generator(..) => Tuple(vec![]), // FIXME(pcwalton)
ty::Bound(..) => panic!("Bound"),
ty::Placeholder(..) => panic!("Placeholder"),
ty::GeneratorWitness(..) => panic!("GeneratorWitness"),
ty::Infer(..) => panic!("Infer"),
ty::Error(_) => panic!("Error"),
impl<'tcx> Clean<Type> for Ty<'tcx> {
fn clean(&self, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Type {
clean_ty(*self, cx, None)
Reference in New Issue
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