(core::str) rename byte_len -> len_bytes and rename char_len -> len
This commit is contained in:
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ fn print(s: str) {
fn rest(s: str, start: uint) -> str {
if (start >= str::char_len(s)) {
if (start >= str::len(s)) {
} else {
str::slice(s, start, str::char_len(s))
str::slice(s, start, str::len(s))
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ fn cmd_install(c: cargo) unsafe {
alt str::index(uuid, '/') {
option::some(idx) {
let source = str::slice(uuid, 0u, idx);
uuid = str::slice(uuid, idx + 1u, str::char_len(uuid));
uuid = str::slice(uuid, idx + 1u, str::len(uuid));
install_uuid_specific(c, wd, source, uuid);
option::none {
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ fn cmd_install(c: cargo) unsafe {
alt str::index(name, '/') {
option::some(idx) {
let source = str::slice(name, 0u, idx);
name = str::slice(name, idx + 1u, str::char_len(name));
name = str::slice(name, idx + 1u, str::len(name));
install_named_specific(c, wd, source, name);
option::none {
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ fn build_link_meta(sess: session, c: ast::crate, output: str,
metas: provided_metas,
dep_hashes: [str]) -> str {
fn len_and_str(s: str) -> str {
ret #fmt["%u_%s", str::byte_len(s), s];
ret #fmt["%u_%s", str::len_bytes(s), s];
fn len_and_str_lit(l: ast::lit) -> str {
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ fn mangle(ss: path) -> str {
for s in ss {
alt s { path_name(s) | path_mod(s) {
n += #fmt["%u%s", str::byte_len(s), s];
n += #fmt["%u%s", str::len_bytes(s), s];
} }
n += "E"; // End name-sequence.
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ fn link_binary(sess: session,
config.os == session::os_freebsd) &&
str::find(filename, "lib") == 0 {
ret str::unsafe::slice_bytes(filename, 3u,
} else { ret filename; }
fn rmext(filename: str) -> str {
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::codemap, sp: span,
if elided {
let last_line = display_lines[vec::len(display_lines) - 1u];
let s = #fmt["%s:%u ", fm.name, last_line + 1u];
let indent = str::char_len(s);
let indent = str::len(s);
let out = "";
while indent > 0u { out += " "; indent -= 1u; }
out += "...\n";
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::codemap, sp: span,
while num > 0u { num /= 10u; digits += 1u; }
// indent past |name:## | and the 0-offset column location
let left = str::char_len(fm.name) + digits + lo.col + 3u;
let left = str::len(fm.name) + digits + lo.col + 3u;
let s = "";
while left > 0u { str::push_char(s, ' '); left -= 1u; }
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import rustc::driver::diagnostic;
fn version(argv0: str) {
let vers = "unknown version";
let env_vers = #env["CFG_VERSION"];
if str::byte_len(env_vers) != 0u { vers = env_vers; }
if str::len_bytes(env_vers) != 0u { vers = env_vers; }
io::stdout().write_str(#fmt["%s %s\n", argv0, vers]);
io::stdout().write_str(#fmt["host: %s\n", host_triple()]);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ const DW_ATE_unsigned_char: int = 0x08;
fn llstr(s: str) -> ValueRef {
str::as_buf(s, {|sbuf|
llvm::LLVMMDString(sbuf, str::byte_len(s) as ctypes::c_uint)
llvm::LLVMMDString(sbuf, str::len_bytes(s) as ctypes::c_uint)
fn lltag(lltag: int) -> ValueRef {
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ fn create_compile_unit(cx: @crate_ctxt, full_path: str)
let work_dir = cx.sess.working_dir;
let file_path = if str::starts_with(full_path, work_dir) {
str::unsafe::slice_bytes(full_path, str::byte_len(work_dir),
str::unsafe::slice_bytes(full_path, str::len_bytes(work_dir),
} else {
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ fn C_u8(i: uint) -> ValueRef { ret C_integral(T_i8(), i as u64, False); }
// our boxed-and-length-annotated strings.
fn C_cstr(cx: @crate_ctxt, s: str) -> ValueRef {
let sc = str::as_buf(s) {|buf|
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, str::byte_len(s) as unsigned, False)
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, str::len_bytes(s) as unsigned, False)
let g =
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ fn C_cstr(cx: @crate_ctxt, s: str) -> ValueRef {
// Returns a Plain Old LLVM String:
fn C_postr(s: str) -> ValueRef {
ret str::as_buf(s) {|buf|
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, str::byte_len(s) as unsigned, False)
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, str::len_bytes(s) as unsigned, False)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ fn trans_vec(bcx: @block_ctxt, args: [@ast::expr], id: ast::node_id,
fn trans_str(bcx: @block_ctxt, s: str, dest: dest) -> @block_ctxt {
let veclen = str::byte_len(s) + 1u; // +1 for \0
let veclen = str::len_bytes(s) + 1u; // +1 for \0
let {bcx: bcx, val: sptr, _} =
alloc(bcx, ty::mk_str(bcx_tcx(bcx)), veclen);
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ fn expand_qquote<N: qq_helper>
if (j < g_len && i == cx.gather[j].lo) {
assert ch == '$';
let repl = #fmt("$%u ", j);
state = skip(str::char_len(repl));
state = skip(str::len(repl));
str2 += repl;
alt state {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ fn new_reader(cm: codemap::codemap,
itr: @interner::interner<str>) -> reader {
let r = @{cm: cm,
span_diagnostic: span_diagnostic,
src: filemap.src, len: str::byte_len(*filemap.src),
src: filemap.src, len: str::len_bytes(*filemap.src),
mutable col: 0u, mutable pos: 0u, mutable curr: -1 as char,
mutable chpos: filemap.start_pos.ch, mutable strs: [],
filemap: filemap, interner: itr};
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fn scan_exponent(rdr: reader) -> option<str> {
let exponent = scan_digits(rdr, 10u);
if str::byte_len(exponent) > 0u {
if str::len_bytes(exponent) > 0u {
ret some(rslt + exponent);
} else { rdr.fatal("scan_exponent: bad fp literal"); }
} else { ret none::<str>; }
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: reader) -> token::token {
tp = if signed { either::left(ast::ty_i64) }
else { either::right(ast::ty_u64) };
if str::byte_len(num_str) == 0u {
if str::len_bytes(num_str) == 0u {
rdr.fatal("no valid digits found for number");
let parsed = u64::from_str(num_str, base as u64);
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ fn scan_number(c: char, rdr: reader) -> token::token {
ret token::LIT_FLOAT(interner::intern(*rdr.interner, num_str),
} else {
if str::byte_len(num_str) == 0u {
if str::len_bytes(num_str) == 0u {
rdr.fatal("no valid digits found for number");
let parsed = u64::from_str(num_str, base as u64);
@ -604,8 +604,8 @@ fn trim_whitespace_prefix_and_push_line(&lines: [str],
s: str, col: uint) unsafe {
let s1;
if all_whitespace(s, 0u, col) {
if col < str::byte_len(s) {
s1 = str::unsafe::slice_bytes(s, col, str::byte_len(s));
if col < str::len_bytes(s) {
s1 = str::unsafe::slice_bytes(s, col, str::len_bytes(s));
} else { s1 = ""; }
} else { s1 = s; }
log(debug, "pushing line: " + s1);
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ fn read_block_comment(rdr: reader, code_to_the_left: bool) -> cmnt {
if str::byte_len(curr_line) != 0u {
if str::len_bytes(curr_line) != 0u {
trim_whitespace_prefix_and_push_line(lines, curr_line, col);
let style = if code_to_the_left { trailing } else { isolated };
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ fn end(p: printer) { p.pretty_print(END); }
fn eof(p: printer) { p.pretty_print(EOF); }
fn word(p: printer, wrd: str) {
p.pretty_print(STRING(wrd, str::char_len(wrd) as int));
p.pretty_print(STRING(wrd, str::len(wrd) as int));
fn huge_word(p: printer, wrd: str) {
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ fn head(s: ps, w: str) {
// outer-box is consistent
cbox(s, indent_unit);
// head-box is inconsistent
ibox(s, str::char_len(w) + 1u);
ibox(s, str::len(w) + 1u);
// keyword that starts the head
word_nbsp(s, w);
@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ fn print_ty_fn(s: ps, opt_proto: option<ast::proto>,
fn print_arg(s: ps, input: ast::arg) {
print_arg_mode(s, input.mode);
if str::byte_len(input.ident) > 0u {
if str::len_bytes(input.ident) > 0u {
word_space(s, input.ident + ":");
print_type(s, input.ty);
@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ fn print_string(s: ps, st: str) {
fn escape_str(st: str, to_escape: char) -> str {
let out: str = "";
let len = str::byte_len(st);
let len = str::len_bytes(st);
let i = 0u;
while i < len {
alt st[i] as char {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ fn ty_to_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> str {
fn ty_to_short_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> str unsafe {
let s = encoder::encoded_ty(cx, typ);
if str::byte_len(s) >= 32u { s = str::unsafe::slice_bytes(s, 0u, 32u); }
if str::len_bytes(s) >= 32u { s = str::unsafe::slice_bytes(s, 0u, 32u); }
ret s;
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: str) -> [expected_error] unsafe {
let error_tag = "//!";
let idx0 = str::find(line, error_tag);
if idx0 < 0 { ret []; }
let idx = (idx0 as uint) + str::byte_len(error_tag);
let idx = (idx0 as uint) + str::len_bytes(error_tag);
// "//!^^^ kind msg" denotes a message expected
// three lines above current line:
let adjust_line = 0u;
let len = str::byte_len(line);
let len = str::len_bytes(line);
while idx < len && line[idx] == ('^' as u8) {
adjust_line += 1u;
idx += 1u;
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ fn parse_name_value_directive(line: str,
if str::find(line, keycolon) >= 0 {
let colon = str::find(line, keycolon) as uint;
let value =
str::unsafe::slice_bytes(line, colon + str::byte_len(keycolon),
str::unsafe::slice_bytes(line, colon + str::len_bytes(keycolon),
#debug("%s: %s", directive, value);
} else { option::none }
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ fn check_variants_T<T: copy>(
fn last_part(filename: str) -> str {
let ix = option::get(str::rindex(filename, '/'));
str::slice(filename, ix + 1u, str::char_len(filename) - 3u)
str::slice(filename, ix + 1u, str::len(filename) - 3u)
enum happiness { passed, cleanly_rejected(str), known_bug(str), failed(str), }
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ fn removeDirIfExists(filename: str) {
fn check_running(exe_filename: str) -> happiness {
let p = std::run::program_output("/Users/jruderman/scripts/timed_run_rust_program.py", [exe_filename]);
let comb = p.out + "\n" + p.err;
if str::byte_len(comb) > 1u {
if str::len_bytes(comb) > 1u {
log(error, "comb comb comb: " + comb);
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ mod ct {
fn parse_fmt_string(s: str, error: error_fn) -> [piece] unsafe {
let pieces: [piece] = [];
let lim = str::byte_len(s);
let lim = str::len_bytes(s);
let buf = "";
fn flush_buf(buf: str, &pieces: [piece]) -> str {
if str::byte_len(buf) > 0u {
if str::len_bytes(buf) > 0u {
let piece = piece_string(buf);
pieces += [piece];
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ mod rt {
alt cv.precision {
count_implied { s }
count_is(max) {
if max as uint < str::char_len(s) {
if max as uint < str::len(s) {
str::substr(s, 0u, max as uint)
} else { s }
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ mod rt {
} else {
let s = uint::to_str(num, radix);
let len = str::char_len(s);
let len = str::len(s);
if len < prec {
let diff = prec - len;
let pad = str_init_elt(diff, '0');
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ mod rt {
uwidth = width as uint;
let strlen = str::char_len(s);
let strlen = str::len(s);
if uwidth <= strlen { ret s; }
let padchar = ' ';
let diff = uwidth - strlen;
@ -433,12 +433,12 @@ mod rt {
// zeros. It may make sense to convert zero padding to a precision
// instead.
if signed && zero_padding && str::byte_len(s) > 0u {
if signed && zero_padding && str::len_bytes(s) > 0u {
let head = s[0];
if head == '+' as u8 || head == '-' as u8 || head == ' ' as u8 {
let headstr = str::from_bytes([head]);
// FIXME: not UTF-8 safe
let bytelen = str::byte_len(s);
let bytelen = str::len_bytes(s);
let numpart = str::unsafe::slice_bytes(s, 1u, bytelen);
ret headstr + padstr + numpart;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ fn from_str(num: str) -> float {
let pos = 0u; //Current byte position in the string.
//Used to walk the string in O(n).
let len = str::byte_len(num); //Length of the string, in bytes.
let len = str::len_bytes(num); //Length of the string, in bytes.
if len == 0u { ret 0.; }
let total = 0f; //Accumulated result
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ export
len_chars, len,
// Misc
// FIXME: perhaps some more of this section shouldn't be exported?
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ fn split_str(ss: str, sep: str) -> [str] unsafe {
// unsafe is justified: we are splitting
// UTF-8 with UTF-8, so the results will be OK
let sep_len = str::byte_len(sep);
let sep_len = len_bytes(sep);
assert sep_len > 0u;
let vv = [];
let start = 0u, start_match = 0u, current = 0u, matching = 0u;
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ fn split(ss: str, sepfn: fn(cc: char)->bool) -> [str] {
if char_len(accum) >= 0u || ends_with_sep {
if len(accum) >= 0u || ends_with_sep {
vv += [accum];
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ separated by whitespace
fn words(ss: str) -> [str] {
ret vec::filter( split(ss, {|cc| char::is_whitespace(cc)}),
{|w| 0u < str::char_len(w)});
{|w| 0u < str::len(w)});
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ Create a vector of substrings of size `nn`
fn windowed(nn: uint, ss: str) -> [str] {
let ww = [];
let len = str::char_len(ss);
let len = str::len(ss);
assert 1u <= nn;
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ fn replace(s: str, from: str, to: str) : is_not_empty(from) -> str unsafe {
ret s;
ret slice(s, 0u, idx as uint) + to +
replace(slice(s, idx as uint + char_len(from), char_len(s)),
replace(slice(s, idx as uint + len(from), len(s)),
from, to);
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ fn index(ss: str, cc: char) -> option<uint> {
// (as option some/none)
fn rindex(ss: str, cc: char) -> option<uint> {
let bii = byte_len(ss);
let cii = char_len(ss);
let cii = len(ss);
while bii > 0u {
let {ch, prev} = char_range_at_reverse(ss, bii);
cii -= 1u;
@ -947,8 +947,8 @@ haystack - The string to look in
needle - The string to look for
fn ends_with(haystack: str, needle: str) -> bool {
let haystack_len: uint = char_len(haystack);
let needle_len: uint = char_len(needle);
let haystack_len: uint = len(haystack);
let needle_len: uint = len(needle);
ret if needle_len == 0u {
} else if needle_len > haystack_len {
@ -997,14 +997,12 @@ fn is_whitespace(s: str) -> bool {
ret all(s, char::is_whitespace);
Function: byte_len
Returns the length in bytes of a string
FIXME: rename to 'len_bytes'
pure fn byte_len(s: str) -> uint unsafe {
// Function: len_bytes
// Returns the string length in bytes
// (Synonym: byte_len)
pure fn len_bytes(s: str) -> uint unsafe {
as_bytes(s) { |v|
let vlen = vec::len(v);
// There should always be a null terminator
@ -1013,17 +1011,22 @@ pure fn byte_len(s: str) -> uint unsafe {
Function: char_len
// FIXME: remove
pure fn byte_len(s: str) -> uint unsafe { len_bytes(s) }
Count the number of unicode characters in a string
FIXME: rename to 'len_chars'
fn char_len(s: str) -> uint {
ret char_len_range(s, 0u, byte_len(s));
// Function: len
// String length or size in characters.
// (Synonyms: len_chars, char_len)
fn len(s: str) -> uint {
char_len_range(s, 0u, byte_len(s))
fn len_chars(s: str) -> uint { len(s) }
// FIXME: remove
fn char_len(s: str) -> uint { len(s) }
Section: Misc
@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ Function: from_str
Parse a string as an unsigned integer.
fn from_str(buf: str, radix: u64) -> u64 {
if str::byte_len(buf) == 0u {
if str::len_bytes(buf) == 0u {
#error("parse_buf(): buf is empty");
let i = str::byte_len(buf) - 1u;
let i = str::len_bytes(buf) - 1u;
let power = 1u64, n = 0u64;
while true {
let digit = char::to_digit(buf[i] as char) as u64;
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ fn to_str(num: uint, radix: uint) -> str {
n /= radix;
let s1: str = "";
let len: uint = str::byte_len(s);
let len: uint = str::len_bytes(s);
while len != 0u { len -= 1u; s1 += str::from_byte(s[len]); }
ret s1;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ fn splitDirnameBasename (pp: path) -> {dirname: str, basename: str} {
ret {dirname: str::slice(pp, 0u, ii),
basename: str::slice(pp, ii + 1u, str::char_len(pp))};
basename: str::slice(pp, ii + 1u, str::len(pp))};
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ fn connect(pre: path, post: path) -> path unsafe {
let pre_ = pre;
let post_ = post;
let sep = os_fs::path_sep as u8;
let pre_len = str::byte_len(pre);
let post_len = str::byte_len(post);
let pre_len = str::len_bytes(pre);
let post_len = str::len_bytes(post);
if pre_len > 1u && pre[pre_len-1u] == sep { str::unsafe::pop_byte(pre_); }
if post_len > 1u && post[0] == sep { str::unsafe::shift_byte(post_); }
ret pre_ + path_sep() + post_;
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Lists the contents of a directory.
fn list_dir(p: path) -> [str] {
let p = p;
let pl = str::byte_len(p);
let pl = str::len_bytes(p);
if pl == 0u || p[pl - 1u] as char != os_fs::path_sep { p += path_sep(); }
let full_paths: [str] = [];
for filename: str in os_fs::list_dir(p) {
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ fn normalize(p: path) -> path {
let s = reabsolute(p, s);
let s = reterminate(p, s);
let s = if str::byte_len(s) == 0u {
let s = if str::len_bytes(s) == 0u {
} else {
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ fn normalize(p: path) -> path {
fn reterminate(orig: path, new: path) -> path {
let last = orig[str::byte_len(orig) - 1u];
let last = orig[str::len_bytes(orig) - 1u];
if last == os_fs::path_sep as u8
|| last == os_fs::path_sep as u8 {
ret new + path_sep();
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ A description of a possible option
type opt = {name: name, hasarg: hasarg, occur: occur};
fn mkname(nm: str) -> name {
ret if str::char_len(nm) == 1u {
ret if str::len(nm) == 1u {
short(str::char_at(nm, 0u))
} else { long(nm) };
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ of matches and a vector of free strings.
type match = {opts: [opt], vals: [mutable [optval]], free: [str]};
fn is_arg(arg: str) -> bool {
ret str::byte_len(arg) > 1u && arg[0] == '-' as u8;
ret str::len_bytes(arg) > 1u && arg[0] == '-' as u8;
fn name_str(nm: name) -> str {
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ fn getopts(args: [str], opts: [opt]) -> result unsafe {
let i = 0u;
while i < l {
let cur = args[i];
let curlen = str::byte_len(cur);
let curlen = str::len_bytes(cur);
if !is_arg(cur) {
free += [cur];
} else if str::eq(cur, "--") {
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ fn to_str(j: json) -> str {
fn rest(s: str) -> str {
assert(str::char_len(s) >= 1u);
str::slice(s, 1u, str::char_len(s))
assert(str::len(s) >= 1u);
str::slice(s, 1u, str::len(s))
fn from_str_str(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
let pos = 0u;
let len = str::byte_len(s);
let len = str::len_bytes(s);
let escape = false;
let res = "";
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ fn from_str_str(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
} else if (c == '"') {
ret (some(string(res)),
str::slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s)));
str::slice(s, pos, str::len(s)));
res = res + str::from_char(c);
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ fn from_str_dict(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
fn from_str_float(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
let pos = 0u;
let len = str::byte_len(s);
let len = str::len_bytes(s);
let res = 0f;
let neg = 1f;
@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ fn from_str_float(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
'.' { break; }
_ { ret (some(num(neg * res)),
str::slice(s, opos, str::char_len(s))); }
str::slice(s, opos, str::len(s))); }
if pos == len {
ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s)));
ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::slice(s, pos, str::len(s)));
let dec = 1f;
@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ fn from_str_float(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
res += (((c as int) - ('0' as int)) as float) * dec;
_ { ret (some(num(neg * res)),
str::slice(s, opos, str::char_len(s))); }
str::slice(s, opos, str::len(s))); }
ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::slice(s, pos, str::char_len(s)));
ret (some(num(neg * res)), str::slice(s, pos, str::len(s)));
fn from_str_bool(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
if (str::starts_with(s, "true")) {
(some(boolean(true)), str::slice(s, 4u, str::char_len(s)))
(some(boolean(true)), str::slice(s, 4u, str::len(s)))
} else if (str::starts_with(s, "false")) {
(some(boolean(false)), str::slice(s, 5u, str::char_len(s)))
(some(boolean(false)), str::slice(s, 5u, str::len(s)))
} else {
(none, s)
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ fn from_str_bool(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
fn from_str_null(s: str) -> (option<json>, str) {
if (str::starts_with(s, "null")) {
(some(null), str::slice(s, 4u, str::char_len(s)))
(some(null), str::slice(s, 4u, str::len(s)))
} else {
(none, s)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ fn mk_rng() -> rng {
let i = 0u;
while (i < len) {
let n = rustrt::rand_next(**self) as uint %
s = s + str::from_char(str::char_at(charset, n));
i += 1u;
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ mod tests {
log(debug, r.gen_str(10u));
log(debug, r.gen_str(10u));
log(debug, r.gen_str(10u));
assert(str::char_len(r.gen_str(10u)) == 10u);
assert(str::char_len(r.gen_str(16u)) == 16u);
assert(str::len(r.gen_str(10u)) == 10u);
assert(str::len(r.gen_str(16u)) == 16u);
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Performance notes:
- the function runs in linear time.
fn of_str(str: @str) -> rope {
ret of_substr(str, 0u, str::byte_len(*str));
ret of_substr(str, 0u, str::len_bytes(*str));
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Safety notes:
fn of_substr(str: @str, byte_offset: uint, byte_len: uint) -> rope {
if byte_len == 0u { ret node::empty; }
if byte_offset + byte_len > str::byte_len(*str) { fail; }
if byte_offset + byte_len > str::len_bytes(*str) { fail; }
ret node::content(node::of_substr(str, byte_offset, byte_len));
@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ pure fn char_len(rope: rope) -> uint {
Returns: The number of bytes in the rope
Performance note: Constant time.
FIXME: char or byte?
pure fn byte_len(rope: rope) -> uint {
alt(rope) {
@ -720,7 +721,7 @@ mod node {
the length of `str`.
fn of_str(str: @str) -> @node {
ret of_substr(str, 0u, str::byte_len(*str));
ret of_substr(str, 0u, str::len_bytes(*str));
@ -767,7 +768,7 @@ mod node {
fn of_substr_unsafer(str: @str, byte_start: uint, byte_len: uint,
char_len: uint) -> @node {
assert(byte_start + byte_len <= str::byte_len(*str));
assert(byte_start + byte_len <= str::len_bytes(*str));
let candidate = @leaf({
byte_offset: byte_start,
byte_len: byte_len,
@ -1372,7 +1373,7 @@ mod tests {
let sample = @"0123456789ABCDE";
let r = of_str(sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::char_len(*sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::len(*sample);
assert rope_to_string(r) == *sample;
@ -1383,11 +1384,11 @@ mod tests {
while i < 10 { *buf = *buf + *buf; i+=1;}
let sample = @*buf;
let r = of_str(sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::char_len(*sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::len(*sample);
assert rope_to_string(r) == *sample;
let string_iter = 0u;
let string_len = str::byte_len(*sample);
let string_len = str::len_bytes(*sample);
let rope_iter = iterator::char::start(r);
let equal = true;
let pos = 0u;
@ -1426,7 +1427,7 @@ mod tests {
assert len == str::char_len(*sample);
assert len == str::len(*sample);
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ mod tests {
// Test that it works when accepting the message in pieces
for t: test in tests {
let len = str::byte_len(t.input);
let len = str::len_bytes(t.input);
let left = len;
while left > 0u {
let take = (left + 1u) / 2u;
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ fn parse_desc(desc: str) -> (option<str>, option<str>) {
if check vec::is_not_empty(paras) {
let maybe_brief = vec::head(paras);
if str::char_len(maybe_brief) <= max_brief_len {
if str::len(maybe_brief) <= max_brief_len {
let desc_paras = vec::tail(paras);
let desc = if vec::is_not_empty(desc_paras) {
some(str::connect(desc_paras, "\n\n"))
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ fn unindent(s: str) -> str {
if str::is_whitespace(line) {
} else {
assert str::byte_len(line) >= min_indent;
str::slice(line, min_indent, str::char_len(line))
assert str::len_bytes(line) >= min_indent;
str::slice(line, min_indent, str::len(line))
str::connect(unindented, "\n")
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn sub(t: str, n: int) -> str unsafe {
1 { ns = "1 bottle"; }
_ { ns = int::to_str(n, 10u) + " bottles"; }
while i < str::byte_len(t) {
while i < str::len_bytes(t) {
if t[i] == '#' as u8 { b += ns; }
else { str::unsafe::push_byte(b, t[i]); }
i += 1u;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn sub(t: str, n: int) -> str unsafe {
1 { ns = "1 bottle"; }
_ { ns = int::to_str(n, 10u) + " bottles"; }
while i < str::byte_len(t) {
while i < str::len_bytes(t) {
if t[i] == '#' as u8 { b += ns; }
else { str::unsafe::push_byte(b, t[i]); }
i += 1u;
@ -49,26 +49,26 @@ fn make_random_fasta(id: str, desc: str, genelist: [aminoacids], n: int) {
uint::range(0u, n as uint) {|_i|
str::push_char(op, select_random(myrandom_next(rng, 100u32),
if str::byte_len(op) >= LINE_LENGTH() {
if str::len_bytes(op) >= LINE_LENGTH() {
log(debug, op);
op = "";
if str::byte_len(op) > 0u { log(debug, op); }
if str::len_bytes(op) > 0u { log(debug, op); }
fn make_repeat_fasta(id: str, desc: str, s: str, n: int) unsafe {
log(debug, ">" + id + " " + desc);
let op: str = "";
let sl: uint = str::byte_len(s);
let sl: uint = str::len_bytes(s);
uint::range(0u, n as uint) {|i|
str::unsafe::push_byte(op, s[i % sl]);
if str::byte_len(op) >= LINE_LENGTH() {
if str::len_bytes(op) >= LINE_LENGTH() {
log(debug, op);
op = "";
if str::byte_len(op) > 0u { log(debug, op); }
if str::len_bytes(op) > 0u { log(debug, op); }
fn acid(ch: char, prob: u32) -> aminoacids { ret {ch: ch, prob: prob}; }
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ native mod libc {
fn main() {
let s = "hello world\n";
let b = str::bytes(s);
let l = str::byte_len(s);
let l = str::len_bytes(s);
let b8 = unsafe { vec::unsafe::to_ptr(b) };
libc::write(0i32, b8, l);
let a = bind libc::write(0i32, _, _);
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ fn main() {
let i = 20;
let expected_len = 1u;
while i > 0 {
log(error, str::byte_len(a));
assert (str::byte_len(a) == expected_len);
log(error, str::len_bytes(a));
assert (str::len_bytes(a) == expected_len);
a += a;
i -= 1;
expected_len *= 2u;
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ fn main() {
let chs: [char] = ['e', 'é', '€', 0x10000 as char];
let s: str = str::from_chars(chs);
assert (str::byte_len(s) == 10u);
assert (str::char_len(s) == 4u);
assert (str::len_bytes(s) == 10u);
assert (str::len(s) == 4u);
assert (vec::len::<char>(str::chars(s)) == 4u);
assert (str::eq(str::from_chars(str::chars(s)), s));
assert (str::char_at(s, 0u) == 'e');
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