Extend the implicator so it produces general obligations and also so

that it produces "outlives" relations for associated types. Add
several tests relating to #22246.
This commit is contained in:
Niko Matsakis 2015-02-13 19:52:55 -05:00
parent 5511add742
commit 2939e483fd
12 changed files with 527 additions and 132 deletions

View File

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ impl<K:UnifyKey> UnificationTable<K> {
impl<K> sv::SnapshotVecDelegate for Delegate<K> {
impl<K:UnifyKey> sv::SnapshotVecDelegate for Delegate<K> {
type Value = VarValue<K>;
type Undo = ();

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ use borrowck::gather_loans::move_error::{MoveError, MoveErrorCollector};
use borrowck::move_data::*;
use rustc::middle::expr_use_visitor as euv;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization as mc;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::Typer;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::InteriorOffsetKind as Kind;
use rustc::middle::ty;
use rustc::util::ppaux::Repr;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
use borrowck::BorrowckCtxt;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization as mc;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::Typer;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::InteriorOffsetKind as Kind;
use rustc::middle::ty;
use rustc::util::ppaux::UserString;

View File

@ -11,13 +11,17 @@
// #![warn(deprecated_mode)]
use astconv::object_region_bounds;
use middle::infer::GenericKind;
use middle::subst::{ParamSpace, Subst, Substs};
use middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use middle::ty_fold::{TypeFolder};
use middle::infer::{InferCtxt, GenericKind};
use middle::subst::{Substs};
use middle::traits;
use middle::ty::{self, ToPolyTraitRef, Ty};
use middle::ty_fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeFolder};
use std::rc::Rc;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use util::common::ErrorReported;
use util::ppaux::Repr;
// Helper functions related to manipulating region types.
@ -25,35 +29,55 @@ use util::ppaux::Repr;
pub enum Implication<'tcx> {
RegionSubRegion(Option<Ty<'tcx>>, ty::Region, ty::Region),
RegionSubGeneric(Option<Ty<'tcx>>, ty::Region, GenericKind<'tcx>),
Predicate(ast::DefId, ty::Predicate<'tcx>),
struct Implicator<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a,'tcx>,
closure_typer: &'a (ty::ClosureTyper<'tcx>+'a),
body_id: ast::NodeId,
stack: Vec<(ty::Region, Option<Ty<'tcx>>)>,
span: Span,
out: Vec<Implication<'tcx>>,
/// This routine computes the well-formedness constraints that must hold for the type `ty` to
/// appear in a context with lifetime `outer_region`
pub fn implications<'tcx>(
tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
pub fn implications<'a,'tcx>(
infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'a,'tcx>,
closure_typer: &ty::ClosureTyper<'tcx>,
body_id: ast::NodeId,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
outer_region: ty::Region)
outer_region: ty::Region,
span: Span)
-> Vec<Implication<'tcx>>
debug!("implications(body_id={}, ty={}, outer_region={})",
let mut stack = Vec::new();
stack.push((outer_region, None));
let mut wf = Implicator { tcx: tcx,
stack: stack,
out: Vec::new() };
let mut wf = Implicator { closure_typer: closure_typer,
infcx: infcx,
body_id: body_id,
span: span,
stack: stack,
out: Vec::new() };
debug!("implications: out={}", wf.out.repr(closure_typer.tcx()));
impl<'a, 'tcx> Implicator<'a, 'tcx> {
fn tcx(&self) -> &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx> {
fn accumulate_from_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) {
match ty.sty {
ty::ty_bool |
@ -94,13 +118,13 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Implicator<'a, 'tcx> {
ty::ty_trait(ref t) => {
let required_region_bounds =
object_region_bounds(self.tcx, &t.principal, t.bounds.builtin_bounds);
object_region_bounds(self.tcx(), &t.principal, t.bounds.builtin_bounds);
self.accumulate_from_object_ty(ty, t.bounds.region_bound, required_region_bounds)
ty::ty_enum(def_id, substs) |
ty::ty_struct(def_id, substs) => {
let item_scheme = ty::lookup_item_type(self.tcx, def_id);
let item_scheme = ty::lookup_item_type(self.tcx(), def_id);
self.accumulate_from_adt(ty, def_id, &item_scheme.generics, substs)
@ -139,9 +163,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Implicator<'a, 'tcx> {
ty::ty_open(_) => {
&format!("Unexpected type encountered while doing wf check: {}",
@ -225,101 +249,111 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Implicator<'a, 'tcx> {
fn accumulate_from_adt(&mut self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
def_id: ast::DefId,
generics: &ty::Generics<'tcx>,
_generics: &ty::Generics<'tcx>,
substs: &Substs<'tcx>)
// The generic declarations from the type, appropriately
// substituted for the actual substitutions.
let generics = generics.subst(self.tcx, substs);
let predicates =
ty::lookup_predicates(self.tcx(), def_id).instantiate(self.tcx(), substs);
let predicates = match self.fully_normalize(&predicates) {
Ok(predicates) => predicates,
Err(ErrorReported) => { return; }
// Variance of each type/region parameter.
let variances = ty::item_variances(self.tcx, def_id);
for &space in &ParamSpace::all() {
let region_params = substs.regions().get_slice(space);
let region_variances = variances.regions.get_slice(space);
let region_param_defs = generics.regions.get_slice(space);
assert_eq!(region_params.len(), region_variances.len());
for (&region_param, (&region_variance, region_param_def)) in
match region_variance {
ty::Covariant | ty::Bivariant => {
// Ignore covariant or bivariant region
// parameters. To understand why, consider a
// struct `Foo<'a>`. If `Foo` contains any
// references with lifetime `'a`, then `'a` must
// be at least contravariant (and possibly
// invariant). The only way to have a covariant
// result is if `Foo` contains only a field with a
// type like `fn() -> &'a T`; i.e., a bare
// function that can produce a reference of
// lifetime `'a`. In this case, there is no
// *actual data* with lifetime `'a` that is
// reachable. (Presumably this bare function is
// really returning static data.)
ty::Contravariant | ty::Invariant => {
// If the parameter is contravariant or
// invariant, there may indeed be reachable
// data with this lifetime. See other case for
// more details.
for predicate in predicates.predicates.as_slice() {
match *predicate {
ty::Predicate::Trait(ref data) => {
ty::Predicate::Equate(..) => { }
ty::Predicate::Projection(..) => { }
ty::Predicate::RegionOutlives(ref data) => {
match ty::no_late_bound_regions(self.tcx(), data) {
None => { }
Some(ty::OutlivesPredicate(r_a, r_b)) => {
self.push_sub_region_constraint(Some(ty), r_b, r_a);
for &region_bound in &region_param_def.bounds {
// The type declared a constraint like
// 'b : 'a
// which means that `'a <= 'b` (after
// substitution). So take the region we
// substituted for `'a` (`region_bound`) and make
// it a subregion of the region we substituted
// `'b` (`region_param`).
Some(ty), region_bound, region_param);
ty::Predicate::TypeOutlives(ref data) => {
match ty::no_late_bound_regions(self.tcx(), data) {
None => { }
Some(ty::OutlivesPredicate(ty_a, r_b)) => {
self.stack.push((r_b, Some(ty)));
let types = substs.types.get_slice(space);
let type_variances = variances.types.get_slice(space);
let type_param_defs = generics.types.get_slice(space);
assert_eq!(types.len(), type_variances.len());
for (&type_param_ty, (&variance, type_param_def)) in
debug!("type_param_ty={} variance={}",
let obligations = predicates.predicates
.map(|pred| Implication::Predicate(def_id, pred));
match variance {
ty::Contravariant | ty::Bivariant => {
// As above, except that in this it is a
// *contravariant* reference that indices that no
// actual data of type T is reachable.
let variances = ty::item_variances(self.tcx(), def_id);
ty::Covariant | ty::Invariant => {
// Inspect bounds on this type parameter for any
// region bounds.
for &r in &type_param_def.bounds.region_bounds {
self.stack.push((r, Some(ty)));
for (&region, &variance) in substs.regions().iter().zip(variances.regions.iter()) {
match variance {
ty::Contravariant | ty::Invariant => {
// If any data with this lifetime is reachable
// within, it must be at least contravariant.
ty::Covariant | ty::Bivariant => { }
for (&ty, &variance) in substs.types.iter().zip(variances.types.iter()) {
match variance {
ty::Covariant | ty::Invariant => {
// If any data of this type is reachable within,
// it must be at least covariant.
ty::Contravariant | ty::Bivariant => { }
/// Given that there is a requirement that `Foo<X> : 'a`, where
/// `Foo` is declared like `struct Foo<T> where T : SomeTrait`,
/// this code finds all the associated types defined in
/// `SomeTrait` (and supertraits) and adds a requirement that `<X
/// as SomeTrait>::N : 'a` (where `N` is some associated type
/// defined in `SomeTrait`). This rule only applies to
/// trait-bounds that are not higher-ranked, because we cannot
/// project out of a HRTB. This rule helps code using associated
/// types to compile, see Issue #22246 for an example.
fn accumulate_from_assoc_types_transitive(&mut self,
data: &ty::PolyTraitPredicate<'tcx>)
for poly_trait_ref in traits::supertraits(self.tcx(), data.to_poly_trait_ref()) {
match ty::no_late_bound_regions(self.tcx(), &poly_trait_ref) {
Some(trait_ref) => { self.accumulate_from_assoc_types(trait_ref); }
None => { }
fn accumulate_from_assoc_types(&mut self,
trait_ref: Rc<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>)
let trait_def_id = trait_ref.def_id;
let trait_def = ty::lookup_trait_def(self.tcx(), trait_def_id);
let assoc_type_projections: Vec<_> =
.map(|&name| ty::mk_projection(self.tcx(), trait_ref.clone(), name))
let tys = match self.fully_normalize(&assoc_type_projections) {
Ok(tys) => { tys }
Err(ErrorReported) => { return; }
for ty in tys {
fn accumulate_from_object_ty(&mut self,
@ -373,6 +407,28 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Implicator<'a, 'tcx> {
self.out.push(Implication::RegionSubRegion(Some(ty), r_d, r_c));
fn fully_normalize<T>(&self, value: &T) -> Result<T,ErrorReported>
where T : TypeFoldable<'tcx> + ty::HasProjectionTypes + Clone + Repr<'tcx>
let value =
traits::ObligationCause::misc(self.span, self.body_id),
match value {
Ok(value) => Ok(value),
Err(errors) => {
// I don't like reporting these errors here, but I
// don't know where else to report them just now. And
// I don't really expect errors to arise here
// frequently. I guess the best option would be to
// propagate them out.
traits::report_fulfillment_errors(self.infcx, &errors);
impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for Implication<'tcx> {
@ -389,6 +445,12 @@ impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for Implication<'tcx> {
Implication::Predicate(ref def_id, ref p) => {
format!("Predicate({}, {})",

View File

@ -481,7 +481,8 @@ pub fn check_item_types(ccx: &CrateCtxt) {
fn check_bare_fn<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
decl: &'tcx ast::FnDecl,
body: &'tcx ast::Block,
id: ast::NodeId,
fn_id: ast::NodeId,
fn_span: Span,
raw_fty: Ty<'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParameterEnvironment<'a, 'tcx>)
@ -499,13 +500,13 @@ fn check_bare_fn<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
let fn_sig =
inh.normalize_associated_types_in(&inh.param_env, body.span, body.id, &fn_sig);
let fcx = check_fn(ccx, fn_ty.unsafety, id, &fn_sig,
decl, id, body, &inh);
let fcx = check_fn(ccx, fn_ty.unsafety, fn_id, &fn_sig,
decl, fn_id, body, &inh);
upvar::closure_analyze_fn(&fcx, id, decl, body);
upvar::closure_analyze_fn(&fcx, fn_id, decl, body);
regionck::regionck_fn(&fcx, id, decl, body);
regionck::regionck_fn(&fcx, fn_id, fn_span, decl, body);
writeback::resolve_type_vars_in_fn(&fcx, decl, body);
_ => ccx.tcx.sess.impossible_case(body.span,
@ -718,7 +719,7 @@ pub fn check_item<'a,'tcx>(ccx: &CrateCtxt<'a,'tcx>, it: &'tcx ast::Item) {
ast::ItemFn(ref decl, _, _, _, ref body) => {
let fn_pty = ty::lookup_item_type(ccx.tcx, ast_util::local_def(it.id));
let param_env = ParameterEnvironment::for_item(ccx.tcx, it.id);
check_bare_fn(ccx, &**decl, &**body, it.id, fn_pty.ty, param_env);
check_bare_fn(ccx, &**decl, &**body, it.id, it.span, fn_pty.ty, param_env);
ast::ItemImpl(_, _, _, _, _, ref impl_items) => {
debug!("ItemImpl {} with id {}", token::get_ident(it.ident), it.id);
@ -865,6 +866,7 @@ fn check_method_body<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,

View File

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ use middle::infer::{self, GenericKind};
use middle::pat_util;
use util::ppaux::{ty_to_string, Repr};
use std::mem;
use syntax::{ast, ast_util};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::visit;
@ -128,18 +129,18 @@ pub fn regionck_item(fcx: &FnCtxt, item: &ast::Item) {
pub fn regionck_fn(fcx: &FnCtxt, id: ast::NodeId, decl: &ast::FnDecl, blk: &ast::Block) {
debug!("regionck_fn(id={})", id);
let mut rcx = Rcx::new(fcx, RepeatingScope(blk.id), blk.id, Subject(id));
pub fn regionck_fn(fcx: &FnCtxt,
fn_id: ast::NodeId,
fn_span: Span,
decl: &ast::FnDecl,
blk: &ast::Block) {
debug!("regionck_fn(id={})", fn_id);
let mut rcx = Rcx::new(fcx, RepeatingScope(blk.id), blk.id, Subject(fn_id));
if fcx.err_count_since_creation() == 0 {
// regionck assumes typeck succeeded
rcx.visit_fn_body(id, decl, blk, blk.span); // TODO suboptimal span
rcx.visit_fn_body(fn_id, decl, blk, fn_span);
// Region checking a fn can introduce new trait obligations,
// particularly around closure bounds.
@ -167,6 +168,9 @@ pub struct Rcx<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
region_bound_pairs: Vec<(ty::Region, GenericKind<'tcx>)>,
// id of innermost fn body id
body_id: ast::NodeId,
// id of innermost fn or loop
repeating_scope: ast::NodeId,
@ -195,10 +199,12 @@ pub enum SubjectNode { Subject(ast::NodeId), None }
impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
pub fn new(fcx: &'a FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
initial_repeating_scope: RepeatingScope,
initial_body_id: ast::NodeId,
subject: SubjectNode) -> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
let RepeatingScope(initial_repeating_scope) = initial_repeating_scope;
Rcx { fcx: fcx,
repeating_scope: initial_repeating_scope,
body_id: initial_body_id,
subject: subject,
region_bound_pairs: Vec::new()
@ -208,6 +214,10 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
fn set_body_id(&mut self, body_id: ast::NodeId) -> ast::NodeId {
mem::replace(&mut self.body_id, body_id)
fn set_repeating_scope(&mut self, scope: ast::NodeId) -> ast::NodeId {
mem::replace(&mut self.repeating_scope, scope)
@ -267,9 +277,11 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_fn_body(&mut self,
id: ast::NodeId,
fn_decl: &ast::FnDecl,
body: &ast::Block)
body: &ast::Block,
span: Span)
// When we enter a function, we can derive
debug!("visit_fn_body(id={})", id);
let fn_sig_map = self.fcx.inh.fn_sig_map.borrow();
let fn_sig = match fn_sig_map.get(&id) {
@ -281,17 +293,24 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
let len = self.region_bound_pairs.len();
self.relate_free_regions(&fn_sig[], body.id);
let old_body_id = self.set_body_id(body.id);
self.relate_free_regions(&fn_sig[], body.id, span);
link_fn_args(self, CodeExtent::from_node_id(body.id), &fn_decl.inputs[]);
fn visit_region_obligations(&mut self, node_id: ast::NodeId)
debug!("visit_region_obligations: node_id={}", node_id);
// region checking can introduce new pending obligations
// which, when processed, might generate new region
// obligations. So make sure we process those.
// Make a copy of the region obligations vec because we'll need
// to be able to borrow the fulfillment-cx below when projecting.
let region_obligations =
@ -324,7 +343,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Tests: `src/test/compile-fail/regions-free-region-ordering-*.rs`
fn relate_free_regions(&mut self,
fn_sig_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>],
body_id: ast::NodeId) {
body_id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span) {
debug!("relate_free_regions >>");
let tcx = self.tcx();
@ -333,18 +353,19 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
debug!("relate_free_regions(t={})", ty.repr(tcx));
let body_scope = CodeExtent::from_node_id(body_id);
let body_scope = ty::ReScope(body_scope);
let implications = implicator::implications(tcx, ty, body_scope);
let implications = implicator::implications(self.fcx.infcx(), self.fcx, body_id,
ty, body_scope, span);
for implication in implications {
debug!("implication: {}", implication.repr(tcx));
match implication {
ty::ReFree(free_b)) => {
ty::ReFree(free_b)) => {
tcx.region_maps.relate_free_regions(free_a, free_b);
ty::ReInfer(ty::ReVar(vid_b))) => {
ty::ReInfer(ty::ReVar(vid_b))) => {
self.fcx.inh.infcx.add_given(free_a, vid_b);
implicator::Implication::RegionSubRegion(..) => {
@ -364,6 +385,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
self.region_bound_pairs.push((r_a, generic_b.clone()));
implicator::Implication::Predicate(..) => { }
@ -394,8 +416,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for Rcx<'a, 'tcx> {
// regions, until regionck, as described in #3238.
fn visit_fn(&mut self, _fk: visit::FnKind<'v>, fd: &'v ast::FnDecl,
b: &'v ast::Block, _s: Span, id: ast::NodeId) {
self.visit_fn_body(id, fd, b)
b: &'v ast::Block, span: Span, id: ast::NodeId) {
self.visit_fn_body(id, fd, b, span)
fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &ast::Item) { visit_item(self, i); }
@ -1475,7 +1497,8 @@ pub fn type_must_outlive<'a, 'tcx>(rcx: &mut Rcx<'a, 'tcx>,
let implications = implicator::implications(rcx.tcx(), ty, region);
let implications = implicator::implications(rcx.fcx.infcx(), rcx.fcx, rcx.body_id,
ty, region, origin.span());
for implication in implications {
debug!("implication: {}", implication.repr(rcx.tcx()));
match implication {
@ -1493,6 +1516,13 @@ pub fn type_must_outlive<'a, 'tcx>(rcx: &mut Rcx<'a, 'tcx>,
let o1 = infer::ReferenceOutlivesReferent(ty, origin.span());
generic_must_outlive(rcx, o1, r_a, generic_b);
implicator::Implication::Predicate(def_id, predicate) => {
let cause = traits::ObligationCause::new(origin.span(),
let obligation = traits::Obligation::new(cause, predicate);

View File

@ -97,14 +97,10 @@ impl<'ccx, 'tcx> CheckTypeWellFormedVisitor<'ccx, 'tcx> {
ast::ItemStruct(ref struct_def, _) => {
self.check_type_defn(item, |fcx| {
vec![struct_variant(fcx, &**struct_def)]
self.check_type_defn(item, |fcx| vec![struct_variant(fcx, &**struct_def)]);
ast::ItemEnum(ref enum_def, _) => {
self.check_type_defn(item, |fcx| {
enum_variants(fcx, enum_def)
self.check_type_defn(item, |fcx| enum_variants(fcx, enum_def));
ast::ItemTrait(..) => {
let trait_predicates =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we are imposing the requirement that every associated
// type of a bound that appears in the where clause on a struct must
// outlive the location in which the type appears, even when the
// associted type is in a supertype. Issue #22246.
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::ops::Deref;
pub trait TheTrait {
type TheAssocType;
fn dummy(&self) { }
pub trait TheSubTrait : TheTrait {
pub struct TheType<'b> {
m: [fn(&'b()); 0]
impl<'b> TheTrait for TheType<'b> {
type TheAssocType = &'b ();
impl<'b> TheSubTrait for TheType<'b> {
pub struct WithAssoc<T:TheSubTrait> {
m: [T; 0]
fn with_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// For this type to be valid, the rules require that all
// associated types of traits that appear in `WithAssoc` must
// outlive 'a. In this case, that means TheType<'b>::TheAssocType,
// which is &'b (), must outlive 'a.
let _: &'a WithAssoc<TheType<'b>> = loop { }; //~ ERROR cannot infer
fn main() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that structs with higher-ranked where clauses don't generate
// "outlives" requirements. Issue #22246.
pub trait TheTrait<'b> {
type TheAssocType;
fn dummy(&'b self) { }
pub struct TheType<'b> {
m: [fn(&'b()); 0]
impl<'a,'b> TheTrait<'a> for TheType<'b> {
type TheAssocType = &'b ();
pub struct WithHrAssoc<T>
where for<'a> T : TheTrait<'a>
m: [T; 0]
fn with_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// We get no error here because the where clause has a higher-ranked assoc type,
// which could not be projected from.
let _: &'a WithHrAssoc<TheType<'b>> = loop { };
pub trait TheSubTrait : for<'a> TheTrait<'a> {
impl<'b> TheSubTrait for TheType<'b> { }
pub struct WithHrAssocSub<T>
where T : TheSubTrait
m: [T; 0]
fn with_assoc_sub<'a,'b>() {
// Same here, because although the where clause is not HR, it
// extends a trait in a HR way.
let _: &'a WithHrAssocSub<TheType<'b>> = loop { };
fn main() { //~ ERROR compilation successful

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we are imposing the requirement that every associated
// type of a bound that appears in the where clause on a struct must
// outlive the location in which the type appears, even when the
// constraint is in a where clause not a bound. Issue #22246.
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::ops::Deref;
pub trait TheTrait {
type TheAssocType;
fn dummy(&self) { }
pub struct TheType<'b> {
m: [fn(&'b()); 0]
impl<'b> TheTrait for TheType<'b> {
type TheAssocType = &'b ();
pub struct WithAssoc<T> where T : TheTrait {
m: [T; 0]
fn with_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// For this type to be valid, the rules require that all
// associated types of traits that appear in `WithAssoc` must
// outlive 'a. In this case, that means TheType<'b>::TheAssocType,
// which is &'b (), must outlive 'a.
let _: &'a WithAssoc<TheType<'b>> = loop { }; //~ ERROR cannot infer
fn main() {

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we are imposing the requirement that every associated
// type of a bound that appears in the where clause on a struct must
// outlive the location in which the type appears. Issue #22246.
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::ops::Deref;
pub trait TheTrait {
type TheAssocType;
fn dummy(&self) { }
pub struct TheType<'b> {
m: [fn(&'b()); 0]
impl<'b> TheTrait for TheType<'b> {
type TheAssocType = &'b ();
pub struct WithAssoc<T:TheTrait> {
m: [T; 0]
pub struct WithoutAssoc<T> {
m: [T; 0]
fn with_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// For this type to be valid, the rules require that all
// associated types of traits that appear in `WithAssoc` must
// outlive 'a. In this case, that means TheType<'b>::TheAssocType,
// which is &'b (), must outlive 'a.
let _: &'a WithAssoc<TheType<'b>> = loop { }; //~ ERROR cannot infer
fn with_assoc1<'a,'b>() where 'b : 'a {
// For this type to be valid, the rules require that all
// associated types of traits that appear in `WithAssoc` must
// outlive 'a. In this case, that means TheType<'b>::TheAssocType,
// which is &'b (), must outlive 'a, so 'b : 'a must hold, and
// that is in the where clauses, so we're fine.
let _: &'a WithAssoc<TheType<'b>> = loop { };
fn without_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// Here there are no associated types and the `'b` appearing in
// `TheType<'b>` is purely covariant, so there is no requirement
// that `'b:'a` holds.
let _: &'a WithoutAssoc<TheType<'b>> = loop { };
fn call_with_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// As `with_assoc`, but just checking that we impose the same rule
// on the value supplied for the type argument, even when there is
// no data.
call::<&'a WithAssoc<TheType<'b>>>();
//~^ ERROR cannot infer
fn call_without_assoc<'a,'b>() {
// As `without_assoc`, but in a distinct scenario.
call::<&'a WithoutAssoc<TheType<'b>>>();
fn call<T>() { }
fn main() {

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Regression test for issue #22246 -- we should be able to deduce
// that `&'a B::Owned` implies that `B::Owned : 'a`.
use std::ops::Deref;
pub trait ToOwned {
type Owned: Borrow<Self>;
fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned;
pub trait Borrow<Borrowed> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &Borrowed;
pub struct Foo<B:ToOwned> {
owned: B::Owned
fn foo<B:ToOwned>(this: &Foo<B>) -> &B {
fn main() { }