Remove usage of ~fn() from uv async/idle
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,51 +8,155 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::cast;
use std::libc::c_int;
use std::rt::rtio::{Callback, RemoteCallback};
use std::unstable::sync::Exclusive;
use uvll;
use super::{Watcher, Loop, NativeHandle, AsyncCallback, WatcherInterop};
use super::status_to_maybe_uv_error;
use super::{Loop, UvHandle};
pub struct AsyncWatcher(*uvll::uv_async_t);
impl Watcher for AsyncWatcher { }
// The entire point of async is to call into a loop from other threads so it
// does not need to home.
pub struct AsyncWatcher {
handle: *uvll::uv_async_t,
// A flag to tell the callback to exit, set from the dtor. This is
// almost never contested - only in rare races with the dtor.
exit_flag: Exclusive<bool>
struct Payload {
callback: ~Callback,
exit_flag: Exclusive<bool>,
impl AsyncWatcher {
pub fn new(loop_: &mut Loop, cb: AsyncCallback) -> AsyncWatcher {
pub fn new(loop_: &mut Loop, cb: ~Callback) -> AsyncWatcher {
let handle = UvHandle::alloc(None::<AsyncWatcher>, uvll::UV_ASYNC);
assert_eq!(unsafe {
uvll::async_init(loop_.native_handle(), handle, async_cb)
}, 0);
let flag = Exclusive::new(false);
let payload = ~Payload { callback: cb, exit_flag: flag.clone() };
unsafe {
let handle = uvll::malloc_handle(uvll::UV_ASYNC);
let mut watcher: AsyncWatcher = NativeHandle::from_native_handle(handle);
let data = watcher.get_watcher_data();
data.async_cb = Some(cb);
assert_eq!(0, uvll::uv_async_init(loop_.native_handle(), handle, async_cb));
return watcher;
extern fn async_cb(handle: *uvll::uv_async_t, status: c_int) {
let mut watcher: AsyncWatcher = NativeHandle::from_native_handle(handle);
let status = status_to_maybe_uv_error(status);
let data = watcher.get_watcher_data();
let cb = data.async_cb.get_ref();
(*cb)(watcher, status);
let payload: *u8 = cast::transmute(payload);
uvll::set_data_for_uv_handle(handle, payload);
return AsyncWatcher { handle: handle, exit_flag: flag, };
pub fn send(&mut self) {
impl UvHandle<uvll::uv_async_t> for AsyncWatcher {
fn uv_handle(&self) -> *uvll::uv_async_t { self.handle }
unsafe fn from_uv_handle<'a>(h: &'a *T) -> &'a mut AsyncWatcher {
fail!("async watchers can't be built from their handles");
extern fn async_cb(handle: *uvll::uv_async_t, status: c_int) {
assert!(status == 0);
let payload: &mut Payload = unsafe {
// The synchronization logic here is subtle. To review,
// the uv async handle type promises that, after it is
// triggered the remote callback is definitely called at
// least once. UvRemoteCallback needs to maintain those
// semantics while also shutting down cleanly from the
// dtor. In our case that means that, when the
// UvRemoteCallback dtor calls `async.send()`, here `f` is
// always called later.
// In the dtor both the exit flag is set and the async
// callback fired under a lock. Here, before calling `f`,
// we take the lock and check the flag. Because we are
// checking the flag before calling `f`, and the flag is
// set under the same lock as the send, then if the flag
// is set then we're guaranteed to call `f` after the
// final send.
// If the check was done after `f()` then there would be a
// period between that call and the check where the dtor
// could be called in the other thread, missing the final
// callback while still destroying the handle.
let should_exit = unsafe {
payload.exit_flag.with_imm(|&should_exit| should_exit)
if should_exit {
unsafe { uvll::close(handle, close_cb) }
extern fn close_cb(handle: *uvll::uv_handle_t) {
// drop the payload
let _payload: ~Payload = unsafe {
// and then free the handle
unsafe { uvll::free_handle(handle) }
impl RemoteCallback for AsyncWatcher {
fn fire(&mut self) {
unsafe { uvll::async_send(self.handle) }
impl Drop for AsyncWatcher {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let handle = self.native_handle();
do self.exit_flag.with |should_exit| {
// NB: These two things need to happen atomically. Otherwise
// the event handler could wake up due to a *previous*
// signal and see the exit flag, destroying the handle
// before the final send.
*should_exit = true;
impl NativeHandle<*uvll::uv_async_t> for AsyncWatcher {
fn from_native_handle(handle: *uvll::uv_async_t) -> AsyncWatcher {
fn native_handle(&self) -> *uvll::uv_async_t {
match self { &AsyncWatcher(ptr) => ptr }
mod test_remote {
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::rt::test::*;
use std::rt::thread::Thread;
use std::rt::tube::Tube;
use std::rt::rtio::EventLoop;
use std::rt::local::Local;
use std::rt::sched::Scheduler;
fn test_uv_remote() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let mut tube = Tube::new();
let tube_clone = tube.clone();
let remote_cell = Cell::new_empty();
do Local::borrow |sched: &mut Scheduler| {
let tube_clone = tube_clone.clone();
let tube_clone_cell = Cell::new(tube_clone);
let remote = do sched.event_loop.remote_callback {
// This could be called multiple times
if !tube_clone_cell.is_empty() {
let thread = do Thread::start {
assert!(tube.recv() == 1);
@ -8,70 +8,98 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::libc::c_int;
use std::cast;
use std::libc::{c_int, c_void};
use uvll;
use super::{Watcher, Loop, NativeHandle, IdleCallback, status_to_maybe_uv_error};
use super::{Loop, UvHandle};
use std::rt::rtio::{Callback, PausibleIdleCallback};
pub struct IdleWatcher(*uvll::uv_idle_t);
impl Watcher for IdleWatcher { }
pub struct IdleWatcher {
handle: *uvll::uv_idle_t,
idle_flag: bool,
closed: bool,
callback: Option<~Callback>,
impl IdleWatcher {
pub fn new(loop_: &mut Loop) -> IdleWatcher {
unsafe {
let handle = uvll::malloc_handle(uvll::UV_IDLE);
assert_eq!(uvll::uv_idle_init(loop_.native_handle(), handle), 0);
let mut watcher: IdleWatcher = NativeHandle::from_native_handle(handle);
return watcher
pub fn new(loop_: &mut Loop) -> ~IdleWatcher {
let handle = UvHandle::alloc(None::<IdleWatcher>, uvll::UV_IDLE);
assert_eq!(unsafe {
uvll::idle_init(loop_.native_handle(), handle)
}, 0);
let me = ~IdleWatcher {
handle: handle,
idle_flag: false,
closed: false,
callback: None,
return me.install();
pub fn start(&mut self, cb: IdleCallback) {
let data = self.get_watcher_data();
data.idle_cb = Some(cb);
pub fn onetime(loop_: &mut Loop, f: proc()) {
let handle = UvHandle::alloc(None::<IdleWatcher>, uvll::UV_IDLE);
unsafe {
assert_eq!(uvll::idle_init(loop_.native_handle(), handle), 0);
let data: *c_void = cast::transmute(~f);
uvll::set_data_for_uv_handle(handle, data);
assert_eq!(uvll::idle_start(handle, onetime_cb), 0)
unsafe {
assert_eq!(uvll::uv_idle_start(self.native_handle(), idle_cb), 0)
extern fn onetime_cb(handle: *uvll::uv_idle_t, status: c_int) {
assert_eq!(status, 0);
unsafe {
let data = uvll::get_data_for_uv_handle(handle);
let f: ~proc() = cast::transmute(data);
uvll::close(handle, close_cb);
pub fn restart(&mut self) {
unsafe {
assert_eq!(uvll::uv_idle_start(self.native_handle(), idle_cb), 0)
pub fn stop(&mut self) {
// NB: Not resetting the Rust idle_cb to None here because `stop` is
// likely called from *within* the idle callback, causing a use after
// free
unsafe {
assert_eq!(uvll::uv_idle_stop(self.native_handle()), 0);
extern fn close_cb(handle: *uvll::uv_handle_t) {
unsafe { uvll::free_handle(handle) }
impl NativeHandle<*uvll::uv_idle_t> for IdleWatcher {
fn from_native_handle(handle: *uvll::uv_idle_t) -> IdleWatcher {
impl PausibleIdleCallback for IdleWatcher {
fn start(&mut self, cb: ~Callback) {
self.callback = Some(cb);
assert_eq!(unsafe { uvll::idle_start(self.handle, idle_cb) }, 0)
self.idle_flag = true;
fn native_handle(&self) -> *uvll::uv_idle_t {
match self { &IdleWatcher(ptr) => ptr }
fn pause(&mut self) {
if self.idle_flag == true {
assert_eq!(unsafe {uvll::idle_stop(self.handle) }, 0);
self.idle_flag = false;
fn resume(&mut self) {
if self.idle_flag == false {
assert_eq!(unsafe { uvll::idle_start(self.handle, idle_cb) }, 0)
self.idle_flag = true;
fn close(&mut self) {
if !self.closed {
self.closed = true;
impl UvHandle<uvll::uv_idle_t> for IdleWatcher {
fn uv_handle(&self) -> *uvll::uv_idle_t { self.handle }
extern fn idle_cb(handle: *uvll::uv_idle_t, status: c_int) {
let mut idle_watcher: IdleWatcher = NativeHandle::from_native_handle(handle);
let data = idle_watcher.get_watcher_data();
let cb: &IdleCallback = data.idle_cb.get_ref();
let status = status_to_maybe_uv_error(status);
(*cb)(idle_watcher, status);
assert_eq!(status, 0);
let idle: &mut IdleWatcher = unsafe { UvHandle::from_uv_handle(&handle) };
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ use std::cast::transmute;
use std::ptr::null;
use std::unstable::finally::Finally;
use std::rt::io::net::ip::SocketAddr;
use std::rt::io::signal::Signum;
use std::rt::io::IoError;
@ -152,7 +151,39 @@ pub trait UvHandle<T> {
unsafe { uvll::free_handle(handle) }
unsafe { uvll::close(self.uv_handle(), close_cb) }
unsafe {
uvll::set_data_for_uv_handle(self.uv_handle(), null::<()>());
uvll::close(self.uv_handle(), close_cb)
pub trait UvRequest<T> {
fn uv_request(&self) -> *T;
// FIXME(#8888) dummy self
fn alloc(_: Option<Self>, ty: uvll::uv_req_type) -> *T {
unsafe {
let handle = uvll::malloc_req(ty);
handle as *T
unsafe fn from_uv_request<'a>(h: &'a *T) -> &'a mut Self {
fn install(~self) -> ~Self {
unsafe {
let myptr = cast::transmute::<&~Self, &*u8>(&self);
uvll::set_data_for_req(self.uv_request(), *myptr);
fn delete(&mut self) {
unsafe { uvll::free_req(self.uv_request() as *c_void) }
@ -185,7 +216,6 @@ impl NativeHandle<*uvll::uv_loop_t> for Loop {
pub type AllocCallback = ~fn(uint) -> Buf;
pub type ReadCallback = ~fn(StreamWatcher, int, Buf, Option<UvError>);
pub type NullCallback = ~fn();
pub type IdleCallback = ~fn(IdleWatcher, Option<UvError>);
pub type ConnectionCallback = ~fn(StreamWatcher, Option<UvError>);
pub type FsCallback = ~fn(&mut FsRequest, Option<UvError>);
pub type AsyncCallback = ~fn(AsyncWatcher, Option<UvError>);
@ -201,7 +231,6 @@ struct WatcherData {
connect_cb: Option<ConnectionCallback>,
close_cb: Option<NullCallback>,
alloc_cb: Option<AllocCallback>,
idle_cb: Option<IdleCallback>,
async_cb: Option<AsyncCallback>,
udp_recv_cb: Option<UdpReceiveCallback>,
udp_send_cb: Option<UdpSendCallback>,
@ -234,11 +263,9 @@ impl<H, W: Watcher + NativeHandle<*H>> WatcherInterop for W {
connect_cb: None,
close_cb: None,
alloc_cb: None,
idle_cb: None,
async_cb: None,
udp_recv_cb: None,
udp_send_cb: None,
signal_cb: None,
let data = transmute::<~WatcherData, *c_void>(data);
uvll::set_data_for_uv_handle(self.native_handle(), data);
@ -28,9 +28,12 @@ use std::rt::rtio::*;
use std::rt::sched::{Scheduler, SchedHandle};
use std::rt::tube::Tube;
use std::rt::task::Task;
use std::unstable::sync::Exclusive;
use std::libc::{lseek, off_t};
use std::rt::io::{FileMode, FileAccess, FileStat};
use std::path::{GenericPath, Path};
use std::libc::{lseek, off_t, O_CREAT, O_APPEND, O_TRUNC, O_RDWR, O_RDONLY,
use std::rt::io::{FileMode, FileAccess, OpenOrCreate, Open, Create,
CreateOrTruncate, Append, Truncate, Read, Write, ReadWrite,
use std::rt::io::signal::Signum;
use std::task;
use ai = std::rt::io::net::addrinfo;
@ -199,27 +202,16 @@ impl EventLoop for UvEventLoop {
fn callback(&mut self, f: ~fn()) {
let mut idle_watcher = IdleWatcher::new(self.uvio.uv_loop());
do idle_watcher.start |mut idle_watcher, status| {
fn callback(&mut self, f: proc()) {
IdleWatcher::onetime(self.uvio.uv_loop(), f);
fn pausible_idle_callback(&mut self) -> ~PausibleIdleCallback {
let idle_watcher = IdleWatcher::new(self.uvio.uv_loop());
~UvPausibleIdleCallback {
watcher: idle_watcher,
idle_flag: false,
closed: false
} as ~PausibleIdleCallback
IdleWatcher::new(self.uvio.uv_loop()) as ~PausibleIdleCallback
fn remote_callback(&mut self, f: ~fn()) -> ~RemoteCallback {
~UvRemoteCallback::new(self.uvio.uv_loop(), f) as ~RemoteCallback
fn remote_callback(&mut self, f: ~Callback) -> ~RemoteCallback {
~AsyncWatcher::new(self.uvio.uv_loop(), f) as ~RemoteCallback
fn io<'a>(&'a mut self, f: &fn(&'a mut IoFactory)) {
@ -233,44 +225,6 @@ pub extern "C" fn new_loop() -> ~EventLoop {
~UvEventLoop::new() as ~EventLoop
pub struct UvPausibleIdleCallback {
priv watcher: IdleWatcher,
priv idle_flag: bool,
priv closed: bool
impl PausibleIdleCallback for UvPausibleIdleCallback {
fn start(&mut self, f: ~fn()) {
do self.watcher.start |_idle_watcher, _status| {
self.idle_flag = true;
fn pause(&mut self) {
if self.idle_flag == true {
self.idle_flag = false;
fn resume(&mut self) {
if self.idle_flag == false {
self.idle_flag = true;
fn close(&mut self) {
if !self.closed {
self.closed = true;
fn test_callback_run_once() {
do run_in_bare_thread {
@ -285,119 +239,6 @@ fn test_callback_run_once() {
// The entire point of async is to call into a loop from other threads so it does not need to home.
pub struct UvRemoteCallback {
// The uv async handle for triggering the callback
priv async: AsyncWatcher,
// A flag to tell the callback to exit, set from the dtor. This is
// almost never contested - only in rare races with the dtor.
priv exit_flag: Exclusive<bool>
impl UvRemoteCallback {
pub fn new(loop_: &mut Loop, f: ~fn()) -> UvRemoteCallback {
let exit_flag = Exclusive::new(false);
let exit_flag_clone = exit_flag.clone();
let async = do AsyncWatcher::new(loop_) |watcher, status| {
// The synchronization logic here is subtle. To review,
// the uv async handle type promises that, after it is
// triggered the remote callback is definitely called at
// least once. UvRemoteCallback needs to maintain those
// semantics while also shutting down cleanly from the
// dtor. In our case that means that, when the
// UvRemoteCallback dtor calls `async.send()`, here `f` is
// always called later.
// In the dtor both the exit flag is set and the async
// callback fired under a lock. Here, before calling `f`,
// we take the lock and check the flag. Because we are
// checking the flag before calling `f`, and the flag is
// set under the same lock as the send, then if the flag
// is set then we're guaranteed to call `f` after the
// final send.
// If the check was done after `f()` then there would be a
// period between that call and the check where the dtor
// could be called in the other thread, missing the final
// callback while still destroying the handle.
let should_exit = unsafe {
exit_flag_clone.with_imm(|&should_exit| should_exit)
if should_exit {
UvRemoteCallback {
async: async,
exit_flag: exit_flag
impl RemoteCallback for UvRemoteCallback {
fn fire(&mut self) { self.async.send() }
impl Drop for UvRemoteCallback {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let this: &mut UvRemoteCallback = cast::transmute_mut(self);
do this.exit_flag.with |should_exit| {
// NB: These two things need to happen atomically. Otherwise
// the event handler could wake up due to a *previous*
// signal and see the exit flag, destroying the handle
// before the final send.
*should_exit = true;
mod test_remote {
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::rt::test::*;
use std::rt::thread::Thread;
use std::rt::tube::Tube;
use std::rt::rtio::EventLoop;
use std::rt::local::Local;
use std::rt::sched::Scheduler;
fn test_uv_remote() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let mut tube = Tube::new();
let tube_clone = tube.clone();
let remote_cell = Cell::new_empty();
do Local::borrow |sched: &mut Scheduler| {
let tube_clone = tube_clone.clone();
let tube_clone_cell = Cell::new(tube_clone);
let remote = do sched.event_loop.remote_callback {
// This could be called multiple times
if !tube_clone_cell.is_empty() {
let thread = do Thread::start {
assert!(tube.recv() == 1);
pub struct UvIoFactory(Loop);
impl UvIoFactory {
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
use prelude::*;
use cast;
use rt::rtio::{EventLoop, IoFactory, RemoteCallback, PausibleIdleCallback};
use rt::rtio::{EventLoop, IoFactory, RemoteCallback, PausibleIdleCallback,
use unstable::sync::Exclusive;
use util;
@ -25,9 +26,9 @@ pub fn event_loop() -> ~EventLoop {
struct BasicLoop {
work: ~[~fn()], // pending work
idle: Option<*BasicPausible>, // only one is allowed
remotes: ~[(uint, ~fn())],
work: ~[proc()], // pending work
idle: Option<*mut BasicPausible>, // only one is allowed
remotes: ~[(uint, ~Callback)],
next_remote: uint,
messages: Exclusive<~[Message]>
@ -86,8 +87,8 @@ impl BasicLoop {
fn message(&mut self, message: Message) {
match message {
RunRemote(i) => {
match self.remotes.iter().find(|& &(id, _)| id == i) {
Some(&(_, ref f)) => (*f)(),
match self.remotes.mut_iter().find(|& &(id, _)| id == i) {
Some(&(_, ref mut f)) =>,
None => unreachable!()
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ impl BasicLoop {
match self.idle {
Some(idle) => {
if (*idle).active {
None => {}
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ impl EventLoop for BasicLoop {
fn callback(&mut self, f: ~fn()) {
fn callback(&mut self, f: proc()) {
@ -153,13 +154,13 @@ impl EventLoop for BasicLoop {
let callback = ~BasicPausible::new(self);
unsafe {
let cb_ptr: &*BasicPausible = cast::transmute(&callback);
let cb_ptr: &*mut BasicPausible = cast::transmute(&callback);
self.idle = Some(*cb_ptr);
return callback as ~PausibleIdleCallback;
fn remote_callback(&mut self, f: ~fn()) -> ~RemoteCallback {
fn remote_callback(&mut self, f: ~Callback) -> ~RemoteCallback {
let id = self.next_remote;
self.next_remote += 1;
self.remotes.push((id, f));
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ impl Drop for BasicRemote {
struct BasicPausible {
eloop: *mut BasicLoop,
work: Option<~fn()>,
work: Option<~Callback>,
active: bool,
@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ impl BasicPausible {
impl PausibleIdleCallback for BasicPausible {
fn start(&mut self, f: ~fn()) {
fn start(&mut self, f: ~Callback) {
rtassert!(! &&;
|||| = true;
|||| = Some(f);
@ -24,11 +24,15 @@ use path::Path;
use super::io::{SeekStyle};
use super::io::{FileMode, FileAccess, FileStat, FilePermission};
pub trait Callback {
fn call(&mut self);
pub trait EventLoop {
fn run(&mut self);
fn callback(&mut self, ~fn());
fn callback(&mut self, proc());
fn pausible_idle_callback(&mut self) -> ~PausibleIdleCallback;
fn remote_callback(&mut self, ~fn()) -> ~RemoteCallback;
fn remote_callback(&mut self, ~Callback) -> ~RemoteCallback;
/// The asynchronous I/O services. Not all event loops may provide one
// FIXME(#9382) this is an awful interface
@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ pub trait RtioTTY {
pub trait PausibleIdleCallback {
fn start(&mut self, f: ~fn());
fn start(&mut self, f: ~Callback);
fn pause(&mut self);
fn resume(&mut self);
fn close(&mut self);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use super::message_queue::MessageQueue;
use rt::kill::BlockedTask;
use rt::local_ptr;
use rt::local::Local;
use rt::rtio::{RemoteCallback, PausibleIdleCallback};
use rt::rtio::{RemoteCallback, PausibleIdleCallback, Callback};
use borrow::{to_uint};
use cell::Cell;
use rand::{XorShiftRng, Rng, Rand};
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ impl Scheduler {
// Before starting our first task, make sure the idle callback
// is active. As we do not start in the sleep state this is
// important.
self.idle_callback.get_mut_ref().start(~SchedRunner as ~Callback);
// Now, as far as all the scheduler state is concerned, we are
// inside the "scheduler" context. So we can act like the
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ impl Scheduler {
pub fn make_handle(&mut self) -> SchedHandle {
let remote = self.event_loop.remote_callback(Scheduler::run_sched_once);
let remote = self.event_loop.remote_callback(~SchedRunner as ~Callback);
return SchedHandle {
remote: remote,
@ -802,6 +802,14 @@ impl SchedHandle {
struct SchedRunner;
impl Callback for SchedRunner {
fn call(&mut self) {
struct CleanupJob {
task: ~Task,
f: UnsafeTaskReceiver
Reference in New Issue
Block a user