Refactor compiletest

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-07-27 17:00:57 -07:00
parent d1298f768c
commit 278d360525

View File

@ -172,31 +172,9 @@ fn make_test(cx: &cx, testfile: &str, configport: &port[str]) ->
test::test_desc {
{name: testfile,
fn: make_test_closure(testfile, chan(configport)),
ignore: is_test_ignored(cx.config, testfile)}
ignore: header::is_test_ignored(cx.config, testfile)}
fn is_test_ignored(config: &config, testfile: &str) -> bool {
let found = false;
for each ln: str in iter_header(testfile) {
// FIXME: Can't return or break from iterator
found = found || parse_name_directive(ln, "xfail-" + config.stage_id);
ret found;
iter iter_header(testfile: &str) -> str {
let rdr = io::file_reader(testfile);
while !rdr.eof() {
let ln = rdr.read_line();
// Assume that any directives will be found before the
// first module or function. This doesn't seem to be an optimization
// with a warm page cache. Maybe with a cold one.
if str::starts_with(ln, "fn") || str::starts_with(ln, "mod") {
} else { put ln; }
So this is kind of crappy:
@ -272,185 +250,9 @@ fn run_test_task(compile_lib_path: str, run_lib_path: str, rustc_path: str,
let cx = {config: config, procsrv: procsrv};
log #fmt("running %s", testfile);
let props = load_props(testfile);
alt cx.config.mode {
mode_compile_fail. { run_cfail_test(cx, props, testfile); }
mode_run_fail. { run_rfail_test(cx, props, testfile); }
mode_run_pass. { run_rpass_test(cx, props, testfile); }
runtest::run(cx, testfile);
type test_props = {error_patterns: str[], compile_flags: option::t[str]};
// Load any test directives embedded in the file
fn load_props(testfile: &str) -> test_props {
let error_patterns = ~[];
let compile_flags = option::none;
for each ln: str in iter_header(testfile) {
alt parse_error_pattern(ln) {
option::some(ep) { error_patterns += ~[ep]; }
option::none. { }
if option::is_none(compile_flags) {
compile_flags = parse_compile_flags(ln);
ret {error_patterns: error_patterns, compile_flags: compile_flags};
fn parse_error_pattern(line: &str) -> option::t[str] {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "error-pattern")
fn parse_compile_flags(line: &str) -> option::t[str] {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "compile-flags")
fn parse_name_directive(line: &str, directive: &str) -> bool {
str::find(line, directive) >= 0
fn parse_name_value_directive(line: &str, directive: &str) -> option::t[str] {
let keycolon = directive + ":";
if str::find(line, keycolon) >= 0 {
let colon = str::find(line, keycolon) as uint;
let value =
str::slice(line, colon + str::byte_len(keycolon),
log #fmt("%s: %s", directive, value);
} else { option::none }
fn run_cfail_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) {
let procres = compile_test(cx, props, testfile);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal_procres("compile-fail test compiled successfully!", procres);
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres);
fn run_rfail_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) {
let procres = compile_test(cx, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); }
procres = exec_compiled_test(cx, testfile);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal_procres("run-fail test didn't produce an error!", procres);
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres);
fn run_rpass_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) {
let procres = compile_test(cx, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); }
procres = exec_compiled_test(cx, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("test run failed!", procres); }
fn check_error_patterns(props: &test_props, testfile: &str,
procres: &procres) {
if ivec::is_empty(props.error_patterns) {
fatal("no error pattern specified in " + testfile);
let next_err_idx = 0u;
let next_err_pat = props.error_patterns.(next_err_idx);
for line: str in str::split(procres.out, '\n' as u8) {
if str::find(line, next_err_pat) > 0 {
log #fmt("found error pattern %s", next_err_pat);
next_err_idx += 1u;
if next_err_idx == ivec::len(props.error_patterns) {
log "found all error patterns";
next_err_pat = props.error_patterns.(next_err_idx);
let missing_patterns =
ivec::slice(props.error_patterns, next_err_idx,
if ivec::len(missing_patterns) == 1u {
fatal_procres(#fmt("error pattern '%s' not found!",
missing_patterns.(0)), procres);
} else {
for pattern: str in missing_patterns {
error(#fmt("error pattern '%s' not found!", pattern));
fatal_procres("multiple error patterns not found", procres);
type procargs = {prog: str, args: vec[str]};
type procres = {status: int, out: str, cmdline: str};
fn compile_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(cx, testfile, bind make_compile_args(_, props, _),
fn exec_compiled_test(cx: &cx, testfile: &str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(cx, testfile, make_run_args, cx.config.run_lib_path)
fn compose_and_run(cx: &cx, testfile: &str,
make_args: fn(&config, &str) -> procargs , lib_path: &str)
-> procres {
let procargs = make_args(cx.config, testfile);
ret program_output(cx, testfile, lib_path, procargs.prog, procargs.args);
fn make_compile_args(config: &config, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) ->
procargs {
let prog = config.rustc_path;
let args = [testfile, "-o", make_exe_name(config, testfile)];
args += split_maybe_args(config.rustcflags);
args += split_maybe_args(props.compile_flags);
ret {prog: prog, args: args};
fn make_run_args(config: &config, testfile: &str) -> procargs {
// If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind),
// then split apart its command
let args =
split_maybe_args(config.runtool) + [make_exe_name(config, testfile)];
ret {prog: args.(0), args: vec::slice(args, 1u, vec::len(args))};
fn split_maybe_args(argstr: &option::t[str]) -> vec[str] {
alt argstr {
option::some(s) { str::split(s, ' ' as u8) }
option::none. { [] }
fn program_output(cx: &cx, testfile: &str, lib_path: &str, prog: &str,
args: &vec[str]) -> procres {
let cmdline =
let cmdline = make_cmdline(lib_path, prog, args);
logv(cx.config, #fmt("running %s", cmdline));
let res = procsrv::run(cx.procsrv, lib_path, prog, args);
dump_output(cx.config, testfile, res.out);
ret {status: res.status, out: res.out, cmdline: cmdline};
fn make_cmdline(libpath: &str, prog: &str, args: &vec[str]) -> str {
#fmt("%s %s %s", lib_path_cmd_prefix(libpath), prog,
@ -524,30 +326,257 @@ fn make_out_name(config: &config, testfile: &str) -> str {
output_base_name(config, testfile) + ".out"
fn error(err: &str) { io::stdout().write_line(#fmt("\nerror: %s", err)); }
fn fatal(err: &str) -> ! { error(err); fail; }
fn fatal_procres(err: &str, procres: procres) -> ! {
let msg =
error: %s\n\
command: %s\n\
err, procres.cmdline, procres.out);
fn logv(config: &config, s: &str) {
log s;
if config.verbose { io::stdout().write_line(s); }
mod header {
export test_props;
export load_props;
export is_test_ignored;
type test_props = {error_patterns: str[], compile_flags: option::t[str]};
// Load any test directives embedded in the file
fn load_props(testfile: &str) -> test_props {
let error_patterns = ~[];
let compile_flags = option::none;
for each ln: str in iter_header(testfile) {
alt parse_error_pattern(ln) {
option::some(ep) { error_patterns += ~[ep]; }
option::none. { }
if option::is_none(compile_flags) {
compile_flags = parse_compile_flags(ln);
ret {error_patterns: error_patterns, compile_flags: compile_flags};
fn is_test_ignored(config: &config, testfile: &str) -> bool {
let found = false;
for each ln: str in iter_header(testfile) {
// FIXME: Can't return or break from iterator
found = found
|| parse_name_directive(ln, "xfail-" + config.stage_id);
ret found;
iter iter_header(testfile: &str) -> str {
let rdr = io::file_reader(testfile);
while !rdr.eof() {
let ln = rdr.read_line();
// Assume that any directives will be found before the first
// module or function. This doesn't seem to be an optimization
// with a warm page cache. Maybe with a cold one.
if str::starts_with(ln, "fn") || str::starts_with(ln, "mod") {
} else { put ln; }
fn parse_error_pattern(line: &str) -> option::t[str] {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "error-pattern")
fn parse_compile_flags(line: &str) -> option::t[str] {
parse_name_value_directive(line, "compile-flags")
fn parse_name_directive(line: &str, directive: &str) -> bool {
str::find(line, directive) >= 0
fn parse_name_value_directive(line: &str,
directive: &str) -> option::t[str] {
let keycolon = directive + ":";
if str::find(line, keycolon) >= 0 {
let colon = str::find(line, keycolon) as uint;
let value =
str::slice(line, colon + str::byte_len(keycolon),
log #fmt("%s: %s", directive, value);
} else { option::none }
mod runtest {
import header::load_props;
import header::test_props;
export run;
fn run(cx: &cx, testfile: &str) {
log #fmt("running %s", testfile);
let props = load_props(testfile);
alt cx.config.mode {
mode_compile_fail. { run_cfail_test(cx, props, testfile); }
mode_run_fail. { run_rfail_test(cx, props, testfile); }
mode_run_pass. { run_rpass_test(cx, props, testfile); }
fn run_cfail_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) {
let procres = compile_test(cx, props, testfile);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal_procres("compile-fail test compiled successfully!",
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres);
fn run_rfail_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) {
let procres = compile_test(cx, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 {
fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); }
procres = exec_compiled_test(cx, testfile);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal_procres("run-fail test didn't produce an error!",
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres);
fn run_rpass_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) {
let procres = compile_test(cx, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 {
fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); }
procres = exec_compiled_test(cx, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("test run failed!", procres); }
fn check_error_patterns(props: &test_props, testfile: &str,
procres: &procres) {
if ivec::is_empty(props.error_patterns) {
fatal("no error pattern specified in " + testfile);
let next_err_idx = 0u;
let next_err_pat = props.error_patterns.(next_err_idx);
for line: str in str::split(procres.out, '\n' as u8) {
if str::find(line, next_err_pat) > 0 {
log #fmt("found error pattern %s", next_err_pat);
next_err_idx += 1u;
if next_err_idx == ivec::len(props.error_patterns) {
log "found all error patterns";
next_err_pat = props.error_patterns.(next_err_idx);
let missing_patterns =
ivec::slice(props.error_patterns, next_err_idx,
if ivec::len(missing_patterns) == 1u {
fatal_procres(#fmt("error pattern '%s' not found!",
missing_patterns.(0)), procres);
} else {
for pattern: str in missing_patterns {
error(#fmt("error pattern '%s' not found!", pattern));
fatal_procres("multiple error patterns not found", procres);
type procargs = {prog: str, args: vec[str]};
type procres = {status: int, out: str, cmdline: str};
fn compile_test(cx: &cx, props: &test_props, testfile: &str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(cx, testfile, bind make_compile_args(_, props, _),
fn exec_compiled_test(cx: &cx, testfile: &str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(cx, testfile, make_run_args, cx.config.run_lib_path)
fn compose_and_run(cx: &cx, testfile: &str,
make_args: fn(&config, &str) -> procargs ,
lib_path: &str) -> procres {
let procargs = make_args(cx.config, testfile);
ret program_output(cx, testfile, lib_path,
procargs.prog, procargs.args);
fn make_compile_args(config: &config,
props: &test_props, testfile: &str) ->
procargs {
let prog = config.rustc_path;
let args = [testfile, "-o", make_exe_name(config, testfile)];
args += split_maybe_args(config.rustcflags);
args += split_maybe_args(props.compile_flags);
ret {prog: prog, args: args};
fn make_run_args(config: &config, testfile: &str) -> procargs {
// If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind),
// then split apart its command
let args =
+ [make_exe_name(config, testfile)];
ret {prog: args.(0), args: vec::slice(args, 1u, vec::len(args))};
fn split_maybe_args(argstr: &option::t[str]) -> vec[str] {
alt argstr {
option::some(s) { str::split(s, ' ' as u8) }
option::none. { [] }
fn program_output(cx: &cx, testfile: &str, lib_path: &str, prog: &str,
args: &vec[str]) -> procres {
let cmdline =
let cmdline = make_cmdline(lib_path, prog, args);
logv(cx.config, #fmt("running %s", cmdline));
let res = procsrv::run(cx.procsrv, lib_path, prog, args);
dump_output(cx.config, testfile, res.out);
ret {status: res.status, out: res.out, cmdline: cmdline};
fn error(err: &str) { io::stdout().write_line(#fmt("\nerror: %s", err)); }
fn fatal(err: &str) -> ! { error(err); fail; }
fn fatal_procres(err: &str, procres: procres) -> ! {
let msg =
error: %s\n\
command: %s\n\
err, procres.cmdline, procres.out);
// So when running tests in parallel there's a potential race on environment
// variables if we let each task spawn its own children - between the time the