syntax: Add a lot of copy keywords
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ fn map_decoded_item(diag: span_handler,
fn map_fn(fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk,
sp: codemap::span, id: node_id, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
for decl.inputs.each {|a|
||||, node_arg(a, cx.local_id));
||||, node_arg(/* FIXME: bad */ copy a, cx.local_id));
cx.local_id += 1u;
alt fk {
@ -133,13 +133,17 @@ fn map_fn(fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk,
dec: /* FIXME: bad */ copy decl,
body: /* FIXME: bad */ copy body},
span: sp};
||||, node_ctor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy nm, tps,
class_ctor(ct, parent_id), @cx.path));
||||, node_ctor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy nm,
/* FIXME: bad */ copy tps,
class_ctor(ct, parent_id),
@/* FIXME: bad */ copy cx.path));
visit::fk_dtor(tps, self_id, parent_id) {
let dt = @{node: {id: id, self_id: self_id, body: body},
span: sp};
||||, node_dtor(tps, dt, parent_id, @cx.path));
let dt = @{node: {id: id, self_id: self_id,
body: /* FIXME: bad */ copy body}, span: sp};
||||, node_dtor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy tps, dt,
@/* FIXME: bad */ copy cx.path));
_ {}
@ -148,7 +152,7 @@ fn map_fn(fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk,
fn map_block(b: blk, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
||||, node_block(b));
||||, node_block(/* FIXME: bad */ copy b));
visit::visit_block(b, cx, v);
@ -182,25 +186,29 @@ fn map_method(impl_did: def_id, impl_path: @path,
fn map_item(i: @item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
let item_path = @cx.path;
let item_path = @/* FIXME: bad */ copy cx.path;
||||, node_item(i, item_path));
alt i.node {
item_impl(_, _, _, _, ms) {
let impl_did = ast_util::local_def(;
for ms.each {|m|
map_method(impl_did, extend(cx, i.ident), m, cx);
map_method(impl_did, extend(cx, /* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident), m,
item_res(decl, tps, _, dtor_id, ctor_id, _) {
||||, node_ctor(i.ident, tps,
res_ctor(decl, ctor_id, i.span),
||||, node_ctor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident,
/* FIXME: bad */ copy tps,
res_ctor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy decl,
ctor_id, i.span),
||||, node_item(i, item_path));
item_enum(vs, _, _) {
for vs.each {|v|
||||, node_variant(
v, i, extend(cx, i.ident)));
/* FIXME: bad */ copy v, i,
extend(cx, /* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident)));
item_native_mod(nm) {
@ -209,7 +217,9 @@ fn map_item(i: @item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
either::right(abi) { abi }
for nm.items.each {|nitem|
||||, node_native_item(nitem, abi, @cx.path));
node_native_item(nitem, abi,
@/* FIXME: bad */ copy cx.path));
item_class(tps, ifces, items, ctor, dtor, _) {
@ -219,7 +229,7 @@ fn map_item(i: @item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
vec::iter(ifces) {|p|,
node_item(i, item_path)); };
let d_id = ast_util::local_def(;
let p = extend(cx, i.ident);
let p = extend(cx, /* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident);
// only need to handle methods
vec::iter(ms) {|m| map_method(d_id, p, m, cx); }
@ -227,9 +237,9 @@ fn map_item(i: @item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
alt i.node {
item_mod(_) | item_native_mod(_) {
cx.path += [path_mod(i.ident)];
cx.path += [path_mod(/* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident)];
_ { cx.path += [path_name(i.ident)]; }
_ { cx.path += [path_name(/* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident)]; }
visit::visit_item(i, cx, v);
@ -240,7 +250,7 @@ fn map_view_item(vi: @view_item, cx: ctx, _v: vt) {
view_item_export(vps) {
for vps.each {|vp|
let (id, name) = alt vp.node {
view_path_simple(nm, _, id) { (id, nm) }
view_path_simple(nm, _, id) { (id, /* FIXME: bad */ copy nm) }
view_path_glob(pth, id) | view_path_list(pth, _, id) {
(id, path_to_ident(pth))
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ fn mk_name_value_item_str(+name: ast::ident, +value: str) -> @ast::meta_item {
ret mk_name_value_item(name, value_lit);
fn mk_name_value_item(+name: ast::ident, +value: ast::lit) -> @ast::meta_item {
fn mk_name_value_item(+name: ast::ident, +value: ast::lit)
-> @ast::meta_item {
ret @dummy_spanned(ast::meta_name_value(name, value));
@ -88,10 +88,11 @@ fn fold_meta_item_(&&mi: @meta_item, fld: ast_fold) -> @meta_item {
meta_word(id) { meta_word(fld.fold_ident(id)) }
meta_list(id, mis) {
let fold_meta_item = bind fold_meta_item_(_, fld);
meta_list(id, vec::map(mis, fold_meta_item))
meta_list(/* FIXME: bad */ copy id,
vec::map(mis, fold_meta_item))
meta_name_value(id, s) {
meta_name_value(fld.fold_ident(id), s)
meta_name_value(fld.fold_ident(id), /* FIXME: bad */ copy s)
span: fld.new_span(mi.span)};
@ -121,8 +122,8 @@ fn fold_mac_(m: mac, fld: ast_fold) -> mac {
mac_embed_type(ty) { mac_embed_type(fld.fold_ty(ty)) }
mac_embed_block(blk) { mac_embed_block(fld.fold_block(blk)) }
mac_ellipsis { mac_ellipsis }
mac_aq(_,_) { /* fixme */ m.node }
mac_var(_) { /* fixme */ m.node }
mac_aq(_,_) { /* FIXME: bad */ copy m.node }
mac_var(_) { /* FIXME: bad */ copy m.node }
span: fld.new_span(m.span)};
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ fn fold_ty_param_bound(tpb: ty_param_bound, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_param_bound {
fn fold_ty_param(tp: ty_param, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_param {
{ident: tp.ident,
{ident: /* FIXME: bad */ copy tp.ident,
id: fld.new_id(,
bounds: @vec::map(*tp.bounds, fold_ty_param_bound(_, fld))}
@ -166,19 +167,20 @@ fn noop_fold_crate_directive(cd: crate_directive_, fld: ast_fold) ->
crate_directive_ {
ret alt cd {
cdir_src_mod(id, attrs) {
cdir_src_mod(fld.fold_ident(id), attrs)
cdir_src_mod(fld.fold_ident(id), /* FIXME: bad */ copy attrs)
cdir_dir_mod(id, cds, attrs) {
vec::map(cds, fld.fold_crate_directive), attrs)
vec::map(cds, fld.fold_crate_directive),
/* FIXME: bad */ copy attrs)
cdir_view_item(vi) { cdir_view_item(fld.fold_view_item(vi)) }
cdir_syntax(_) { cd }
cdir_syntax(_) { copy cd }
fn noop_fold_view_item(vi: view_item_, _fld: ast_fold) -> view_item_ {
ret vi;
ret /* FIXME: bad */ copy vi;
@ -220,7 +222,8 @@ fn noop_fold_class_item(&&ci: @class_member, fld: ast_fold)
-> @class_member {
@{node: alt ci.node {
instance_var(ident, t, cm, id, p) {
instance_var(ident, fld.fold_ty(t), cm, id, p)
instance_var(/* FIXME: bad */ copy ident, fld.fold_ty(t), cm, id,
class_method(m) { class_method(fld.fold_method(m)) }
@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ fn noop_fold_item_underscore(i: item_, fld: ast_fold) -> item_ {
id: dtor_id with dtor.node}
with dtor}};
/* FIXME: bad */ copy typms,
vec::map(ifaces, {|p| fold_iface_ref(p, fld) }),
vec::map(items, fld.fold_class_item),
{node: {body: ctor_body,
@ -274,7 +277,7 @@ fn noop_fold_item_underscore(i: item_, fld: ast_fold) -> item_ {
item_iface(tps, rp, methods) {
item_iface(fold_ty_params(tps, fld),
/* FIXME: bad */ copy methods)
item_res(decl, typms, body, did, cid, rp) {
item_res(fold_fn_decl(decl, fld),
@ -293,7 +296,7 @@ fn fold_iface_ref(&&p: @iface_ref, fld: ast_fold) -> @iface_ref {
fn noop_fold_method(&&m: @method, fld: ast_fold) -> @method {
ret @{ident: fld.fold_ident(m.ident),
attrs: m.attrs,
attrs: /* FIXME: bad */ copy m.attrs,
tps: fold_ty_params(m.tps, fld),
decl: fold_fn_decl(m.decl, fld),
body: fld.fold_block(m.body),
@ -328,7 +331,7 @@ fn noop_fold_arm(a: arm, fld: ast_fold) -> arm {
fn noop_fold_pat(p: pat_, fld: ast_fold) -> pat_ {
ret alt p {
pat_wild { p }
pat_wild { pat_wild }
pat_ident(pth, sub) {
pat_ident(fld.fold_path(pth), option::map(sub, fld.fold_pat))
@ -340,7 +343,8 @@ fn noop_fold_pat(p: pat_, fld: ast_fold) -> pat_ {
pat_rec(fields, etc) {
let mut fs = [];
for fields.each {|f|
fs += [{ident: f.ident, pat: fld.fold_pat(f.pat)}];
fs += [{ident: /* FIXME: bad */ copy f.ident,
pat: fld.fold_pat(f.pat)}];
pat_rec(fs, etc)
@ -410,7 +414,7 @@ fn noop_fold_expr(e: expr_, fld: ast_fold) -> expr_ {
expr_unary(binop, ohs) { expr_unary(binop, fld.fold_expr(ohs)) }
expr_loop_body(f) { expr_loop_body(fld.fold_expr(f)) }
expr_lit(_) { e }
expr_lit(_) { copy e }
expr_cast(expr, ty) { expr_cast(fld.fold_expr(expr), ty) }
expr_addr_of(m, ohs) { expr_addr_of(m, fld.fold_expr(ohs)) }
expr_if(cond, tr, fl) {
@ -462,7 +466,7 @@ fn noop_fold_expr(e: expr_, fld: ast_fold) -> expr_ {
expr_path(pth) { expr_path(fld.fold_path(pth)) }
expr_fail(e) { expr_fail(option::map(e, fld.fold_expr)) }
expr_break | expr_cont { e }
expr_break | expr_cont { copy e }
expr_ret(e) { expr_ret(option::map(e, fld.fold_expr)) }
expr_log(i, lv, e) { expr_log(i, fld.fold_expr(lv),
fld.fold_expr(e)) }
@ -487,7 +491,7 @@ fn noop_fold_ty(t: ty_, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_ {
span: fld.new_span(f.span)}
alt t {
ty_nil | ty_bot {t}
ty_nil | ty_bot | ty_infer {copy t}
ty_box(mt) {ty_box(fold_mt(mt, fld))}
ty_uniq(mt) {ty_uniq(fold_mt(mt, fld))}
ty_vec(mt) {ty_vec(fold_mt(mt, fld))}
@ -501,17 +505,18 @@ fn noop_fold_ty(t: ty_, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_ {
vec::map(constrs, fld.fold_ty_constr))}
ty_vstore(t, vs) {ty_vstore(fld.fold_ty(t), vs)}
ty_mac(mac) {ty_mac(fold_mac(mac))}
ty_infer {t}
fn noop_fold_constr(c: constr_, fld: ast_fold) -> constr_ {
{path: fld.fold_path(c.path), args: c.args, id: fld.new_id(}
{path: fld.fold_path(c.path), args: /* FIXME: bad */ copy c.args,
id: fld.new_id(}
fn noop_fold_ty_constr(c: ty_constr_, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_constr_ {
let rslt: ty_constr_ =
{path: fld.fold_path(c.path), args: c.args, id: fld.new_id(};
{path: fld.fold_path(c.path), args: /* FIXME: bad */ copy c.args,
id: fld.new_id(};
// ...nor do modules
@ -539,14 +544,16 @@ fn noop_fold_variant(v: variant_, fld: ast_fold) -> variant_ {
some(e) {some(fld.fold_expr(e))}
none {none}
ret {name:,
ret {name: /* FIXME: bad */ copy,
attrs: attrs,
args: args, id: fld.new_id(,
disr_expr: de,
vis: v.vis};
fn noop_fold_ident(&&i: ident, _fld: ast_fold) -> ident { ret i; }
fn noop_fold_ident(&&i: ident, _fld: ast_fold) -> ident {
ret /* FIXME: bad */ copy i;
fn noop_fold_path(&&p: path, fld: ast_fold) -> path {
ret {span: fld.new_span(p.span), global:,
@ -639,8 +646,8 @@ impl of ast_fold for ast_fold_precursor {
fn fold_class_item(&&ci: @class_member) -> @class_member {
@{node: alt ci.node {
instance_var(nm, t, mt, id, p) {
instance_var(nm, (self as ast_fold).fold_ty(t),
mt, id, p)
instance_var(/* FIXME: bad */ copy nm,
(self as ast_fold).fold_ty(t), mt, id, p)
class_method(m) {
class_method(self.fold_method(m, self as ast_fold))
@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ impl parser_common for parser {
ret v;
// FIXME: A lot of callers go through here, only to copy out the T and
// discard the spanned<> wrapper. I feel as though there should be a
// version of this that does not return a spanned result.
fn parse_seq<T: copy>(bra: token::token, ket: token::token, sep: seq_sep,
f: fn(parser) -> T) -> spanned<[T]> {
let lo = self.span.lo;
@ -218,4 +221,4 @@ impl parser_common for parser {
ret spanned(lo, hi, result);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ optional suffix then adding the .rs extension.
fn parse_companion_mod(cx: ctx, prefix: str, suffix: option<str>)
-> ([@ast::view_item], [@ast::item], [ast::attribute]) {
fn companion_file(prefix: str, suffix: option<str>) -> str {
fn companion_file(+prefix: str, suffix: option<str>) -> str {
ret alt suffix {
option::some(s) { path::connect(prefix, s) }
option::none { prefix }
@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ fn parse_companion_mod(cx: ctx, prefix: str, suffix: option<str>)
#debug("found companion mod");
let p0 = new_parser_from_file(cx.sess, cx.cfg, modpath, SOURCE_FILE);
let inner_attrs = p0.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
let first_item_outer_attrs =;
let m0 = p0.parse_mod_items(token::EOF, first_item_outer_attrs);
let m0 = p0.parse_mod_items(token::EOF,;
cx.sess.chpos = p0.reader.chpos;
cx.sess.byte_pos = cx.sess.byte_pos + p0.reader.pos;
ret (m0.view_items, m0.items, inner_attrs.inner);
@ -102,7 +101,8 @@ fn eval_crate_directive(cx: ctx, cdir: @ast::crate_directive, prefix: str,
let first_item_outer_attrs =;
let m0 = p0.parse_mod_items(token::EOF, first_item_outer_attrs);
let i = p0.mk_item(cdir.span.lo, cdir.span.hi, id,
let i = p0.mk_item(cdir.span.lo, cdir.span.hi,
/* FIXME: bad */ copy id,
ast::item_mod(m0), ast::public, mod_attrs);
// Thread defids, chpos and byte_pos through the parsers
cx.sess.chpos = p0.reader.chpos;
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ fn eval_crate_directive(cx: ctx, cdir: @ast::crate_directive, prefix: str,
let (m0, a0) = eval_crate_directives_to_mod(
cx, cdirs, full_path, none);
let i =
@{ident: id,
@{ident: /* FIXME: bad */ copy id,
attrs: attrs + a0,
id: cx.sess.next_id,
node: ast::item_mod(m0),
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ enum fn_kind {
fn name_of_fn(fk: fn_kind) -> ident {
alt fk {
fk_item_fn(name, _) | fk_method(name, _, _) | fk_res(name, _, _)
| fk_ctor(name, _, _, _) { name }
| fk_ctor(name, _, _, _) { /* FIXME: bad */ copy name }
fk_anon(*) | fk_fn_block(*) { "anon" }
fk_dtor(*) { "drop" }
@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ fn name_of_fn(fk: fn_kind) -> ident {
fn tps_of_fn(fk: fn_kind) -> [ty_param] {
alt fk {
fk_item_fn(_, tps) | fk_method(_, tps, _) | fk_res(_, tps, _)
| fk_ctor(_, tps, _, _) | fk_dtor(tps, _, _) { tps }
| fk_ctor(_, tps, _, _) | fk_dtor(tps, _, _) {
/* FIXME: bad */ copy tps
fk_anon(*) | fk_fn_block(*) { [] }
@ -115,7 +117,9 @@ fn visit_item<E>(i: @item, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
alt i.node {
item_const(t, ex) { v.visit_ty(t, e, v); v.visit_expr(ex, e, v); }
item_fn(decl, tp, body) {
v.visit_fn(fk_item_fn(i.ident, tp), decl, body, i.span,, e, v);
v.visit_fn(fk_item_fn(/* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident,
/* FIXME: bad */ copy tp), decl, body,
i.span,, e, v);
item_mod(m) { v.visit_mod(m, i.span,, e, v); }
item_native_mod(nm) {
@ -127,8 +131,10 @@ fn visit_item<E>(i: @item, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
v.visit_ty_params(tps, e, v);
item_res(decl, tps, body, dtor_id, _, rp) {
v.visit_fn(fk_res(i.ident, tps, rp), decl, body, i.span,
dtor_id, e, v);
v.visit_fn(fk_res(/* FIXME: bad */ copy i.ident,
/* FIXME: bad */ copy tps,
decl, body, i.span, dtor_id, e, v);
item_enum(variants, tps, _) {
v.visit_ty_params(tps, e, v);
@ -281,22 +287,23 @@ fn visit_fn_decl<E>(fd: fn_decl, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
// because it is not a default impl of any method, though I doubt that really
// clarifies anything. - Niko
fn visit_method_helper<E>(m: @method, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
v.visit_fn(fk_method(m.ident, m.tps, m), m.decl, m.body, m.span,
||||, e, v);
v.visit_fn(fk_method(/* FIXME: bad */ copy m.ident,
/* FIXME: bad */ copy m.tps, m),
m.decl, m.body, m.span,, e, v);
// Similar logic to the comment on visit_method_helper - Tim
fn visit_class_ctor_helper<E>(ctor: class_ctor, nm: ident, tps: [ty_param],
parent_id: def_id, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
v.visit_fn(fk_ctor(nm, tps, ctor.node.self_id,
parent_id), ctor.node.dec,
v.visit_fn(fk_ctor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy nm, /* FIXME: bad */ copy tps,
ctor.node.self_id, parent_id), ctor.node.dec,
ctor.node.body, ctor.span,, e, v)
fn visit_class_dtor_helper<E>(dtor: class_dtor, tps: [ty_param],
parent_id: def_id, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
v.visit_fn(fk_dtor(tps, dtor.node.self_id,
v.visit_fn(fk_dtor(/* FIXME: bad */ copy tps, dtor.node.self_id,
parent_id), ast_util::dtor_dec(),
dtor.node.body, dtor.span,, e, v)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user