From 23dda1b9c64ab1f5a58bc19535792aee05254167 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Vandel Sillesen <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 20:27:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] New pass to optimize `if`conditions on integrals to switches
 on the integer Fixes #75144

 src/librustc_middle/mir/interpret/    |  10 +
 src/librustc_middle/mir/                |  13 +
 src/librustc_mir/transform/             |   2 +
 .../transform/ | 226 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/test/mir-opt/          |  65 +++++
 ...t_opt_bool.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  30 +++
 ...opt_floats.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  37 +++
 ...comparison.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  58 +++++
 ...t.opt_char.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  39 +++ |  39 +++
 ...ltiple_ifs.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  65 +++++
 ...t_negative.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  39 +++
 ...nt.opt_u32.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff |  39 +++
 13 files changed, 662 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/librustc_mir/transform/
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_bool.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_floats.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_remove_comparison.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_char.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_i8.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_multiple_ifs.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_negative.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
 create mode 100644 src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_u32.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff

diff --git a/src/librustc_middle/mir/interpret/ b/src/librustc_middle/mir/interpret/
index 4c47f25105d..7d6ff3eb5c1 100644
--- a/src/librustc_middle/mir/interpret/
+++ b/src/librustc_middle/mir/interpret/
@@ -503,6 +503,11 @@ impl<'tcx, Tag> Scalar<Tag> {
         self.to_unsigned_with_bit_width(64).map(|v| u64::try_from(v).unwrap())
+    /// Converts the scalar to produce an `u128`. Fails if the scalar is a pointer.
+    pub fn to_u128(self) -> InterpResult<'static, u128> {
+        self.to_unsigned_with_bit_width(128)
+    }
     pub fn to_machine_usize(self, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> InterpResult<'static, u64> {
         let b = self.to_bits(cx.data_layout().pointer_size)?;
@@ -535,6 +540,11 @@ impl<'tcx, Tag> Scalar<Tag> {
         self.to_signed_with_bit_width(64).map(|v| i64::try_from(v).unwrap())
+    /// Converts the scalar to produce an `i128`. Fails if the scalar is a pointer.
+    pub fn to_i128(self) -> InterpResult<'static, i128> {
+        self.to_signed_with_bit_width(128)
+    }
     pub fn to_machine_isize(self, cx: &impl HasDataLayout) -> InterpResult<'static, i64> {
         let sz = cx.data_layout().pointer_size;
         let b = self.to_bits(sz)?;
diff --git a/src/librustc_middle/mir/ b/src/librustc_middle/mir/
index 7ac7d9b23f1..785a7f0c51a 100644
--- a/src/librustc_middle/mir/
+++ b/src/librustc_middle/mir/
@@ -1430,6 +1430,15 @@ pub enum StatementKind<'tcx> {
+impl<'tcx> StatementKind<'tcx> {
+    pub fn as_assign_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Box<(Place<'tcx>, Rvalue<'tcx>)>> {
+        match self {
+            StatementKind::Assign(x) => Some(x),
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
 /// Describes what kind of retag is to be performed.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, TyEncodable, TyDecodable, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, HashStable)]
 pub enum RetagKind {
@@ -1843,6 +1852,10 @@ impl<'tcx> Operand<'tcx> {
+    pub fn is_move(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(self, Operand::Move(..))
+    }
     /// Convenience helper to make a literal-like constant from a given scalar value.
     /// Since this is used to synthesize MIR, assumes `user_ty` is None.
     pub fn const_from_scalar(
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/transform/ b/src/librustc_mir/transform/
index 0db5bd662ca..c3a34756122 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/transform/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/transform/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ pub mod required_consts;
 pub mod rustc_peek;
 pub mod simplify;
 pub mod simplify_branches;
+pub mod simplify_comparison_integral;
 pub mod simplify_try;
 pub mod uninhabited_enum_branching;
 pub mod unreachable_prop;
@@ -456,6 +457,7 @@ fn run_optimization_passes<'tcx>(
+        &simplify_comparison_integral::SimplifyComparisonIntegral,
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/transform/ b/src/librustc_mir/transform/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a450a75d091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/transform/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+use super::{MirPass, MirSource};
+use rustc_middle::{
+    mir::{
+        interpret::Scalar, BasicBlock, BinOp, Body, Operand, Place, Rvalue, Statement,
+        StatementKind, TerminatorKind,
+    },
+    ty::{Ty, TyCtxt},
+/// Pass to convert `if` conditions on integrals into switches on the integral.
+/// For an example, it turns something like
+/// ```
+/// _3 = Eq(move _4, const 43i32);
+/// StorageDead(_4);
+/// switchInt(_3) -> [false: bb2, otherwise: bb3];
+/// ```
+/// into:
+/// ```
+/// switchInt(_4) -> [43i32: bb3, otherwise: bb2];
+/// ```
+pub struct SimplifyComparisonIntegral;
+impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for SimplifyComparisonIntegral {
+    fn run_pass(&self, _: TyCtxt<'tcx>, source: MirSource<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
+        trace!("Running SimplifyComparisonIntegral on {:?}", source);
+        let helper = OptimizationFinder { body };
+        let opts = helper.find_optimizations();
+        let mut storage_deads_to_insert = vec![];
+        let mut storage_deads_to_remove: Vec<(usize, BasicBlock)> = vec![];
+        for opt in opts {
+            trace!("SUCCESS: Applying {:?}", opt);
+            // replace terminator with a switchInt that switches on the integer directly
+            let bbs = &mut body.basic_blocks_mut();
+            let bb = &mut bbs[opt.bb_idx];
+            // We only use the bits for the untyped, not length checked `values` field. Thus we are
+            // not using any of the convenience wrappers here and directly access the bits.
+            let new_value = match opt.branch_value_scalar {
+                Scalar::Raw { data, .. } => data,
+                Scalar::Ptr(_) => continue,
+            };
+            const FALSE: u128 = 0;
+            let mut new_targets = opt.targets.clone();
+            let first_is_false_target = opt.values[0] == FALSE;
+            match opt.op {
+                BinOp::Eq => {
+                    // if the assignment was Eq we want the true case to be first
+                    if first_is_false_target {
+                        new_targets.swap(0, 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                BinOp::Ne => {
+                    // if the assignment was Ne we want the false case to be first
+                    if !first_is_false_target {
+                        new_targets.swap(0, 1);
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => unreachable!(),
+            }
+            let terminator = bb.terminator_mut();
+            // add StorageDead for the place switched on at the top of each target
+            for bb_idx in new_targets.iter() {
+                storage_deads_to_insert.push((
+                    *bb_idx,
+                    Statement {
+                        source_info: terminator.source_info,
+                        kind: StatementKind::StorageDead(opt.to_switch_on.local),
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            terminator.kind = TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
+                discr: Operand::Move(opt.to_switch_on),
+                switch_ty: opt.branch_value_ty,
+                values: vec![new_value].into(),
+                targets: new_targets,
+            };
+            // delete comparison statement if it the value being switched on was moved, which means it can not be user later on
+            if opt.can_remove_bin_op_stmt {
+                bb.statements[opt.bin_op_stmt_idx].make_nop();
+            } else {
+                // if the integer being compared to a const integral is being moved into the comparison,
+                // e.g `_2 = Eq(move _3, const 'x');`
+                // we want to avoid making a double move later on in the switchInt on _3.
+                // So to avoid `switchInt(move _3) -> ['x': bb2, otherwise: bb1];`,
+                // we convert the move in the comparison statement to a copy.
+                // unwrap is safe as we know this statement is an assign
+                let box (_, rhs) = bb.statements[opt.bin_op_stmt_idx].kind.as_assign_mut().unwrap();
+                use Operand::*;
+                match rhs {
+                    Rvalue::BinaryOp(_, ref mut left @ Move(_), Constant(_)) => {
+                        *left = Copy(opt.to_switch_on);
+                    }
+                    Rvalue::BinaryOp(_, Constant(_), ref mut right @ Move(_)) => {
+                        *right = Copy(opt.to_switch_on);
+                    }
+                    _ => (),
+                }
+            }
+            // remove StorageDead (if it exists) being used in the assign of the comparison
+            for (stmt_idx, stmt) in bb.statements.iter().enumerate() {
+                if !matches!(stmt.kind, StatementKind::StorageDead(local) if local == opt.to_switch_on.local)
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                storage_deads_to_remove.push((stmt_idx, opt.bb_idx))
+            }
+        }
+        for (idx, bb_idx) in storage_deads_to_remove {
+            body.basic_blocks_mut()[bb_idx].statements[idx].make_nop();
+        }
+        for (idx, stmt) in storage_deads_to_insert {
+            body.basic_blocks_mut()[idx].statements.insert(0, stmt);
+        }
+    }
+struct OptimizationFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
+    body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
+impl<'a, 'tcx> OptimizationFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
+    fn find_optimizations(&self) -> Vec<OptimizationInfo<'tcx>> {
+        self.body
+            .basic_blocks()
+            .iter_enumerated()
+            .filter_map(|(bb_idx, bb)| {
+                // find switch
+                let (place_switched_on, values, targets, place_switched_on_moved) = match &bb
+                    .terminator()
+                    .kind
+                {
+                    rustc_middle::mir::TerminatorKind::SwitchInt {
+                        discr, values, targets, ..
+                    } => Some((, values, targets, discr.is_move())),
+                    _ => None,
+                }?;
+                // find the statement that assigns the place being switched on
+                bb.statements.iter().enumerate().rev().find_map(|(stmt_idx, stmt)| {
+                    match &stmt.kind {
+                        rustc_middle::mir::StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, rhs))
+                            if *lhs == place_switched_on =>
+                        {
+                            match rhs {
+                                Rvalue::BinaryOp(op @ (BinOp::Eq | BinOp::Ne), left, right) => {
+                                    let (branch_value_scalar, branch_value_ty, to_switch_on) =
+                                        find_branch_value_info(left, right)?;
+                                    Some(OptimizationInfo {
+                                        bin_op_stmt_idx: stmt_idx,
+                                        bb_idx,
+                                        can_remove_bin_op_stmt: place_switched_on_moved,
+                                        to_switch_on,
+                                        branch_value_scalar,
+                                        branch_value_ty,
+                                        op: *op,
+                                        values: values.clone().into_owned(),
+                                        targets: targets.clone(),
+                                    })
+                                }
+                                _ => None,
+                            }
+                        }
+                        _ => None,
+                    }
+                })
+            })
+            .collect()
+    }
+fn find_branch_value_info<'tcx>(
+    left: &Operand<'tcx>,
+    right: &Operand<'tcx>,
+) -> Option<(Scalar, Ty<'tcx>, Place<'tcx>)> {
+    // check that either left or right is a constant.
+    // if any are, we can use the other to switch on, and the constant as a value in a switch
+    use Operand::*;
+    match (left, right) {
+        (Constant(branch_value), Copy(to_switch_on) | Move(to_switch_on))
+        | (Copy(to_switch_on) | Move(to_switch_on), Constant(branch_value)) => {
+            let branch_value_ty = branch_value.literal.ty;
+            // we only want to apply this optimization if we are matching on integrals (and chars), as it is not possible to switch on floats
+            if !branch_value_ty.is_integral() && !branch_value_ty.is_char() {
+                return None;
+            };
+            let branch_value_scalar = branch_value.literal.val.try_to_scalar()?;
+            Some((branch_value_scalar, branch_value_ty, *to_switch_on))
+        }
+        _ => None,
+    }
+struct OptimizationInfo<'tcx> {
+    /// Basic block to apply the optimization
+    bb_idx: BasicBlock,
+    /// Statement index of Eq/Ne assignment that can be removed. None if the assignment can not be removed - i.e the statement is used later on
+    bin_op_stmt_idx: usize,
+    /// Can remove Eq/Ne assignment
+    can_remove_bin_op_stmt: bool,
+    /// Place that needs to be switched on. This place is of type integral
+    to_switch_on: Place<'tcx>,
+    /// Constant to use in switch target value
+    branch_value_scalar: Scalar,
+    /// Type of the constant value
+    branch_value_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
+    /// Either Eq or Ne
+    op: BinOp,
+    /// Current values used in the switch target. This needs to be replaced with the branch_value
+    values: Vec<u128>,
+    /// Current targets used in the switch
+    targets: Vec<BasicBlock>,
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/ b/src/test/mir-opt/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b34389a0ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// compile-flags: -O
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.opt_u32.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.opt_negative.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.opt_char.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.opt_i8.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.dont_opt_bool.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.opt_multiple_ifs.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.dont_remove_comparison.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+// EMIT_MIR if_condition_int.dont_opt_floats.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
+fn opt_u32(x: u32) -> u32 {
+    if x == 42 { 0 } else { 1 }
+// don't opt: it is already optimal to switch on the bool
+fn dont_opt_bool(x: bool) -> u32 {
+    if x { 0 } else { 1 }
+fn opt_char(x: char) -> u32 {
+    if x == 'x' { 0 } else { 1 }
+fn opt_i8(x: i8) -> u32 {
+    if x == 42 { 0 } else { 1 }
+fn opt_negative(x: i32) -> u32 {
+    if x == -42 { 0 } else { 1 }
+fn opt_multiple_ifs(x: u32) -> u32 {
+    if x == 42 {
+        0
+    } else if x != 21 {
+        1
+    } else {
+        2
+    }
+// test that we optimize, but do not remove the b statement, as that is used later on
+fn dont_remove_comparison(a: i8) -> i32 {
+    let b = a == 17;
+    match b {
+        false => 10 + b as i32,
+        true => 100 + b as i32,
+    }
+// test that we do not optimize on floats
+fn dont_opt_floats(a: f32) -> i32 {
+    if a == -42.0 { 0 } else { 1 }
+fn main() {
+    opt_u32(0);
+    opt_char('0');
+    opt_i8(22);
+    dont_opt_bool(false);
+    opt_negative(0);
+    opt_multiple_ifs(0);
+    dont_remove_comparison(11);
+    dont_opt_floats(1.0);
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_bool.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_bool.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..993ff660caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_bool.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+- // MIR for `dont_opt_bool` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `dont_opt_bool` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn dont_opt_bool(_1: bool) -> u32 {
+      debug x => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 16:19
+      let mut _0: u32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 16:33
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:9
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:9
+          _2 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:9
+          switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:26
+      }
+      bb1: {
+          _0 = const 1_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:24
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:26
+      }
+      bb2: {
+          _0 = const 0_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:13
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 17:26
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 18:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 18:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_floats.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_floats.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ae9168c950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_opt_floats.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- // MIR for `dont_opt_floats` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `dont_opt_floats` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn dont_opt_floats(_1: f32) -> i32 {
+      debug a => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 52:21
+      let mut _0: i32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 52:34
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:18
+      let mut _3: f32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:9
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:18
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:9
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:9
+          _2 = Eq(move _3, const -42f32);  // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:18
+                                           // mir::Constant
+                                           // + span: $DIR/ 53:18
+                                           // + literal: Const { ty: f32, val: Value(Scalar(0xc2280000)) }
+          StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:18
+          switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:35
+      }
+      bb1: {
+          _0 = const 1_i32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:33
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:35
+      }
+      bb2: {
+          _0 = const 0_i32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:22
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 53:35
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 54:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 54:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_remove_comparison.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_remove_comparison.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b590be5370f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.dont_remove_comparison.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+- // MIR for `dont_remove_comparison` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `dont_remove_comparison` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn dont_remove_comparison(_1: i8) -> i32 {
+      debug a => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 43:28
+      let mut _0: i32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 43:40
+      let _2: bool;                        // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:10
+      let mut _3: i8;                      // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:14
+      let mut _4: i32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 46:31
+      let mut _5: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 46:24
+      let mut _6: i32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 47:31
+      let mut _7: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 47:24
+      scope 1 {
+          debug b => _2;                   // in scope 1 at $DIR/ 44:10
+      }
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:10
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:14
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:14
+-         _2 = Eq(move _3, const 17_i8);   // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:20
+-         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:20
+-         switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:14
++         _2 = Eq(_3, const 17_i8);        // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:20
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 44:20
++         switchInt(move _3) -> [17_i8: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:14
+      }
+      bb1: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:14
+          StorageLive(_6);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:31
+          StorageLive(_7);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:24
+          _7 = _2;                         // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:24
+          _6 = move _7 as i32 (Misc);      // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:31
+          StorageDead(_7);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:31
+          _0 = Add(const 100_i32, move _6); // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:31
+          StorageDead(_6);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 47:31
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 1 at $DIR/ 48:6
+      }
+      bb2: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:14
+          StorageLive(_4);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:31
+          StorageLive(_5);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:24
+          _5 = _2;                         // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:24
+          _4 = move _5 as i32 (Misc);      // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:31
+          StorageDead(_5);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:31
+          _0 = Add(const 10_i32, move _4); // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:31
+          StorageDead(_4);                 // scope 1 at $DIR/ 46:31
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 1 at $DIR/ 48:6
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 49:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 49:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_char.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_char.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae0960028a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_char.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+- // MIR for `opt_char` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `opt_char` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn opt_char(_1: char) -> u32 {
+      debug x => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 20:14
+      let mut _0: u32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 20:28
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:16
+      let mut _3: char;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:9
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:16
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:9
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:9
+-         _2 = Eq(move _3, const 'x');     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:16
+-         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:16
+-         switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:33
++         _2 = Eq(_3, const 'x');          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:16
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:16
++         switchInt(move _3) -> ['x': bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:33
+      }
+      bb1: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:33
+          _0 = const 1_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:31
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:33
+      }
+      bb2: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:33
+          _0 = const 0_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:20
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 21:33
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 22:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 22:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_i8.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_i8.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d59e51ac2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_i8.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+- // MIR for `opt_i8` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `opt_i8` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn opt_i8(_1: i8) -> u32 {
+      debug x => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 24:12
+      let mut _0: u32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 24:24
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:15
+      let mut _3: i8;                      // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:9
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:15
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:9
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:9
+-         _2 = Eq(move _3, const 42_i8);   // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:15
+-         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:15
+-         switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:32
++         _2 = Eq(_3, const 42_i8);        // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:15
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:15
++         switchInt(move _3) -> [42_i8: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:32
+      }
+      bb1: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:32
+          _0 = const 1_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:30
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:32
+      }
+      bb2: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:32
+          _0 = const 0_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:19
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 25:32
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 26:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 26:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_multiple_ifs.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_multiple_ifs.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c4975661efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_multiple_ifs.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+- // MIR for `opt_multiple_ifs` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `opt_multiple_ifs` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn opt_multiple_ifs(_1: u32) -> u32 {
+      debug x => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 32:22
+      let mut _0: u32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 32:35
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:15
+      let mut _3: u32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:9
+      let mut _4: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:22
+      let mut _5: u32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:16
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:15
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:9
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:9
+-         _2 = Eq(move _3, const 42_u32);  // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:15
+-         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:15
+-         switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
++         _2 = Eq(_3, const 42_u32);       // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:15
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 33:15
++         switchInt(move _3) -> [42_u32: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+      }
+      bb1: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+          StorageLive(_4);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:22
+          StorageLive(_5);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:16
+          _5 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:16
+-         _4 = Ne(move _5, const 21_u32);  // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:22
+-         StorageDead(_5);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:22
+-         switchInt(_4) -> [false: bb3, otherwise: bb4]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
++         _4 = Ne(_5, const 21_u32);       // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:22
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 35:22
++         switchInt(move _5) -> [21_u32: bb3, otherwise: bb4]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+      }
+      bb2: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+          _0 = const 0_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 34:10
+          goto -> bb6;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+      }
+      bb3: {
++         StorageDead(_5);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+          _0 = const 2_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 38:10
+          goto -> bb5;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+      }
+      bb4: {
++         StorageDead(_5);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+          _0 = const 1_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 36:10
+          goto -> bb5;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+      }
+      bb5: {
+          StorageDead(_4);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+          goto -> bb6;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 39:6
+      }
+      bb6: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 40:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 40:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_negative.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_negative.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7f544e44c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_negative.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+- // MIR for `opt_negative` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `opt_negative` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn opt_negative(_1: i32) -> u32 {
+      debug x => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 28:18
+      let mut _0: u32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 28:31
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:16
+      let mut _3: i32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:9
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:16
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:9
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:9
+-         _2 = Eq(move _3, const -42_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:16
+-         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:16
+-         switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:33
++         _2 = Eq(_3, const -42_i32);      // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:16
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:16
++         switchInt(move _3) -> [-42_i32: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:33
+      }
+      bb1: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:33
+          _0 = const 1_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:31
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:33
+      }
+      bb2: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:33
+          _0 = const 0_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:20
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 29:33
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 30:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 30:2
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_u32.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_u32.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51e00e680c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/mir-opt/if_condition_int.opt_u32.SimplifyComparisonIntegral.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+- // MIR for `opt_u32` before SimplifyComparisonIntegral
++ // MIR for `opt_u32` after SimplifyComparisonIntegral
+  fn opt_u32(_1: u32) -> u32 {
+      debug x => _1;                       // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 11:13
+      let mut _0: u32;                     // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ 11:26
+      let mut _2: bool;                    // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:15
+      let mut _3: u32;                     // in scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:9
+      bb0: {
+          StorageLive(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:15
+          StorageLive(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:9
+          _3 = _1;                         // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:9
+-         _2 = Eq(move _3, const 42_u32);  // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:15
+-         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:15
+-         switchInt(_2) -> [false: bb1, otherwise: bb2]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:32
++         _2 = Eq(_3, const 42_u32);       // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:15
++         nop;                             // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:15
++         switchInt(move _3) -> [42_u32: bb2, otherwise: bb1]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:32
+      }
+      bb1: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:32
+          _0 = const 1_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:30
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:32
+      }
+      bb2: {
++         StorageDead(_3);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:32
+          _0 = const 0_u32;                // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:19
+          goto -> bb3;                     // scope 0 at $DIR/ 12:32
+      }
+      bb3: {
+          StorageDead(_2);                 // scope 0 at $DIR/ 13:2
+          return;                          // scope 0 at $DIR/ 13:2
+      }
+  }