Convert some material covering items, view-items, types.
This commit is contained in:
@ -566,8 +566,229 @@ a referencing crate file, or by the filename of the source file itself.
# Items and attributes
A crate is a collection of [items](#items), each of which may have some number
of [attributes](#attributes) attached to it.
### Attributes
## Items
~~~~~~~~ {.ebnf .gram}
item : mod_item | fn_item | type_item | enum_item
| res_item | iface_item | impl_item ;
An _item_ is a component of a crate; some module items can be defined in
[crate files](#crate-files) but most are defined in [source
files](#source-files). Items are organized within a crate by a nested set of
[modules](#modules). Every crate has a single "outermost" anonymous module;
all further items within the crate have [paths](#paths) within the module tree
of the crate.
Items are entirely determined at compile-time, remain constant during
execution, and may reside in read-only memory.
There are several kinds of item:
* [modules](#modules)
* [functions](#functions)
* [type definitions](#type-definitions)
* [eunmerations](#enumerations)
* [resources](#resources)
* [interfaces](#interfaces)
* [implementations](#implementations)
Some items form an implicit scope for the declaration of sub-items. In other
words, within a function or module, declarations of items can (in many cases)
be mixed with the statements, control blocks, and similar artifacts that
otherwise compose the item body. The meaning of these scoped items is the same
as if the item was declared outside the scope -- it is still a static item --
except that the item's *path name* within the module namespace is qualified by
the name of the enclosing item, or is private to the enclosing item (in the
case of functions). The exact locations in which sub-items may be declared is
given by the grammar.
All items except modules may be *parametrized* by type. Type parameters are
given as a comma-separated list of identifiers enclosed in angle brackets
(`<...>`), after the name of the item and before its definition. The type
parameters of an item are considered "part of the name", not the type of the
item; in order to refer to the type-parametrized item, a referencing
[path](#paths) must in general provide type arguments as a list of
comma-separated types enclosed within angle brackets. In practice, the
type-inference system can usually infer such argument types from
context. There are no general type-parametric types, only type-parametric
### Modules
~~~~~~~~ {.ebnf .gram}
mod_item : "mod" '{' mod '}' ;
mod : [ view_item | item ] * ;
A module is a kind of item that contains zero or more [view
items](#view-items) and zero or more sub-[items](#items). The view items
manage the visibility of the items defined within the module, as well as the
visibility of names from outside the module when referenced from inside the
#### View items
~~~~~~~~ {.ebnf .gram}
view_item : use_decl | import_decl | export_decl ;
A view item manages the namespace of a module; it does not define new items
but simply changes the visibility of other items. There are several kinds of
view item:
* [use declarations](#use-declarations)
* [import declarations](#import-declarations)
* [export declarations](#export-declarations)
##### Use declarations
~~~~~~~~ {.ebnf .gram}
use_decl : "use" ident [ '(' link_attrs ')' ] ? ;
link_attrs : link_attr [ ',' link_attrs ] + ;
link_attr : ident '=' immediate ;
A _use declaration_ specifies a dependency on an external crate. The external
crate is then imported into the declaring scope as the `ident` provided in the
The external crate is resolved to a specific `soname` at compile time, and a
runtime linkage requirement to that `soname` is passed to the linker for
loading at runtime. The `soname` is resolved at compile time by scanning the
compiler's library path and matching the `link_attrs` provided in the
`use_decl` against any `#link` attributes that were declared on the external
crate when it was compiled. If no `link_attrs` are provided, a default `name`
attribute is assumed, equal to the `ident` given in the `use_decl`.
Two examples of `use` declarations:
use pcre (uuid = "54aba0f8-a7b1-4beb-92f1-4cf625264841");
use std; // equivalent to: use std ( name = "std" );
use ruststd (name = "std"); // linking to 'std' under another name
##### Import declarations
~~~~~~~~ {.ebnf .gram}
import_decl : "import" ident [ '=' path
| "::" path_glob ] ;
path_glob : ident [ "::" path_glob ] ?
| '*'
| '{' ident [ ',' ident ] * '}'
An _import declaration_ creates one or more local name bindings synonymous
with some other [path](#paths). Usually an import declaration is used to
shorten the path required to refer to a module item.
*Note*: unlike many languages, Rust's `import` declarations do not* declare
*linkage-dependency with external crates. Linkage dependencies are
*independently declared with [`use` declarations](#use -eclarations).
Imports support a number of "convenience" notations:
* Importing as a different name than the imported name, using the
syntax `import x = p::q::r;`.
* Importing a list of paths differing only in final element, using
the glob-like brace syntax `import a::b::{c,d,e,f};`
* Importing all paths matching a given prefix, using the glob-like
asterisk syntax `import a::b::*;`
An example of imports:
import foo = core::info;
import std::math::sin;
import std::str::{char_at, hash};
import core::option::*;
fn main() {
// Equivalent to 'log(core::info, std::math::sin(1.0));'
log(foo, sin(1.0));
// Equivalent to 'log(core::info, core::option::some(1.0));'
log(info, some(1.0));
// Equivalent to 'log(core::info,
// std::str::hash(std::str::char_at("foo")));'
log(info, hash(char_at("foo")));
##### Export declarations
~~~~~~~~ {.ebnf .gram}
export_decl : "export" ident [ ',' ident ] * ;
An _export declaration_ restricts the set of local names within a module that
can be accessed from code outside the module. By default, all _local items_ in
a module are exported; imported paths are not automatically re-exported by
default. If a module contains an explicit `export` declaration, this
declaration replaces the default export with the export specified.
An example of an export:
mod foo {
export primary;
fn primary() {
helper(1, 2);
helper(3, 4);
fn helper(x: int, y: int) {
fn main() {
foo::primary(); // Will compile.
foo::helper(2,3) // ERROR: will not compile.
Multiple names may be exported from a single export declaration:
mod foo {
export primary, secondary;
fn primary() {
helper(1, 2);
helper(3, 4);
fn secondary() {
fn helper(x: int, y: int) {
### Functions
### Type definitions
### Enumerations
### Resources
### Interfaces
### Implementations
## Attributes
~~~~~~~~{.ebnf .gram}
attribute : '#' '[' attr_list ']' ;
@ -737,6 +958,199 @@ macro-generated and user-written code can cause unintentional capture.
Future versions of Rust will address these issues.
# Types and typestates
## Type system
Every slot and value in a Rust program has a type. The _type_ of a *value*
defines the interpretation of the memory holding it. The type of a *slot* may
also include [constraints](#constrained-types).
Built-in types and type-constructors are tightly integrated into the language,
in nontrivial ways that are not possible to emulate in user-defined
types. User-defined types have limited capabilities. In addition, every
built-in type or type-constructor name is reserved as a *keyword* in Rust;
they cannot be used as user-defined identifiers in any context.
### Primitive types
The primitive types are the following:
* The "nil" type `()`, having the single "nil" value `()`.^[The "nil" value
`()` is *not* a sentinel "null pointer" value for reference slots; the "nil"
type is the implicit return type from functions otherwise lacking a return
type, and can be used in other contexts (such as message-sending or
type-parametric code) as a zero-size type.]
* The boolean type `bool` with values `true` and `false`.
* The machine types.
* The machine-dependent integer and floating-point types.
#### Machine types
The machine types are the following:
* The unsigned word types `u8`, `u16`, `u32` and `u64`, with values drawn from
the integer intervals $[0, 2^8 - 1]$, $[0, 2^16 - 1]$, $[0, 2^32 - 1]$ and
$[0, 2^64 - 1]$ respectively.
* The signed two's complement word types `i8`, `i16`, `i32` and `i64`, with
values drawn from the integer intervals $[-(2^7), 2^7 - 1]$,
$[-(2^15), 2^15 - 1]$, $[-(2^31), 2^31 - 1]$, $[-(2^63), 2^63 - 1]$
* The IEEE 754-2008 `binary32` and `binary64` floating-point types: `f32` and
`f64`, respectively.
#### Machine-dependent integer types
The Rust type `uint`^[A Rust `uint` is analogous to a C99 `uintptr_t`.] is an
unsigned integer type with with target-machine-dependent size. Its size, in
bits, is equal to the number of bits required to hold any memory address on
the target machine.
The Rust type `int`^[A Rust `int` is analogous to a C99 `intptr_t`.] is a
two's complement signed integer type with target-machine-dependent size. Its
size, in bits, is equal to the size of the rust type `uint` on the same target
#### Machine-dependent floating point type
The Rust type `float` is a machine-specific type equal to one of the supported
Rust floating-point machine types (`f32` or `f64`). It is the largest
floating-point type that is directly supported by hardware on the target
machine, or if the target machine has no floating-point hardware support, the
largest floating-point type supported by the software floating-point library
used to support the other floating-point machine types.
Note that due to the preference for hardware-supported floating-point, the
type `float` may not be equal to the largest *supported* floating-point type.
### Textual types
The types `char` and `str` hold textual data.
A value of type `char` is a Unicode character, represented as a 32-bit
unsigned word holding a UCS-4 codepoint.
A value of type `str` is a Unicode string, represented as a vector of 8-bit
unsigned bytes holding a sequence of UTF-8 codepoints.
### Record types
The record type-constructor forms a new heterogeneous product of values.^[The
record type-constructor is analogous to the `struct` type-constructor in the
Algol/C family, the *record* types of the ML family, or the *structure* types
of the Lisp family.] Fields of a record type are accessed by name and are
arranged in memory in the order specified by the record type.
An example of a record type and its use:
type point = {x: int, y: int};
let p: point = {x: 10, y: 11};
let px: int = p.x;
### Tuple types
The tuple type-constructor forms a new heterogeneous product of values similar
to the record type-constructor. The differences are as follows:
* tuple elements cannot be mutable, unlike record fields
* tuple elements are not named and can be accessed only by pattern-matching
Tuple types and values are denoted by listing the types or values of their
elements, respectively, in a parenthesized, comma-separated
list. Single-element tuples are not legal; all tuples have two or more values.
The members of a tuple are laid out in memory contiguously, like a record, in
order specified by the tuple type.
An example of a tuple type and its use:
type pair = (int,str);
let p: pair = (10,"hello");
let (a, b) = p;
assert (b == "world");
### Vector types
The vector type-constructor represents a homogeneous array of values of a
given type. A vector has a fixed size. The kind of a vector type depends on
the kind of its member type, as with other simple structural types.
An example of a vector type and its use:
let v: [int] = [7, 5, 3];
let i: int = v[2];
assert (i == 3);
Vectors always *allocate* a storage region sufficient to store the first power
of two worth of elements greater than or equal to the size of the vector. This
behaviour supports idiomatic in-place "growth" of a mutable slot holding a
let v: mutable [int] = [1, 2, 3];
v += [4, 5, 6];
Normal vector concatenation causes the allocation of a fresh vector to hold
the result; in this case, however, the slot holding the vector recycles the
underlying storage in-place (since the reference-count of the underlying
storage is equal to 1).
All accessible elements of a vector are always initialized, and access to a
vector is always bounds-checked.
### Enumerated types
An *enumerated type* is a nominal, heterogeneous disjoint union type.^[The
`enum` type is analogous to a `data` constructor declaration in ML or a *pick
ADT* in Limbo.} An [`enum` *item*](#enumerations) consists of a number of
*constructors*, each of which is independently named and takes an optional
tuple of arguments.
Enumerated types cannot be denoted *structurally* as types, but must be
denoted by named reference to an [*enumeration* item](#enumerations).
### Function types
The function type-constructor `fn` forms new function types. A function type
consists of a sequence of input slots, an optional set of [input
constraints](#input-constraints) and an output slot. See
An example of a `fn` type:
fn add(x: int, y: int) -> int {
ret x + y;
let int x = add(5,7);
type binop = fn(int,int) -> int;
let bo: binop = add;
x = bo(5,7);
## Typestate system
# Memory and concurrency models
Rust has a memory model centered around concurrently-executing _tasks_. Thus
Reference in New Issue
Block a user