Fix some cases in space_between.

There are a number of cases where we erroneously omit the space between
two tokens, all involving an exception to a more general case. The
affected tokens are `$`, `!`, `.`, `,`, and `let` followed by a

This fixes a lot of FIXME comments.
This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Nethercote 2024-01-22 15:58:36 +11:00
parent 41e4a3e086
commit 1fbabeeb2e
3 changed files with 42 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -171,27 +171,35 @@ fn space_between(tt1: &TokenTree, tt2: &TokenTree) -> bool {
// No space after line doc comments.
(Tok(Token { kind: DocComment(CommentKind::Line, ..), .. }, _), _) => false,
// `.` + ANYTHING: `x.y`, `tup.0`
// `$` + ANYTHING: `$e`
(Tok(Token { kind: Dot | Dollar, .. }, _), _) => false,
// `.` + NON-PUNCT: `x.y`, `tup.0`
(Tok(Token { kind: Dot, .. }, _), tt2) if !is_punct(tt2) => false,
// ANYTHING + `,`: `foo,`
// ANYTHING + `.`: `x.y`, `tup.0`
// ANYTHING + `!`: `foo! { ... }`
// FIXME: Incorrect cases:
// - Logical not: `x =! y`, `if! x { f(); }`
// - Never type: `Fn() ->!`
(_, Tok(Token { kind: Comma | Dot | Not, .. }, _)) => false,
// `$` + IDENT: `$e`
(Tok(Token { kind: Dollar, .. }, _), Tok(Token { kind: Ident(..), .. }, _)) => false,
// NON-PUNCT + `,`: `foo,`
// NON-PUNCT + `;`: `x = 3;`, `[T; 3]`
(tt1, Tok(Token { kind: Semi, .. }, _)) if !is_punct(tt1) => false,
// NON-PUNCT + `.`: `x.y`, `tup.0`
(tt1, Tok(Token { kind: Comma | Semi | Dot, .. }, _)) if !is_punct(tt1) => false,
// IDENT + `(`: `f(3)`
// FIXME: Incorrect cases:
// - Let: `let(a, b) = (1, 2)`
(Tok(Token { kind: Ident(..), .. }, _), Del(_, _, Parenthesis, _)) => false,
// IDENT + `!`: `println!()`, but `if !x { ... }` needs a space after the `if`
(Tok(Token { kind: Ident(sym, is_raw), span }, _), Tok(Token { kind: Not, .. }, _))
if !Ident::new(*sym, *span).is_reserved() || *is_raw =>
// IDENT|`fn`|`Self`|`pub` + `(`: `f(3)`, `fn(x: u8)`, `Self()`, `pub(crate)`,
// but `let (a, b) = (1, 2)` needs a space after the `let`
(Tok(Token { kind: Ident(sym, is_raw), span }, _), Del(_, _, Parenthesis, _))
if !Ident::new(*sym, *span).is_reserved()
|| *sym == kw::Fn
|| *sym == kw::SelfUpper
|| *sym == kw::Pub
|| *is_raw =>
// `#` + `[`: `#[attr]`
(Tok(Token { kind: Pound, .. }, _), Del(_, _, Bracket, _)) => false,

View File

@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ fn test_expr() {
c1!(expr, [ true || false ], "true || false");
c1!(expr, [ true || false && false ], "true || false && false");
c1!(expr, [ a < 1 && 2 < b && c > 3 && 4 > d ], "a < 1 && 2 < b && c > 3 && 4 > d");
c2!(expr, [ a & b & !c ], "a & b & !c", "a & b &!c"); // FIXME
c1!(expr, [ a & b & !c ], "a & b & !c");
c1!(expr, [ a + b * c - d + -1 * -2 - -3], "a + b * c - d + -1 * -2 - -3");
c2!(expr, [ x = !y ], "x = !y", "x =!y"); // FIXME
c1!(expr, [ x = !y ], "x = !y");
// ExprKind::Unary
c1!(expr, [ *expr ], "*expr");
@ -141,15 +141,14 @@ fn test_expr() {
"if let _ = (true && false) {}",
"if let _ = true && false {}",
[ match () { _ if let _ = Struct {} => {} } ],
"match () { _ if let _ = Struct {} => {} }",
"match() { _ if let _ = Struct {} => {} }",
"match () { _ if let _ = Struct {} => {} }"
// ExprKind::If
c1!(expr, [ if true {} ], "if true {}");
c2!(expr, [ if !true {} ], "if !true {}", "if!true {}"); // FIXME
c1!(expr, [ if !true {} ], "if !true {}");
c1!(expr, [ if ::std::blah() { } else { } ], "if ::std::blah() {} else {}");
c1!(expr, [ if let true = true {} else {} ], "if let true = true {} else {}");
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ fn test_expr() {
[ { 1 } - 1 ],
"match () { _ => ({ 1 }) - 1, }",
"match() { _ => { 1 } - 1 }",
"match () { _ => { 1 } - 1 }",
// ExprKind::Closure
@ -655,11 +654,11 @@ fn test_stmt() {
c2!(stmt, [ let _ ], "let _;", "let _");
c2!(stmt, [ let x = true ], "let x = true;", "let x = true");
c2!(stmt, [ let x: bool = true ], "let x: bool = true;", "let x: bool = true");
c2!(stmt, [ let (a, b) = (1, 2) ], "let (a, b) = (1, 2);", "let(a, b) = (1, 2)"); // FIXME
c2!(stmt, [ let (a, b) = (1, 2) ], "let (a, b) = (1, 2);", "let (a, b) = (1, 2)");
[ let (a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2) ],
"let (a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2);",
"let(a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2)" // FIXME
"let (a, b): (u32, u32) = (1, 2)"
macro_rules! c2_let_expr_minus_one {
([ $expr:expr ], $stmt_expected:expr, $tokens_expected:expr $(,)?) => {
@ -776,8 +775,8 @@ fn test_ty() {
c1!(ty, [ Ref<'a> ], "Ref<'a>");
c1!(ty, [ PhantomData<T> ], "PhantomData<T>");
c2!(ty, [ PhantomData::<T> ], "PhantomData<T>", "PhantomData::<T>");
c2!(ty, [ Fn() -> ! ], "Fn() -> !", "Fn() ->!");
c2!(ty, [ Fn(u8) -> ! ], "Fn(u8) -> !", "Fn(u8) ->!"); // FIXME
c1!(ty, [ Fn() -> ! ], "Fn() -> !");
c1!(ty, [ Fn(u8) -> ! ], "Fn(u8) -> !");
c1!(ty, [ <Struct as Trait>::Type ], "<Struct as Trait>::Type");
// TyKind::TraitObject
@ -857,16 +856,16 @@ fn test_punct() {
// Otherwise, any old proc macro that parses pretty-printed code might glue
// together tokens that shouldn't be glued.
p!([ = = < < <= <= == == != != >= >= > > ], "= = < < <= <= == == != != >= >= > >");
p!([ && && & & || || | | ! ! ], "&& && & & || || | |!!"); // FIXME
p!([ && && & & || || | | ! ! ], "&& && & & || || | | ! !");
p!([ ~ ~ @ @ # # ], "~ ~ @ @ # #");
p!([ . . .. .. ... ... ..= ..=], ".... .. ... ... ..= ..="); // FIXME
p!([ , , ; ; : : :: :: ], ",, ; ; : : :: ::"); // FIXME
p!([ . . .. .. ... ... ..= ..=], ". . .. .. ... ... ..= ..=");
p!([ , , ; ; : : :: :: ], ", , ; ; : : :: ::");
p!([ -> -> <- <- => =>], "-> -> <- <- => =>");
p!([ $ $ ? ? ' ' ], "$$? ? ' '"); // FIXME
p!([ $ $ ? ? ' ' ], "$ $ ? ? ' '");
p!([ + + += += - - -= -= * * *= *= / / /= /= ], "+ + += += - - -= -= * * *= *= / / /= /=");
p!([ % % %= %= ^ ^ ^= ^= << << <<= <<= >> >> >>= >>= ],
"% % %= %= ^ ^ ^= ^= << << <<= <<= >> >> >>= >>=");
p!([ +! ?= |> >>@ --> <-- $$ =====> ], "+! ?= |> >>@ --> <-- $$=====>");
p!([ ,; ;, ** @@ $+$ >< <> ?? +== ], ",; ;, ** @@ $+$>< <> ?? +=="); // FIXME: `$ >` -> `$>`
p!([ +! ?= |> >>@ --> <-- $$ =====> ], "+! ?= |> >>@ --> <-- $$ =====>");
p!([ ,; ;, ** @@ $+$ >< <> ?? +== ], ",; ;, ** @@ $+$ >< <> ?? +==");
p!([ :#!@|$=&*,+;*~? ], ":#!@|$=&*,+;*~?");

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): fn main() { match() { | () => () } }
PRINT-ATTR INPUT (DISPLAY): fn main() { match () { | () => () } }
Ident {
ident: "fn",