resolve: Decouple scope visiting process from visitor actions

This commit is contained in:
Vadim Petrochenkov 2019-07-11 23:05:35 +03:00
parent b302f62cbc
commit 1e1b081e0e
2 changed files with 170 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ impl Determinacy {
/// A specific scope in which a name can be looked up.
/// This enum is currently used only for early resolution (imports and macros),
/// but not for late resolution yet.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Scope<'a> {
@ -2143,6 +2144,128 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
/// A generic scope visitor.
/// Visits scopes in order to resolve some identifier in them or perform other actions.
/// If the callback returns `Some` result, we stop visiting scopes and return it.
fn visit_scopes<T>(
&mut self,
scope_set: ScopeSet,
parent_scope: &ParentScope<'a>,
mut ident: Ident,
mut visitor: impl FnMut(&mut Self, Scope<'a>, Ident) -> Option<T>,
) -> Option<T> {
// General principles:
// 1. Not controlled (user-defined) names should have higher priority than controlled names
// built into the language or standard library. This way we can add new names into the
// language or standard library without breaking user code.
// 2. "Closed set" below means new names cannot appear after the current resolution attempt.
// Places to search (in order of decreasing priority):
// (Type NS)
// 1. FIXME: Ribs (type parameters), there's no necessary infrastructure yet
// (open set, not controlled).
// 2. Names in modules (both normal `mod`ules and blocks), loop through hygienic parents
// (open, not controlled).
// 3. Extern prelude (open, the open part is from macro expansions, not controlled).
// 4. Tool modules (closed, controlled right now, but not in the future).
// 5. Standard library prelude (de-facto closed, controlled).
// 6. Language prelude (closed, controlled).
// (Value NS)
// 1. FIXME: Ribs (local variables), there's no necessary infrastructure yet
// (open set, not controlled).
// 2. Names in modules (both normal `mod`ules and blocks), loop through hygienic parents
// (open, not controlled).
// 3. Standard library prelude (de-facto closed, controlled).
// (Macro NS)
// 1-3. Derive helpers (open, not controlled). All ambiguities with other names
// are currently reported as errors. They should be higher in priority than preludes
// and probably even names in modules according to the "general principles" above. They
// also should be subject to restricted shadowing because are effectively produced by
// derives (you need to resolve the derive first to add helpers into scope), but they
// should be available before the derive is expanded for compatibility.
// It's mess in general, so we are being conservative for now.
// 1-3. `macro_rules` (open, not controlled), loop through legacy scopes. Have higher
// priority than prelude macros, but create ambiguities with macros in modules.
// 1-3. Names in modules (both normal `mod`ules and blocks), loop through hygienic parents
// (open, not controlled). Have higher priority than prelude macros, but create
// ambiguities with `macro_rules`.
// 4. `macro_use` prelude (open, the open part is from macro expansions, not controlled).
// 4a. User-defined prelude from macro-use
// (open, the open part is from macro expansions, not controlled).
// 4b. Standard library prelude is currently implemented as `macro-use` (closed, controlled)
// 5. Language prelude: builtin macros (closed, controlled, except for legacy plugins).
// 6. Language prelude: builtin attributes (closed, controlled).
// 4-6. Legacy plugin helpers (open, not controlled). Similar to derive helpers,
// but introduced by legacy plugins using `register_attribute`. Priority is somewhere
// in prelude, not sure where exactly (creates ambiguities with any other prelude names).
let (ns, is_absolute_path) = match scope_set {
ScopeSet::Import(ns) => (ns, false),
ScopeSet::AbsolutePath(ns) => (ns, true),
ScopeSet::Macro(_) => (MacroNS, false),
ScopeSet::Module => (TypeNS, false),
let mut scope = match ns {
_ if is_absolute_path => Scope::CrateRoot,
TypeNS | ValueNS => Scope::Module(parent_scope.module),
MacroNS => Scope::DeriveHelpers,
loop {
if let break_result @ Some(..) = visitor(self, scope, ident) {
return break_result;
scope = match scope {
Scope::DeriveHelpers =>
Scope::MacroRules(legacy_scope) => match legacy_scope {
LegacyScope::Binding(binding) => Scope::MacroRules(
LegacyScope::Invocation(invoc) => Scope::MacroRules(
LegacyScope::Empty => Scope::Module(parent_scope.module),
Scope::CrateRoot => match ns {
TypeNS => {
ValueNS | MacroNS => break,
Scope::Module(module) => {
match self.hygienic_lexical_parent(module, &mut ident.span) {
Some(parent_module) => Scope::Module(parent_module),
None => {
match ns {
TypeNS => Scope::ExternPrelude,
ValueNS => Scope::StdLibPrelude,
MacroNS => Scope::MacroUsePrelude,
Scope::MacroUsePrelude => Scope::StdLibPrelude,
Scope::BuiltinMacros => Scope::BuiltinAttrs,
Scope::BuiltinAttrs => Scope::LegacyPluginHelpers,
Scope::LegacyPluginHelpers => break, // nowhere else to search
Scope::ExternPrelude if is_absolute_path => break,
Scope::ExternPrelude => Scope::ToolPrelude,
Scope::ToolPrelude => Scope::StdLibPrelude,
Scope::StdLibPrelude => match ns {
TypeNS => Scope::BuiltinTypes,
ValueNS => break, // nowhere else to search
MacroNS => Scope::BuiltinMacros,
Scope::BuiltinTypes => break, // nowhere else to search
/// This resolves the identifier `ident` in the namespace `ns` in the current lexical scope.
/// More specifically, we proceed up the hierarchy of scopes and return the binding for
/// `ident` in the first scope that defines it (or None if no scopes define it).

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ impl<'a> InvocationData<'a> {
pub struct LegacyBinding<'a> {
binding: &'a NameBinding<'a>,
/// Legacy scope into which the `macro_rules` item was planted.
parent_legacy_scope: LegacyScope<'a>,
crate parent_legacy_scope: LegacyScope<'a>,
ident: Ident,
@ -421,50 +421,6 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
force: bool,
path_span: Span,
) -> Result<&'a NameBinding<'a>, Determinacy> {
// General principles:
// 1. Not controlled (user-defined) names should have higher priority than controlled names
// built into the language or standard library. This way we can add new names into the
// language or standard library without breaking user code.
// 2. "Closed set" below means new names cannot appear after the current resolution attempt.
// Places to search (in order of decreasing priority):
// (Type NS)
// 1. FIXME: Ribs (type parameters), there's no necessary infrastructure yet
// (open set, not controlled).
// 2. Names in modules (both normal `mod`ules and blocks), loop through hygienic parents
// (open, not controlled).
// 3. Extern prelude (closed, not controlled).
// 4. Tool modules (closed, controlled right now, but not in the future).
// 5. Standard library prelude (de-facto closed, controlled).
// 6. Language prelude (closed, controlled).
// (Value NS)
// 1. FIXME: Ribs (local variables), there's no necessary infrastructure yet
// (open set, not controlled).
// 2. Names in modules (both normal `mod`ules and blocks), loop through hygienic parents
// (open, not controlled).
// 3. Standard library prelude (de-facto closed, controlled).
// (Macro NS)
// 1-3. Derive helpers (open, not controlled). All ambiguities with other names
// are currently reported as errors. They should be higher in priority than preludes
// and probably even names in modules according to the "general principles" above. They
// also should be subject to restricted shadowing because are effectively produced by
// derives (you need to resolve the derive first to add helpers into scope), but they
// should be available before the derive is expanded for compatibility.
// It's mess in general, so we are being conservative for now.
// 1-3. `macro_rules` (open, not controlled), loop through legacy scopes. Have higher
// priority than prelude macros, but create ambiguities with macros in modules.
// 1-3. Names in modules (both normal `mod`ules and blocks), loop through hygienic parents
// (open, not controlled). Have higher priority than prelude macros, but create
// ambiguities with `macro_rules`.
// 4. `macro_use` prelude (open, the open part is from macro expansions, not controlled).
// 4a. User-defined prelude from macro-use
// (open, the open part is from macro expansions, not controlled).
// 4b. Standard library prelude is currently implemented as `macro-use` (closed, controlled)
// 5. Language prelude: builtin macros (closed, controlled, except for legacy plugins).
// 6. Language prelude: builtin attributes (closed, controlled).
// 4-6. Legacy plugin helpers (open, not controlled). Similar to derive helpers,
// but introduced by legacy plugins using `register_attribute`. Priority is somewhere
// in prelude, not sure where exactly (creates ambiguities with any other prelude names).
bitflags::bitflags! {
struct Flags: u8 {
const MACRO_RULES = 1 << 0;
@ -477,13 +433,21 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
assert!(force || !record_used); // `record_used` implies `force`
let mut ident = orig_ident.modern();
let ident = orig_ident.modern();
// Make sure `self`, `super` etc produce an error when passed to here.
if ident.is_path_segment_keyword() {
return Err(Determinacy::Determined);
let rust_2015 = orig_ident.span.rust_2015();
let (ns, macro_kind, is_import, is_absolute_path) = match scope_set {
ScopeSet::Import(ns) => (ns, None, true, false),
ScopeSet::AbsolutePath(ns) => (ns, None, false, true),
ScopeSet::Macro(macro_kind) => (MacroNS, Some(macro_kind), false, false),
ScopeSet::Module => (TypeNS, None, false, false),
// This is *the* result, resolution from the scope closest to the resolved identifier.
// However, sometimes this result is "weak" because it comes from a glob import or
// a macro expansion, and in this case it cannot shadow names from outer scopes, e.g.
@ -496,34 +460,22 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
// So we have to save the innermost solution and continue searching in outer scopes
// to detect potential ambiguities.
let mut innermost_result: Option<(&NameBinding<'_>, Flags)> = None;
// Go through all the scopes and try to resolve the name.
let rust_2015 = orig_ident.span.rust_2015();
let (ns, macro_kind, is_import, is_absolute_path) = match scope_set {
ScopeSet::Import(ns) => (ns, None, true, false),
ScopeSet::AbsolutePath(ns) => (ns, None, false, true),
ScopeSet::Macro(macro_kind) => (MacroNS, Some(macro_kind), false, false),
ScopeSet::Module => (TypeNS, None, false, false),
let mut where_to_resolve = match ns {
_ if is_absolute_path => Scope::CrateRoot,
TypeNS | ValueNS => Scope::Module(parent_scope.module),
MacroNS => Scope::DeriveHelpers,
let mut use_prelude = !parent_scope.module.no_implicit_prelude;
let mut determinacy = Determinacy::Determined;
loop {
let result = match where_to_resolve {
// Go through all the scopes and try to resolve the name.
let break_result = self.visit_scopes(scope_set, parent_scope, ident, |this, scope, ident| {
let result = match scope {
Scope::DeriveHelpers => {
let mut result = Err(Determinacy::Determined);
for derive in &parent_scope.derives {
let parent_scope = ParentScope { derives: Vec::new(), ..*parent_scope };
match self.resolve_macro_path(derive, MacroKind::Derive,
match this.resolve_macro_path(derive, MacroKind::Derive,
&parent_scope, true, force) {
Ok((Some(ext), _)) => if ext.helper_attrs.contains(& {
let binding = (Res::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::DeriveHelper),
ty::Visibility::Public, derive.span, Mark::root())
result = Ok((binding, Flags::empty()));
@ -543,8 +495,8 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::CrateRoot => {
let root_ident = Ident::new(kw::PathRoot, orig_ident.span);
let root_module = self.resolve_crate_root(root_ident);
let binding = self.resolve_ident_in_module_ext(
let root_module = this.resolve_crate_root(root_ident);
let binding = this.resolve_ident_in_module_ext(
@ -555,15 +507,16 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
match binding {
Ok(binding) => Ok((binding, Flags::MODULE | Flags::MISC_SUGGEST_CRATE)),
Err((Determinacy::Undetermined, Weak::No)) =>
return Err(Determinacy::determined(force)),
return Some(Err(Determinacy::determined(force))),
Err((Determinacy::Undetermined, Weak::Yes)) =>
Err((Determinacy::Determined, _)) => Err(Determinacy::Determined),
Scope::Module(module) => {
let orig_current_module = mem::replace(&mut self.current_module, module);
let binding = self.resolve_ident_in_module_unadjusted_ext(
use_prelude = !module.no_implicit_prelude;
let orig_current_module = mem::replace(&mut this.current_module, module);
let binding = this.resolve_ident_in_module_unadjusted_ext(
@ -572,10 +525,10 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
self.current_module = orig_current_module;
this.current_module = orig_current_module;
match binding {
Ok(binding) => {
let misc_flags = if ptr::eq(module, self.graph_root) {
let misc_flags = if ptr::eq(module, this.graph_root) {
} else if module.is_normal() {
@ -585,7 +538,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Ok((binding, Flags::MODULE | misc_flags))
Err((Determinacy::Undetermined, Weak::No)) =>
return Err(Determinacy::determined(force)),
return Some(Err(Determinacy::determined(force))),
Err((Determinacy::Undetermined, Weak::Yes)) =>
Err((Determinacy::Determined, _)) => Err(Determinacy::Determined),
@ -593,11 +546,11 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::MacroUsePrelude => {
if use_prelude || rust_2015 {
match self.macro_use_prelude.get(& {
match this.macro_use_prelude.get(& {
Some(binding) =>
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE | Flags::MISC_FROM_PRELUDE)),
None => Err(Determinacy::determined(
} else {
@ -605,7 +558,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::BuiltinMacros => {
match self.builtin_macros.get(& {
match this.builtin_macros.get(& {
Some(binding) => Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE)),
None => Err(Determinacy::Determined),
@ -614,7 +567,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
if is_builtin_attr_name( {
let binding = (Res::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::Builtin),
ty::Visibility::Public, DUMMY_SP, Mark::root())
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
} else {
@ -622,11 +575,11 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::LegacyPluginHelpers => {
if (use_prelude || rust_2015) &&
.any(|(name, _)| == *name) {
let binding = (Res::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::LegacyPluginHelper),
ty::Visibility::Public, DUMMY_SP, Mark::root())
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
} else {
@ -634,10 +587,10 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::ExternPrelude => {
if use_prelude || is_absolute_path {
match self.extern_prelude_get(ident, !record_used) {
match this.extern_prelude_get(ident, !record_used) {
Some(binding) => Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE)),
None => Err(Determinacy::determined(
} else {
@ -647,7 +600,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::ToolPrelude => {
if use_prelude && is_known_tool( {
let binding = (Res::ToolMod, ty::Visibility::Public,
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(this.arenas);
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
} else {
@ -656,8 +609,8 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::StdLibPrelude => {
let mut result = Err(Determinacy::Determined);
if use_prelude {
if let Some(prelude) = self.prelude {
if let Ok(binding) = self.resolve_ident_in_module_unadjusted(
if let Some(prelude) = this.prelude {
if let Ok(binding) = this.resolve_ident_in_module_unadjusted(
@ -671,10 +624,10 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Scope::BuiltinTypes => {
match self.primitive_type_table.primitive_types.get(& {
match this.primitive_type_table.primitive_types.get(& {
Some(prim_ty) => {
let binding = (Res::PrimTy(prim_ty), ty::Visibility::Public,
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(this.arenas);
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
None => Err(Determinacy::Determined)
@ -685,7 +638,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
match result {
Ok((binding, flags)) if sub_namespace_match(binding.macro_kind(), macro_kind) => {
if !record_used {
return Ok(binding);
return Some(Ok(binding));
if let Some((innermost_binding, innermost_flags)) = innermost_result {
@ -710,11 +663,11 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
} else if innermost_flags.contains(Flags::MACRO_RULES) &&
flags.contains(Flags::MODULE) &&
binding) ||
flags.contains(Flags::MACRO_RULES) &&
innermost_flags.contains(Flags::MODULE) &&
innermost_binding) {
} else if innermost_binding.is_glob_import() {
@ -735,7 +688,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
} else {
self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
this.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
ident: orig_ident,
b1: innermost_binding,
@ -743,7 +696,7 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
misc1: misc(innermost_flags),
misc2: misc(flags),
return Ok(innermost_binding);
return Some(Ok(innermost_binding));
} else {
@ -755,55 +708,11 @@ impl<'a> Resolver<'a> {
Err(Determinacy::Undetermined) => determinacy = Determinacy::Undetermined
where_to_resolve = match where_to_resolve {
Scope::DeriveHelpers =>
Scope::MacroRules(legacy_scope) => match legacy_scope {
LegacyScope::Binding(binding) => Scope::MacroRules(
LegacyScope::Invocation(invoc) => Scope::MacroRules(
LegacyScope::Empty => Scope::Module(parent_scope.module),
Scope::CrateRoot => match ns {
TypeNS => {
ValueNS | MacroNS => break,
Scope::Module(module) => {
match self.hygienic_lexical_parent(module, &mut ident.span) {
Some(parent_module) => Scope::Module(parent_module),
None => {
use_prelude = !module.no_implicit_prelude;
match ns {
TypeNS => Scope::ExternPrelude,
ValueNS => Scope::StdLibPrelude,
MacroNS => Scope::MacroUsePrelude,
Scope::MacroUsePrelude => Scope::StdLibPrelude,
Scope::BuiltinMacros => Scope::BuiltinAttrs,
Scope::BuiltinAttrs => Scope::LegacyPluginHelpers,
Scope::LegacyPluginHelpers => break, // nowhere else to search
Scope::ExternPrelude if is_absolute_path => break,
Scope::ExternPrelude => Scope::ToolPrelude,
Scope::ToolPrelude => Scope::StdLibPrelude,
Scope::StdLibPrelude => match ns {
TypeNS => Scope::BuiltinTypes,
ValueNS => break, // nowhere else to search
MacroNS => Scope::BuiltinMacros,
Scope::BuiltinTypes => break, // nowhere else to search
if let Some(break_result) = break_result {
return break_result;
// The first found solution was the only one, return it.