rustc: Add ty_istr and ty_ivec types

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2011-06-09 16:23:19 -07:00
parent 1408e1aa16
commit 1c48102838
5 changed files with 42 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -334,8 +334,10 @@ tag ty_ {
ty_istr; // interior string
ty_ivec(mt); // interior vector
@ -346,8 +348,6 @@ tag ty_ {
ty_path(path, ann);
ty_ivec(@ty); // interior vector
ty_istr; // interior string
ty_constr(@ty, vec[@constr]);

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@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ fn parse_ty(&parser p) -> @ast::ty {
expect(p, token::RBRACKET);
} else if (eat_word(p, "ivec")) {
expect(p, token::LBRACKET);
t = ast::ty_ivec(parse_ty(p));
t = ast::ty_ivec(parse_mt(p));
hi = p.get_hi_pos();
expect(p, token::RBRACKET);
} else if (eat_word(p, "mutable")) {

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@ -105,9 +105,11 @@ tag sty {
ty_tag(ast::def_id, vec[t]);
@ -162,11 +164,12 @@ const uint idx_f32 = 13u;
const uint idx_f64 = 14u;
const uint idx_char = 15u;
const uint idx_str = 16u;
const uint idx_task = 17u;
const uint idx_native = 18u;
const uint idx_type = 19u;
const uint idx_bot = 20u;
const uint idx_first_others = 21u;
const uint idx_istr = 17u;
const uint idx_task = 18u;
const uint idx_native = 19u;
const uint idx_type = 20u;
const uint idx_bot = 21u;
const uint idx_first_others = 22u;
type type_store = interner::interner[raw_t];
@ -193,6 +196,7 @@ fn populate_type_store(&ctxt cx) {
intern(cx, ty_machine(ty_f64), none[str]);
intern(cx, ty_char, none[str]);
intern(cx, ty_str, none[str]);
intern(cx, ty_istr, none[str]);
intern(cx, ty_task, none[str]);
intern(cx, ty_native, none[str]);
intern(cx, ty_type, none[str]);
@ -388,6 +392,7 @@ fn mk_mach(&ctxt cx, &util::common::ty_mach tm) -> t {
fn mk_char(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_char; }
fn mk_str(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_str; }
fn mk_istr(&ctxt cx) -> t { ret idx_istr; }
fn mk_tag(&ctxt cx, &ast::def_id did, &vec[t] tys) -> t {
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_tag(did, tys));
@ -407,6 +412,8 @@ fn mk_imm_box(&ctxt cx, &t ty) -> t {
fn mk_vec(&ctxt cx, &mt tm) -> t { ret gen_ty(cx, ty_vec(tm)); }
fn mk_ivec(&ctxt cx, &mt tm) -> t { ret gen_ty(cx, ty_ivec(tm)); }
fn mk_imm_vec(&ctxt cx, &t typ) -> t {
ret gen_ty(cx, ty_vec(rec(ty=typ, mut=ast::imm)));
@ -494,10 +501,12 @@ fn walk_ty(&ctxt cx, ty_walk walker, t ty) {
case (ty_machine(_)) { /* no-op */ }
case (ty_char) { /* no-op */ }
case (ty_str) { /* no-op */ }
case (ty_istr) { /* no-op */ }
case (ty_type) { /* no-op */ }
case (ty_native) { /* no-op */ }
case (ty_box(?tm)) { walk_ty(cx, walker, tm.ty); }
case (ty_vec(?tm)) { walk_ty(cx, walker, tm.ty); }
case (ty_ivec(?tm)) { walk_ty(cx, walker, tm.ty); }
case (ty_port(?subty)) { walk_ty(cx, walker, subty); }
case (ty_chan(?subty)) { walk_ty(cx, walker, subty); }
case (ty_tag(?tid, ?subtys)) {
@ -998,48 +1007,50 @@ fn hash_type_structure(&sty st) -> uint {
case (ty_char) { ret 15u; }
case (ty_str) { ret 16u; }
case (ty_istr) { ret 17u; }
case (ty_tag(?did, ?tys)) {
auto h = hash_def(17u, did);
auto h = hash_def(18u, did);
for (t typ in tys) {
h += h << 5u + hash_ty(typ);
ret h;
case (ty_box(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(18u, mt.ty); }
case (ty_vec(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(19u, mt.ty); }
case (ty_port(?typ)) { ret hash_subty(20u, typ); }
case (ty_chan(?typ)) { ret hash_subty(21u, typ); }
case (ty_task) { ret 22u; }
case (ty_box(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(19u, mt.ty); }
case (ty_vec(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(20u, mt.ty); }
case (ty_ivec(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(21u, mt.ty); }
case (ty_port(?typ)) { ret hash_subty(22u, typ); }
case (ty_chan(?typ)) { ret hash_subty(23u, typ); }
case (ty_task) { ret 24u; }
case (ty_tup(?mts)) {
auto h = 23u;
auto h = 25u;
for (mt tm in mts) {
h += h << 5u + hash_ty(tm.ty);
ret h;
case (ty_rec(?fields)) {
auto h = 24u;
auto h = 26u;
for (field f in fields) {
h += h << 5u + hash_ty(;
ret h;
// ???
case (ty_fn(_, ?args, ?rty, _, _)) { ret hash_fn(25u, args, rty); }
case (ty_native_fn(_, ?args, ?rty)) { ret hash_fn(26u, args, rty); }
case (ty_fn(_, ?args, ?rty, _, _)) { ret hash_fn(27u, args, rty); }
case (ty_native_fn(_, ?args, ?rty)) { ret hash_fn(28u, args, rty); }
case (ty_obj(?methods)) {
auto h = 27u;
auto h = 29u;
for (method m in methods) {
h += h << 5u + str::hash(m.ident);
ret h;
case (ty_var(?v)) { ret hash_uint(28u, v as uint); }
case (ty_param(?pid)) { ret hash_uint(29u, pid); }
case (ty_type) { ret 30u; }
case (ty_native) { ret 31u; }
case (ty_bot) { ret 32u; }
case (ty_ptr(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(33u, mt.ty); }
case (ty_var(?v)) { ret hash_uint(30u, v as uint); }
case (ty_param(?pid)) { ret hash_uint(31u, pid); }
case (ty_type) { ret 32u; }
case (ty_native) { ret 33u; }
case (ty_bot) { ret 34u; }
case (ty_ptr(?mt)) { ret hash_subty(35u, mt.ty); }

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@ -277,12 +277,16 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(&ty::ctxt tcx, &ty_getter getter, &@ast::ty ast_ty) -> ty::t {
case (ast::ty_machine(?tm)) { typ = ty::mk_mach(tcx, tm); }
case (ast::ty_char) { typ = ty::mk_char(tcx); }
case (ast::ty_str) { typ = ty::mk_str(tcx); }
case (ast::ty_istr) { typ = ty::mk_istr(tcx); }
case (ast::ty_box(?mt)) {
typ = ty::mk_box(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
case (ast::ty_vec(?mt)) {
typ = ty::mk_vec(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
case (ast::ty_ivec(?mt)) {
typ = ty::mk_ivec(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));
case (ast::ty_ptr(?mt)) {
typ = ty::mk_ptr(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, getter, mt));

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@ -154,8 +154,10 @@ fn walk_ty(&ast_visitor v, @ast::ty t) {
case (ast::ty_machine(_)) {}
case (ast::ty_char) {}
case (ast::ty_str) {}
case (ast::ty_istr) {}
case (ast::ty_box(?mt)) { walk_ty(v, mt.ty); }
case (ast::ty_vec(?mt)) { walk_ty(v, mt.ty); }
case (ast::ty_ivec(?mt)) { walk_ty(v, mt.ty); }
case (ast::ty_ptr(?mt)) { walk_ty(v, mt.ty); }
case (ast::ty_task) {}
case (ast::ty_port(?t)) { walk_ty(v, t); }