Stub an interface to the (as-yet-nonexistent) structural comparison glue in trans

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2010-07-17 09:36:13 +08:00 committed by Graydon Hoare
parent 22eca31d98
commit 1c1dc651a7
2 changed files with 99 additions and 24 deletions

@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ let tydesc_field_free_glue = 5;;
let tydesc_field_sever_glue = 6;;
let tydesc_field_mark_glue = 7;;
let tydesc_field_obj_drop_glue = 8;;
let tydesc_field_cmp_glue = 9;;
let tydesc_field_hash_glue = 10;;
let vec_elt_rc = 0;;
let vec_elt_alloc = 1;;

@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ let trans_visitor
lea base (fst (need_mem_cell data));
add elt (Il.Cell base) mul_idx;
emit (Il.binary Il.SUB diff (Il.Cell elt) (Il.Cell base));
let jmp = trans_compare Il.JB (Il.Cell diff) (Il.Cell len) in
let jmp = trans_compare_simple Il.JB (Il.Cell diff) (Il.Cell len) in
trans_cond_fail "bounds check" jmp;
based elt_reg
@ -1714,6 +1714,8 @@ let trans_visitor
get_typed_mem_glue g fty inner
and get_cmp_glue _ = failwith "TODO"
(* Glue functions use mostly the same calling convention as ordinary
* functions.
@ -1821,18 +1823,88 @@ let trans_visitor
(Array.append [| ty_params_ptr |] args)
(* trans_compare returns a quad number of the cjmp, which the caller
patches to the cjmp destination. *)
and trans_compare
(* [trans_compare_full] returns the quad number of the cjmp, which the
* caller patches to the cjmp destination.
* We assume that the LHS and RHS of the comparison have the same type, an
* invariant that the typechecker enforces. *)
and trans_compare_full
~curr_iso:(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
: quad_idx list =
let ty = strip_mutable_or_constrained_ty (maybe_iso curr_iso ty) in
let (result:Il.cell) = next_vreg_cell (Il.ValTy Il.Bits32) in
match ty with
Ast.TY_obj _ ->
let lhs_binding = get_element_ptr lhs Abi.obj_field_body_box in
let rhs_binding = get_element_ptr rhs Abi.obj_field_body_box in
let lhs_box, rhs_box = deref lhs_binding, deref rhs_binding in
let lhs_obj = get_element_ptr lhs_box Abi.box_rc_field_body in
let rhs_obj = get_element_ptr rhs_box Abi.box_rc_field_body in
let tydesc = get_element_ptr lhs_obj Abi.obj_body_elt_tydesc in
let lhs_body = get_element_ptr lhs_obj Abi.obj_body_elt_fields in
let rhs_body = get_element_ptr rhs_obj Abi.obj_body_elt_fields in
(Some result)
[| alias lhs_body; alias rhs_body |]
| Ast.TY_param (i, _) ->
[| alias lhs; alias rhs |]
| _ ->
(code_fixup_to_ptr_operand (get_cmp_glue ty curr_iso))
(Some result)
[| lhs; rhs |]
emit (Il.cmp (Il.Cell result) zero);
let jmp = mark() in
emit ( cjmp Il.CodeNone);
[ jmp ]
(* Like [trans_compare_full], returns the address of the jump, which the
* caller patches to the destination. Only use this function if you are sure
* that the LHS and RHS have the same type and that both will fit in a
* machine register; otherwise, use [trans_compare] instead. *)
and trans_compare_simple
: quad_idx list =
(* FIXME: this is an x86-ism; abstract via ABI. *)
emit (Il.cmp (Il.Cell (Il.Reg (force_to_reg lhs))) rhs);
let jmp = mark() in
emit ( cjmp Il.CodeNone);
emit ( cjmp Il.CodeNone);
[ jmp ]
and trans_compare
~curr_iso:(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
: quad_idx list =
ignore (trans_compare ~cjmp:cjmp ~ty:ty ~curr_iso:curr_iso lhs rhs);
(* TODO *)
match lhs, rhs with
Il.Cell lhs, Il.Cell rhs ->
~cjmp:cjmp ~ty_params:ty_params ~ty:ty ~curr_iso:curr_iso lhs rhs
| _ -> trans_compare_simple cjmp lhs rhs
and trans_cond (invert:bool) (expr:Ast.expr) : quad_idx list =
@ -1864,12 +1936,12 @@ let trans_visitor
anno ();
trans_compare cjmp' lhs rhs
trans_compare_simple cjmp' lhs rhs
| _ ->
let bool_operand = trans_expr expr in
anno ();
trans_compare Il.JNE bool_operand
trans_compare_simple Il.JNE bool_operand
(if invert then imm_true else imm_false)
and trans_binop (binop:Ast.binop) : Il.binop =
@ -1915,7 +1987,7 @@ let trans_visitor
| _ -> let dst = Il.Reg (Il.next_vreg (emitter()), Il.ValTy Il.Bits8) in
mov dst imm_true;
let jmps = trans_compare (binop_to_jmpop binop) lhs rhs in
let jmps = trans_compare_simple (binop_to_jmpop binop) lhs rhs in
mov dst imm_false;
List.iter patch jmps;
Il.Cell dst
@ -2330,7 +2402,7 @@ let trans_visitor
annotate (Printf.sprintf "tag case #%i == %a" i
Ast.sprintf_name key)));
let jmps =
trans_compare Il.JNE (Il.Cell tmp) (imm (Int64.of_int i))
trans_compare_simple Il.JNE (Il.Cell tmp) (imm (Int64.of_int i))
let ttup = Hashtbl.find ttag key in
@ -2383,7 +2455,9 @@ let trans_visitor
mov ptr (Il.Cell lim);
add_to lim (Il.Cell len);
let back_jmp_target = mark () in
let fwd_jmps = trans_compare Il.JAE (Il.Cell ptr) (Il.Cell lim) in
let fwd_jmps =
trans_compare_simple Il.JAE (Il.Cell ptr) (Il.Cell lim)
let unit_cell =
deref (ptr_cast ptr (referent_type abi unit_ty))
@ -2737,9 +2811,7 @@ let trans_visitor
MEM_gc ->
let tmp = next_vreg_cell Il.voidptr_t in
trans_upcall "upcall_mark" tmp [| Il.Cell cell |];
let marked_jump =
trans_compare Il.JE (Il.Cell tmp) zero;
let marked_jump = trans_compare_simple Il.JE (Il.Cell tmp) zero in
(* Iterate over box parts marking outgoing links. *)
let (body_mem, _) =
@ -3455,7 +3527,7 @@ let trans_visitor
call_code (code_of_operand fn_ptr);
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "predicate check/fail");
let jmp = trans_compare Il.JE (Il.Cell dst_cell) imm_true in
let jmp = trans_compare_simple Il.JE (Il.Cell dst_cell) imm_true in
let errstr = Printf.sprintf "predicate check: %a"
Ast.sprintf_constr constr
@ -3956,7 +4028,7 @@ let trans_visitor
let rec trans_pat pat src_cell src_ty =
match pat with
Ast.PAT_lit lit ->
trans_compare Il.JNE (trans_lit lit) (Il.Cell src_cell)
trans_compare_simple Il.JNE (trans_lit lit) (Il.Cell src_cell)
| Ast.PAT_tag (lval, pats) ->
let tag_name = tag_ctor_name_to_tag_name (lval_to_name lval) in
@ -3980,7 +4052,7 @@ let trans_visitor
let next_jumps =
trans_compare Il.JNE
trans_compare_simple Il.JNE
(Il.Cell tag_cell) (imm (Int64.of_int tag_number))
@ -4233,12 +4305,13 @@ let trans_visitor
patch fwd_jmp;
check_interrupt_flag ();
let back_jmp =
trans_compare Il.JB (Il.Cell dptr) (Il.Cell dlim) in
(fun j -> patch_existing j back_jmp_targ) back_jmp;
let v = next_vreg_cell word_sty in
mov v (Il.Cell src_fill);
add_to dst_fill (Il.Cell v);
trans_compare_simple Il.JB (Il.Cell dptr) (Il.Cell dlim)
(fun j -> patch_existing j back_jmp_targ) back_jmp;
let v = next_vreg_cell word_sty in
mov v (Il.Cell src_fill);
add_to dst_fill (Il.Cell v);
| t ->
bug () "unsupported vector-append type %a" Ast.sprintf_ty t