Merge remote-tracking branch 'brson/codemap'

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2012-11-16 18:54:48 -08:00
commit 1a1e99c27d
41 changed files with 717 additions and 525 deletions

@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ fn as_str(f: fn@(+x: io::Writer)) -> ~str {
fn check_variants_of_ast(crate: ast::crate, codemap: codemap::CodeMap,
fn check_variants_of_ast(crate: ast::crate, codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
filename: &Path, cx: context) {
let stolen = steal(crate, cx.mode);
let extra_exprs = vec::filter(common_exprs(),
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ fn check_variants_of_ast(crate: ast::crate, codemap: codemap::CodeMap,
fn check_variants_T<T: Copy>(
crate: ast::crate,
codemap: codemap::CodeMap,
codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
filename: &Path,
thing_label: ~str,
things: ~[T],

@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ fn pretty_print_input(sess: Session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: input,
ppm_expanded | ppm_normal => pprust::no_ann()
let is_expanded = upto != cu_parse;
let src = codemap::get_filemap(sess.codemap, source_name(input)).src;
let src = sess.codemap.get_filemap(source_name(input)).src;
do io::with_str_reader(*src) |rdr| {
pprust::print_crate(sess.codemap, sess.parse_sess.interner,
sess.span_diagnostic, crate,
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ fn build_session_options(binary: ~str,
fn build_session(sopts: @session::options,
demitter: diagnostic::emitter) -> Session {
let codemap = codemap::new_codemap();
let codemap = @codemap::CodeMap::new();
let diagnostic_handler =
let span_diagnostic_handler =
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ fn build_session(sopts: @session::options,
fn build_session_(sopts: @session::options,
cm: codemap::CodeMap,
cm: @codemap::CodeMap,
demitter: diagnostic::emitter,
span_diagnostic_handler: diagnostic::span_handler)
-> Session {

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ type Session_ = {targ_cfg: @config,
opts: @options,
cstore: metadata::cstore::CStore,
parse_sess: parse_sess,
codemap: codemap::CodeMap,
codemap: @codemap::CodeMap,
// For a library crate, this is always none
mut main_fn: Option<(node_id, codemap::span)>,
span_diagnostic: diagnostic::span_handler,

@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ fn encode_info_for_item(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::Serializer,
let add_to_index = |copy ebml_w| add_to_index_(item, ebml_w, index);
debug!("encoding info for item at %s",
syntax::codemap::span_to_str(item.span, ecx.tcx.sess.codemap));
match item.node {
item_const(_, _) => {

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ use std::map::HashMap;
use syntax::{visit, ast_util};
use syntax::print::pprust::{expr_to_str, block_to_str};
use visit::vt;
use syntax::codemap::{span, span_to_str};
use syntax::codemap::span;
use syntax::ast::*;
use io::WriterUtil;
use capture::{cap_move, cap_drop, cap_copy, cap_ref};
@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ impl LiveNodeKind : cmp::Eq {
fn live_node_kind_to_str(lnk: LiveNodeKind, cx: ty::ctxt) -> ~str {
let cm = cx.sess.codemap;
match lnk {
FreeVarNode(s) => fmt!("Free var node [%s]", span_to_str(s, cm)),
ExprNode(s) => fmt!("Expr node [%s]", span_to_str(s, cm)),
VarDefNode(s) => fmt!("Var def node [%s]", span_to_str(s, cm)),
FreeVarNode(s) => fmt!("Free var node [%s]", cm.span_to_str(s)),
ExprNode(s) => fmt!("Expr node [%s]", cm.span_to_str(s)),
VarDefNode(s) => fmt!("Var def node [%s]", cm.span_to_str(s)),
ExitNode => ~"Exit node"

@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ fn trans_trace(bcx: block, sp_opt: Option<span>, trace_str: ~str) {
let {V_filename, V_line} = match sp_opt {
Some(sp) => {
let sess = bcx.sess();
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(, sp.lo);
let loc =;
{V_filename: C_cstr(bcx.ccx(),,
V_line: loc.line as int}

@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ fn _UndefReturn(cx: block, Fn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
fn add_span_comment(bcx: block, sp: span, text: ~str) {
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
if !ccx.sess.no_asm_comments() {
let s = text + ~" (" + codemap::span_to_str(sp, ccx.sess.codemap)
let s = text + ~" (" + ccx.sess.codemap.span_to_str(sp)
+ ~")";
log(debug, s);
add_comment(bcx, s);

@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ fn trans_fail_value(bcx: block, sp_opt: Option<span>, V_fail_str: ValueRef)
let {V_filename, V_line} = match sp_opt {
Some(sp) => {
let sess = bcx.sess();
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(, sp.lo);
let loc =;
{V_filename: C_cstr(bcx.ccx(),,
V_line: loc.line as int}
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ fn trans_fail_bounds_check(bcx: block, sp: span,
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("trans_fail_bounds_check");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(bcx.sess(), sp.lo);
let loc = bcx.sess();
let line = C_int(ccx, loc.line as int);
let filename_cstr = C_cstr(bcx.ccx(),;
let filename = PointerCast(bcx, filename_cstr, T_ptr(T_i8()));

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use trans::build::B;
use middle::ty;
use syntax::{ast, codemap, ast_util, ast_map};
use syntax::parse::token::ident_interner;
use codemap::span;
use codemap::{span, CharPos};
use ast::Ty;
use pat_util::*;
use util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ type compile_unit_md = {name: ~str};
type subprogram_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type local_var_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type tydesc_md = {hash: uint};
type block_md = {start: codemap::loc, end: codemap::loc};
type block_md = {start: codemap::Loc, end: codemap::Loc};
type argument_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type retval_md = {id: ast::node_id};
@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ fn create_file(cx: @crate_ctxt, full_path: ~str) -> @metadata<file_md> {
return mdval;
fn line_from_span(cm: codemap::CodeMap, sp: span) -> uint {
codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo).line
fn line_from_span(cm: @codemap::CodeMap, sp: span) -> uint {
fn create_block(cx: block) -> @metadata<block_md> {
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ fn create_block(cx: block) -> @metadata<block_md> {
let sp = cx.node_info.get().span;
let start = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap, sp.lo);
let start = cx.sess().codemap.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let fname =;
let end = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap, sp.hi);
let end = cx.sess().codemap.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
let tg = LexicalBlockTag;
/*alt cached_metadata::<@metadata<block_md>>(
cache, tg,
@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ fn create_block(cx: block) -> @metadata<block_md> {
let lldata = ~[lltag(tg),
lli32(start.line as int),
lli32(start.col as int),
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ fn create_ty(_cx: @crate_ctxt, _t: ty::t, _ty: @ast::Ty)
fn filename_from_span(cx: @crate_ctxt, sp: codemap::span) -> ~str {
codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap, sp.lo)
fn create_var(type_tag: int, context: ValueRef, name: ~str, file: ValueRef,
@ -629,8 +629,7 @@ fn create_local_var(bcx: block, local: @ast::local)
// FIXME this should be handled (#2533)
_ => fail ~"no single variable name for local"
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap,
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(local.span.lo);
let ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, local.node.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx,;
@ -674,8 +673,7 @@ fn create_arg(bcx: block, arg: ast::arg, sp: span)
option::None => ()
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap,
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let ty = node_id_type(bcx,;
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, arg.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx,;
@ -714,9 +712,9 @@ fn update_source_pos(cx: block, s: span) {
let cm = cx.sess().codemap;
let blockmd = create_block(cx);
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, s.lo);
let scopedata = ~[lli32(loc.line as int),
lli32(loc.col as int),
let loc = cm.lookup_char_pos(s.lo);
let scopedata = ~[lli32(loc.line.to_int()),
let dbgscope = llmdnode(scopedata);
@ -731,7 +729,7 @@ fn create_function(fcx: fn_ctxt) -> @metadata<subprogram_md> {
let sp = fcx.span.get();
log(debug, codemap::span_to_str(sp, cx.sess.codemap));
log(debug, cx.sess.codemap.span_to_str(sp));
let (ident, ret_ty, id) = match cx.tcx.items.get( {
ast_map::node_item(item, _) => {
@ -773,8 +771,7 @@ fn create_function(fcx: fn_ctxt) -> @metadata<subprogram_md> {
option::None => ()
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap,
let loc = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let file_node = create_file(cx,;
let ty_node = if cx.sess.opts.extra_debuginfo {
match ret_ty.node {

@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ impl RegionVarBindings {
debug!("created new region variable %? with span %?",
vid, codemap::span_to_str(span, self.tcx.sess.codemap));
vid, self.tcx.sess.codemap.span_to_str(span));
return vid;

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ fn monitor(+f: fn~(diagnostic::emitter)) {
// The 'diagnostics emitter'. Every error, warning, etc. should
// go through this function.
let demitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
let demitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
msg: &str, lvl: diagnostic::level) {
if lvl == diagnostic::fatal {
comm::send(ch, fatal);

@ -105,8 +105,9 @@ fn explain_region_and_span(cx: ctxt, region: ty::Region)
fn explain_span(cx: ctxt, heading: ~str, span: span)
-> (~str, Option<span>)
let lo = codemap::lookup_char_pos_adj(cx.sess.codemap, span.lo);
(fmt!("the %s at %u:%u", heading, lo.line, lo.col), Some(span))
let lo = cx.sess.codemap.lookup_char_pos_adj(span.lo);
(fmt!("the %s at %u:%u", heading,
lo.line, lo.col.to_uint()), Some(span))
@ -131,17 +132,17 @@ fn re_scope_id_to_str(cx: ctxt, node_id: ast::node_id) -> ~str {
match cx.items.find(node_id) {
Some(ast_map::node_block(blk)) => {
fmt!("<block at %s>",
codemap::span_to_str(blk.span, cx.sess.codemap))
Some(ast_map::node_expr(expr)) => {
match expr.node {
ast::expr_call(*) => {
fmt!("<call at %s>",
codemap::span_to_str(expr.span, cx.sess.codemap))
ast::expr_match(*) => {
fmt!("<alt at %s>",
codemap::span_to_str(expr.span, cx.sess.codemap))
ast::expr_assign_op(*) |
ast::expr_field(*) |
@ -149,11 +150,11 @@ fn re_scope_id_to_str(cx: ctxt, node_id: ast::node_id) -> ~str {
ast::expr_binary(*) |
ast::expr_index(*) => {
fmt!("<method at %s>",
codemap::span_to_str(expr.span, cx.sess.codemap))
_ => {
fmt!("<expression at %s>",
codemap::span_to_str(expr.span, cx.sess.codemap))

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ fn build_ctxt(sess: Session,
fn build_session() -> Session {
let sopts: @options = basic_options();
let codemap = codemap::new_codemap();
let codemap = @codemap::CodeMap::new();
let error_handlers = build_error_handlers(codemap);
let {emitter, span_handler} = error_handlers;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ type ErrorHandlers = {
// Build a custom error handler that will allow us to ignore non-fatal
// errors
fn build_error_handlers(
codemap: codemap::CodeMap
codemap: @codemap::CodeMap
) -> ErrorHandlers {
type DiagnosticHandler = {
@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ fn build_error_handlers(
fn note(msg: &str) { self.inner.note(msg) }
fn bug(msg: &str) -> ! { self.inner.bug(msg) }
fn unimpl(msg: &str) -> ! { self.inner.unimpl(msg) }
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
msg: &str, lvl: diagnostic::level) {
self.inner.emit(cmsp, msg, lvl)
let emitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
let emitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, codemap::span)>,
msg: &str, lvl: diagnostic::level) {
diagnostic::emit(cmsp, msg, lvl);

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ mod test {
let parse_sess = syntax::parse::new_parse_sess(None);
let parser = parse::new_parser_from_source_str(
parse_sess, ~[], ~"-", codemap::fss_none, @source);
parse_sess, ~[], ~"-", codemap::FssNone, @source);

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::serialization::{Serializable,
use codemap::{span, filename};
use codemap::{span, FileName};
use parse::token;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use codemap::span;
use codemap::{span, BytePos};
use ast::*;
pure fn spanned<T>(lo: uint, hi: uint, +t: T) -> spanned<T> {
pure fn spanned<T>(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos, +t: T) -> spanned<T> {
respan(mk_sp(lo, hi), move t)
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ pure fn dummy_spanned<T>(+t: T) -> spanned<T> {
/* assuming that we're not in macro expansion */
pure fn mk_sp(lo: uint, hi: uint) -> span {
{lo: lo, hi: hi, expn_info: None}
pure fn mk_sp(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos) -> span {
span {lo: lo, hi: hi, expn_info: None}
// make this a const, once the compiler supports it
pure fn dummy_sp() -> span { return mk_sp(0u, 0u); }
pure fn dummy_sp() -> span { return mk_sp(BytePos(0), BytePos(0)); }

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use either::Either;
use diagnostic::span_handler;
use ast_util::{spanned, dummy_spanned};
use parse::comments::{doc_comment_style, strip_doc_comment_decoration};
use codemap::BytePos;
// Constructors
export mk_name_value_item_str;
@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ fn mk_attr(item: @ast::meta_item) -> ast::attribute {
is_sugared_doc: false});
fn mk_sugared_doc_attr(text: ~str, lo: uint, hi: uint) -> ast::attribute {
fn mk_sugared_doc_attr(text: ~str,
+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos) -> ast::attribute {
let lit = spanned(lo, hi, ast::lit_str(@text));
let attr = {
style: doc_comment_style(text),

@ -1,179 +1,144 @@
The CodeMap tracks all the source code used within a single crate, mapping
from integer byte positions to the original source code location. Each bit of
source parsed during crate parsing (typically files, in-memory strings, or
various bits of macro expansion) cover a continuous range of bytes in the
CodeMap and are represented by FileMaps. Byte positions are stored in `spans`
and used pervasively in the compiler. They are absolute positions within the
CodeMap, which upon request can be converted to line and column information,
source code snippets, etc.
use dvec::DVec;
use std::serialization::{Serializable,
export filename;
export filemap;
export span;
export file_substr;
export fss_none;
export fss_internal;
export fss_external;
export CodeMap;
export expn_info;
export expn_info_;
export expanded_from;
export new_filemap;
export new_filemap_w_substr;
export mk_substr_filename;
export lookup_char_pos;
export lookup_char_pos_adj;
export adjust_span;
export span_to_str;
export span_to_filename;
export span_to_lines;
export file_lines;
export get_line;
export next_line;
export span_to_snippet;
export loc;
export get_filemap;
export new_codemap;
trait Pos {
static pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> self;
pure fn to_uint(&self) -> uint;
type filename = ~str;
/// A byte offset
pub enum BytePos = uint;
/// A character offset. Because of multibyte utf8 characters, a byte offset
/// is not equivalent to a character offset. The CodeMap will convert BytePos
/// values to CharPos values as necessary.
pub enum CharPos = uint;
type file_pos = {ch: uint, byte: uint};
// XXX: Lots of boilerplate in these impls, but so far my attempts to fix
// have been unsuccessful
impl file_pos : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &file_pos) -> bool { == (*other).ch && self.byte == (*other).byte
impl BytePos: Pos {
static pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> BytePos { BytePos(n) }
pure fn to_uint(&self) -> uint { **self }
impl BytePos: cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &BytePos) -> bool {
*self == **other
pure fn ne(other: &file_pos) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
pure fn ne(other: &BytePos) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
/* A codemap is a thing that maps uints to file/line/column positions
* in a crate. This to make it possible to represent the positions
* with single-word things, rather than passing records all over the
* compiler.
enum file_substr {
fss_external({filename: ~str, line: uint, col: uint})
impl BytePos: cmp::Ord {
pure fn lt(other: &BytePos) -> bool { *self < **other }
pure fn le(other: &BytePos) -> bool { *self <= **other }
pure fn ge(other: &BytePos) -> bool { *self >= **other }
pure fn gt(other: &BytePos) -> bool { *self > **other }
type filemap =
@{name: filename, substr: file_substr, src: @~str,
start_pos: file_pos, mut lines: ~[file_pos]};
type CodeMap = @{files: DVec<filemap>};
type loc = {file: filemap, line: uint, col: uint};
fn new_codemap() -> CodeMap { @{files: DVec()} }
fn new_filemap_w_substr(+filename: filename, +substr: file_substr,
src: @~str,
start_pos_ch: uint, start_pos_byte: uint)
-> filemap {
return @{name: filename, substr: substr, src: src,
start_pos: {ch: start_pos_ch, byte: start_pos_byte},
mut lines: ~[{ch: start_pos_ch, byte: start_pos_byte}]};
fn new_filemap(+filename: filename, src: @~str,
start_pos_ch: uint, start_pos_byte: uint)
-> filemap {
return new_filemap_w_substr(filename, fss_none, src,
start_pos_ch, start_pos_byte);
fn mk_substr_filename(cm: CodeMap, sp: span) -> ~str
let pos = lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo);
return fmt!("<%s:%u:%u>",, pos.line, pos.col);
fn next_line(file: filemap, chpos: uint, byte_pos: uint) {
file.lines.push({ch: chpos, byte: byte_pos + file.start_pos.byte});
type lookup_fn = pure fn(file_pos) -> uint;
fn lookup_line(map: CodeMap, pos: uint, lookup: lookup_fn)
-> {fm: filemap, line: uint}
let len = map.files.len();
let mut a = 0u;
let mut b = len;
while b - a > 1u {
let m = (a + b) / 2u;
if lookup(map.files[m].start_pos) > pos { b = m; } else { a = m; }
impl BytePos: Num {
pure fn add(other: &BytePos) -> BytePos {
BytePos(*self + **other)
if (a >= len) {
fail fmt!("position %u does not resolve to a source location", pos)
pure fn sub(other: &BytePos) -> BytePos {
BytePos(*self - **other)
let f = map.files[a];
a = 0u;
b = vec::len(f.lines);
while b - a > 1u {
let m = (a + b) / 2u;
if lookup(f.lines[m]) > pos { b = m; } else { a = m; }
pure fn mul(other: &BytePos) -> BytePos {
BytePos(*self * (**other))
return {fm: f, line: a};
pure fn div(other: &BytePos) -> BytePos {
BytePos(*self / **other)
pure fn modulo(other: &BytePos) -> BytePos {
BytePos(*self % **other)
pure fn neg() -> BytePos {
pure fn to_int() -> int { *self as int }
static pure fn from_int(+n: int) -> BytePos { BytePos(n as uint) }
fn lookup_pos(map: CodeMap, pos: uint, lookup: lookup_fn) -> loc {
let {fm: f, line: a} = lookup_line(map, pos, lookup);
return {file: f, line: a + 1u, col: pos - lookup(f.lines[a])};
fn lookup_char_pos(map: CodeMap, pos: uint) -> loc {
pure fn lookup(pos: file_pos) -> uint { return; }
return lookup_pos(map, pos, lookup);
fn lookup_byte_pos(map: CodeMap, pos: uint) -> loc {
pure fn lookup(pos: file_pos) -> uint { return pos.byte; }
return lookup_pos(map, pos, lookup);
fn lookup_char_pos_adj(map: CodeMap, pos: uint)
-> {filename: ~str, line: uint, col: uint, file: Option<filemap>}
let loc = lookup_char_pos(map, pos);
match (loc.file.substr) {
fss_none => {
{filename: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy,
line: loc.line,
col: loc.col,
file: Some(loc.file)}
fss_internal(sp) => {
lookup_char_pos_adj(map, sp.lo + (pos -
fss_external(eloc) => {
{filename: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy eloc.filename,
line: eloc.line + loc.line - 1u,
col: if loc.line == 1u {eloc.col + loc.col} else {loc.col},
file: None}
impl BytePos: to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(+lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(*self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
fn adjust_span(map: CodeMap, sp: span) -> span {
pure fn lookup(pos: file_pos) -> uint { return; }
let line = lookup_line(map, sp.lo, lookup);
match ( {
fss_none => sp,
fss_internal(s) => {
adjust_span(map, {lo: s.lo + (sp.lo -,
hi: s.lo + (sp.hi -,
expn_info: sp.expn_info})}
fss_external(_) => sp
impl CharPos: Pos {
static pure fn from_uint(n: uint) -> CharPos { CharPos(n) }
pure fn to_uint(&self) -> uint { **self }
impl CharPos: cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &CharPos) -> bool {
*self == **other
pure fn ne(other: &CharPos) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }
impl CharPos: cmp::Ord {
pure fn lt(other: &CharPos) -> bool { *self < **other }
pure fn le(other: &CharPos) -> bool { *self <= **other }
pure fn ge(other: &CharPos) -> bool { *self >= **other }
pure fn gt(other: &CharPos) -> bool { *self > **other }
impl CharPos: Num {
pure fn add(other: &CharPos) -> CharPos {
CharPos(*self + **other)
pure fn sub(other: &CharPos) -> CharPos {
CharPos(*self - **other)
pure fn mul(other: &CharPos) -> CharPos {
CharPos(*self * (**other))
pure fn div(other: &CharPos) -> CharPos {
CharPos(*self / **other)
pure fn modulo(other: &CharPos) -> CharPos {
CharPos(*self % **other)
pure fn neg() -> CharPos {
pure fn to_int() -> int { *self as int }
static pure fn from_int(+n: int) -> CharPos { CharPos(n as uint) }
impl CharPos: to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(+lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(*self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
enum expn_info_ {
expanded_from({call_site: span,
callie: {name: ~str, span: Option<span>}})
Spans represent a region of code, used for error reporting. Positions in spans
are *absolute* positions from the beginning of the codemap, not positions
relative to FileMaps. Methods on the CodeMap can be used to relate spans back
to the original source.
pub struct span {
lo: BytePos,
hi: BytePos,
expn_info: Option<@ExpnInfo>
type expn_info = Option<@expn_info_>;
type span = {lo: uint, hi: uint, expn_info: expn_info};
impl span : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &span) -> bool {
@ -193,74 +158,308 @@ impl<D: Deserializer> span: Deserializable<D> {
fn span_to_str_no_adj(sp: span, cm: CodeMap) -> ~str {
let lo = lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo);
let hi = lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.hi);
return fmt!("%s:%u:%u: %u:%u",,
lo.line, lo.col, hi.line, hi.col)
/// A source code location used for error reporting
pub struct Loc {
/// Information about the original source
file: @FileMap,
/// The (1-based) line number
line: uint,
/// The (0-based) column offset
col: CharPos
fn span_to_str(sp: span, cm: CodeMap) -> ~str {
let lo = lookup_char_pos_adj(cm, sp.lo);
let hi = lookup_char_pos_adj(cm, sp.hi);
return fmt!("%s:%u:%u: %u:%u", lo.filename,
lo.line, lo.col, hi.line, hi.col)
/// Extra information for tracking macro expansion of spans
pub enum ExpnInfo {
ExpandedFrom({call_site: span,
callie: {name: ~str, span: Option<span>}})
type file_lines = {file: filemap, lines: ~[uint]};
pub type FileName = ~str;
fn span_to_filename(sp: span, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> filename {
let lo = lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo);
return /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy;
pub struct FileLines {
file: @FileMap,
lines: ~[uint]
fn span_to_lines(sp: span, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> @file_lines {
let lo = lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo);
let hi = lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.hi);
let mut lines = ~[];
for uint::range(lo.line - 1u, hi.line as uint) |i| {
return @{file: lo.file, lines: lines};
pub enum FileSubstr {
pub FssNone,
pub FssInternal(span),
pub FssExternal({filename: ~str, line: uint, col: CharPos})
fn get_line(fm: filemap, line: int) -> ~str unsafe {
let begin: uint = fm.lines[line].byte - fm.start_pos.byte;
let end = match str::find_char_from(*fm.src, '\n', begin) {
Some(e) => e,
None => str::len(*fm.src)
str::slice(*fm.src, begin, end)
/// Identifies an offset of a multi-byte character in a FileMap
pub struct MultiByteChar {
/// The absolute offset of the character in the CodeMap
pos: BytePos,
/// The number of bytes, >=2
bytes: uint,
fn lookup_byte_offset(cm: codemap::CodeMap, chpos: uint)
-> {fm: filemap, pos: uint} {
pure fn lookup(pos: file_pos) -> uint { return; }
let {fm, line} = lookup_line(cm, chpos, lookup);
let line_offset = fm.lines[line].byte - fm.start_pos.byte;
let col = chpos - fm.lines[line].ch;
let col_offset = str::count_bytes(*fm.src, line_offset, col);
{fm: fm, pos: line_offset + col_offset}
/// A single source in the CodeMap
pub struct FileMap {
/// The name of the file that the source came from, source that doesn't
/// originate from files has names between angle brackets by convention,
/// e.g. `<anon>`
name: FileName,
/// Extra information used by qquote
substr: FileSubstr,
/// The complete source code
src: @~str,
/// The start position of this source in the CodeMap
start_pos: BytePos,
/// Locations of lines beginnings in the source code
mut lines: ~[BytePos],
/// Locations of multi-byte characters in the source code
multibyte_chars: DVec<MultiByteChar>
fn span_to_snippet(sp: span, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> ~str {
let begin = lookup_byte_offset(cm, sp.lo);
let end = lookup_byte_offset(cm, sp.hi);
assert ==;
return str::slice(*, begin.pos, end.pos);
pub impl FileMap {
fn next_line(&self, +pos: BytePos) {
pub fn get_line(&self, line: int) -> ~str unsafe {
let begin: BytePos = self.lines[line] - self.start_pos;
let begin = begin.to_uint();
let end = match str::find_char_from(*self.src, '\n', begin) {
Some(e) => e,
None => str::len(*self.src)
str::slice(*self.src, begin, end)
pub fn record_multibyte_char(&self, pos: BytePos, bytes: uint) {
assert bytes >=2 && bytes <= 4;
let mbc = MultiByteChar {
pos: pos,
bytes: bytes,
fn get_snippet(cm: codemap::CodeMap, fidx: uint, lo: uint, hi: uint) -> ~str
let fm = cm.files[fidx];
return str::slice(*fm.src, lo, hi)
pub struct CodeMap {
files: DVec<@FileMap>
fn get_filemap(cm: CodeMap, filename: ~str) -> filemap {
for cm.files.each |fm| { if == filename { return *fm; } }
//XXjdm the following triggers a mismatched type bug
// (or expected function, found _|_)
fail; // ("asking for " + filename + " which we don't know about");
pub impl CodeMap {
static pub fn new() -> CodeMap {
CodeMap {
files: DVec()
/// Add a new FileMap to the CodeMap and return it
fn new_filemap(+filename: FileName, src: @~str) -> @FileMap {
return self.new_filemap_w_substr(filename, FssNone, src);
fn new_filemap_w_substr(+filename: FileName, +substr: FileSubstr,
src: @~str) -> @FileMap {
let start_pos = if self.files.len() == 0 {
} else {
let last_start = self.files.last().start_pos.to_uint();
let last_len = self.files.last().src.len();
last_start + last_len
let filemap = @FileMap {
name: filename, substr: substr, src: src,
start_pos: BytePos(start_pos),
mut lines: ~[],
multibyte_chars: DVec()
return filemap;
pub fn mk_substr_filename(&self, sp: span) -> ~str {
let pos = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
return fmt!("<%s:%u:%u>",,
pos.line, pos.col.to_uint());
/// Lookup source information about a BytePos
pub fn lookup_char_pos(&self, +pos: BytePos) -> Loc {
return self.lookup_pos(pos);
pub fn lookup_char_pos_adj(&self, +pos: BytePos)
-> {filename: ~str, line: uint, col: CharPos, file: Option<@FileMap>}
let loc = self.lookup_char_pos(pos);
match (loc.file.substr) {
FssNone => {
{filename: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy,
line: loc.line,
col: loc.col,
file: Some(loc.file)}
FssInternal(sp) => {
sp.lo + (pos - loc.file.start_pos))
FssExternal(eloc) => {
{filename: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy eloc.filename,
line: eloc.line + loc.line - 1u,
col: if loc.line == 1u {eloc.col + loc.col} else {loc.col},
file: None}
pub fn adjust_span(&self, sp: span) -> span {
let line = self.lookup_line(sp.lo);
match ( {
FssNone => sp,
FssInternal(s) => {
self.adjust_span(span {
lo: s.lo + (sp.lo -,
hi: s.lo + (sp.hi -,
expn_info: sp.expn_info
FssExternal(_) => sp
pub fn span_to_str(&self, sp: span) -> ~str {
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos_adj(sp.lo);
let hi = self.lookup_char_pos_adj(sp.hi);
return fmt!("%s:%u:%u: %u:%u", lo.filename,
lo.line, lo.col.to_uint(), hi.line, hi.col.to_uint())
pub fn span_to_filename(&self, sp: span) -> FileName {
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
return /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy;
pub fn span_to_lines(&self, sp: span) -> @FileLines {
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
let mut lines = ~[];
for uint::range(lo.line - 1u, hi.line as uint) |i| {
return @FileLines {file: lo.file, lines: lines};
pub fn span_to_snippet(&self, sp: span) -> ~str {
let begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo);
let end = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.hi);
assert ==;
return str::slice(*,
begin.pos.to_uint(), end.pos.to_uint());
pub fn get_filemap(&self, filename: ~str) -> @FileMap {
for self.files.each |fm| { if == filename { return *fm; } }
//XXjdm the following triggers a mismatched type bug
// (or expected function, found _|_)
fail; // ("asking for " + filename + " which we don't know about");
priv impl CodeMap {
fn lookup_filemap_idx(&self, +pos: BytePos) -> uint {
let len = self.files.len();
let mut a = 0u;
let mut b = len;
while b - a > 1u {
let m = (a + b) / 2u;
if self.files[m].start_pos > pos {
b = m;
} else {
a = m;
if (a >= len) {
fail fmt!("position %u does not resolve to a source location",
return a;
fn lookup_line(&self, +pos: BytePos)
-> {fm: @FileMap, line: uint}
let idx = self.lookup_filemap_idx(pos);
let f = self.files[idx];
let mut a = 0u;
let mut b = vec::len(f.lines);
while b - a > 1u {
let m = (a + b) / 2u;
if f.lines[m] > pos { b = m; } else { a = m; }
return {fm: f, line: a};
fn lookup_pos(&self, +pos: BytePos) -> Loc {
let {fm: f, line: a} = self.lookup_line(pos);
let line = a + 1u; // Line numbers start at 1
let chpos = self.bytepos_to_local_charpos(pos);
let linebpos = f.lines[a];
let linechpos = self.bytepos_to_local_charpos(linebpos);
debug!("codemap: byte pos %? is on the line at byte pos %?",
pos, linebpos);
debug!("codemap: char pos %? is on the line at char pos %?",
chpos, linechpos);
debug!("codemap: byte is on line: %?", line);
assert chpos >= linechpos;
return Loc {
file: f,
line: line,
col: chpos - linechpos
fn span_to_str_no_adj(&self, sp: span) -> ~str {
let lo = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let hi = self.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
return fmt!("%s:%u:%u: %u:%u",,
lo.line, lo.col.to_uint(), hi.line, hi.col.to_uint())
fn lookup_byte_offset(&self, +bpos: BytePos)
-> {fm: @FileMap, pos: BytePos} {
let idx = self.lookup_filemap_idx(bpos);
let fm = self.files[idx];
let offset = bpos - fm.start_pos;
return {fm: fm, pos: offset};
// Converts an absolute BytePos to a CharPos relative to the file it is
// located in
fn bytepos_to_local_charpos(&self, +bpos: BytePos) -> CharPos {
debug!("codemap: converting %? to char pos", bpos);
let idx = self.lookup_filemap_idx(bpos);
let map = self.files[idx];
// The number of extra bytes due to multibyte chars in the FileMap
let mut total_extra_bytes = 0;
for map.multibyte_chars.each |mbc| {
debug!("codemap: %?-byte char at %?", mbc.bytes, mbc.pos);
if mbc.pos < bpos {
total_extra_bytes += mbc.bytes;
// We should never see a byte position in the middle of a
// character
assert bpos == mbc.pos
|| bpos.to_uint() >= mbc.pos.to_uint() + mbc.bytes;
} else {
CharPos(bpos.to_uint() - total_extra_bytes)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export codemap_span_handler, codemap_handler;
export ice_msg;
export expect;
type emitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, span)>,
type emitter = fn@(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>,
msg: &str, lvl: level);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ trait handler {
fn note(msg: &str);
fn bug(msg: &str) -> !;
fn unimpl(msg: &str) -> !;
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level);
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level);
type handler_t = @{
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type handler_t = @{
type codemap_t = @{
handler: handler,
cm: codemap::CodeMap
cm: @codemap::CodeMap
impl codemap_t: span_handler {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ impl handler_t: handler {
fn unimpl(msg: &str) -> ! { self.bug(~"unimplemented " + msg); }
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) {
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) {
self.emit(cmsp, msg, lvl);
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ fn ice_msg(msg: &str) -> ~str {
fmt!("internal compiler error: %s", msg)
fn mk_span_handler(handler: handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> span_handler {
fn mk_span_handler(handler: handler, cm: @codemap::CodeMap) -> span_handler {
@{ handler: handler, cm: cm } as span_handler
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ fn mk_handler(emitter: Option<emitter>) -> handler {
let emit = match emitter {
Some(e) => e,
None => {
let f = fn@(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, span)>,
let f = fn@(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>,
msg: &str, t: level) {
emit(cmsp, msg, t);
@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ fn print_diagnostic(topic: ~str, lvl: level, msg: &str) {
io::stderr().write_str(fmt!(" %s\n", msg));
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) {
fn emit(cmsp: Option<(@codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) {
match cmsp {
Some((cm, sp)) => {
let sp = codemap::adjust_span(cm,sp);
let ss = codemap::span_to_str(sp, cm);
let lines = codemap::span_to_lines(sp, cm);
let sp = cm.adjust_span(sp);
let ss = cm.span_to_str(sp);
let lines = cm.span_to_lines(sp);
print_diagnostic(ss, lvl, msg);
highlight_lines(cm, sp, lines);
print_macro_backtrace(cm, sp);
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ fn emit(cmsp: Option<(codemap::CodeMap, span)>, msg: &str, lvl: level) {
fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::CodeMap, sp: span,
lines: @codemap::file_lines) {
fn highlight_lines(cm: @codemap::CodeMap, sp: span,
lines: @codemap::FileLines) {
let fm = lines.file;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::CodeMap, sp: span,
// Print the offending lines
for display_lines.each |line| {
io::stderr().write_str(fmt!("%s:%u ",, *line + 1u));
let s = codemap::get_line(fm, *line as int) + ~"\n";
let s = fm.get_line(*line as int) + ~"\n";
if elided {
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::CodeMap, sp: span,
// If there's one line at fault we can easily point to the problem
if vec::len(lines.lines) == 1u {
let lo = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo);
let lo = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let mut digits = 0u;
let mut num = (lines.lines[0] + 1u) / 10u;
@ -245,28 +245,28 @@ fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::CodeMap, sp: span,
while num > 0u { num /= 10u; digits += 1u; }
// indent past |name:## | and the 0-offset column location
let mut left = str::len( + digits + lo.col + 3u;
let mut left = str::len( + digits + lo.col.to_uint() + 3u;
let mut s = ~"";
while left > 0u { str::push_char(&mut s, ' '); left -= 1u; }
s += ~"^";
let hi = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.hi);
let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
if hi.col != lo.col {
// the ^ already takes up one space
let mut width = hi.col - lo.col - 1u;
let mut width = hi.col.to_uint() - lo.col.to_uint() - 1u;
while width > 0u { str::push_char(&mut s, '~'); width -= 1u; }
io::stderr().write_str(s + ~"\n");
fn print_macro_backtrace(cm: codemap::CodeMap, sp: span) {
fn print_macro_backtrace(cm: @codemap::CodeMap, sp: span) {
do option::iter(&sp.expn_info) |ei| {
let ss = option::map_default(&ei.callie.span, @~"",
|span| @codemap::span_to_str(*span, cm));
|span| @cm.span_to_str(*span));
print_diagnostic(*ss, note,
fmt!("in expansion of %s!",;
let ss = codemap::span_to_str(ei.call_site, cm);
let ss = cm.span_to_str(ei.call_site);
print_diagnostic(ss, note, ~"expansion site");
print_macro_backtrace(cm, ei.call_site);

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
use std::map::HashMap;
use parse::parser;
use diagnostic::span_handler;
use codemap::{CodeMap, span, expn_info, expanded_from};
use codemap::{CodeMap, span, ExpnInfo, ExpandedFrom};
use ast_util::dummy_sp;
// obsolete old-style #macro code:
@ -139,15 +140,15 @@ fn syntax_expander_table() -> HashMap<~str, syntax_extension> {
// when a macro expansion occurs, the resulting nodes have the backtrace()
// -> expn_info of their expansion context stored into their span.
trait ext_ctxt {
fn codemap() -> CodeMap;
fn codemap() -> @CodeMap;
fn parse_sess() -> parse::parse_sess;
fn cfg() -> ast::crate_cfg;
fn print_backtrace();
fn backtrace() -> expn_info;
fn backtrace() -> Option<@ExpnInfo>;
fn mod_push(mod_name: ast::ident);
fn mod_pop();
fn mod_path() -> ~[ast::ident];
fn bt_push(ei: codemap::expn_info_);
fn bt_push(ei: codemap::ExpnInfo);
fn bt_pop();
fn span_fatal(sp: span, msg: &str) -> !;
fn span_err(sp: span, msg: &str);
@ -167,32 +168,34 @@ fn mk_ctxt(parse_sess: parse::parse_sess,
cfg: ast::crate_cfg) -> ext_ctxt {
type ctxt_repr = {parse_sess: parse::parse_sess,
cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
mut backtrace: expn_info,
mut backtrace: Option<@ExpnInfo>,
mut mod_path: ~[ast::ident],
mut trace_mac: bool};
impl ctxt_repr: ext_ctxt {
fn codemap() -> CodeMap { }
fn codemap() -> @CodeMap { }
fn parse_sess() -> parse::parse_sess { self.parse_sess }
fn cfg() -> ast::crate_cfg { self.cfg }
fn print_backtrace() { }
fn backtrace() -> expn_info { self.backtrace }
fn backtrace() -> Option<@ExpnInfo> { self.backtrace }
fn mod_push(i: ast::ident) { self.mod_path.push(i); }
fn mod_pop() { self.mod_path.pop(); }
fn mod_path() -> ~[ast::ident] { return self.mod_path; }
fn bt_push(ei: codemap::expn_info_) {
fn bt_push(ei: codemap::ExpnInfo) {
match ei {
expanded_from({call_site: cs, callie: callie}) => {
ExpandedFrom({call_site: cs, callie: callie}) => {
self.backtrace =
call_site: {lo: cs.lo, hi: cs.hi,
expn_info: self.backtrace},
call_site: span {lo: cs.lo, hi: cs.hi,
expn_info: self.backtrace},
callie: callie}));
fn bt_pop() {
match self.backtrace {
Some(@expanded_from({call_site: {expn_info: prev, _}, _})) => {
call_site: span {expn_info: prev, _}, _
})) => {
self.backtrace = prev
_ => self.bug(~"tried to pop without a push")
@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ fn tt_args_to_original_flavor(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ~[ast::token_tree])
// these spans won't matter, anyways
fn ms(m: matcher_) -> matcher {
{node: m, span: {lo: 0u, hi: 0u, expn_info: None}}
{node: m, span: dummy_sp()}
let arg_nm = cx.parse_sess().interner.gensym(@~"arg");

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use ext::qquote::{qq_helper};
use parse::{parser, parse_expr_from_source_str, new_parser_from_tt};
use codemap::{span, expanded_from};
use codemap::{span, ExpandedFrom};
fn expand_expr(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
e: expr_, s: span, fld: ast_fold,
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fn expand_expr(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
Some(normal({expander: exp, span: exp_sp})) => {
let expanded = exp(cx, mac.span, args, body);
cx.bt_push(expanded_from({call_site: s,
cx.bt_push(ExpandedFrom({call_site: s,
callie: {name: *extname, span: exp_sp}}));
//keep going, outside-in
let fully_expanded = fld.fold_expr(expanded).node;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fn expand_expr(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
cx.bt_push(expanded_from({call_site: s,
cx.bt_push(ExpandedFrom({call_site: s,
callie: {name: *extname, span: exp_sp}}));
//keep going, outside-in
let fully_expanded = fld.fold_expr(expanded).node;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ fn expand_expr(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
let expanded = exp(cx, mac.span, arg, None);
cx.bt_push(expanded_from({call_site: s,
cx.bt_push(ExpandedFrom({call_site: s,
callie: {name: *extname, span: exp_sp}}));
//keep going, outside-in
let fully_expanded = fld.fold_expr(expanded).node;
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ fn expand_item_mac(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>,
Some(item_tt(expand)) => {
let expanded = expand.expander(cx, it.span, it.ident, tts);
cx.bt_push(expanded_from({call_site: it.span,
cx.bt_push(ExpandedFrom({call_site: it.span,
callie: {name: *extname,
span: expand.span}}));
let maybe_it = match expanded {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ fn expand_item_mac(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>,
fn new_span(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> span {
/* this discards information in the case of macro-defining macros */
return {lo: sp.lo, hi: sp.hi, expn_info: cx.backtrace()};
return span {lo: sp.lo, hi: sp.hi, expn_info: cx.backtrace()};
// FIXME (#2247): this is a terrible kludge to inject some macros into

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// something smarter.
use ast::{ident, node_id};
use ast_util::{ident_to_path, respan};
use ast_util::{ident_to_path, respan, dummy_sp};
use codemap::span;
use ext::base::mk_ctxt;
@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ fn path(ids: ~[ident], span: span) -> @ast::path {
types: ~[]}
fn empty_span() -> span {
{lo: 0, hi: 0, expn_info: None}
trait append_types {
fn add_ty(ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::path;
fn add_tys(+tys: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> @ast::path;
@ -83,26 +79,21 @@ trait ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
fn stmt_let(ident: ident, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt;
fn stmt_expr(e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt;
fn block_expr(b: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr;
fn empty_span() -> span;
fn ty_option(ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::Ty;
impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
fn ty_option(ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::Ty {
fn empty_span() -> span {
{lo: 0, hi: 0, expn_info: self.backtrace()}
fn block_expr(b: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
@{id: self.next_id(),
callee_id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::expr_block(b),
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn move_expr(e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
@ -114,7 +105,7 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
fn stmt_expr(e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt {
@{node: ast::stmt_expr(e, self.next_id()),
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn stmt_let(ident: ident, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt {
@ -130,43 +121,43 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
pat: @{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::pat_ident(ast::bind_by_implicit_ref,
span: self.empty_span()},
span: dummy_sp()},
init: Some(self.move_expr(e)),
id: self.next_id()},
span: self.empty_span()}]),
span: self.empty_span()}, self.next_id()),
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}]),
span: dummy_sp()}, self.next_id()),
span: dummy_sp()}
fn field_imm(name: ident, e: @ast::expr) -> ast::field {
{node: {mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: name, expr: e},
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn rec(+fields: ~[ast::field]) -> @ast::expr {
@{id: self.next_id(),
callee_id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::expr_rec(fields, None),
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn ty_field_imm(name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> ast::ty_field {
{node: {ident: name, mt: { ty: ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm } },
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn ty_rec(+fields: ~[ast::ty_field]) -> @ast::Ty {
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_rec(fields),
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn ty_infer() -> @ast::Ty {
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_infer,
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn ty_param(id: ast::ident, +bounds: ~[ast::ty_param_bound])
@ -181,9 +172,9 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
pat: @{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::pat_ident(
ast_util::ident_to_path(self.empty_span(), name),
ast_util::ident_to_path(dummy_sp(), name),
span: self.empty_span()},
span: dummy_sp()},
id: self.next_id()}
@ -195,7 +186,7 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
rules: ast::default_blk};
{node: blk,
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn expr_block(e: @ast::expr) -> ast::blk {
@ -215,11 +206,11 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
// XXX: Would be nice if our generated code didn't violate
// Rust coding conventions
let non_camel_case_attribute = respan(self.empty_span(), {
let non_camel_case_attribute = respan(dummy_sp(), {
style: ast::attr_outer,
value: respan(self.empty_span(),
value: respan(dummy_sp(),
ast::meta_list(~"allow", ~[
is_sugared_doc: false
@ -239,7 +230,7 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
+ty_params: ~[ast::ty_param],
+body: ast::blk) -> @ast::item {
ast::item_fn(self.fn_decl(inputs, output),
@ -298,7 +289,7 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
fn ty_nil_ast_builder() -> @ast::Ty {
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_nil,
span: self.empty_span()}
span: dummy_sp()}
fn item_ty_poly(name: ident,
@ -314,6 +305,6 @@ impl ext_ctxt: ext_ctxt_ast_builder {
fn ty_vars(+ty_params: ~[ast::ty_param]) -> ~[@ast::Ty] {|p| self.ty_path_ast_builder(
path(~[p.ident], self.empty_span())))
path(~[p.ident], dummy_sp())))

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ that.
use ext::base::ext_ctxt;
use proto::{state, protocol, next_state};
use ast_builder::empty_span;
impl ext_ctxt: proto::visitor<(), (), ()> {
fn visit_proto(_proto: protocol,

@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ updating the states using rule (2) until there are no changes.
use std::bitv::{Bitv};
use ast_builder::empty_span;
fn analyze(proto: protocol, _cx: ext_ctxt) {
debug!("initializing colive analysis");
let num_states = proto.num_states();

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use to_str::ToStr;
use dvec::DVec;
use ast::ident;
use ast_util::dummy_sp;
use util::interner;
use print::pprust;
use pprust::{item_to_str, ty_to_str};
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ use ext::base::{mk_ctxt, ext_ctxt};
use parse::*;
use proto::*;
use ast_builder::{append_types, path, empty_span};
use ast_builder::{append_types, path};
// Transitional reexports so qquote can find the paths it is looking for
mod syntax {
@ -256,11 +257,11 @@ impl state: to_type_decls {
cx.ident_of(dir.to_str() + ~"Packet")],
@ -273,11 +274,11 @@ impl state: to_type_decls {
+ ~"PacketBuffered")],
@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ impl protocol: gen_init {

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use parse::parser;
use parse::parser::{Parser, parse_from_source_str};
use dvec::DVec;
use parse::token::ident_interner;
use codemap::{CharPos, BytePos};
use fold::*;
use visit::*;
@ -15,13 +16,13 @@ use io::*;
use codemap::span;
struct gather_item {
lo: uint,
hi: uint,
lo: BytePos,
hi: BytePos,
e: @ast::expr,
constr: ~str
type aq_ctxt = @{lo: uint, gather: DVec<gather_item>};
type aq_ctxt = @{lo: BytePos, gather: DVec<gather_item>};
enum fragment {
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ impl @ast::pat: qq_helper {
fn get_fold_fn() -> ~str {~"fold_pat"}
fn gather_anti_quotes<N: qq_helper>(lo: uint, node: N) -> aq_ctxt
fn gather_anti_quotes<N: qq_helper>(lo: BytePos, node: N) -> aq_ctxt
let v = @{visit_expr: |node, &&cx, v| visit_aq(node, ~"from_expr", cx, v),
visit_ty: |node, &&cx, v| visit_aq(node, ~"from_ty", cx, v),
@ -204,13 +205,13 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
-> @ast::expr
let cm = ecx.codemap();
let str = @codemap::span_to_snippet(body.span, cm);
let str = @cm.span_to_snippet(body.span);
debug!("qquote--str==%?", str);
let fname = codemap::mk_substr_filename(cm, body.span);
let fname = cm.mk_substr_filename(body.span);
let node = parse_from_source_str
(f, fname, codemap::fss_internal(body.span), str,
(f, fname, codemap::FssInternal(body.span), str,
ecx.cfg(), ecx.parse_sess());
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, body.span.lo);
let loc = cm.lookup_char_pos(body.span.lo);
let sp = node.span();
let qcx = gather_anti_quotes(sp.lo, node);
@ -226,7 +227,8 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
let mut str2 = ~"";
enum state {active, skip(uint), blank};
let mut state = active;
let mut i = 0u, j = 0u;
let mut i = BytePos(0u);
let mut j = 0u;
let g_len = cx.gather.len();
for str::chars_each(*str) |ch| {
if (j < g_len && i == cx.gather[j].lo) {
@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
blank if is_space(ch) => str::push_char(&mut str2, ch),
blank => str::push_char(&mut str2, ' ')
i += 1u;
i += BytePos(1u);
if (j < g_len && i == cx.gather[j].hi) {
assert ch == ')';
state = active;
@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
~"qquote", ~"mk_file_substr"]),
mk_uint(cx,sp, loc.line),
mk_uint(cx,sp, loc.col)]),
mk_uint(cx,sp, loc.col.to_uint())]),
mk_unary(cx,sp, ast::box(ast::m_imm),
mk_uniq_str(cx,sp, str2)),
@ -345,8 +347,8 @@ fn replace_ty(repls: ~[fragment],
fn mk_file_substr(fname: ~str, line: uint, col: uint) ->
codemap::file_substr {
codemap::fss_external({filename: fname, line: line, col: col})
codemap::FileSubstr {
codemap::FssExternal({filename: fname, line: line, col: CharPos(col)})
// Local Variables:

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use mod ast;
use mod parse::token;
use codemap::span;
use codemap::{span, BytePos};
use ext::base::ext_ctxt;
use token::*;
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ pub mod rt {
pub use ast::*;
pub use parse::token::*;
pub use parse::new_parser_from_tt;
pub use codemap::BytePos;
pub use codemap::span;
pub fn expand_quote_tokens(cx: ext_ctxt,
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ fn mk_span(cx: ext_ctxt, qsp: span, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
let e_expn_info = match sp.expn_info {
None => build::mk_path(cx, qsp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"None"])),
Some(@codemap::expanded_from(cr)) => {
Some(@codemap::ExpandedFrom(cr)) => {
let e_callee =
cx, qsp,
@ -119,12 +121,16 @@ fn mk_span(cx: ext_ctxt, qsp: span, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
build::mk_rec_e(cx, qsp,
let span_path = ids_ext(
cx, ~[~"syntax", ~"ext", ~"quote", ~"rt", ~"span"]);
build::mk_struct_e(cx, qsp,
~[{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"lo"),
ex: build::mk_uint(cx, qsp, sp.lo) },
ex: mk_bytepos(cx, qsp, sp.lo) },
{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"hi"),
ex: build::mk_uint(cx, qsp, sp.hi) },
ex: mk_bytepos(cx, qsp, sp.hi) },
{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"expn_info"),
ex: e_expn_info}])
@ -143,6 +149,11 @@ fn mk_ident(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
ex: build::mk_uint(cx, sp, ident.repr) }])
fn mk_bytepos(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, bpos: BytePos) -> @ast::expr {
let path = ids_ext(cx, ~[~"syntax", ~"ext", ~"quote", ~"rt", ~"BytePos"]);
let arg = build::mk_uint(cx, sp, bpos.to_uint());
build::mk_call(cx, sp, path, ~[arg])
fn mk_binop(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, bop: token::binop) -> @ast::expr {
let name = match bop {

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ fn transcribe(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, body: @expr) -> @expr {
fn new_id(_old: node_id, cx: ext_ctxt) -> node_id { return cx.next_id(); }
fn new_span(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> span {
/* this discards information in the case of macro-defining macros */
return {lo: sp.lo, hi: sp.hi, expn_info: cx.backtrace()};
return span {lo: sp.lo, hi: sp.hi, expn_info: cx.backtrace()};
let afp = default_ast_fold();
let f_pre =

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use base::*;
use codemap::span;
use codemap::{span, Loc, FileMap};
use print::pprust;
use build::{mk_base_vec_e,mk_uint,mk_u8,mk_uniq_str};
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export expand_include_bin;
fn expand_line(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
_body: ast::mac_body) -> @ast::expr {
get_mac_args(cx, sp, arg, 0u, option::Some(0u), ~"line");
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.codemap(), sp.lo);
let loc = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
return mk_uint(cx, sp, loc.line);
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ fn expand_line(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
fn expand_col(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
_body: ast::mac_body) -> @ast::expr {
get_mac_args(cx, sp, arg, 0u, option::Some(0u), ~"col");
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.codemap(), sp.lo);
return mk_uint(cx, sp, loc.col);
let loc = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
return mk_uint(cx, sp, loc.col.to_uint());
/* file!(): expands to the current filename */
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ fn expand_col(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
fn expand_file(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
_body: ast::mac_body) -> @ast::expr {
get_mac_args(cx, sp, arg, 0u, option::Some(0u), ~"file");
let { file: @{ name: filename, _ }, _ } =
codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.codemap(), sp.lo);
let Loc { file: @FileMap { name: filename, _ }, _ } =
return mk_uniq_str(cx, sp, filename);
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ fn expand_include_bin(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: codemap::span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
fn res_rel_file(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: codemap::span, arg: &Path) -> Path {
// NB: relative paths are resolved relative to the compilation unit
if !arg.is_absolute {
let cu = Path(codemap::span_to_filename(sp, cx.codemap()));
let cu = Path(cx.codemap().span_to_filename(sp));
} else {
copy *arg

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use dvec::DVec;
use ast::{matcher, match_tok, match_seq, match_nonterminal, ident};
use ast_util::mk_sp;
use std::map::HashMap;
use codemap::BytePos;
/* This is an Earley-like parser, without support for in-grammar nonterminals,
only by calling out to the main rust parser for named nonterminals (which it
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ type matcher_pos = ~{
mut up: matcher_pos_up, // mutable for swapping only
matches: ~[DVec<@named_match>],
match_lo: uint, match_hi: uint,
sp_lo: uint,
sp_lo: BytePos,
fn copy_up(&& mpu: matcher_pos_up) -> matcher_pos {
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ fn count_names(ms: &[matcher]) -> uint {
fn initial_matcher_pos(ms: ~[matcher], sep: Option<Token>, lo: uint)
fn initial_matcher_pos(ms: ~[matcher], sep: Option<Token>, lo: BytePos)
-> matcher_pos {
let mut match_idx_hi = 0u;
for ms.each() |elt| {

@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ use macro_parser::{parse, parse_or_else, success, failure, named_match,
matched_seq, matched_nonterminal, error};
use std::map::HashMap;
use parse::token::special_idents;
use ast_util::dummy_sp;
fn add_new_extension(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, name: ident,
arg: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result {
// these spans won't matter, anyways
fn ms(m: matcher_) -> matcher {
{node: m, span: {lo: 0u, hi: 0u, expn_info: None}}
{node: m, span: dummy_sp()}
let lhs_nm = cx.parse_sess().interner.gensym(@~"lhs");
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ fn add_new_extension(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, name: ident,
// Which arm's failure should we report? (the one furthest along)
let mut best_fail_spot = {lo: 0u, hi: 0u, expn_info: None};
let mut best_fail_spot = dummy_sp();
let mut best_fail_msg = ~"internal error: ran no matchers";
let s_d = cx.parse_sess().span_diagnostic;

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ fn new_tt_reader(sp_diag: span_handler, itr: @ident_interner,
mut repeat_len: ~[],
/* dummy values, never read: */
mut cur_tok: EOF,
mut cur_span: ast_util::mk_sp(0u,0u)
mut cur_span: ast_util::dummy_sp()
tt_next_token(r); /* get cur_tok and cur_span set up */
return r;

@ -20,33 +20,31 @@ use util::interner;
use diagnostic::{span_handler, mk_span_handler, mk_handler, emitter};
use lexer::{reader, string_reader};
use parse::token::{ident_interner, mk_ident_interner};
use codemap::{CodeMap, FileMap, CharPos, BytePos};
type parse_sess = @{
cm: codemap::CodeMap,
cm: @codemap::CodeMap,
mut next_id: node_id,
span_diagnostic: span_handler,
interner: @ident_interner,
// these two must be kept up to date
mut chpos: uint,
mut byte_pos: uint
fn new_parse_sess(demitter: Option<emitter>) -> parse_sess {
let cm = codemap::new_codemap();
let cm = @CodeMap::new();
return @{cm: cm,
mut next_id: 1,
span_diagnostic: mk_span_handler(mk_handler(demitter), cm),
interner: mk_ident_interner(),
mut chpos: 0u, mut byte_pos: 0u};
fn new_parse_sess_special_handler(sh: span_handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap)
fn new_parse_sess_special_handler(sh: span_handler, cm: @codemap::CodeMap)
-> parse_sess {
return @{cm: cm,
mut next_id: 1,
span_diagnostic: sh,
interner: mk_ident_interner(),
mut chpos: 0u, mut byte_pos: 0u};
fn parse_crate_from_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
@ -63,15 +61,13 @@ fn parse_crate_from_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
fn parse_crate_from_crate_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::crate {
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_file(sess, cfg, input,
let p = new_parser_from_file(sess, cfg, input,
let lo = p.span.lo;
let prefix = input.dir_path();
let leading_attrs = p.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
let { inner: crate_attrs, next: first_cdir_attr } = leading_attrs;
let cdirs = p.parse_crate_directives(token::EOF, first_cdir_attr);
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
let cx = @{sess: sess, cfg: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy p.cfg};
let companionmod = input.filestem().map(|s| Path(*s));
let (m, attrs) = eval::eval_crate_directives_to_mod(
@ -88,75 +84,63 @@ fn parse_crate_from_crate_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
fn parse_crate_from_source_file(input: &Path, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::crate {
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_file(sess, cfg, input,
let p = new_parser_from_file(sess, cfg, input,
let r = p.parse_crate_mod(cfg);
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
return r;
fn parse_crate_from_source_str(name: ~str, source: @~str, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::crate {
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::fss_none, source);
let p = new_parser_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::FssNone, source);
let r = p.parse_crate_mod(cfg);
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
return r;
fn parse_expr_from_source_str(name: ~str, source: @~str, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::expr {
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::fss_none, source);
let p = new_parser_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::FssNone, source);
let r = p.parse_expr();
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
return r;
fn parse_item_from_source_str(name: ~str, source: @~str, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
+attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
sess: parse_sess) -> Option<@ast::item> {
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::fss_none, source);
let p = new_parser_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::FssNone, source);
let r = p.parse_item(attrs);
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
return r;
fn parse_stmt_from_source_str(name: ~str, source: @~str, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
+attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
sess: parse_sess) -> @ast::stmt {
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::fss_none, source);
let p = new_parser_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name,
codemap::FssNone, source);
let r = p.parse_stmt(attrs);
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
return r;
fn parse_from_source_str<T>(f: fn (p: Parser) -> T,
name: ~str, ss: codemap::file_substr,
name: ~str, ss: codemap::FileSubstr,
source: @~str, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
sess: parse_sess)
-> T
let (p, rdr) = new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name, ss,
let p = new_parser_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name, ss,
let r = f(p);
if !p.reader.is_eof() {
p.reader.fatal(~"expected end-of-string");
sess.chpos = rdr.chpos;
sess.byte_pos = sess.byte_pos + rdr.pos;
move r
@ -168,47 +152,28 @@ fn next_node_id(sess: parse_sess) -> node_id {
return rv;
fn new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
+name: ~str, +ss: codemap::file_substr,
source: @~str) -> (Parser, string_reader) {
fn new_parser_from_source_str(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
+name: ~str, +ss: codemap::FileSubstr,
source: @~str) -> Parser {
let ftype = parser::SOURCE_FILE;
let filemap = codemap::new_filemap_w_substr
(name, ss, source, sess.chpos, sess.byte_pos);;
let filemap =, ss, source);
let srdr = lexer::new_string_reader(sess.span_diagnostic, filemap,
return (Parser(sess, cfg, srdr as reader, ftype), srdr);
return Parser(sess, cfg, srdr as reader, ftype);
fn new_parser_from_source_str(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
+name: ~str, +ss: codemap::file_substr,
source: @~str) -> Parser {
let (p, _) = new_parser_etc_from_source_str(sess, cfg, name, ss, source);
move p
fn new_parser_etc_from_file(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
path: &Path, ftype: parser::file_type) ->
(Parser, string_reader) {
fn new_parser_from_file(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
path: &Path, ftype: parser::file_type) -> Parser {
let res = io::read_whole_file_str(path);
match res {
result::Ok(_) => { /* Continue. */ }
result::Err(e) => sess.span_diagnostic.handler().fatal(e)
let src = @result::unwrap(res);
let filemap = codemap::new_filemap(path.to_str(), src,
sess.chpos, sess.byte_pos);;
let filemap =, src);
let srdr = lexer::new_string_reader(sess.span_diagnostic, filemap,
return (Parser(sess, cfg, srdr as reader, ftype), srdr);
fn new_parser_from_file(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, path: &Path,
ftype: parser::file_type) -> Parser {
let (p, _) = new_parser_etc_from_file(sess, cfg, path, ftype);
move p
return Parser(sess, cfg, srdr as reader, ftype);
fn new_parser_from_tt(sess: parse_sess, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ trait parser_attr {
-> attr_or_ext;
fn parse_outer_attributes() -> ~[ast::attribute];
fn parse_attribute(style: ast::attr_style) -> ast::attribute;
fn parse_attribute_naked(style: ast::attr_style, lo: uint) ->
fn parse_attribute_naked(style: ast::attr_style, lo: BytePos) ->
fn parse_inner_attrs_and_next() ->
{inner: ~[ast::attribute], next: ~[ast::attribute]};
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ impl Parser: parser_attr {
return self.parse_attribute_naked(style, lo);
fn parse_attribute_naked(style: ast::attr_style, lo: uint) ->
fn parse_attribute_naked(style: ast::attr_style, lo: BytePos) ->
ast::attribute {
let meta_item = self.parse_meta_item();

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use io::ReaderUtil;
use util::interner;
use lexer::{string_reader, bump, is_eof, nextch,
is_whitespace, get_str_from, reader};
use codemap::{FileMap, CharPos};
export cmnt;
export lit;
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ impl cmnt_style : cmp::Eq {
type cmnt = {style: cmnt_style, lines: ~[~str], pos: uint};
type cmnt = {style: cmnt_style, lines: ~[~str], pos: BytePos};
fn is_doc_comment(s: ~str) -> bool {
s.starts_with(~"///") ||
@ -130,13 +131,13 @@ fn consume_non_eol_whitespace(rdr: string_reader) {
fn push_blank_line_comment(rdr: string_reader, comments: &mut ~[cmnt]) {
debug!(">>> blank-line comment");
let v: ~[~str] = ~[];
comments.push({style: blank_line, lines: v, pos: rdr.chpos});
comments.push({style: blank_line, lines: v, pos: rdr.last_pos});
fn consume_whitespace_counting_blank_lines(rdr: string_reader,
comments: &mut ~[cmnt]) {
while is_whitespace(rdr.curr) && !is_eof(rdr) {
if rdr.col == 0u && rdr.curr == '\n' {
if rdr.col == CharPos(0u) && rdr.curr == '\n' {
push_blank_line_comment(rdr, comments);
@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ fn consume_whitespace_counting_blank_lines(rdr: string_reader,
fn read_shebang_comment(rdr: string_reader, code_to_the_left: bool,
comments: &mut ~[cmnt]) {
debug!(">>> shebang comment");
let p = rdr.chpos;
let p = rdr.last_pos;
debug!("<<< shebang comment");
style: if code_to_the_left { trailing } else { isolated },
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ fn read_shebang_comment(rdr: string_reader, code_to_the_left: bool,
fn read_line_comments(rdr: string_reader, code_to_the_left: bool,
comments: &mut ~[cmnt]) {
debug!(">>> line comments");
let p = rdr.chpos;
let p = rdr.last_pos;
let mut lines: ~[~str] = ~[];
while rdr.curr == '/' && nextch(rdr) == '/' {
let line = read_one_line_comment(rdr);
@ -180,6 +181,8 @@ fn read_line_comments(rdr: string_reader, code_to_the_left: bool,
// FIXME #3961: This is not the right way to convert string byte
// offsets to characters.
fn all_whitespace(s: ~str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> bool {
let mut i: uint = begin;
while i != end {
@ -189,9 +192,11 @@ fn all_whitespace(s: ~str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> bool {
fn trim_whitespace_prefix_and_push_line(lines: &mut ~[~str],
s: ~str, col: uint) {
s: ~str, col: CharPos) {
let mut s1;
let len = str::len(s);
// FIXME #3961: Doing bytewise comparison and slicing with CharPos
let col = col.to_uint();
if all_whitespace(s, 0u, uint::min(len, col)) {
if col < len {
s1 = str::slice(s, col, len);
@ -204,9 +209,9 @@ fn trim_whitespace_prefix_and_push_line(lines: &mut ~[~str],
fn read_block_comment(rdr: string_reader, code_to_the_left: bool,
comments: &mut ~[cmnt]) {
debug!(">>> block comment");
let p = rdr.chpos;
let p = rdr.last_pos;
let mut lines: ~[~str] = ~[];
let mut col: uint = rdr.col;
let mut col: CharPos = rdr.col;
@ -279,7 +284,7 @@ fn consume_comment(rdr: string_reader, code_to_the_left: bool,
debug!("<<< consume comment");
type lit = {lit: ~str, pos: uint};
type lit = {lit: ~str, pos: BytePos};
fn gather_comments_and_literals(span_diagnostic: diagnostic::span_handler,
path: ~str,
@ -287,8 +292,10 @@ fn gather_comments_and_literals(span_diagnostic: diagnostic::span_handler,
{cmnts: ~[cmnt], lits: ~[lit]} {
let src = @str::from_bytes(srdr.read_whole_stream());
let itr = parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner();
let rdr = lexer::new_low_level_string_reader
(span_diagnostic, codemap::new_filemap(path, src, 0u, 0u), itr);
let cm = CodeMap::new();
let filemap = cm.new_filemap(path, src);
let rdr = lexer::new_low_level_string_reader(
span_diagnostic, filemap, itr);
let mut comments: ~[cmnt] = ~[];
let mut literals: ~[lit] = ~[];

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ impl Parser: parser_common {
if self.token == token::GT {
} else if self.token == token::BINOP(token::SHR) {
self.swap(token::GT, self.span.lo + 1u, self.span.hi);
self.swap(token::GT, self.span.lo + BytePos(1u), self.span.hi);
} else {
let mut s: ~str = ~"expected `";
s += token_to_str(self.reader, token::GT);

@ -62,12 +62,10 @@ fn parse_companion_mod(cx: ctx, prefix: &Path, suffix: &Option<Path>)
let modpath = &companion_file(prefix, suffix);
if file_exists(modpath) {
debug!("found companion mod");
let (p0, r0) = new_parser_etc_from_file(cx.sess, cx.cfg,
modpath, SOURCE_FILE);
let p0 = new_parser_from_file(cx.sess, cx.cfg,
modpath, SOURCE_FILE);
let inner_attrs = p0.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
let m0 = p0.parse_mod_items(token::EOF,;
cx.sess.chpos = r0.chpos;
cx.sess.byte_pos = cx.sess.byte_pos + r0.pos;
return (m0.view_items, m0.items, inner_attrs.inner);
} else {
return (~[], ~[], ~[]);
@ -93,9 +91,9 @@ fn eval_crate_directive(cx: ctx, cdir: @ast::crate_directive, prefix: &Path,
} else {
let (p0, r0) =
new_parser_etc_from_file(cx.sess, cx.cfg,
&full_path, SOURCE_FILE);
let p0 =
new_parser_from_file(cx.sess, cx.cfg,
&full_path, SOURCE_FILE);
let inner_attrs = p0.parse_inner_attrs_and_next();
let mod_attrs = vec::append(attrs, inner_attrs.inner);
let first_item_outer_attrs =;
@ -104,9 +102,6 @@ fn eval_crate_directive(cx: ctx, cdir: @ast::crate_directive, prefix: &Path,
let i = p0.mk_item(cdir.span.lo, cdir.span.hi,
/* FIXME (#2543) */ copy id,
ast::item_mod(m0), vis, mod_attrs);
// Thread defids, chpos and byte_pos through the parsers
cx.sess.chpos = r0.chpos;
cx.sess.byte_pos = cx.sess.byte_pos + r0.pos;
ast::cdir_dir_mod(vis, id, cdirs, attrs) => {

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use diagnostic::span_handler;
use codemap::span;
use codemap::{span, CodeMap, CharPos, BytePos};
use ext::tt::transcribe::{tt_reader, new_tt_reader, dup_tt_reader,
@ -21,11 +21,15 @@ trait reader {
type string_reader = @{
span_diagnostic: span_handler,
src: @~str,
mut col: uint,
mut pos: uint,
// The absolute offset within the codemap of the next character to read
mut pos: BytePos,
// The absolute offset within the codemap of the last character read(curr)
mut last_pos: BytePos,
// The column of the next character to read
mut col: CharPos,
// The last character to be read
mut curr: char,
mut chpos: uint,
filemap: codemap::filemap,
filemap: @codemap::FileMap,
interner: @token::ident_interner,
/* cached: */
mut peek_tok: token::Token,
@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ type string_reader = @{
fn new_string_reader(span_diagnostic: span_handler,
filemap: codemap::filemap,
filemap: @codemap::FileMap,
itr: @token::ident_interner) -> string_reader {
let r = new_low_level_string_reader(span_diagnostic, filemap, itr);
string_advance_token(r); /* fill in peek_* */
@ -42,27 +46,29 @@ fn new_string_reader(span_diagnostic: span_handler,
/* For, which hackily pokes into 'pos' and 'curr' */
fn new_low_level_string_reader(span_diagnostic: span_handler,
filemap: codemap::filemap,
filemap: @codemap::FileMap,
itr: @token::ident_interner)
-> string_reader {
// Force the initial reader bump to start on a fresh line
let initial_char = '\n';
let r = @{span_diagnostic: span_diagnostic, src: filemap.src,
mut col: 0u, mut pos: 0u, mut curr: -1 as char,
mut chpos:,
mut pos: filemap.start_pos,
mut last_pos: filemap.start_pos,
mut col: CharPos(0),
mut curr: initial_char,
filemap: filemap, interner: itr,
/* dummy values; not read */
mut peek_tok: token::EOF,
mut peek_span: ast_util::mk_sp(0u,0u)};
if r.pos < (*filemap.src).len() {
let next = str::char_range_at(*r.src, r.pos);
r.pos =;
r.curr =;
mut peek_span: ast_util::dummy_sp()};
return r;
fn dup_string_reader(&&r: string_reader) -> string_reader {
@{span_diagnostic: r.span_diagnostic, src: r.src,
mut col: r.col, mut pos: r.pos, mut curr: r.curr, mut chpos: r.chpos,
mut pos: r.pos,
mut last_pos: r.last_pos,
mut col: r.col, mut curr: r.curr,
filemap: r.filemap, interner: r.interner,
mut peek_tok: r.peek_tok, mut peek_span: r.peek_span}
@ -117,34 +123,48 @@ fn string_advance_token(&&r: string_reader) {
if is_eof(r) {
r.peek_tok = token::EOF;
} else {
let start_chpos = r.chpos;
let start_bytepos = r.last_pos;
r.peek_tok = next_token_inner(r);
r.peek_span = ast_util::mk_sp(start_chpos, r.chpos);
r.peek_span = ast_util::mk_sp(start_bytepos, r.last_pos);
fn get_str_from(rdr: string_reader, start: uint) -> ~str unsafe {
fn byte_offset(rdr: string_reader) -> BytePos {
(rdr.pos - rdr.filemap.start_pos)
fn get_str_from(rdr: string_reader, start: BytePos) -> ~str unsafe {
// I'm pretty skeptical about this subtraction. What if there's a
// multi-byte character before the mark?
return str::slice(*rdr.src, start - 1u, rdr.pos - 1u);
return str::slice(*rdr.src, start.to_uint() - 1u,
byte_offset(rdr).to_uint() - 1u);
fn bump(rdr: string_reader) {
if rdr.pos < (*rdr.src).len() {
rdr.col += 1u;
rdr.chpos += 1u;
if rdr.curr == '\n' {
codemap::next_line(rdr.filemap, rdr.chpos, rdr.pos);
rdr.col = 0u;
let next = str::char_range_at(*rdr.src, rdr.pos);
rdr.pos =;
rdr.last_pos = rdr.pos;
let current_byte_offset = byte_offset(rdr).to_uint();;
if current_byte_offset < (*rdr.src).len() {
let last_char = rdr.curr;
let next = str::char_range_at(*rdr.src, current_byte_offset);
let byte_offset_diff = - current_byte_offset;
rdr.pos = rdr.pos + BytePos(byte_offset_diff);
rdr.curr =;
rdr.col += CharPos(1u);
if last_char == '\n' {
rdr.col = CharPos(0u);
if byte_offset_diff > 1 {
BytePos(current_byte_offset), byte_offset_diff);
} else {
// XXX: What does this accomplish?
if (rdr.curr != -1 as char) {
rdr.col += 1u;
rdr.chpos += 1u;
rdr.pos = rdr.pos + BytePos(1u);
rdr.col += CharPos(1u);
rdr.curr = -1 as char;
@ -153,8 +173,9 @@ fn is_eof(rdr: string_reader) -> bool {
rdr.curr == -1 as char
fn nextch(rdr: string_reader) -> char {
if rdr.pos < (*rdr.src).len() {
return str::char_at(*rdr.src, rdr.pos);
let offset = byte_offset(rdr).to_uint();
if offset < (*rdr.src).len() {
return str::char_at(*rdr.src, offset);
} else { return -1 as char; }
@ -211,7 +232,7 @@ fn consume_any_line_comment(rdr: string_reader)
// line comments starting with "///" or "//!" are doc-comments
if rdr.curr == '/' || rdr.curr == '!' {
let start_chpos = rdr.chpos - 2u;
let start_bpos = rdr.pos - BytePos(2u);
let mut acc = ~"//";
while rdr.curr != '\n' && !is_eof(rdr) {
str::push_char(&mut acc, rdr.curr);
@ -219,7 +240,7 @@ fn consume_any_line_comment(rdr: string_reader)
return Some({
tok: token::DOC_COMMENT(rdr.interner.intern(@acc)),
sp: ast_util::mk_sp(start_chpos, rdr.chpos)
sp: ast_util::mk_sp(start_bpos, rdr.pos)
} else {
while rdr.curr != '\n' && !is_eof(rdr) { bump(rdr); }
@ -232,10 +253,10 @@ fn consume_any_line_comment(rdr: string_reader)
} else if rdr.curr == '#' {
if nextch(rdr) == '!' {
let cmap = codemap::new_codemap();
let cmap = @CodeMap::new();
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos_adj(cmap, rdr.chpos);
if loc.line == 1u && loc.col == 0u {
let loc = cmap.lookup_char_pos_adj(rdr.last_pos);
if loc.line == 1u && loc.col == CharPos(0u) {
while rdr.curr != '\n' && !is_eof(rdr) { bump(rdr); }
return consume_whitespace_and_comments(rdr);
@ -250,7 +271,7 @@ fn consume_block_comment(rdr: string_reader)
// block comments starting with "/**" or "/*!" are doc-comments
if rdr.curr == '*' || rdr.curr == '!' {
let start_chpos = rdr.chpos - 2u;
let start_bpos = rdr.pos - BytePos(2u);
let mut acc = ~"/*";
while !(rdr.curr == '*' && nextch(rdr) == '/') && !is_eof(rdr) {
str::push_char(&mut acc, rdr.curr);
@ -264,7 +285,7 @@ fn consume_block_comment(rdr: string_reader)
return Some({
tok: token::DOC_COMMENT(rdr.interner.intern(@acc)),
sp: ast_util::mk_sp(start_chpos, rdr.chpos)
sp: ast_util::mk_sp(start_bpos, rdr.pos)
} else {
@ -590,7 +611,7 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: string_reader) -> token::Token {
return token::LIT_INT(c2 as i64, ast::ty_char);
'"' => {
let n = rdr.chpos;
let n = byte_offset(rdr);
while rdr.curr != '"' {
if is_eof(rdr) {

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use either::{Either, Left, Right};
use std::map::HashMap;
use token::{can_begin_expr, is_ident, is_ident_or_path, is_plain_ident,
INTERPOLATED, special_idents};
use codemap::{span,fss_none};
use codemap::{span,FssNone, BytePos};
use util::interner::Interner;
use ast_util::{spanned, respan, mk_sp, ident_to_path, operator_prec};
use lexer::reader;
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ impl Parser {
self.token = next.tok;
self.span = next.sp;
fn swap(next: token::Token, lo: uint, hi: uint) {
fn swap(next: token::Token, +lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos) {
self.token = next;
self.span = mk_sp(lo, hi);
@ -906,12 +906,12 @@ impl Parser {
return spanned(lo, e.span.hi, {mutbl: m, ident: i, expr: e});
fn mk_expr(lo: uint, hi: uint, +node: expr_) -> @expr {
fn mk_expr(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos, +node: expr_) -> @expr {
return @{id: self.get_id(), callee_id: self.get_id(),
node: node, span: mk_sp(lo, hi)};
fn mk_mac_expr(lo: uint, hi: uint, m: mac_) -> @expr {
fn mk_mac_expr(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos, m: mac_) -> @expr {
return @{id: self.get_id(),
callee_id: self.get_id(),
node: expr_mac({node: m, span: mk_sp(lo, hi)}),
@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ impl Parser {
return self.mk_expr(lo, hi, ex);
fn parse_block_expr(lo: uint, blk_mode: blk_check_mode) -> @expr {
fn parse_block_expr(lo: BytePos, blk_mode: blk_check_mode) -> @expr {
let blk = self.parse_block_tail(lo, blk_mode);
return self.mk_expr(blk.span.lo, blk.span.hi, expr_block(blk));
@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ impl Parser {
return self.parse_syntax_ext_naked(lo);
fn parse_syntax_ext_naked(lo: uint) -> @expr {
fn parse_syntax_ext_naked(lo: BytePos) -> @expr {
match self.token {
token::IDENT(_, _) => (),
_ => self.fatal(~"expected a syntax expander name")
@ -2287,11 +2287,11 @@ impl Parser {
// I guess that also means "already parsed the 'impure'" if
// necessary, and this should take a qualifier.
// some blocks start with "#{"...
fn parse_block_tail(lo: uint, s: blk_check_mode) -> blk {
fn parse_block_tail(lo: BytePos, s: blk_check_mode) -> blk {
self.parse_block_tail_(lo, s, ~[])
fn parse_block_tail_(lo: uint, s: blk_check_mode,
fn parse_block_tail_(lo: BytePos, s: blk_check_mode,
+first_item_attrs: ~[attribute]) -> blk {
let mut stmts = ~[];
let mut expr = None;
@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@ impl Parser {
return {ident: id, tps: ty_params};
fn mk_item(lo: uint, hi: uint, +ident: ident,
fn mk_item(+lo: BytePos, +hi: BytePos, +ident: ident,
+node: item_, vis: visibility,
+attrs: ~[attribute]) -> @item {
return @{ident: ident,
@ -3041,7 +3041,7 @@ impl Parser {
items: items};
fn parse_item_foreign_mod(lo: uint,
fn parse_item_foreign_mod(lo: BytePos,
visibility: visibility,
attrs: ~[attribute],
items_allowed: bool)
@ -3096,7 +3096,7 @@ impl Parser {
fn parse_type_decl() -> {lo: uint, ident: ident} {
fn parse_type_decl() -> {lo: BytePos, ident: ident} {
let lo = self.last_span.lo;
let id = self.parse_ident();
return {lo: lo, ident: id};
@ -3425,9 +3425,8 @@ impl Parser {
let m = ast::mac_invoc_tt(pth, tts);
let m: ast::mac = {node: m,
span: {lo: self.span.lo,
hi: self.span.hi,
expn_info: None}};
span: mk_sp(self.span.lo,
let item_ = item_mac(m);
return iovi_item(self.mk_item(lo, self.last_span.hi, id, item_,
visibility, attrs));

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use parse::{comments, lexer, token};
use codemap::CodeMap;
use codemap::{CodeMap, BytePos};
use pp::{break_offset, word, printer, space, zerobreak, hardbreak, breaks};
use pp::{consistent, inconsistent, eof};
use ast::{required, provided};
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn no_ann() -> pp_ann {
type ps =
@{s: pp::printer,
cm: Option<CodeMap>,
cm: Option<@CodeMap>,
intr: @token::ident_interner,
comments: Option<~[comments::cmnt]>,
literals: Option<~[comments::lit]>,
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fn end(s: ps) {
fn rust_printer(writer: io::Writer, intr: @ident_interner) -> ps {
return @{s: pp::mk_printer(writer, default_columns),
cm: None::<CodeMap>,
cm: None::<@CodeMap>,
intr: intr,
comments: None::<~[comments::cmnt]>,
literals: None::<~[comments::lit]>,
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ const default_columns: uint = 78u;
// Requires you to pass an input filename and reader so that
// it can scan the input text for comments and literals to
// copy forward.
fn print_crate(cm: CodeMap, intr: @ident_interner,
fn print_crate(cm: @CodeMap, intr: @ident_interner,
span_diagnostic: diagnostic::span_handler,
crate: @ast::crate, filename: ~str, in: io::Reader,
out: io::Writer, ann: pp_ann, is_expanded: bool) {
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ fn print_variants(s: ps, variants: ~[ast::variant], span: ast::span) {
print_variant(s, *v);
word(s.s, ~",");
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, v.span, None::<uint>);
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, v.span, None);
bclose(s, span);
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ fn print_stmt(s: ps, st: ast::stmt) {
if parse::classify::stmt_ends_with_semi(st) { word(s.s, ~";"); }
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, st.span, None::<uint>);
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, st.span, None);
fn print_block(s: ps, blk: ast::blk) {
@ -1895,15 +1895,15 @@ fn print_ty_fn(s: ps,
fn maybe_print_trailing_comment(s: ps, span: codemap::span,
next_pos: Option<uint>) {
next_pos: Option<BytePos>) {
let mut cm;
match { Some(ccm) => cm = ccm, _ => return }
match next_comment(s) {
Some(cmnt) => {
if != comments::trailing { return; }
let span_line = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, span.hi);
let comment_line = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, cmnt.pos);
let mut next = cmnt.pos + 1u;
let span_line = cm.lookup_char_pos(span.hi);
let comment_line = cm.lookup_char_pos(cmnt.pos);
let mut next = cmnt.pos + BytePos(1u);
match next_pos { None => (), Some(p) => next = p }
if span.hi < cmnt.pos && cmnt.pos < next &&
span_line.line == comment_line.line {
@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ fn lit_to_str(l: @ast::lit) -> ~str {
return to_str(l, print_literal, parse::token::mk_fake_ident_interner());
fn next_lit(s: ps, pos: uint) -> Option<comments::lit> {
fn next_lit(s: ps, pos: BytePos) -> Option<comments::lit> {
match s.literals {
Some(lits) => {
while s.cur_lit < vec::len(lits) {
@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ fn next_lit(s: ps, pos: uint) -> Option<comments::lit> {
fn maybe_print_comment(s: ps, pos: uint) {
fn maybe_print_comment(s: ps, pos: BytePos) {
loop {
match next_comment(s) {
Some(cmnt) => {

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ use core::*;
mod attr;
mod diagnostic;
mod codemap;
mod ast;