rustboot: Don't use ridiculous type names when describing simple types like int and uint

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2010-10-21 11:31:04 -07:00
parent a7840f02b0
commit 194f38fdff
2 changed files with 12 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -516,6 +516,17 @@ let sane_name (n:name) : bool =
| NAME_ext (prefix, _) -> sane_prefix prefix
(* Error messages always refer to simple types structurally, not by their
* user-defined names. *)
let rec ty_is_simple (ty:ty) : bool =
match ty with
TY_any | TY_nil | TY_bool | TY_mach _ | TY_int | TY_uint | TY_char
| TY_str | TY_task | TY_type -> true
| TY_vec ty | TY_chan ty | TY_port ty -> ty_is_simple ty
| TY_tup tys -> List.for_all ty_is_simple (Array.to_list tys)
| _ -> false
* We have multiple subset-categories of expression:

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@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ let ty_fold_rebuild (id:Ast.ty -> Ast.ty)
let rec pretty_ty_str (cx:ctxt) (fallback:(Ast.ty -> string)) (ty:Ast.ty) =
let cache = cx.ctxt_user_type_names in
if Hashtbl.mem cache ty then
if not (Ast.ty_is_simple ty) && Hashtbl.mem cache ty then
let names = (Ast.sprintf_name ()) (Hashtbl.find_all cache ty) in
String.concat " = " names