Fix doc attr parsing, fixes links from std/core/alloc

This commit is contained in:
Zac Pullar-Strecker 2020-06-27 13:32:46 +12:00
parent f98e311617
commit 1833036daf

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use ra_ide_db::{
use ra_syntax::{
ast, ast::Path, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset,
use ra_tt::{Ident, Leaf, Literal, Punct, TokenTree};
use ra_tt::{Ident, Leaf, Literal, TokenTree};
use url::Url;
use crate::{
@ -410,6 +410,8 @@ fn map_links<'e>(
Event::Text(s) if in_link => {
link_text = s.clone();
// TODO: This can unintentionally strip words from path-based links.
// See std::box::Box -> std::box link as an example.
Event::Code(s) if in_link => {
@ -603,29 +605,33 @@ fn try_resolve_path(db: &RootDatabase, definition: &Definition, link: &str) -> O
/// Try to get the root URL of the documentation of a crate.
// FIXME: Special case standard, core, alloc libraries
fn get_doc_url(db: &RootDatabase, krate: &Crate) -> Option<Url> {
// Look for #![doc(html_root_url = "...")]
let attrs = db.attrs(AttrDef::from(krate.root_module(db)?).into());
let doc_attr_q = attrs.by_key("doc");
// TODO: Tests for this parsing
let doc_url = if doc_attr_q.exists() {
doc_attr_q.tt_values().filter_map(|tt| match tt.token_trees.as_slice() {
TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Ident(Ident{text: ref ident_text, ..})),
TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Punct(Punct{r#char: '=', ..})),
TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Literal(Literal{ref text, ..}))
] if ident_text == "html_root_url" => Some(text.to_string()),
_ => {
doc_attr_q.tt_values().map(|tt| {
let name = tt.token_trees.iter()
.skip_while(|tt| !matches!(tt, TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Ident(Ident{text: ref ident, ..})) if ident == "html_root_url"))
match name {
Some(TokenTree::Leaf(Leaf::Literal(Literal{ref text, ..}))) => Some(text),
_ => None
}).flat_map(|t| t).next().map(|s| s.to_string())
} else {
// Fallback to
// FIXME: Specify an exact version here (from Cargo.lock)
Some(format!("{}/*", krate.display_name(db)?))
};|s| s.trim_matches('"').to_owned() + "/").and_then(|s| Url::parse(&s).ok())
.map(|s| s.trim_matches('"').trim_end_matches("/").to_owned() + "/")
.and_then(|s| Url::parse(&s).ok())
/// Get the filename and extension generated for a symbol by rustdoc.