feat: add --manifest-path support to cargo fmt

This commit is contained in:
calebcartwright 2019-07-12 20:59:29 -05:00
parent 679c8d5f10
commit 17cbbd8cbc

View File

@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ pub struct Opts {
#[structopt(short = "p", long = "package", value_name = "package")]
packages: Vec<String>,
/// Specify path to Cargo.toml
#[structopt(long = "manifest-path", value_name = "manifest-path")]
manifest_path: Option<String>,
/// Options passed to rustfmt
// 'raw = true' to make `--` explicit.
#[structopt(name = "rustfmt_options", raw(raw = "true"))]
@ -90,7 +94,27 @@ fn execute() -> i32 {
let strategy = CargoFmtStrategy::from_opts(&opts);
handle_command_status(format_crate(verbosity, &strategy, opts.rustfmt_options))
if opts.manifest_path.is_some() {
let specified_manifest_path = opts.manifest_path.unwrap();
if !specified_manifest_path.ends_with("Cargo.toml") {
print_usage_to_stderr("the manifest-path must be a path to a Cargo.toml file");
return FAILURE;
let manifest_path = PathBuf::from(specified_manifest_path);
} else {
fn print_usage_to_stderr(reason: &str) {
@ -142,6 +166,7 @@ fn format_crate(
verbosity: Verbosity,
strategy: &CargoFmtStrategy,
rustfmt_args: Vec<String>,
manifest_path: Option<&Path>,
) -> Result<i32, io::Error> {
let targets = if rustfmt_args
@ -149,7 +174,7 @@ fn format_crate(
} else {
get_targets(strategy, manifest_path)?
// Currently only bin and lib files get formatted.
@ -227,13 +252,20 @@ impl CargoFmtStrategy {
/// Based on the specified `CargoFmtStrategy`, returns a set of main source files.
fn get_targets(strategy: &CargoFmtStrategy) -> Result<BTreeSet<Target>, io::Error> {
fn get_targets(
strategy: &CargoFmtStrategy,
manifest_path: Option<&Path>,
) -> Result<BTreeSet<Target>, io::Error> {
let mut targets = BTreeSet::new();
match *strategy {
CargoFmtStrategy::Root => get_targets_root_only(&mut targets)?,
CargoFmtStrategy::All => get_targets_recursive(None, &mut targets, &mut BTreeSet::new())?,
CargoFmtStrategy::Some(ref hitlist) => get_targets_with_hitlist(hitlist, &mut targets)?,
CargoFmtStrategy::Root => get_targets_root_only(manifest_path, &mut targets)?,
CargoFmtStrategy::All => {
get_targets_recursive(manifest_path, &mut targets, &mut BTreeSet::new())?
CargoFmtStrategy::Some(ref hitlist) => {
get_targets_with_hitlist(manifest_path, hitlist, &mut targets)?
if targets.is_empty() {
@ -246,12 +278,22 @@ fn get_targets(strategy: &CargoFmtStrategy) -> Result<BTreeSet<Target>, io::Erro
fn get_targets_root_only(targets: &mut BTreeSet<Target>) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let metadata = get_cargo_metadata(None, false)?;
let current_dir = env::current_dir()?.canonicalize()?;
let current_dir_manifest = current_dir.join("Cargo.toml");
fn get_targets_root_only(
manifest_path: Option<&Path>,
targets: &mut BTreeSet<Target>,
) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let metadata = get_cargo_metadata(manifest_path, false)?;
let workspace_root_path = PathBuf::from(&metadata.workspace_root).canonicalize()?;
let in_workspace_root = workspace_root_path == current_dir;
let (in_workspace_root, current_dir_manifest) = if manifest_path.is_some() {
let target_manifest = manifest_path.unwrap().canonicalize()?;
(workspace_root_path == target_manifest, target_manifest)
} else {
let current_dir = env::current_dir()?.canonicalize()?;
workspace_root_path == current_dir,
let package_targets = match metadata.packages.len() {
1 => metadata.packages.into_iter().next().unwrap().targets,
@ -319,10 +361,11 @@ fn get_targets_recursive(
fn get_targets_with_hitlist(
manifest_path: Option<&Path>,
hitlist: &[String],
targets: &mut BTreeSet<Target>,
) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let metadata = get_cargo_metadata(None, false)?;
let metadata = get_cargo_metadata(manifest_path, false)?;
let mut workspace_hitlist: BTreeSet<&String> = BTreeSet::from_iter(hitlist);