rustc: Topographically sort rust dependencies

This commit starts to topographically sort rust dependencies on the linker
command line. The reason for this is that linkers use right-hand libraries to
resolve left-hand libraries symbols, which is especially crucial for us because
we're using --as-needed on linux.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Crichton 2014-03-13 18:47:43 -07:00
parent 0b3df19c6a
commit 17ad504fef

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@ -143,16 +143,44 @@ impl CStore {
self.used_link_args.with_mut(|s| s.clear());
// This method is used when generating the command line to pass through to
// system linker. The linker expects undefined symbols on the left of the
// command line to be defined in libraries on the right, not the other way
// around. For more info, see some comments in the add_used_library function
// below.
// In order to get this left-to-right dependency ordering, we perform a
// topological sort of all crates putting the leaves at the right-most
// positions.
pub fn get_used_crates(&self, prefer: LinkagePreference)
-> Vec<(ast::CrateNum, Option<Path>)> {
let mut ordering = Vec::new();
fn visit(cstore: &CStore, cnum: ast::CrateNum,
ordering: &mut Vec<ast::CrateNum>) {
if ordering.as_slice().contains(&cnum) { return }
let meta = cstore.get_crate_data(cnum);
for (_, &dep) in meta.cnum_map.borrow().get().iter() {
visit(cstore, dep, ordering);
for (&num, _) in self.metas.borrow().get().iter() {
visit(self, num, &mut ordering);
let ordering = ordering.as_slice();
let used_crate_sources = self.used_crate_sources.borrow();
let mut libs = used_crate_sources.get()
.map(|src| (src.cnum, match prefer {
RequireDynamic => src.dylib.clone(),
RequireStatic => src.rlib.clone(),
libs.sort_by(|&(a, _), &(b, _)| {
pub fn add_used_library(&self, lib: ~str, kind: NativeLibaryKind) {