Bring native process bindings up to date

Move the tests into libstd, use the `iotest!` macro to test both native and uv
bindings, and use the cloexec trick to figure out when the child process fails
in exec.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Crichton 2013-12-26 18:28:24 -08:00
parent 00d87e0d81
commit 1763f36c9d
9 changed files with 288 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn keep_going(data: &[u8], f: |*u8, uint| -> i64) -> i64 {
let mut ret;
loop {
ret = f(data, amt);
if cfg!(not(windows)) { break } // windows has no eintr
if cfg!(windows) { break } // windows has no eintr
// if we get an eintr, then try again
if ret != -1 || os::errno() as int != eintr { break }
@ -73,7 +73,10 @@ impl FileDesc {
FileDesc { fd: fd, close_on_drop: close_on_drop }
fn inner_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
// FIXME(#10465) these functions should not be public, but anything in
// native::io wanting to use them is forced to have all the
// rtio traits in scope
pub fn inner_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
#[cfg(windows)] type rlen = libc::c_uint;
#[cfg(not(windows))] type rlen = libc::size_t;
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
@ -899,7 +902,7 @@ pub fn utime(p: &CString, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> IoResult<()> {
mod tests {
use super::{CFile, FileDesc};
use super::{CFile, FileDesc, CloseFd};
use std::io;
use std::libc;
use std::os;

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ fn unimpl() -> IoError {
fn last_error() -> IoError {
fn translate_error(errno: i32, detail: bool) -> IoError {
fn get_err(errno: i32) -> (io::IoErrorKind, &'static str) {
match errno {
@ -79,14 +79,16 @@ fn last_error() -> IoError {
let (kind, desc) = get_err(os::errno() as i32);
let (kind, desc) = get_err(errno);
IoError {
kind: kind,
desc: desc,
detail: Some(os::last_os_error())
detail: if detail {Some(os::last_os_error())} else {None},
fn last_error() -> IoError { translate_error(os::errno() as i32, true) }
// unix has nonzero values as errors
fn mkerr_libc(ret: libc::c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
if ret != 0 {
@ -106,6 +108,17 @@ fn mkerr_winbool(ret: libc::c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
fn retry(f: || -> libc::c_int) -> IoResult<libc::c_int> {
loop {
match f() {
-1 if os::errno() as int == libc::EINTR as int => {}
-1 => return Err(last_error()),
n => return Ok(n),
/// Implementation of rt::rtio's IoFactory trait to generate handles to the
/// native I/O functionality.
pub struct IoFactory;

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use p = std::io::process;
#[cfg(windows)] use std::cast;
use super::IoResult;
use super::file;
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ pub struct Process {
priv handle: *(),
/// None until finish() is called.
priv exit_code: Option<int>,
priv exit_code: Option<p::ProcessExit>,
impl Process {
@ -105,7 +106,13 @@ impl Process {
for pipe in err_pipe.iter() { libc::close(pipe.out); }
Ok((Process { pid:, handle: res.handle, exit_code: None }, ret_io))
match res {
Ok(res) => {
Ok((Process { pid:, handle: res.handle, exit_code: None },
Err(e) => Err(e)
@ -113,15 +120,14 @@ impl rtio::RtioProcess for Process {
fn id(&self) -> pid_t { }
fn wait(&mut self) -> p::ProcessExit {
let code = match self.exit_code {
match self.exit_code {
Some(code) => code,
None => {
let code = waitpid(;
self.exit_code = Some(code);
return p::ExitStatus(code); // XXX: this is wrong
fn kill(&mut self, signum: int) -> Result<(), io::IoError> {
@ -177,7 +183,8 @@ struct SpawnProcessResult {
fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>,
dir: Option<&Path>,
in_fd: c_int, out_fd: c_int, err_fd: c_int) -> SpawnProcessResult {
in_fd: c_int, out_fd: c_int,
err_fd: c_int) -> IoResult<SpawnProcessResult> {
use std::libc::types::os::arch::extra::{DWORD, HANDLE, STARTUPINFO};
use std::libc::consts::os::extra::{
@ -241,7 +248,7 @@ fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
ptr::mut_null(), ptr::mut_null(), TRUE,
0, envp, dirp, &mut si, &mut pi);
if created == FALSE {
create_err = Some(os::last_os_error());
create_err = Some(super::last_error());
@ -251,21 +258,22 @@ fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
for msg in create_err.iter() {
fail!("failure in CreateProcess: {}", *msg);
match create_err {
Some(err) => return Err(err),
None => {}
// We close the thread handle because std::we don't care about keeping the
// We close the thread handle because we don't care about keeping the
// thread id valid, and we aren't keeping the thread handle around to be
// able to close it later. We don't close the process handle however
// because std::we want the process id to stay valid at least until the
// calling code closes the process handle.
SpawnProcessResult {
Ok(SpawnProcessResult {
pid: pi.dwProcessId as pid_t,
handle: pi.hProcess as *()
@ -303,9 +311,8 @@ fn zeroed_process_information() -> libc::types::os::arch::extra::PROCESS_INFORMA
// FIXME: this is only pub so it can be tested (see issue #4536)
pub fn make_command_line(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ~str {
fn make_command_line(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ~str {
let mut cmd = ~"";
append_arg(&mut cmd, prog);
for arg in args.iter() {
@ -360,9 +367,12 @@ pub fn make_command_line(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ~str {
fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>,
dir: Option<&Path>,
in_fd: c_int, out_fd: c_int, err_fd: c_int) -> SpawnProcessResult {
in_fd: c_int, out_fd: c_int,
err_fd: c_int) -> IoResult<SpawnProcessResult> {
use std::libc::funcs::posix88::unistd::{fork, dup2, close, chdir, execvp};
use std::libc::funcs::bsd44::getdtablesize;
use std::libc::c_ulong;
use std::unstable::intrinsics;
mod rustrt {
extern {
@ -370,45 +380,89 @@ fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
unsafe fn set_environ(_envp: *c_void) {}
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
unsafe fn set_environ(envp: *c_void) {
extern { fn _NSGetEnviron() -> *mut *c_void; }
*_NSGetEnviron() = envp;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"), not(windows))]
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
unsafe fn set_environ(envp: *c_void) {
extern {
static mut environ: *c_void;
extern { static mut environ: *c_void; }
environ = envp;
unsafe {
unsafe fn set_cloexec(fd: c_int) {
extern { fn ioctl(fd: c_int, req: c_ulong) -> c_int; }
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
static FIOCLEX: c_ulong = 0x20006601;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
static FIOCLEX: c_ulong = 0x5451;
let ret = ioctl(fd, FIOCLEX);
assert_eq!(ret, 0);
let pipe = os::pipe();
let mut input = file::FileDesc::new(pipe.input, file::CloseFd);
let mut output = file::FileDesc::new(pipe.out, file::CloseFd);
unsafe { set_cloexec(output.fd()) };
unsafe {
let pid = fork();
if pid < 0 {
fail!("failure in fork: {}", os::last_os_error());
} else if pid > 0 {
return SpawnProcessResult {pid: pid, handle: ptr::null()};
let mut bytes = [0, ..4];
return match input.inner_read(bytes) {
Ok(4) => {
let errno = (bytes[0] << 24) as i32 |
(bytes[1] << 16) as i32 |
(bytes[2] << 8) as i32 |
(bytes[3] << 0) as i32;
Err(super::translate_error(errno, false))
Err(e) => {
assert!(e.kind == io::BrokenPipe ||
e.kind == io::EndOfFile,
"unexpected error: {:?}", e);
Ok(SpawnProcessResult {
pid: pid,
handle: ptr::null()
Ok(..) => fail!("short read on the cloexec pipe"),
if dup2(in_fd, 0) == -1 {
if in_fd == -1 {
} else if dup2(in_fd, 0) == -1 {
fail!("failure in dup2(in_fd, 0): {}", os::last_os_error());
if dup2(out_fd, 1) == -1 {
if out_fd == -1 {
} else if dup2(out_fd, 1) == -1 {
fail!("failure in dup2(out_fd, 1): {}", os::last_os_error());
if dup2(err_fd, 2) == -1 {
if err_fd == -1 {
} else if dup2(err_fd, 2) == -1 {
fail!("failure in dup3(err_fd, 2): {}", os::last_os_error());
// close all other fds
for fd in range(3, getdtablesize()).invert() {
close(fd as c_int);
if fd != output.fd() {
close(fd as c_int);
with_dirp(dir, |dirp| {
@ -421,11 +475,18 @@ fn spawn_process_os(prog: &str, args: &[~str],
if !envp.is_null() {
with_argv(prog, args, |argv| {
execvp(*argv, argv);
// execvp only returns if an error occurred
fail!("failure in execvp: {}", os::last_os_error());
with_argv(prog, args, |argv| {
execvp(*argv, argv);
let errno = os::errno();
let bytes = [
(errno << 24) as u8,
(errno << 16) as u8,
(errno << 8) as u8,
(errno << 0) as u8,
@ -534,11 +595,11 @@ fn free_handle(_handle: *()) {
* operate on a none-existent process or, even worse, on a newer process
* with the same id.
fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> int {
fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> p::ProcessExit {
return waitpid_os(pid);
fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> int {
fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> p::ProcessExit {
use std::libc::types::os::arch::extra::DWORD;
use std::libc::consts::os::extra::{
@ -572,7 +633,7 @@ fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> int {
if status != STILL_ACTIVE {
return status as int;
return p::ExitStatus(status as int);
if WaitForSingleObject(process, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED {
@ -583,43 +644,36 @@ fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> int {
fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> int {
fn waitpid_os(pid: pid_t) -> p::ProcessExit {
use std::libc::funcs::posix01::wait;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool {
(status & 0xffi32) == 0i32
mod imp {
pub fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool { (status & 0xff) == 0 }
pub fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 { (status >> 8) & 0xff }
pub fn WTERMSIG(status: i32) -> i32 { status & 0x7f }
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool {
(status & 0x7fi32) == 0i32
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 {
(status >> 8i32) & 0xffi32
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 {
status >> 8i32
mod imp {
pub fn WIFEXITED(status: i32) -> bool { (status & 0x7f) == 0 }
pub fn WEXITSTATUS(status: i32) -> i32 { status >> 8 }
pub fn WTERMSIG(status: i32) -> i32 { status & 0o177 }
let mut status = 0 as c_int;
if unsafe { wait::waitpid(pid, &mut status, 0) } == -1 {
fail!("failure in waitpid: {}", os::last_os_error());
match super::retry(|| unsafe { wait::waitpid(pid, &mut status, 0) }) {
Err(e) => fail!("unknown waitpid error: {:?}", e),
Ok(_ret) => {
if imp::WIFEXITED(status) {
p::ExitStatus(imp::WEXITSTATUS(status) as int)
} else {
p::ExitSignal(imp::WTERMSIG(status) as int)
return if WIFEXITED(status) {
WEXITSTATUS(status) as int
} else {
@ -646,8 +700,4 @@ mod tests {
~"echo \"a b c\""
// Currently most of the tests of this functionality live inside std::run,
// but they may move here eventually as a non-blocking backend is added to
// std::run

View File

@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ mod test {
use prelude::*;
use super::*;
use io;
use comm;
use task;

View File

@ -134,9 +134,8 @@ impl Acceptor<TcpStream> for TcpAcceptor {
mod test {
use super::*;
use io::net::ip::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
use io::net::ip::SocketAddr;
use io::*;
use io::test::{next_test_ip4, next_test_ip6};
use prelude::*;
#[test] #[ignore]

View File

@ -169,5 +169,152 @@ impl Drop for Process {
// Tests for this module can be found in the rtio-processes run-pass test, along
// with the justification for why it's not located here.
mod tests {
use io::process::{ProcessConfig, Process};
use prelude::*;
use str;
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn smoke() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"true"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn smoke_failure() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "if-this-is-a-binary-then-the-world-has-ended",
args: [],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
match io::result(|| Process::new(args)) {
Ok(..) => fail!(),
Err(..) => {}
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn exit_reported_right() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"exit 1"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn signal_reported_right() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"kill -1 $$"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
match p.wait() {
process::ExitSignal(1) => {},
result => fail!("not terminated by signal 1 (instead, {})", result),
pub fn read_all(input: &mut Reader) -> ~str {
let mut ret = ~"";
let mut buf = [0, ..1024];
loop {
match {
None => { break }
Some(n) => { ret.push_str(str::from_utf8(buf.slice_to(n))); }
return ret;
pub fn run_output(args: ProcessConfig) -> ~str {
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
let ret = read_all([1].get_mut_ref() as &mut Reader);
return ret;
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn stdout_works() {
let io = ~[Ignored, CreatePipe(false, true)];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"echo foobar"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
assert_eq!(run_output(args), ~"foobar\n");
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn set_cwd_works() {
let io = ~[Ignored, CreatePipe(false, true)];
let cwd = Some("/");
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"pwd"],
env: None,
cwd: cwd,
io: io,
assert_eq!(run_output(args), ~"/\n");
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
iotest!(fn stdin_works() {
let io = ~[CreatePipe(true, false),
CreatePipe(false, true)];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"read line; echo $line"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let mut p = Process::new(args).expect("didn't create a proces?!");[0].get_mut_ref().write("foobar".as_bytes());[0] = None; // close stdin;
let out = read_all([1].get_mut_ref() as &mut Reader);
assert_eq!(out, ~"foobar\n");

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ macro_rules! iotest (
use io::net::udp::*;
use io::net::unix::*;
use io::process::*;
use str;
use util;

View File

@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ mod tests {
use task::spawn;
use unstable::running_on_valgrind;
use io::pipe::PipeStream;
use io::{Writer, Reader, io_error, FileNotFound, OtherIoError};
use io::{Writer, Reader, io_error, FileNotFound};
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// compile-flags: --test
// xfail-fast
// In the current state of affairs, libuv registers a SIGCHLD handler when a
// process is spawned through it. This is not done with a SA_RESTART flag,
// meaning that all of our syscalls run the risk of returning EINTR. This error
// is not correctly handled in the majority of std::io, so these can't run with
// the main body of tests there.
// That being said, libuv correctly handles EINTR completely, so these tests
// themselves are safe against that. Currently the test runner may run into this
// problem, but it's less likely than a whole suite of tests...
// See #9341
use std::io;
use std::io::process;
use std::io::process::{Process, ProcessConfig, CreatePipe, Ignored};
use std::str;
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn smoke() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"true"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn smoke_failure() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "if-this-is-a-binary-then-the-world-has-ended",
args: [],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
match io::result(|| Process::new(args)) {
Ok(..) => fail!(),
Err(..) => {}
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn exit_reported_right() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"exit 1"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn signal_reported_right() {
let io = ~[];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"kill -1 $$"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
match p.wait() {
process::ExitSignal(1) => {},
result => fail!("not terminated by signal 1 (instead, {})", result),
fn read_all(input: &mut Reader) -> ~str {
let mut ret = ~"";
let mut buf = [0, ..1024];
loop {
match {
None => { break }
Some(n) => { ret.push_str(str::from_utf8(buf.slice_to(n))); }
return ret;
fn run_output(args: ProcessConfig) -> ~str {
let p = Process::new(args);
let mut p = p.unwrap();
let ret = read_all([1].get_mut_ref() as &mut Reader);
return ret;
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn stdout_works() {
let io = ~[Ignored, CreatePipe(false, true)];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"echo foobar"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
assert_eq!(run_output(args), ~"foobar\n");
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn set_cwd_works() {
let io = ~[Ignored, CreatePipe(false, true)];
let cwd = Some("/");
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"pwd"],
env: None,
cwd: cwd,
io: io,
assert_eq!(run_output(args), ~"/\n");
// FIXME(#10380)
#[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))]
fn stdin_works() {
let io = ~[CreatePipe(true, false),
CreatePipe(false, true)];
let args = ProcessConfig {
program: "/bin/sh",
args: [~"-c", ~"read line; echo $line"],
env: None,
cwd: None,
io: io,
let mut p = Process::new(args).expect("didn't create a proces?!");[0].get_mut_ref().write("foobar".as_bytes());[0] = None; // close stdin;
let out = read_all([1].get_mut_ref() as &mut Reader);
assert_eq!(out, ~"foobar\n");