internal: pull_assignment_up uses mutable trees

This commit is contained in:
Aleksey Kladov 2021-05-08 23:09:36 +03:00
parent e603090961
commit 1755b57e1a
2 changed files with 72 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use syntax::{
ast::{self, edit::AstNodeEdit, make},
ast::{self, make},
ted, AstNode,
use crate::{
@ -44,96 +44,95 @@ pub(crate) fn pull_assignment_up(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Opti
return None;
let name_expr = assign_expr.lhs()?;
let mut collector = AssignmentsCollector {
sema: &ctx.sema,
common_lhs: assign_expr.lhs()?,
assignments: Vec::new(),
let old_stmt: ast::Expr;
let new_stmt: ast::Expr;
if let Some(if_expr) = ctx.find_node_at_offset::<ast::IfExpr>() {
new_stmt = exprify_if(&if_expr, &ctx.sema, &name_expr)?.indent(if_expr.indent_level());
old_stmt = if_expr.into();
let tgt: ast::Expr = if let Some(if_expr) = ctx.find_node_at_offset::<ast::IfExpr>() {
} else if let Some(match_expr) = ctx.find_node_at_offset::<ast::MatchExpr>() {
new_stmt = exprify_match(&match_expr, &ctx.sema, &name_expr)?;
old_stmt = match_expr.into()
} else {
return None;
let expr_stmt = make::expr_stmt(new_stmt);
AssistId("pull_assignment_up", AssistKind::RefactorExtract),
"Pull assignment up",
move |edit| {
edit.replace(old_stmt.syntax().text_range(), format!("{} = {};", name_expr, expr_stmt));
let assignments: Vec<_> = collector
.map(|(stmt, rhs)| (edit.make_ast_mut(stmt), rhs.clone_for_update()))
let tgt = edit.make_ast_mut(tgt);
for (stmt, rhs) in assignments {
ted::replace(stmt.syntax(), rhs.syntax());
let assign_expr = make::expr_assignment(collector.common_lhs, tgt.clone());
let assign_stmt = make::expr_stmt(assign_expr);
ted::replace(tgt.syntax(), assign_stmt.syntax().clone_for_update());
fn exprify_match(
match_expr: &ast::MatchExpr,
sema: &hir::Semantics<ide_db::RootDatabase>,
name: &ast::Expr,
) -> Option<ast::Expr> {
let new_arm_list = match_expr
.map(|arm| {
if let ast::Expr::BlockExpr(block) = arm.expr()? {
let new_block = exprify_block(&block, sema, name)?.indent(block.indent_level());
Some(arm.replace_descendant(block, new_block))
} else {
struct AssignmentsCollector<'a> {
sema: &'a hir::Semantics<'a, ide_db::RootDatabase>,
common_lhs: ast::Expr,
assignments: Vec<(ast::ExprStmt, ast::Expr)>,
impl<'a> AssignmentsCollector<'a> {
fn collect_match(&mut self, match_expr: &ast::MatchExpr) -> Option<()> {
for arm in match_expr.match_arm_list()?.arms() {
match arm.expr()? {
ast::Expr::BlockExpr(block) => self.collect_block(&block)?,
// TODO: Handle this while we are at it?
_ => return None,
let new_arm_list = match_expr
Some(make::expr_match(match_expr.expr()?, new_arm_list))
fn exprify_if(
statement: &ast::IfExpr,
sema: &hir::Semantics<ide_db::RootDatabase>,
name: &ast::Expr,
) -> Option<ast::Expr> {
let then_branch = exprify_block(&statement.then_branch()?, sema, name)?;
let else_branch = match statement.else_branch()? {
ast::ElseBranch::Block(block) => ast::ElseBranch::Block(exprify_block(&block, sema, name)?),
ast::ElseBranch::IfExpr(expr) => {
exprify_if(&expr, sema, name)?.syntax().to_owned(),
Some(make::expr_if(statement.condition()?, then_branch, Some(else_branch)))
fn exprify_block(
block: &ast::BlockExpr,
sema: &hir::Semantics<ide_db::RootDatabase>,
name: &ast::Expr,
) -> Option<ast::BlockExpr> {
if block.tail_expr().is_some() {
return None;
fn collect_if(&mut self, if_expr: &ast::IfExpr) -> Option<()> {
let then_branch = if_expr.then_branch()?;
let mut stmts: Vec<_> = block.statements().collect();
let stmt = stmts.pop()?;
if let ast::Stmt::ExprStmt(stmt) = stmt {
if let ast::Expr::BinExpr(expr) = stmt.expr()? {
if expr.op_kind()? == ast::BinOp::Assignment && is_equivalent(sema, &expr.lhs()?, name)
// The last statement in the block is an assignment to the name we want
return Some(make::block_expr(stmts, Some(expr.rhs()?)));
match if_expr.else_branch()? {
ast::ElseBranch::Block(block) => self.collect_block(&block),
ast::ElseBranch::IfExpr(expr) => {
fn collect_block(&mut self, block: &ast::BlockExpr) -> Option<()> {
if block.tail_expr().is_some() {
return None;
let last_stmt = block.statements().last()?;
if let ast::Stmt::ExprStmt(stmt) = last_stmt {
if let ast::Expr::BinExpr(expr) = stmt.expr()? {
if expr.op_kind()? == ast::BinOp::Assignment
&& is_equivalent(self.sema, &expr.lhs()?, &self.common_lhs)
self.assignments.push((stmt, expr.rhs()?));
return Some(());
fn is_equivalent(

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@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ pub fn expr_tuple(elements: impl IntoIterator<Item = ast::Expr>) -> ast::Expr {
let expr = elements.into_iter().format(", ");
expr_from_text(&format!("({})", expr))
pub fn expr_assignment(lhs: ast::Expr, rhs: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
expr_from_text(&format!("{} = {}", lhs, rhs))
fn expr_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Expr {
ast_from_text(&format!("const C: () = {};", text))