diff --git a/AUTHORS.txt b/AUTHORS.txt index c69cb06bd18..ab4f234cc99 100644 --- a/AUTHORS.txt +++ b/AUTHORS.txt @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ Rust was written by these fine people: Aaron Laursen <aaronlaursen@gmail.com> +Aaron Raimist <aaron@aaronraimist.com> Aaron Todd <github@opprobrio.us> +Aaron Turon <aturon@mozilla.com> Adam Bozanich <adam.boz@gmail.com> Adolfo Ochagavía <aochagavia92@gmail.com> Adrien Tétar <adri-from-59@hotmail.fr> +Ahmed Charles <ahmedcharles@gmail.com> Alan Andrade <alan.andradec@gmail.com> +Alan Williams <mralert@gmail.com> Aleksander Balicki <balicki.aleksander@gmail.com> Alex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com> Alex Lyon <arcterus@mail.com> Alex Rønne Petersen <alex@lycus.org> Alex Whitney <aw1209@ic.ac.uk> Alexander Stavonin <a.stavonin@gmail.com> +Alexandre Gagnon <alxgnon@gmail.com> Alexandros Tasos <sdi1100085@di.uoa.gr> Alexei Sholik <alcosholik@gmail.com> +Ali Smesseim <smesseim.ali@gmail.com> Aljaž "g5pw" Srebrnič <a2piratesoft@gmail.com> Anders Kaseorg <andersk@mit.edu> Andre Arko <andre@arko.net> @@ -24,9 +30,12 @@ Andreas Ots <andreasots@gmail.com> Andrei Formiga <archimedes_siracusa@hotmail.com> Andrew Chin <achin@eminence32.net> Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> +Andrew Gallant <jamslam@gmail.com> Andrew Paseltiner <apaseltiner@gmail.com> Anthony Juckel <ajuckel@gmail.com> +Anton Löfgren <anton.lofgren@gmail.com> Arcterus <Arcterus@mail.com> +Ariel Ben-Yehuda <arielb1@mail.tau.ac.il> Arkaitz Jimenez <arkaitzj@gmail.com> Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher@active-4.com> Ashok Gautham <ScriptDevil@gmail.com> @@ -34,14 +43,13 @@ Austin King <shout@ozten.com> Austin Seipp <mad.one@gmail.com> Axel Viala <axel.viala@darnuria.eu> Aydin Kim <ladinjin@hanmail.net> -auREAX <mark@xn--hwg34fba.ws> -b1nd <clint.ryan3@gmail.com> Ben Alpert <ben@benalpert.com> Ben Blum <bblum@andrew.cmu.edu> Ben Harris <mail@bharr.is> Ben Kelly <ben@wanderview.com> Ben Noordhuis <info@bnoordhuis.nl> Ben Striegel <ben.striegel@gmail.com> +Benjamin Adamson <adamson.benjamin@gmail.com> Benjamin Herr <ben@0x539.de> Benjamin Jackman <ben@jackman.biz> Benjamin Kircher <benjamin.kircher@gmail.com> @@ -52,13 +60,15 @@ Bill Myers <bill_myers@outlook.com> Bill Wendling <wendling@apple.com> Birunthan Mohanathas <birunthan@mohanathas.com> Björn Steinbrink <bsteinbr@gmail.com> -blake2-ppc <ulrik.sverdrup@gmail.com> +Boris Egorov <jightuse@gmail.com> Bouke van der Bijl <boukevanderbijl@gmail.com> Brandon Sanderson <singingboyo@hotmail.com> +Brandon Waskiewicz <brandon.waskiewicz@gmail.com> +Branimir <branimir@volomp.com> Brendan Cully <brendan@kublai.com> Brendan Eich <brendan@mozilla.org> +Brendan McLoughlin <btmcloughlin@gmail.com> Brendan Zabarauskas <bjzaba@yahoo.com.au> -Branimir <branimir@volomp.com> Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> Brian Anderson <banderson@mozilla.com> Brian Dawn <brian.t.dawn@gmail.com> @@ -69,23 +79,27 @@ Bryan Dunsmore <dunsmoreb@gmail.com> Byron Williams <byron@112percent.com> Cadence Marseille <cadencemarseille@gmail.com> Caitlin Potter <snowball@defpixel.com> +Cameron Zwarich <zwarich@mozilla.com> Carl-Anton Ingmarsson <mail@carlanton.se> Carlos <toqueteos@gmail.com> Carol Willing <carolcode@willingconsulting.com> Carter Tazio Schonwald <carter.schonwald@gmail.com> -chitra Chris Double <chris.double@double.co.nz> Chris Morgan <me@chrismorgan.info> Chris Peterson <cpeterson@mozilla.com> Chris Pressey <cpressey@gmail.com> Chris Sainty <csainty@hotmail.com> +Chris Shea <cmshea@gmail.com> Chris Wong <lambda.fairy@gmail.com> -chromatic <chromatic@wgz.org> +Christoph Burgdorf <christoph.burgdorf@bvsn.org> +Christopher Bergqvist <spambox0@digitalpoetry.se> +Christopher Kendell <ckendell@outlook.com> Clark Gaebel <cg.wowus.cg@gmail.com> +Clinton Ryan <clint.ryan3@gmail.com> Cody Schroeder <codys@cs.washington.edu> Cole Mickens <cole.mickens@gmail.com> Colin Sherratt <colin.sherratt@gmail.com> -comex <comexk@gmail.com> +Conrad Kleinespel <conradk@conradk.com> Corey Richardson <corey@octayn.net> Damian Gryski <damian@gryski.com> Damien Grassart <damien@grassart.com> @@ -102,7 +116,6 @@ Daniel Patterson <dbp@riseup.net> Daniel Ralston <Wubbulous@gmail.com> Daniel Rosenwasser <DanielRosenwasser@gmail.com> Daniel Ursache Dogariu <contact@danniel.net> -darkf <lw9k123@gmail.com> Dave Herman <dherman@mozilla.com> Dave Hodder <dmh@dmh.org.uk> David Creswick <dcrewi@gyrae.net> @@ -118,14 +131,15 @@ Derek Guenther <dguenther9@gmail.com> Diego Ongaro <ongaro@cs.stanford.edu> Diggory Hardy <diggory.hardy@gmail.com> Dimitri Krassovski <labria@startika.com> +Dirk Leifeld <leifeld@posteo.de> Dirkjan Bussink <d.bussink@gmail.com> Div Shekhar <div@pagerduty.com> Dmitry Ermolov <epdmitry@yandex.ru> Dmitry Promsky <dmitry@willworkforcookies.com> Dmitry Vasiliev <dima@hlabs.org> Do Nhat Minh <mrordinaire@gmail.com> -Douglas Young <rcxdude@gmail.com> Donovan Preston <donovanpreston@gmail.com> +Douglas Young <rcxdude@gmail.com> Drew Willcoxon <adw@mozilla.com> Dylan Braithwaite <dylanbraithwaite1@gmail.com> Eduard Bopp <eduard.bopp@aepsil0n.de> @@ -133,45 +147,45 @@ Eduard Burtescu <edy.burt@gmail.com> Edward Wang <edward.yu.wang@gmail.com> Edward Z. Yang <ezyang@cs.stanford.edu> Ehsanul Hoque <ehsanul@ehsanul.com> -eliovir <eliovir@gmail.com> Elliott Slaughter <elliottslaughter@gmail.com> Elly Fong-Jones <elly@leptoquark.net> +Emanuel Rylke <ema-fox@web.de> Eric Biggers <ebiggers3@gmail.com> Eric Holk <eric.holk@gmail.com> Eric Holmes <eric@ejholmes.net> -Erik Lyon <elyon001@local.fake> Eric Martin <e.a.martin1337@gmail.com> Eric Reed <ecreed@cs.washington.edu> Erick Tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com> +Erik Lyon <elyon001@local.fake> Erik Price <erik.price16@gmail.com> Erik Rose <erik@mozilla.com> Etienne Millon <me@emillon.org> Eunchong Yu <kroisse@gmail.com> Evan McClanahan <evan@evanmcc.com> +Evgeny Sologubov +Fabian Deutsch <fabian.deutsch@gmx.de> Fabrice Desré <fabrice@desre.org> +Falco Hirschenberger <falco.hirschenberger@gmail.com> Fedor Indutny <fedor.indutny@gmail.com> Felix Crux <felixc@felixcrux.com> Felix S. Klock II <pnkfelix@pnkfx.org> Flaper Fesp <flaper87@gmail.com> Flavio Percoco <flaper87@gmail.com> -flo-l <lacknerflo@gmail.com> Florian Gilcher <florian.gilcher@asquera.de> Florian Hahn <flo@fhahn.com> +Florian Hartwig <florian.j.hartwig@gmail.com> Florian Zeitz <florob@babelmonkeys.de> Francisco Souza <f@souza.cc> Franklin Chen <franklinchen@franklinchen.com> -g3xzh <g3xzh@yahoo.com> -Gábor Horváth <xazax.hun@gmail.com> Gabriel <g2p.code@gmail.com> Gareth Daniel Smith <garethdanielsmith@gmail.com> Gary Linscott <glinscott@gmail.com> Gary M. Josack <gary@byoteki.com> -gentlefolk <cemacken@gmail.com> +Gavin Baker <gavinb@antonym.org> Geoff Hill <geoff@geoffhill.org> Geoffroy Couprie <geo.couprie@gmail.com> George Papanikolaou <g3orge.app@gmail.com> Georges Dubus <georges.dubus@gmail.com> -gifnksm <makoto.nksm@gmail.com> Glenn Willen <gwillen@nerdnet.org> Gonçalo Cabrita <_@gmcabrita.com> Graham Fawcett <fawcett@uwindsor.ca> @@ -180,13 +194,16 @@ Graydon Hoare <graydon@mozilla.com> Grigoriy <ohaistarlight@gmail.com> Guillaume Pinot <texitoi@texitoi.eu> Gyorgy Andrasek <jurily@gmail.com> +Gábor Horváth <xazax.hun@gmail.com> +Gábor Lehel <glaebhoerl@gmail.com> Haitao Li <lihaitao@gmail.com> -hansjorg <hansjorg@gmail.com> +Hanno Braun <mail@hannobraun.de> Harry Marr <harry.marr@gmail.com> Heather <heather@cynede.net> Herman J. Radtke III <hermanradtke@gmail.com> HeroesGrave <heroesgrave@gmail.com> Hong Chulju <ang0123dev@gmail.com> +Honza Strnad <hanny.strnad@gmail.com> Huon Wilson <dbau.pp+github@gmail.com> Ian D. Bollinger <ian.bollinger@gmail.com> Ian Daniher <it.daniher@gmail.com> @@ -195,17 +212,23 @@ Ilyong Cho <ilyoan@gmail.com> Isaac Aggrey <isaac.aggrey@gmail.com> Isaac Dupree <antispam@idupree.com> Ivan Enderlin <ivan.enderlin@hoa-project.net> +Ivan Petkov <ivanppetkov@gmail.com> Ivano Coppola <rgbfirefox@gmail.com> +J. J. Weber <jjweber@gmail.com> +J.C. Moyer <jmoyer1992@gmail.com> Jack Moffitt <jack@metajack.im> -Jag Talon <talon.jag@gmail.com> Jacob Harris Cryer Kragh <jhckragh@gmail.com> +Jacob Hegna <jacobhegna@gmail.com> Jacob Parker <j3parker@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> Jaemin Moon <jaemin.moon@samsung.com> +Jag Talon <talon.jag@gmail.com> Jake Kerr <kodafox@gmail.com> Jakub <jakub@jakub.cc> Jakub Wieczorek <jakubw@jakubw.net> James Deng <cnjamesdeng@gmail.com> +James Laverack <james@jameslaverack.com> James Miller <bladeon@gmail.com> +James Sanders <sanderjd@gmail.com> James Tranovich <james@openhorizonlabs.com> Jan Kobler <eng1@koblersystems.de> Jan Niklas Hasse <jhasse@gmail.com> @@ -215,75 +238,80 @@ Jason Orendorff <jorendorff@mozilla.com> Jason Toffaletti <jason@topsy.com> Jay Anderson <jayanderson0@gmail.com> Jed Davis <jld@panix.com> +Jed Estep <aje@jhu.edu> Jeff Balogh <jbalogh@mozilla.com> Jeff Muizelaar <jmuizelaar@mozilla.com> Jeff Olson <olson.jeffery@gmail.com> Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin@gmail.com> -Jeong YunWon <jeong@youknowone.org> Jens Nockert <jens@nockert.se> +Jeong YunWon <jeong@youknowone.org> Jeremy Letang <letang.jeremy@gmail.com> Jesse Jones <jesse9jones@gmail.com> Jesse Luehrs <doy@tozt.net> +Jesse Ray <jesse@localhost.localdomain> Jesse Ruderman <jruderman@gmail.com> Jihyun Yu <jihyun@nclab.kaist.ac.kr> Jim Blandy <jimb@red-bean.com> +Jim Radford <radford@blackbean.org> Jimmy Lu <jimmy.lu.2011@gmail.com> Jimmy Zelinskie <jimmyzelinskie@gmail.com> -J. J. Weber <jjweber@gmail.com> -jmgrosen <jmgrosen@gmail.com> -joaoxsouls <joaoxsouls@gmail.com> Joe Pletcher <joepletcher@gmail.com> Joe Schafer <joe@jschaf.com> Johannes Löthberg <johannes@kyriasis.com> Johannes Muenzel <jmuenzel@gmail.com> John Barker <jebarker@gmail.com> John Clements <clements@racket-lang.org> +John Fresco <john.fresco@utah.edu> John Louis Walker <injyuw@gmail.com> +John Schmidt <john.schmidt.h@gmail.com> +John Simon <john@johnsoft.com> Jon Morton <jonanin@gmail.com> +Jonathan Bailey <jbailey@mozilla.com> +Jonathan Reem <jonathan.reem@gmail.com> Jonathan S <gereeter@gmail.com> Jonathan Sternberg <jonathansternberg@gmail.com> Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be> Jorge Aparicio <japaric@linux.com> +Joris Rehm <joris.rehm@wakusei.fr> +Joseph Crail <jbcrail@gmail.com> Josh Matthews <josh@joshmatthews.net> Joshua Clark <joshua.clark@txstate.edu> Joshua Wise <joshua@joshuawise.com> Joshua Yanovski <pythonesque@gmail.com> Julia Evans <julia@jvns.ca> Junyoung Cho <june0.cho@samsung.com> +JustAPerson <jpriest8@ymail.com> +Justin Noah <justinnoah@gmail.com> Jyun-Yan You <jyyou@cs.nctu.edu.tw> Kang Seonghoon <kang.seonghoon@mearie.org> +Kasey Carrothers <kaseyc.808@gmail.com> Keegan McAllister <kmcallister@mozilla.com> Kelly Wilson <wilsonk@cpsc.ucalgary.ca> Keshav Kini <keshav.kini@gmail.com> Kevin Atkinson <kevina@cs.utah.edu> Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org> +Kevin Butler <haqkrs@gmail.com> Kevin Cantu <me@kevincantu.org> Kevin Mehall <km@kevinmehall.net> Kevin Murphy <kemurphy.cmu@gmail.com> Kiet Tran <ktt3ja@gmail.com> -klutzy <klutzytheklutzy@gmail.com> -korenchkin <korenchkin2@gmail.com> -kvark <kvarkus@gmail.com> Kyeongwoon Lee <kyeongwoon.lee@samsung.com> Lars Bergstrom <lbergstrom@mozilla.com> Laurent Bonnans <bonnans.l@gmail.com> Lawrence Velázquez <larryv@alum.mit.edu> Leah Hanson <astrieanna@gmail.com> Lee Wondong <wdlee91@gmail.com> -Léo Testard <leo.testard@gmail.com> Lennart Kudling <github@kudling.de> +Léo Testard <leo.testard@gmail.com> Liigo Zhuang <com.liigo@gmail.com> Lindsey Kuper <lindsey@composition.al> -lpy <pylaurent1314@gmail.com> Luca Bruno <lucab@debian.org> -lucy <ne.tetewi@gmail.com> Luis de Bethencourt <luis@debethencourt.com> Luqman Aden <laden@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> -lyuts <dioxinu@gmail.com> Magnus Auvinen <magnus.auvinen@gmail.com> Mahmut Bulut <mahmutbulut0@gmail.com> -maikklein <maikklein@googlemail.com> Makoto Nakashima <makoto.nksm+github@gmail.com> +Manish Goregaokar <manishsmail@gmail.com> Marcel Rodrigues <marcelgmr@gmail.com> Margaret Meyerhofer <mmeyerho@andrew.cmu.edu> Marijn Haverbeke <marijnh@gmail.com> @@ -305,37 +333,47 @@ Matthijs Hofstra <thiezz@gmail.com> Matthijs van der Vleuten <git@zr40.nl> Max Penet <max.penet@gmail.com> Maxim Kolganov <kolganov.mv@gmail.com> +Meyer S. Jacobs <meyermagic@gmail.com> Micah Chalmer <micah@micahchalmer.net> Michael Arntzenius <daekharel@gmail.com> Michael Bebenita <mbebenita@mozilla.com> +Michael Dagitses <dagitses@google.com> Michael Darakananda <pongad@gmail.com> +Michael Fairley <michaelfairley@gmail.com> Michael Letterle <michael.letterle@gmail.com> Michael Neumann <mneumann@ntecs.de> +Michael Pratt <michael@pratt.im> +Michael Reinhard <mcreinhard@users.noreply.github.com> Michael Sullivan <sully@msully.net> Michael Williams <m.t.williams@live.com> Michael Woerister <michaelwoerister@gmail> +Michael Zhou <moz@google.com> +Mick Koch <kchmck@gmail.com> Mickaël Delahaye <mickael.delahaye@gmail.com> Mihnea Dobrescu-Balaur <mihnea@linux.com> Mike Boutin <mike.boutin@gmail.com> Mikko Perttunen <cyndis@kapsi.fi> -mr.Shu <mr@shu.io> Ms2ger <ms2ger@gmail.com> Mukilan Thiagarajan <mukilanthiagarajan@gmail.com> -musitdev <philippe.delrieu@free.fr> +Nathan Typanski <ntypanski@gmail.com> Nathaniel Herman <nherman@college.harvard.edu> +NiccosSystem <niccossystem@gmail.com> Nick Cameron <ncameron@mozilla.com> Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers@mozilla.com> +Nicolas Silva <nical.silva@gmail.com> +Niels langager Ellegaard <niels.ellegaard@gmail.com> Nif Ward <nif.ward@gmail.com> +Nikita Pekin <contact@nikitapek.in> +Niklas Koep <niklas.koep@gmail.com> Niko Matsakis <niko@alum.mit.edu> -noam <noam@clusterfoo.com> +Noam Yorav-Raphael <noamraph@gmail.com> Noufal Ibrahim <noufal@nibrahim.net.in> -novalis <novalis@novalis.org> Ogino Masanori <masanori.ogino@gmail.com> Olivier Saut <osaut@airpost.net> Olle Jonsson <olle.jonsson@gmail.com> Or Brostovski <tohava@gmail.com> Orphée Lafond-Lummis <o@orftz.com> -osa1 <omeragacan@gmail.com> +P1start <rewi-github@whanau.org> Palmer Cox <p@lmercox.com> Patrick Walton <pwalton@mozilla.com> Patrik Kårlin <patrik.karlin@gmail.com> @@ -343,13 +381,16 @@ Paul Collins <paul@ondioline.org> Paul Stansifer <paul.stansifer@gmail.com> Paul Woolcock <pwoolcoc+github@gmail.com> Pavel Panchekha <me@pavpanchekha.com> +Pawel Olzacki <p.olzacki2@samsung.com> Peter Hull <peterhull90@gmail.com> Peter Marheine <peter@taricorp.net> Peter Williams <peter@newton.cx> Peter Zotov <whitequark@whitequark.org> Petter Remen <petter.remen@gmail.com> +Phil Ruffwind <rf@rufflewind.com> Philipp Brüschweiler <blei42@gmail.com> Piotr Czarnecki <pioczarn@gmail.com> +Piotr Jawniak <sawyer47@gmail.com> Piotr Zolnierek <pz@anixe.pl> Pradeep Kumar <gohanpra@gmail.com> Q.P.Liu <qpliu@yahoo.com> @@ -357,15 +398,20 @@ Rafael Ávila de Espíndola <respindola@mozilla.com> Ralph Bodenner <rkbodenner+github@gmail.com> Ralph Giles <giles@thaumas.net> Ramkumar Ramachandra <artagnon@gmail.com> +Randati <anttivan@gmail.com> Raphael Catolino <raphael.catolino@gmail.com> Raphael Speyer <rspeyer@gmail.com> -reedlepee <reedlepee123@gmail.com> +Reilly Watson <reillywatson@gmail.com> +Renato Riccieri Santos Zannon <renato@rrsz.com.br> +Renato Zannon <renato@rrsz.com.br> Reuben Morais <reuben.morais@gmail.com> +Rich Lane <rlane@club.cc.cmu.edu> Richard Diamond <wichard@vitalitystudios.com> Richo Healey <richo@psych0tik.net> Rick Waldron <waldron.rick@gmail.com> Rob Arnold <robarnold@cs.cmu.edu> Rob Hoelz <rob@hoelz.ro> +Robert Buonpastore <robert.buonpastore@gmail.com> Robert Gawdzik <rgawdzik@hotmail.com> Robert Irelan <rirelan@gmail.com> Robert Knight <robertknight@gmail.com> @@ -373,49 +419,61 @@ Robert Millar <robert.millar@cantab.net> Roland Tanglao <roland@rolandtanglao.com> Ron Dahlgren <ronald.dahlgren@gmail.com> Roy Frostig <rfrostig@mozilla.com> +Ryan Mulligan <ryan@ryantm.com> Ryan Scheel <ryan.havvy@gmail.com> +Ryman <haqkrs@gmail.com> +Rüdiger Sonderfeld <ruediger@c-plusplus.de> +S Pradeep Kumar <gohanpra@gmail.com> Salem Talha <salem.a.talha@gmail.com> Samuel Chase <samebchase@gmail.com> Sander Mathijs van Veen <smvv@kompiler.org> Sangeun Kim <sammy.kim@samsung.com> Sankha Narayan Guria <sankha93@gmail.com> +Santiago Rodriguez <sanrodari@gmail.com> Saurabh Anand <saurabhanandiit@gmail.com> Scott Jenkins <scottdjwales@gmail.com> Scott Lawrence <bytbox@gmail.com> Sean Chalmers <sclhiannan@gmail.com> +Sean Gillespie <sean.william.g@gmail.com> Sean McArthur <sean.monstar@gmail.com> Sean Moon <ssamoon@ucla.edu> Sean Stangl <sstangl@mozilla.com> Sebastian N. Fernandez <cachobot@gmail.com> -Sébastien Chauvel <eichi237@mailoo.org> -Sébastien Crozet <developer@crozet.re> -Sébastien Paolacci <sebastien.paolacci@gmail.com> -Seth Pink <sethpink@gmail.com> Seo Sanghyeon <sanxiyn@gmail.com> Seonghyun Kim <sh8281.kim@samsung.com> -sevrak <sevrak@rediffmail.com> +Sergio Benitez <sbenitez@mit.edu> +Seth Pink <sethpink@gmail.com> Shamir Khodzha <khodzha.sh@gmail.com> SiegeLord <slabode@aim.com> Simon Barber-Dueck <sbarberdueck@gmail.com> Simon Sapin <simon@exyr.org> -sp3d <sp3d@github> -startling <tdixon51793@gmail.com> Stefan Plantikow <stefan.plantikow@googlemail.com> Stepan Koltsov <stepan.koltsov@gmail.com> Sterling Greene <sterling.greene@gmail.com> Steve Klabnik <steve@steveklabnik.com> Steven De Coeyer <steven@banteng.be> Steven Fackler <sfackler@gmail.com> +Steven Sheldon <steven@sasheldon.com> Steven Stewart-Gallus <sstewartgallus00@langara.bc.ca> Strahinja Val Markovic <val@markovic.io> +Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre@debian.org> +Sébastien Chauvel <eichi237@mailoo.org> +Sébastien Crozet <developer@crozet.re> +Sébastien Paolacci <sebastien.paolacci@gmail.com> Taras Shpot <mrshpot@gmail.com> Ted Horst <ted.horst@earthlink.net> Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> +Thomas Backman <serenity@exscape.org> Thomas Daede <daede003@umn.edu> +Tim Brooks <tim.brooks@staples.com> Tim Chevalier <chevalier@alum.wellesley.edu> Tim Kuehn <tkuehn@cmu.edu> Tim Taubert <tim@timtaubert.de> +Timothée Ravier <tim@siosm.fr> +Tobba <tobias.haegermarck@gmail.com> Tobias Bucher <tobiasbucher5991@gmail.com> +Tohava <tohava@tohava-laptop.(none)> +Tom Jakubowski <tom@crystae.net> Tom Lee <github@tomlee.co> Tomas Sedovic <tomas@sedovic.cz> Tommy M. McGuire <mcguire@crsr.net> @@ -424,11 +482,16 @@ Tony Young <tony@rfw.name> Torsten Weber <TorstenWeber12@gmail.com> Trent Ogren <tedwardo2@gmail.com> Trinick <slicksilver555@mac.com> +Tuncer Ayaz <tuncer.ayaz@gmail.com> +TyOverby <ty@pre-alpha.com> Tycho Sci <tychosci@gmail.com> Tyler Bindon <martica@martica.org> U-NOV2010\eugals +Utkarsh Kukreti <utkarshkukreti@gmail.com> Uwe Dauernheim <uwe@dauernheim.net> Vadim Chugunov <vadimcn@gmail.com> +Valentin Tsatskin <vtsatskin@mozilla.com> +Valerii Hiora <valerii.hiora@gmail.com> Vijay Korapaty <rust@korapaty.com> Viktor Dahl <pazaconyoman@gmail.com> Vincent Belliard <vincent@famillebelliard.fr> @@ -437,17 +500,62 @@ Vivek Galatage <vivekgalatage@gmail.com> Volker Mische <volker.mische@gmail.com> Wade Mealing <wmealing@gmail.com> WebeWizard <webewizard@gmail.com> +Wendell Smith <wendell.smith@yale.edu> William Ting <io@williamting.com> -xales <xales@naveria.com> -Yehuda Katz <wycats@gmail.com> Yasuhiro Fujii <y-fujii@mimosa-pudica.net> +Yehuda Katz <wycats@gmail.com> Young-il Choi <duddlf.choi@samsung.com> Youngmin Yoo <youngmin.yoo@samsung.com> Youngsoo Son <ysson83@gmail.com> Yuri Kunde Schlesner <yuriks@yuriks.net> Zach Kamsler <smoo.master@gmail.com> +Zach Pomerantz <zmp@umich.edu> Zack Corr <zack@z0w0.me> Zack Slayton <zack.slayton@gmail.com> Ziad Hatahet <hatahet@gmail.com> +Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn <zooko@zooko.com> +aochagavia <aochagavia92@gmail.com> +auREAX <mark@xn--hwg34fba.ws> +b1nd <clint.ryan3@gmail.com> +bachm <Ab@vapor.com> +blake2-ppc <ulrik.sverdrup@gmail.com> +bors <bors@rust-lang.org> +chitra +chromatic <chromatic@wgz.org> +comex <comexk@gmail.com> +darkf <lw9k123@gmail.com> +eliovir <eliovir@gmail.com> +flo-l <lacknerflo@gmail.com> +fort <e@mail.com> +free-Runner <aali07@students.poly.edu> +g3xzh <g3xzh@yahoo.com> +gentlefolk <cemacken@gmail.com> +gifnksm <makoto.nksm@gmail.com> +hansjorg <hansjorg@gmail.com> +iancormac84 <wilnathan@gmail.com> +jmgrosen <jmgrosen@gmail.com> +joaoxsouls <joaoxsouls@gmail.com> +klutzy <klutzytheklutzy@gmail.com> +korenchkin <korenchkin2@gmail.com> +kvark <kvarkus@gmail.com> +lpy <pylaurent1314@gmail.com> +lucy <ne.tetewi@gmail.com> +lyuts <dioxinu@gmail.com> +m-r-r <raybaudroigm@gmail.com> +maikklein <maikklein@googlemail.com> +mdinger <mdinger.bugzilla@gmail.com> +moonglum <moonglum@moonbeamlabs.com> +mr.Shu <mr@shu.io> +mrec <mike.capp@gmail.com> +musitdev <philippe.delrieu@free.fr> +noam <noam@clusterfoo.com> +novalis <novalis@novalis.org> +osa1 <omeragacan@gmail.com> +reedlepee <reedlepee123@gmail.com> +sevrak <sevrak@rediffmail.com> +sp3d <sp3d@github> +startling <tdixon51793@gmail.com> +theptrk <patrick.tran06@gmail.com> +xales <xales@naveria.com> zofrex <zofrex@gmail.com> zslayton <zack.slayton@gmail.com> diff --git a/RELEASES.txt b/RELEASES.txt index ee437b658e1..457328b2c90 100644 --- a/RELEASES.txt +++ b/RELEASES.txt @@ -1,3 +1,135 @@ +Version 0.11.0 (July 2014) +------------------------- + + * ~1700 changes, numerous bugfixes + + * Language + * ~[T] has been removed from the language. This type is superseded by + the Vec<T> type. + * ~str has been removed from the language. This type is superseded by + the String type. + * ~T has been removed from the language. This type is superseded by the + Box<T> type. + * @T has been removed from the language. This type is superseded by the + standard library's std::gc::Gc<T> type. + * Struct fields are now all private by default. + * Vector indices and shift amounts are both required to be a `uint` + instead of any integral type. + * Byte character, byte string, and raw byte string literals are now all + supported by prefixing the normal literal with a `b`. + * Multiple ABIs are no longer allowed in an ABI string + * The syntax for lifetimes on closures/procedures has been tweaked + slightly: `<'a>|A, B|: 'b + K -> T` + * Floating point modulus has been removed from the language; however it + is still provided by a library implementation. + * Private enum variants are now disallowed. + * The `priv` keyword has been removed from the language. + * A closure can no longer be invoked through a &-pointer. + * The `use foo, bar, baz;` syntax has been removed from the language. + * The transmute intrinsic no longer works on type parameters. + * Statics now allow blocks/items in their definition. + * Trait bounds are separated from objects with + instead of : now. + * Objects can no longer be read while they are mutably borrowed. + * The address of a static is now marked as insignificant unless the + #[inline(never)] attribute is placed it. + * The #[unsafe_destructor] attribute is now behind a feature gate. + * Struct literals are no longer allowed in ambiguous positions such as + if, while, match, and for..in. + * Declaration of lang items and intrinsics are now feature-gated by + default. + * Integral literals no longer default to `int`, and floating point + literals no longer default to `f64`. Literals must be suffixed with an + appropriate type if inference cannot determine the type of the + literal. + * The Box<T> type is no longer implicitly borrowed to &mut T. + * Procedures are now required to not capture borrowed references. + + * Libraries + * The standard library is now a "facade" over a number of underlying + libraries. This means that development on the standard library should + be speeder due to smaller crates, as well as a clearer line between + all dependencies. + * A new library, libcore, lives under the standard library's facade + which is Rust's "0-assumption" library, suitable for embedded and + kernel development for example. + * A regex crate has been added to the standard distribution. This crate + includes statically compiled regular expressions. + * The unwrap/unwrap_err methods on Result require a Show bound for + better error messages. + * The return types of the std::comm primitives have been centralized + around the Result type. + * A number of I/O primitives have gained the ability to time out their + operations. + * A number of I/O primitives have gained the ability to close their + reading/writing halves to cancel pending operations. + * Reverse iterator methods have been removed in favor of `rev()` on + their forward-iteration counterparts. + * A bitflags! macro has been added to enable easy interop with C and + management of bit flags. + * A debug_assert! macro is now provided which is disabled when + `--cfg ndebug` is passed to the compiler. + * A graphviz crate has been added for creating .dot files. + * The std::cast module has been migrated into std::mem. + * The std::local_data api has been migrated from freestanding functions + to being based on methods. + * The Pod trait has been renamed to Copy. + * jemalloc has been added as the default allocator for types. + * The API for allocating memory has been changed to use proper alignment + and sized deallocation + * Connecting a TcpStream or binding a TcpListener is now based on a + string address and a u16 port. This allows connecting to a hostname as + opposed to an IP. + * The Reader trait now contains a core method, read_at_least(), which + correctly handles many repeated 0-length reads. + * The process-spawning API is now centered around a builder-style + Command struct. + * The :? printing qualifier has been moved from the standard library to + an external libdebug crate. + * Eq/Ord have been renamed to PartialEq/PartialOrd. TotalEq/TotalOrd + have been renamed to Eq/Ord. + * The select/plural methods have been removed from format!. The escapes + for { and } have also changed from \{ and \} to {{ and }}, + respectively. + * The TaskBuilder API has been re-worked to be a true builder, and + extension traits for spawning native/green tasks have been added. + + * Tooling + * All breaking changes to the language or libraries now have their + commit message annotated with `[breaking-change]` to allow for easy + discovery of breaking changes. + * The compiler will now try to suggest how to annotate lifetimes if a + lifetime-related error occurs. + * Debug info continues to be improved greatly with general bug fixes and + better support for situations like link time optimization (LTO). + * Usage of syntax extensions when cross-compiling has been fixed. + * Functionality equivalent to GCC & Clang's -ffunction-sections, + -fdata-sections and --gc-sections has been enabled by default + * The compiler is now stricter about where it will load module files + from when a module is declared via `mod foo;`. + * The #[phase(syntax)] attribute has been renamed to #[phase(plugin)]. + Syntax extensions are now discovered via a "plugin registrar" type + which will be extended in the future to other various plugins. + * Lints have been restructured to allow for dynamically loadable lints. + * A number of rustdoc improvements: + * The HTML output has been visually redesigned. + * Markdown is now powered by hoedown instead of sundown. + * Searching heuristics have been greatly improved. + * The search index has been reduced in size by a great amount. + * Cross-crate documentation via `pub use` has been greatly improved. + * Primitive types are now hyperlinked and documented. + * Documentation has been moved from static.rust-lang.org/doc to + doc.rust-lang.org + * A new sandbox, play.rust-lang.org, is available for running and + sharing rust code examples on-line. + * Unused attributes are now more robustly warned about. + * The dead_code lint now warns about unused struct fields. + * Cross-compiling to iOS is now supported. + * Cross-compiling to mipsel is now supported. + * Stability attributes are now inherited by default and no longer apply + to intra-crate usage, only inter-crate usage. + * Error message related to non-exhaustive match expressions have been + greatly improved. + Version 0.10 (April 2014) -------------------------