Fuzzer: test round trips through the pretty printer and parser
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,20 +12,22 @@ import std::vec;
import std::ivec;
import std::str;
import std::uint;
import std::option;
import rustc::syntax::ast;
import rustc::syntax::fold;
import rustc::syntax::walk;
import rustc::syntax::codemap;
import rustc::syntax::parse::parser;
import rustc::syntax::print::pprust;
// Imports for "the rest of driver::compile_input"
import driver = rustc::driver::rustc; // see https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/624
import rustc::back::link;
import rustc::driver::rustc::time;
import rustc::driver::session;
// Imports for "the rest of driver::compile_input"
import rustc::metadata::creader;
import rustc::metadata::cstore;
import rustc::syntax::parse::parser;
@ -43,21 +45,21 @@ import rustc::util::ppaux;
import rustc::lib::llvm;
fn read_whole_file(&str filename) -> str {
fn file_contains(&str filename, &str needle) -> bool {
auto r = io::file_reader(filename);
auto contents = str::unsafe_from_bytes(r.read_whole_stream());
auto contents = read_whole_file(filename);
ret str::find(contents, needle) != -1;
fn contains(&str haystack, &str needle) -> bool { str::find(haystack, needle) != -1 }
fn find_rust_files(&mutable str[] files, str path) {
if (str::ends_with(path, ".rs")) {
if (file_contains(path, "xfail-stage1")) {
//log_err "Skipping " + path + " because it is marked as xfail-stage1";
} else if (
!str::ends_with(path, "constrained-type.rs") && // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/653
str::find(path, "utf8") != -1 && // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/654
true) {
//log_err "Skipping " + path + " because of a known bug";
} else {
files += ~[path];
@ -68,10 +70,43 @@ fn find_rust_files(&mutable str[] files, str path) {
fn safe_to_steal(ast::expr_ e) -> bool {
alt (e) {
// pretty-printer precedence issues -- https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/670
case (ast::expr_unary(_, _)) { false }
case (ast::expr_lit(?lit)) {
alt(lit.node) {
case(ast::lit_str(_, _)) { true }
case(ast::lit_char(_)) { true }
case(ast::lit_int(_)) { false }
case(ast::lit_uint(_)) { false }
case(ast::lit_mach_int(_, _)) { false }
case(ast::lit_float(_)) { false }
case(ast::lit_mach_float(_, _)) { false }
case(ast::lit_nil) { true }
case(ast::lit_bool(_)) { true }
case (ast::expr_cast(_, _)) { false }
case (ast::expr_send(_, _)) { false }
case (ast::expr_recv(_, _)) { false }
case (ast::expr_assert(_)) { false }
case (ast::expr_binary(_, _, _)) { false }
case (ast::expr_assign(_, _)) { false }
case (ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, _)) { false }
// "if (ret) { }" doesn't make sense, at least from a typecheck point of view, but for some reason it's rejected by the *parser*
case (ast::expr_ret(option::none)) { false }
case (ast::expr_put(option::none)) { false }
case (_) { true }
fn steal_exprs(&ast::crate crate) -> ast::expr[] {
let @mutable ast::expr[] exprs = @mutable ~[];
// "Stash" cannot be type-parameterized because of https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/375
fn stash_expr(@mutable ast::expr[] es, &@ast::expr e) { *es += ~[*e]; }
// "Stash" is not type-parameterized because of the need for safe_to_steal
fn stash_expr(@mutable ast::expr[] es, &@ast::expr e) { if (safe_to_steal(e.node)) { *es += ~[*e]; } else { /* now my indices are wrong :( */ } }
auto v = rec(visit_expr_pre = bind stash_expr(exprs, _) with walk::default_visitor());
walk::walk_crate(v, crate);
@ -108,7 +143,9 @@ iter under(uint n) -> uint { let uint i = 0u; while (i < n) { put i; i += 1u; }
fn devnull() -> io::writer { std::io::string_writer().get_writer() }
fn pp_variants(&ast::crate crate, &session::session sess, &str filename) {
fn as_str(fn (io::writer) f) -> str { auto w = std::io::string_writer(); f(w.get_writer()); w.get_str() }
fn pp_variants(&ast::crate crate, &codemap::codemap cmap, &str filename) {
auto exprs = steal_exprs(crate);
auto exprsL = ivec::len(exprs);
if (exprsL < 100u) {
@ -117,44 +154,56 @@ fn pp_variants(&ast::crate crate, &session::session sess, &str filename) {
for each (uint j in under(uint::min(exprsL, 5u))) {
log_err "With... " + pprust::expr_to_str(@exprs.(j));
auto crate2 = @replace_expr_in_crate(crate, i, exprs.(j).node);
pprust::print_crate(sess.get_codemap(), crate2, filename, devnull(), pprust::no_ann());
check_roundtrip(crate2, cmap, filename + ".4.rs");
fn check_roundtrip(@ast::crate crate2, &codemap::codemap cmap, &str fakefilename) {
auto str3 = as_str(bind pprust::print_crate(cmap, crate2, "empty.rs", _, pprust::no_ann()));
auto cm4 = codemap::new_codemap();
if (true
&& !contains(str3, "][]") // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/669
&& !contains(str3, "][mutable]") // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/669
&& !contains(str3, "][mutable ]") // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/669
&& !contains(str3, "self") // crazy rules enforced by parser rather than typechecker?
&& !contains(str3, "spawn") // more precedence issues
&& !contains(str3, "bind") // more precedence issues?
) {
auto crate4 = parser::parse_crate_from_source_str(fakefilename, str3, ~[], cm4);
// should compare crates at this point, but it's easier to compare strings
auto str5 = as_str(bind pprust::print_crate(cmap, crate4, "empty.rs", _, pprust::no_ann()));
if (!str::is_ascii(str3)) {
log_err "Non-ASCII in " + fakefilename; // why does non-ASCII work correctly with "rustc --pretty normal" but not here???
} else if (str3 != str5) {
log_err "Mismatch: " + fakefilename;
log_err "str3:\n" + str3;
log_err "str5:\n" + str5;
fail "Mismatch";
fn main(vec[str] args) {
auto files = ~[];
auto root = "/Users/jruderman/code/rust/src/"; // XXX
find_rust_files(files, root); // not using time here because that currently screws with passing-a-mutable-array
log_err uint::str(ivec::len(files)) + " files";
auto binary = vec::shift[str](args);
auto binary_dir = fs::dirname(binary);
let @session::options sopts =
library_search_paths=[binary_dir + "/lib"],
for (str file in files) {
log_err "=== " + file + " ===";
let session::session sess = driver::build_session(sopts);
let @ast::crate crate = time(true, "parsing " + file, bind driver::parse_input(sess, ~[], file));
pprust::print_crate(sess.get_codemap(), crate, file, devnull(), pprust::no_ann());
pp_variants(*crate, sess, file);
auto cm = codemap::new_codemap();
auto src = read_whole_file(file);
auto crate = parser::parse_crate_from_source_str(file, src, ~[], cm);
if (!contains(src, "#macro") // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/671
&& !str::ends_with(file, "block-expr-precedence.rs") // https://github.com/graydon/rust/issues/674
&& !str::ends_with(file, "syntax-extension-fmt.rs") // an issue where -2147483648 gains an extra negative sign each time through, which i can't reproduce using "rustc --pretty normal"???
) {
check_roundtrip(crate, cm, file + ".pp.rs");
//pprust::print_crate(cm, crate, file, devnull(), pprust::no_ann());
//pp_variants(*crate, cm, file);
Reference in New Issue
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