Merge #4580
4580: Fix invoking cargo without consulting CARGO env var or standard installation paths r=matklad a=Veetaha Followup for #4329 The pr essentially fixes [this bug]( cc @lefticus Co-authored-by: veetaha <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1119,6 +1119,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ cargo_metadata = "0.10.0"
difference = "2.0.0"
# used as proc macro test target
serde_derive = "1.0.106"
ra_toolchain = { path = "../ra_toolchain" }
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
use crate::dylib;
use crate::ProcMacroSrv;
pub use difference::Changeset as __Changeset;
use ra_proc_macro::ListMacrosTask;
use std::str::FromStr;
use test_utils::assert_eq_text;
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ mod fixtures {
// Use current project metadata to get the proc-macro dylib path
pub fn dylib_path(crate_name: &str, version: &str) -> std::path::PathBuf {
let command = Command::new("cargo")
let command = Command::new(ra_toolchain::cargo())
.args(&["check", "--message-format", "json"])
@ -121,12 +121,21 @@ pub struct RunnablesParams {
pub position: Option<Position>,
// Must strictly correspond to the executable name
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")]
pub enum RunnableKind {
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Runnable {
pub range: Range,
pub label: String,
pub bin: String,
pub kind: RunnableKind,
pub args: Vec<String>,
pub extra_args: Vec<String>,
pub env: FxHashMap<String, String>,
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ pub fn handle_runnables(
res.push(lsp_ext::Runnable {
range: Default::default(),
label: format!("cargo {} -p {}", cmd, spec.package),
bin: "cargo".to_string(),
kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo,
args: vec![cmd.to_string(), "--package".to_string(), spec.package.clone()],
extra_args: Vec::new(),
env: FxHashMap::default(),
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ pub fn handle_runnables(
res.push(lsp_ext::Runnable {
range: Default::default(),
label: "cargo check --workspace".to_string(),
bin: "cargo".to_string(),
kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo,
args: vec!["check".to_string(), "--workspace".to_string()],
extra_args: Vec::new(),
env: FxHashMap::default(),
@ -982,10 +982,11 @@ fn to_lsp_runnable(
target.map_or_else(|| "run binary".to_string(), |t| format!("run {}", t))
Ok(lsp_ext::Runnable {
range: to_proto::range(&line_index, runnable.range),
bin: "cargo".to_string(),
kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo,
env: {
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fn foo() {
"args": [ "test" ],
"extraArgs": [ "foo", "--nocapture" ],
"bin": "cargo",
"kind": "cargo",
"env": { "RUST_BACKTRACE": "short" },
"cwd": null,
"label": "test foo",
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ fn foo() {
"args": ["check", "--workspace"],
"extraArgs": [],
"bin": "cargo",
"kind": "cargo",
"env": {},
"cwd": null,
"label": "cargo check --workspace",
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ fn main() {}
"args": [ "test", "--package", "foo", "--test", "spam" ],
"extraArgs": [ "test_eggs", "--exact", "--nocapture" ],
"bin": "cargo",
"kind": "cargo",
"env": { "RUST_BACKTRACE": "short" },
"label": "test test_eggs",
"range": {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ fn main() {}
"args": [ "check", "--package", "foo" ],
"extraArgs": [],
"bin": "cargo",
"kind": "cargo",
"env": {},
"label": "cargo check -p foo",
"range": {
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ fn main() {}
"args": [ "test", "--package", "foo" ],
"extraArgs": [],
"bin": "cargo",
"kind": "cargo",
"env": {},
"label": "cargo test -p foo",
"range": {
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ interface Runnable {
/// The label to show in the UI.
label: string;
/// The following fields describe a process to spawn.
bin: string;
kind: "cargo" | "rustc" | "rustup";
args: string[];
/// Args for cargo after `--`.
extraArgs: string[];
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ra from './lsp_ext';
import { Cargo } from './cargo';
import { Cargo } from './toolchain';
import { Ctx } from "./ctx";
const debugOutput = vscode.window.createOutputChannel("Debug");
@ -45,10 +45,13 @@ export interface RunnablesParams {
textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier;
position: lc.Position | null;
export type RunnableKind = "cargo" | "rustc" | "rustup";
export interface Runnable {
range: lc.Range;
label: string;
bin: string;
kind: RunnableKind;
args: string[];
extraArgs: string[];
env: { [key: string]: string };
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient';
import * as ra from './lsp_ext';
import * as toolchain from "./toolchain";
import { Ctx, Cmd } from './ctx';
import { startDebugSession, getDebugConfiguration } from './debug';
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ export function createTask(spec: ra.Runnable): vscode.Task {
const definition: CargoTaskDefinition = {
type: 'cargo',
label: spec.label,
command: spec.bin,
command: toolchain.getPathForExecutable(spec.kind),
args: spec.extraArgs ? [...spec.args, '--', ...spec.extraArgs] : spec.args,
env: Object.assign({}, process.env, spec.env),
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as toolchain from "./toolchain";
// This ends up as the `type` key in tasks.json. RLS also uses `cargo` and
// our configuration should be compatible with it so use the same key.
@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ class CargoTaskProvider implements vscode.TaskProvider {
// set of tasks that always exist. These tasks cannot be removed in
// tasks.json - only tweaked.
const cargoPath = toolchain.cargoPath();
return [
{ command: 'build', group: vscode.TaskGroup.Build },
{ command: 'check', group: vscode.TaskGroup.Build },
@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ class CargoTaskProvider implements vscode.TaskProvider {
`cargo ${command}`,
// What to do when this command is executed.
new vscode.ShellExecution('cargo', [command]),
new vscode.ShellExecution(cargoPath, [command]),
// Problem matchers.
@ -80,4 +83,4 @@ class CargoTaskProvider implements vscode.TaskProvider {
export function activateTaskProvider(target: vscode.WorkspaceFolder): vscode.Disposable {
const provider = new CargoTaskProvider(target);
return vscode.tasks.registerTaskProvider(TASK_TYPE, provider);
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as readline from 'readline';
import { OutputChannel } from 'vscode';
import { isValidExecutable } from './util';
import { log, memoize } from './util';
interface CompilationArtifact {
fileName: string;
@ -17,34 +18,35 @@ export interface ArtifactSpec {
filter?: (artifacts: CompilationArtifact[]) => CompilationArtifact[];
export function artifactSpec(args: readonly string[]): ArtifactSpec {
const cargoArgs = [...args, "--message-format=json"];
// arguments for a runnable from the quick pick should be updated.
// see crates\rust-analyzer\src\main_loop\, handle_code_lens
switch (cargoArgs[0]) {
case "run": cargoArgs[0] = "build"; break;
case "test": {
if (!cargoArgs.includes("--no-run")) {
const result: ArtifactSpec = { cargoArgs: cargoArgs };
if (cargoArgs[0] === "test") {
// for instance, `crates\rust-analyzer\tests\heavy_tests\` tests
// produce 2 artifacts: {"kind": "bin"} and {"kind": "test"}
result.filter = (artifacts) => artifacts.filter(it => it.isTest);
return result;
export class Cargo {
constructor(readonly rootFolder: string, readonly output: OutputChannel) { }
// Made public for testing purposes
static artifactSpec(args: readonly string[]): ArtifactSpec {
const cargoArgs = [...args, "--message-format=json"];
// arguments for a runnable from the quick pick should be updated.
// see crates\rust-analyzer\src\main_loop\, handle_code_lens
switch (cargoArgs[0]) {
case "run": cargoArgs[0] = "build"; break;
case "test": {
if (!cargoArgs.includes("--no-run")) {
const result: ArtifactSpec = { cargoArgs: cargoArgs };
if (cargoArgs[0] === "test") {
// for instance, `crates\rust-analyzer\tests\heavy_tests\` tests
// produce 2 artifacts: {"kind": "bin"} and {"kind": "test"}
result.filter = (artifacts) => artifacts.filter(it => it.isTest);
return result;
private async getArtifacts(spec: ArtifactSpec): Promise<CompilationArtifact[]> {
const artifacts: CompilationArtifact[] = [];
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ export class Cargo {
async executableFromArgs(args: readonly string[]): Promise<string> {
const artifacts = await this.getArtifacts(artifactSpec(args));
const artifacts = await this.getArtifacts(Cargo.artifactSpec(args));
if (artifacts.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No compilation artifacts');
@ -94,14 +96,7 @@ export class Cargo {
onStderrString: (data: string) => void
): Promise<number> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let cargoPath;
try {
cargoPath = getCargoPathOrFail();
} catch (err) {
return reject(err);
const cargo = cp.spawn(cargoPath, cargoArgs, {
const cargo = cp.spawn(cargoPath(), cargoArgs, {
stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
cwd: this.rootFolder
@ -126,26 +121,54 @@ export class Cargo {
// Mirrors `ra_env::get_path_for_executable` implementation
function getCargoPathOrFail(): string {
const envVar = process.env.CARGO;
const executableName = "cargo";
if (envVar) {
if (isValidExecutable(envVar)) return envVar;
throw new Error(`\`${envVar}\` environment variable points to something that's not a valid executable`);
if (isValidExecutable(executableName)) return executableName;
const standardLocation = path.join(os.homedir(), '.cargo', 'bin', executableName);
if (isValidExecutable(standardLocation)) return standardLocation;
throw new Error(
`Failed to find \`${executableName}\` executable. ` +
`Make sure \`${executableName}\` is in \`$PATH\`, ` +
`or set \`${envVar}\` to point to a valid executable.`
/** Mirrors `ra_toolchain::cargo()` implementation */
export function cargoPath(): string {
return getPathForExecutable("cargo");
/** Mirrors `ra_toolchain::get_path_for_executable()` implementation */
export const getPathForExecutable = memoize(
// We apply caching to decrease file-system interactions
(executableName: "cargo" | "rustc" | "rustup"): string => {
const envVar = process.env[executableName.toUpperCase()];
if (envVar) return envVar;
if (lookupInPath(executableName)) return executableName;
try {
// hmm, `os.homedir()` seems to be infallible
// it is not mentioned in docs and cannot be infered by the type signature...
const standardPath = path.join(os.homedir(), ".cargo", "bin", executableName);
if (isFile(standardPath)) return standardPath;
} catch (err) {
log.error("Failed to read the fs info", err);
return executableName;
function lookupInPath(exec: string): boolean {
const paths = process.env.PATH ?? "";;
const candidates = paths.split(path.delimiter).flatMap(dirInPath => {
const candidate = path.join(dirInPath, exec);
return os.type() === "Windows_NT"
? [candidate, `${candidate}.exe`]
: [candidate];
return candidates.some(isFile);
function isFile(suspectPath: string): boolean {
// It is not mentionned in docs, but `statSync()` throws an error when
// the path doesn't exist
try {
return fs.statSync(suspectPath).isFile();
} catch {
return false;
@ -99,3 +99,21 @@ export function isValidExecutable(path: string): boolean {
export function setContextValue(key: string, value: any): Thenable<void> {
return vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', key, value);
* Returns a higher-order function that caches the results of invoking the
* underlying function.
export function memoize<Ret, TThis, Param extends string>(func: (this: TThis, arg: Param) => Ret) {
const cache = new Map<string, Ret>();
return function(this: TThis, arg: Param) {
const cached = cache.get(arg);
if (cached) return cached;
const result =, arg);
cache.set(arg, result);
return result;
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as cargo from '../../src/cargo';
import { Cargo } from '../../src/toolchain';
suite('Launch configuration', () => {
suite('Lens', () => {
test('A binary', async () => {
const args = cargo.artifactSpec(["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "pkg_name"]);
const args = Cargo.artifactSpec(["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "pkg_name"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.cargoArgs, ["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "pkg_name", "--message-format=json"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.filter, undefined);
test('One of Multiple Binaries', async () => {
const args = cargo.artifactSpec(["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "bin1"]);
const args = Cargo.artifactSpec(["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "bin1"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.cargoArgs, ["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "bin1", "--message-format=json"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.filter, undefined);
test('A test', async () => {
const args = cargo.artifactSpec(["test", "--package", "pkg_name", "--lib", "--no-run"]);
const args = Cargo.artifactSpec(["test", "--package", "pkg_name", "--lib", "--no-run"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.cargoArgs, ["test", "--package", "pkg_name", "--lib", "--no-run", "--message-format=json"]);
assert.notDeepEqual(args.filter, undefined);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ suite('Launch configuration', () => {
suite('QuickPick', () => {
test('A binary', async () => {
const args = cargo.artifactSpec(["run", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "pkg_name"]);
const args = Cargo.artifactSpec(["run", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "pkg_name"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.cargoArgs, ["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "pkg_name", "--message-format=json"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.filter, undefined);
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ suite('Launch configuration', () => {
test('One of Multiple Binaries', async () => {
const args = cargo.artifactSpec(["run", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "bin2"]);
const args = Cargo.artifactSpec(["run", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "bin2"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.cargoArgs, ["build", "--package", "pkg_name", "--bin", "bin2", "--message-format=json"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.filter, undefined);
test('A test', async () => {
const args = cargo.artifactSpec(["test", "--package", "pkg_name", "--lib"]);
const args = Cargo.artifactSpec(["test", "--package", "pkg_name", "--lib"]);
assert.deepEqual(args.cargoArgs, ["test", "--package", "pkg_name", "--lib", "--message-format=json", "--no-run"]);
assert.notDeepEqual(args.filter, undefined);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user