One-line doc clarification for representation of unit type ().

This commit is contained in:
Felix S. Klock II 2016-04-28 17:27:17 +02:00
parent 4446e793da
commit 129b371cae

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@ -269,29 +269,6 @@ fn write_scope_tree(tcx: TyCtxt,
pub fn write_mir_named(tcx: &ty::TyCtxt, name: &str, mir: &Mir, w: &mut Write, auxiliary: Option<&ScopeAuxiliaryVec>)
-> io::Result<()> {
let annotations = scope_entry_exit_annotations(auxiliary);
write_mir_intro_named(tcx, name, mir, w)?;
for block in mir.all_basic_blocks() {
write_basic_block(tcx, block, mir, w, &annotations)?;
writeln!(w, "}}")
/// Write out a human-readable textual representation of the MIR's
/// `fn` type and the types of its local variables (both user-defined
/// bindings and compiler temporaries). Assumes the function
/// represented by `mir` is named `name`. Note: Generated output
/// introduces an open curly that needs to be closed.
pub fn write_mir_intro_named(tcx: &ty::TyCtxt, name: &str, mir: &Mir, w: &mut Write)
-> io::Result<()> {
write_mir_fn_sig(tcx, name, mir, w)?;
writeln!(w, " {{")?;
write_mir_fn_decls(tcx, mir, w)
/// Write out a human-readable textual representation of the MIR's `fn` type and the types of its
/// local variables (both user-defined bindings and compiler temporaries).
fn write_mir_intro<'a, 'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,