Incorporated first review sugestion from eddyb.

Suggestion was here:
This commit is contained in:
Felix S. Klock II 2015-02-27 18:16:30 +01:00
parent b85b3c9b2b
commit 11057fee08

View File

@ -283,106 +283,40 @@ impl ConstEvalErr {
fn invalid_op_for_bools(e: &Expr, op: ast::BinOp_) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::InvalidOpForBools(op) }
fn invalid_op_for_floats(e: &Expr, op: ast::BinOp_) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::InvalidOpForFloats(op) }
fn invalid_op_for_int_uint(e: &Expr, op: ast::BinOp_) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::InvalidOpForIntUint(op) }
fn invalid_op_for_uint_int(e: &Expr, op: ast::BinOp_) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::InvalidOpForUintInt(op) }
fn negate_on_string(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::NegateOnString }
fn negate_on_boolean(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::NegateOnBoolean }
fn not_on_float(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::NotOnFloat }
fn not_on_string(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::NotOnString }
macro_rules! signal {
($e:expr, $ctor:ident) => {
return Err(ConstEvalErr { span: $e.span, kind: ErrKind::$ctor })
fn addi_with_overflow(e: &Expr, a: i64, b: i64) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::AddiWithOverflow(a, b) }
($e:expr, $ctor:ident($($arg:expr),*)) => {
return Err(ConstEvalErr { span: $e.span, kind: ErrKind::$ctor($($arg),*) })
fn subi_with_overflow(e: &Expr, a: i64, b: i64) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::SubiWithOverflow(a, b) }
fn muli_with_overflow(e: &Expr, a: i64, b: i64) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::MuliWithOverflow(a, b) }
fn addu_with_overflow(e: &Expr, a: u64, b: u64) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::AdduWithOverflow(a, b) }
fn subu_with_overflow(e: &Expr, a: u64, b: u64) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::SubuWithOverflow(a, b) }
fn mulu_with_overflow(e: &Expr, a: u64, b: u64) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::MuluWithOverflow(a, b) }
fn divide_by_zero(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::DivideByZero }
fn divide_with_overflow(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::DivideWithOverflow }
fn modulo_by_zero(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::ModuloByZero }
fn modulo_with_overflow(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::ModuloWithOverflow }
fn missing_struct_field(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::MissingStructField }
fn non_const_path(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::NonConstPath }
fn non_const_struct(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::NonConstStruct }
fn tuple_index_out_of_bounds(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::TupleIndexOutOfBounds }
fn misc_binary_op(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::MiscBinaryOp }
fn misc_catch_all(e: &Expr) -> ConstEvalErr {
ConstEvalErr { span: e.span, kind: ErrKind::MiscCatchAll }
fn checked_add_int(e: &Expr, a: i64, b: i64) -> Result<const_val, ConstEvalErr> {
let (ret, oflo) = a.overflowing_add(b);
if !oflo { Ok(const_int(ret)) } else { Err(addi_with_overflow(e, a, b)) }
if !oflo { Ok(const_int(ret)) } else { signal!(e, AddiWithOverflow(a, b)) }
fn checked_sub_int(e: &Expr, a: i64, b: i64) -> Result<const_val, ConstEvalErr> {
let (ret, oflo) = a.overflowing_sub(b);
if !oflo { Ok(const_int(ret)) } else { Err(subi_with_overflow(e, a, b)) }
if !oflo { Ok(const_int(ret)) } else { signal!(e, SubiWithOverflow(a, b)) }
fn checked_mul_int(e: &Expr, a: i64, b: i64) -> Result<const_val, ConstEvalErr> {
let (ret, oflo) = a.overflowing_mul(b);
if !oflo { Ok(const_int(ret)) } else { Err(muli_with_overflow(e, a, b)) }
if !oflo { Ok(const_int(ret)) } else { signal!(e, MuliWithOverflow(a, b)) }
fn checked_add_uint(e: &Expr, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<const_val, ConstEvalErr> {
let (ret, oflo) = a.overflowing_add(b);
if !oflo { Ok(const_uint(ret)) } else { Err(addu_with_overflow(e, a, b)) }
if !oflo { Ok(const_uint(ret)) } else { signal!(e, AdduWithOverflow(a, b)) }
fn checked_sub_uint(e: &Expr, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<const_val, ConstEvalErr> {
let (ret, oflo) = a.overflowing_sub(b);
if !oflo { Ok(const_uint(ret)) } else { Err(subu_with_overflow(e, a, b)) }
if !oflo { Ok(const_uint(ret)) } else { signal!(e, SubuWithOverflow(a, b)) }
fn checked_mul_uint(e: &Expr, a: u64, b: u64) -> Result<const_val, ConstEvalErr> {
let (ret, oflo) = a.overflowing_mul(b);
if !oflo { Ok(const_uint(ret)) } else { Err(mulu_with_overflow(e, a, b)) }
if !oflo { Ok(const_uint(ret)) } else { signal!(e, MuluWithOverflow(a, b)) }
@ -400,8 +334,8 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
Ok(const_float(f)) => Ok(const_float(-f)),
Ok(const_int(i)) => Ok(const_int(-i)),
Ok(const_uint(i)) => Ok(const_uint(-i)),
Ok(const_str(_)) => Err(negate_on_string(e)),
Ok(const_bool(_)) => Err(negate_on_boolean(e)),
Ok(const_str(_)) => signal!(e, NegateOnString),
Ok(const_bool(_)) => signal!(e, NegateOnBoolean),
err => err
@ -410,8 +344,8 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
Ok(const_int(i)) => Ok(const_int(!i)),
Ok(const_uint(i)) => Ok(const_uint(!i)),
Ok(const_bool(b)) => Ok(const_bool(!b)),
Ok(const_str(_)) => Err(not_on_string(e)),
Ok(const_float(_)) => Err(not_on_float(e)),
Ok(const_str(_)) => signal!(e, NotOnString),
Ok(const_float(_)) => signal!(e, NotOnFloat),
err => err
@ -435,7 +369,7 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
ast::BiNe => fromb(a != b),
ast::BiGe => fromb(a >= b),
ast::BiGt => fromb(a > b),
_ => Err(invalid_op_for_floats(e, op.node)),
_ => signal!(e, InvalidOpForFloats(op.node))
(Ok(const_int(a)), Ok(const_int(b))) => {
@ -463,18 +397,18 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
ast::BiMul => checked_mul_int(e, a, b),
ast::BiDiv => {
if b == 0 {
signal!(e, DivideByZero);
} else if b == -1 && is_a_min_value() {
signal!(e, DivideWithOverflow);
} else {
Ok(const_int(a / b))
ast::BiRem => {
if b == 0 {
signal!(e, ModuloByZero)
} else if b == -1 && is_a_min_value() {
signal!(e, ModuloWithOverflow)
} else {
Ok(const_int(a % b))
@ -497,9 +431,9 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
ast::BiAdd => checked_add_uint(e, a, b),
ast::BiSub => checked_sub_uint(e, a, b),
ast::BiMul => checked_mul_uint(e, a, b),
ast::BiDiv if b == 0 => Err(divide_by_zero(e)),
ast::BiDiv if b == 0 => signal!(e, DivideByZero),
ast::BiDiv => Ok(const_uint(a / b)),
ast::BiRem if b == 0 => Err(modulo_by_zero(e)),
ast::BiRem if b == 0 => signal!(e, ModuloByZero),
ast::BiRem => Ok(const_uint(a % b)),
ast::BiAnd | ast::BiBitAnd => Ok(const_uint(a & b)),
ast::BiOr | ast::BiBitOr => Ok(const_uint(a | b)),
@ -519,14 +453,14 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
match op.node {
ast::BiShl => Ok(const_int(a << b as uint)),
ast::BiShr => Ok(const_int(a >> b as uint)),
_ => Err(invalid_op_for_int_uint(e, op.node)),
_ => signal!(e, InvalidOpForIntUint(op.node)),
(Ok(const_uint(a)), Ok(const_int(b))) => {
match op.node {
ast::BiShl => Ok(const_uint(a << b as uint)),
ast::BiShr => Ok(const_uint(a >> b as uint)),
_ => Err(invalid_op_for_uint_int(e, op.node)),
_ => signal!(e, InvalidOpForUintInt(op.node)),
(Ok(const_bool(a)), Ok(const_bool(b))) => {
@ -538,13 +472,13 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
ast::BiBitOr => a | b,
ast::BiEq => a == b,
ast::BiNe => a != b,
_ => return Err(invalid_op_for_bools(e, op.node)),
_ => signal!(e, InvalidOpForBools(op.node)),
(err @ Err(..), _) |
(_, err @ Err(..)) => err,
_ => Err(misc_binary_op(e)),
_ => signal!(e, MiscBinaryOp),
ast::ExprCast(ref base, ref target_ty) => {
@ -589,7 +523,7 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
let const_expr = match const_expr {
Some(actual_e) => actual_e,
None => return Err(non_const_path(e)),
None => signal!(e, NonConstPath)
let ety = ety.or_else(|| const_ty.and_then(|ty| ast_ty_to_prim_ty(tcx, ty)));
eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, const_expr, ety)
@ -611,11 +545,11 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
if fields.len() > index.node {
return eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, &*fields[index.node], None)
} else {
return Err(tuple_index_out_of_bounds(e))
signal!(e, TupleIndexOutOfBounds);
signal!(e, NonConstStruct);
ast::ExprField(ref base, field_name) => {
// Get the base expression if it is a struct and it is constant
@ -626,13 +560,13 @@ pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<'tcx>(tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
f.ident.node.as_str() == field_name.node.as_str()) {
return eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, &*f.expr, None)
} else {
return Err(missing_struct_field(e));
signal!(e, MissingStructField);
signal!(e, NonConstStruct);
_ => Err(misc_catch_all(e))
_ => signal!(e, MiscCatchAll)