rustc: Some refactoring of

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-05-22 16:41:32 -04:00
parent 837dff9226
commit 1081d0aee9

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ fn default_environment(session::session sess,
fn parse_input(session::session sess,
parser::parser p,
str input) -> @ast::crate {
parser::parser p,
str input) -> @ast::crate {
if (str::ends_with(input, ".rc")) {
ret parser::parse_crate_from_crate_file(p);
} else if (str::ends_with(input, ".rs")) {
@ -207,8 +207,7 @@ fn get_default_sysroot(str binary) -> str {
ret dirname;
fn main(vec[str] args) {
fn build_target_config() -> @session::config {
let str triple =
@ -219,45 +218,12 @@ fn main(vec[str] args) {
uint_type = common::ty_u32,
float_type = common::ty_f64);
auto opts = [optflag("h"), optflag("help"),
optflag("v"), optflag("version"),
optflag("glue"), optflag("emit-llvm"),
optflag("pretty"), optflag("typed-pretty"),
optflag("ls"), optflag("parse-only"),
optflag("O"), optopt("OptLevel"),
optflag("shared"), optmulti("L"),
optflag("S"), optflag("c"), optopt("o"), optflag("g"),
optflag("save-temps"), optopt("sysroot"),
optflag("time-passes"), optflag("time-llvm-passes"),
optflag("no-typestate"), optflag("noverify")];
auto binary = vec::shift[str](args);
auto match;
alt (getopts::getopts(args, opts)) {
case (getopts::failure(?f)) {
log_err #fmt("error: %s", getopts::fail_str(f));
case (getopts::success(?m)) { match = m; }
if (opt_present(match, "h") ||
opt_present(match, "help")) {
ret target_cfg;
if (opt_present(match, "v") ||
opt_present(match, "version")) {
auto pretty = opt_present(match, "pretty");
auto typed_pretty = opt_present(match, "typed-pretty");
auto ls = opt_present(match, "ls");
auto glue = opt_present(match, "glue");
fn build_session_options(str binary, getopts::match match)
-> @session::options {
auto shared = opt_present(match, "shared");
auto output_file = getopts::opt_maybe_str(match, "o");
auto library_search_paths = getopts::opt_strs(match, "L");
auto output_type = link::output_type_exe;
@ -331,15 +297,63 @@ fn main(vec[str] args) {
library_search_paths = library_search_paths,
sysroot = sysroot);
ret sopts;
fn build_session(@session::options sopts) -> session::session {
auto target_cfg = build_target_config();
auto crate_cache = common::new_int_hash[session::crate_metadata]();
auto target_crate_num = 0;
let vec[@ast::meta_item] md = [];
auto sess =
session::session(target_crate_num, target_cfg, sopts,
crate_cache, md, front::codemap::new_codemap());
crate_cache, md, front::codemap::new_codemap());
ret sess;
fn main(vec[str] args) {
auto opts = [optflag("h"), optflag("help"),
optflag("v"), optflag("version"),
optflag("glue"), optflag("emit-llvm"),
optflag("pretty"), optflag("typed-pretty"),
optflag("ls"), optflag("parse-only"),
optflag("O"), optopt("OptLevel"),
optflag("shared"), optmulti("L"),
optflag("S"), optflag("c"), optopt("o"), optflag("g"),
optflag("save-temps"), optopt("sysroot"),
optflag("time-passes"), optflag("time-llvm-passes"),
optflag("no-typestate"), optflag("noverify")];
auto binary = vec::shift[str](args);
auto match = alt (getopts::getopts(args, opts)) {
case (getopts::success(?m)) { m }
case (getopts::failure(?f)) {
log_err #fmt("error: %s", getopts::fail_str(f));
if (opt_present(match, "h") ||
opt_present(match, "help")) {
if (opt_present(match, "v") ||
opt_present(match, "version")) {
auto sopts = build_session_options(binary, match);
auto sess = build_session(sopts);
auto n_inputs = vec::len[str](;
auto output_file = getopts::opt_maybe_str(match, "o");
auto glue = opt_present(match, "glue");
if (glue) {
if (n_inputs > 0u) {
sess.err("No input files allowed with --glue.");
@ -357,7 +371,10 @@ fn main(vec[str] args) {
auto ifile =;
let str saved_out_filename = "";
auto env = default_environment(sess, args.(0), ifile);
auto env = default_environment(sess, binary, ifile);
auto pretty = opt_present(match, "pretty");
auto typed_pretty = opt_present(match, "typed-pretty");
auto ls = opt_present(match, "ls");
if (pretty || typed_pretty) {
pretty_print_input(sess, env, ifile, typed_pretty);
} else if (ls) {
@ -368,7 +385,7 @@ fn main(vec[str] args) {
let vec[str] parts = str::split(ifile, '.' as u8);
saved_out_filename = parts.(0);
alt (output_type) {
alt (sopts.output_type) {
case (link::output_type_none) { parts += ["pp"]; }
case (link::output_type_bitcode) { parts += ["bc"]; }
case (link::output_type_assembly) { parts += ["s"]; }
@ -389,7 +406,7 @@ fn main(vec[str] args) {
// If the user wants an exe generated we need to invoke
// gcc to link the object file with some libs
if (output_type == link::output_type_exe) {
if (sopts.output_type == link::output_type_exe) {
//FIXME: Should we make the 'stage3's variable here?
let str glu = "stage3/glue.o";
@ -438,7 +455,7 @@ fn main(vec[str] args) {
// Remove the temporary object file if we aren't saving temps
if (!save_temps) {
if (!sopts.save_temps) {
run::run_program("rm", [saved_out_filename + ".o"]);