diff --git a/src/libcollections/btree/map.rs b/src/libcollections/btree/map.rs
index 1b456eec830..64d9d99d88d 100644
--- a/src/libcollections/btree/map.rs
+++ b/src/libcollections/btree/map.rs
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ impl<K: Ord, V> BTreeMap<K, V> {
             let result = stack.with(move |pusher, node| {
                 // Same basic logic as found in `find`, but with PartialSearchStack mediating the
                 // actual nodes for us
-                return match Node::search(node, &key) {
+                match Node::search(node, &key) {
                     Found(mut handle) => {
                         // Perfect match, swap the values and return the old one
                         mem::swap(handle.val_mut(), &mut value);
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ impl<K: Ord, V> BTreeMap<K, V> {
             match result {
-                Finished(ret) => { return ret; },
+                Finished(ret) => return ret,
                 Continue((new_stack, renewed_key, renewed_val)) => {
                     stack = new_stack;
                     key = renewed_key;
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ impl<K: Ord, V> BTreeMap<K, V> {
         let mut stack = stack::PartialSearchStack::new(self);
         loop {
             let result = stack.with(move |pusher, node| {
-                return match Node::search(node, key) {
+                match Node::search(node, key) {
                     Found(handle) => {
                         // Perfect match. Terminate the stack here, and remove the entry
@@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@ impl<K: Ord, V> BTreeMap<K, V> {
         let mut stack = stack::PartialSearchStack::new(self);
         loop {
             let result = stack.with(move |pusher, node| {
-                return match Node::search(node, &key) {
+                match Node::search(node, &key) {
                     Found(handle) => {
                         // Perfect match
                         Finished(Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
diff --git a/src/librustc/metadata/loader.rs b/src/librustc/metadata/loader.rs
index fbc3e76cf93..07082d81876 100644
--- a/src/librustc/metadata/loader.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/metadata/loader.rs
@@ -736,12 +736,10 @@ fn get_metadata_section_imp(is_osx: bool, filename: &Path) -> Result<MetadataBlo
         return match ArchiveMetadata::new(archive).map(|ar| MetadataArchive(ar)) {
-            None => {
-                return Err((format!("failed to read rlib metadata: '{}'",
-                                    filename.display())))
-            }
-            Some(blob) => return Ok(blob)
-        }
+            None => Err(format!("failed to read rlib metadata: '{}'",
+                                filename.display())),
+            Some(blob) => Ok(blob)
+        };
     unsafe {
         let buf = CString::new(filename.as_vec()).unwrap();
@@ -791,7 +789,7 @@ fn get_metadata_section_imp(is_osx: bool, filename: &Path) -> Result<MetadataBlo
-        return Err(format!("metadata not found: '{}'", filename.display()));
+        Err(format!("metadata not found: '{}'", filename.display()))
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/infer/combine.rs b/src/librustc/middle/infer/combine.rs
index 99cb2a0978e..38dd9a4d6ec 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/infer/combine.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/infer/combine.rs
@@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ pub trait Combine<'tcx> : Sized {
                              variadic: a.variadic});
-        fn argvecs<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(combiner: &C,
-                                           a_args: &[Ty<'tcx>],
-                                           b_args: &[Ty<'tcx>])
-                                           -> cres<'tcx, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>
-        {
+        fn argvecs<'tcx, C>(combiner: &C,
+                            a_args: &[Ty<'tcx>],
+                            b_args: &[Ty<'tcx>])
+                            -> cres<'tcx, Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>
+                            where C: Combine<'tcx> {
             if a_args.len() == b_args.len() {
                     .map(|(a, b)| combiner.args(*a, *b)).collect()
@@ -351,51 +351,51 @@ pub trait Combineable<'tcx> : Repr<'tcx> + TypeFoldable<'tcx> {
 impl<'tcx,T> Combineable<'tcx> for Rc<T>
     where T : Combineable<'tcx>
-    fn combine<C:Combine<'tcx>>(combiner: &C,
-                                a: &Rc<T>,
-                                b: &Rc<T>)
-                                -> cres<'tcx, Rc<T>>
-    {
+    fn combine<C>(combiner: &C,
+                  a: &Rc<T>,
+                  b: &Rc<T>)
+                  -> cres<'tcx, Rc<T>>
+                  where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         Ok(Rc::new(try!(Combineable::combine(combiner, &**a, &**b))))
 impl<'tcx> Combineable<'tcx> for ty::TraitRef<'tcx> {
-    fn combine<C:Combine<'tcx>>(combiner: &C,
-                                a: &ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
-                                b: &ty::TraitRef<'tcx>)
-                                -> cres<'tcx, ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>
-    {
+    fn combine<C>(combiner: &C,
+                  a: &ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
+                  b: &ty::TraitRef<'tcx>)
+                  -> cres<'tcx, ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>
+                  where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         combiner.trait_refs(a, b)
 impl<'tcx> Combineable<'tcx> for Ty<'tcx> {
-    fn combine<C:Combine<'tcx>>(combiner: &C,
-                                a: &Ty<'tcx>,
-                                b: &Ty<'tcx>)
-                                -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
-    {
+    fn combine<C>(combiner: &C,
+                  a: &Ty<'tcx>,
+                  b: &Ty<'tcx>)
+                  -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
+                  where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         combiner.tys(*a, *b)
 impl<'tcx> Combineable<'tcx> for ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx> {
-    fn combine<C:Combine<'tcx>>(combiner: &C,
-                                a: &ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>,
-                                b: &ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>)
-                                -> cres<'tcx, ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>
-    {
+    fn combine<C>(combiner: &C,
+                  a: &ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>,
+                  b: &ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>)
+                  -> cres<'tcx, ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>>
+                  where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         combiner.projection_predicates(a, b)
 impl<'tcx> Combineable<'tcx> for ty::FnSig<'tcx> {
-    fn combine<C:Combine<'tcx>>(combiner: &C,
-                                a: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
-                                b: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>)
-                                -> cres<'tcx, ty::FnSig<'tcx>>
-    {
+    fn combine<C>(combiner: &C,
+                  a: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
+                  b: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>)
+                  -> cres<'tcx, ty::FnSig<'tcx>>
+                  where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         combiner.fn_sigs(a, b)
@@ -407,8 +407,11 @@ pub struct CombineFields<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     pub trace: TypeTrace<'tcx>,
-pub fn expected_found<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>, T>(
-        this: &C, a: T, b: T) -> ty::expected_found<T> {
+pub fn expected_found<'tcx, C, T>(this: &C,
+                                  a: T,
+                                  b: T)
+                                  -> ty::expected_found<T>
+                                  where C: Combine<'tcx> {
     if this.a_is_expected() {
         ty::expected_found {expected: a, found: b}
     } else {
@@ -416,29 +419,26 @@ pub fn expected_found<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>, T>(
-pub fn super_tys<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(this: &C,
-                                         a: Ty<'tcx>,
-                                         b: Ty<'tcx>)
-                                         -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
+pub fn super_tys<'tcx, C>(this: &C,
+                          a: Ty<'tcx>,
+                          b: Ty<'tcx>)
+                          -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
+                          where C: Combine<'tcx> {
     let tcx = this.infcx().tcx;
     let a_sty = &a.sty;
     let b_sty = &b.sty;
     debug!("super_tys: a_sty={:?} b_sty={:?}", a_sty, b_sty);
     return match (a_sty, b_sty) {
-      // The "subtype" ought to be handling cases involving var:
-      (&ty::ty_infer(TyVar(_)), _) |
-      (_, &ty::ty_infer(TyVar(_))) => {
-        tcx.sess.bug(
-            &format!("{}: bot and var types should have been handled ({},{})",
-                    this.tag(),
-                    a.repr(this.infcx().tcx),
-                    b.repr(this.infcx().tcx)));
-      }
+        // The "subtype" ought to be handling cases involving var:
+        (&ty::ty_infer(TyVar(_)), _)
+        | (_, &ty::ty_infer(TyVar(_))) =>
+            tcx.sess.bug(
+                &format!("{}: bot and var types should have been handled ({},{})",
+                this.tag(),
+                a.repr(this.infcx().tcx),
+                b.repr(this.infcx().tcx))),
-      (&ty::ty_err, _) | (_, &ty::ty_err) => {
-          Ok(tcx.types.err)
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_err, _) | (_, &ty::ty_err) => Ok(tcx.types.err),
         // Relate integral variables to other types
         (&ty::ty_infer(IntVar(a_id)), &ty::ty_infer(IntVar(b_id))) => {
@@ -475,68 +475,62 @@ pub fn super_tys<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(this: &C,
             unify_float_variable(this, !this.a_is_expected(), v_id, v)
-      (&ty::ty_char, _) |
-      (&ty::ty_bool, _) |
-      (&ty::ty_int(_), _) |
-      (&ty::ty_uint(_), _) |
-      (&ty::ty_float(_), _) => {
-        if a == b {
-            Ok(a)
-        } else {
-            Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b)))
+        (&ty::ty_char, _)
+        | (&ty::ty_bool, _)
+        | (&ty::ty_int(_), _)
+        | (&ty::ty_uint(_), _)
+        | (&ty::ty_float(_), _) => {
+            if a == b {
+                Ok(a)
+            } else {
+                Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b)))
+            }
-      }
-      (&ty::ty_param(ref a_p), &ty::ty_param(ref b_p)) if
-          a_p.idx == b_p.idx && a_p.space == b_p.space => {
-        Ok(a)
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_param(ref a_p), &ty::ty_param(ref b_p)) if
+          a_p.idx == b_p.idx && a_p.space == b_p.space => Ok(a),
-      (&ty::ty_enum(a_id, a_substs),
-       &ty::ty_enum(b_id, b_substs))
-      if a_id == b_id => {
-          let substs = try!(this.substs(a_id,
-                                          a_substs,
-                                          b_substs));
-          Ok(ty::mk_enum(tcx, a_id, tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_enum(a_id, a_substs), &ty::ty_enum(b_id, b_substs))
+          if a_id == b_id => {
+            let substs = try!(this.substs(a_id, a_substs, b_substs));
+            Ok(ty::mk_enum(tcx, a_id, tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_trait(ref a_),
-       &ty::ty_trait(ref b_)) => {
-          debug!("Trying to match traits {:?} and {:?}", a, b);
-          let principal = try!(this.binders(&a_.principal, &b_.principal));
-          let bounds = try!(this.existential_bounds(&a_.bounds, &b_.bounds));
-          Ok(ty::mk_trait(tcx, principal, bounds))
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_trait(ref a_), &ty::ty_trait(ref b_)) => {
+            debug!("Trying to match traits {:?} and {:?}", a, b);
+            let principal = try!(this.binders(&a_.principal, &b_.principal));
+            let bounds = try!(this.existential_bounds(&a_.bounds, &b_.bounds));
+            Ok(ty::mk_trait(tcx, principal, bounds))
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_struct(a_id, a_substs), &ty::ty_struct(b_id, b_substs))
-      if a_id == b_id => {
+        (&ty::ty_struct(a_id, a_substs), &ty::ty_struct(b_id, b_substs))
+          if a_id == b_id => {
             let substs = try!(this.substs(a_id, a_substs, b_substs));
             Ok(ty::mk_struct(tcx, a_id, tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
-      }
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_closure(a_id, a_region, a_substs),
-       &ty::ty_closure(b_id, b_region, b_substs))
-      if a_id == b_id => {
-          // All ty_closure types with the same id represent
-          // the (anonymous) type of the same closure expression. So
-          // all of their regions should be equated.
-          let region = try!(this.equate().regions(*a_region, *b_region));
-          let substs = try!(this.substs_variances(None, a_substs, b_substs));
-          Ok(ty::mk_closure(tcx, a_id, tcx.mk_region(region), tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_closure(a_id, a_region, a_substs),
+         &ty::ty_closure(b_id, b_region, b_substs))
+          if a_id == b_id => {
+            // All ty_closure types with the same id represent
+            // the (anonymous) type of the same closure expression. So
+            // all of their regions should be equated.
+            let region = try!(this.equate().regions(*a_region, *b_region));
+            let substs = try!(this.substs_variances(None, a_substs, b_substs));
+            Ok(ty::mk_closure(tcx, a_id, tcx.mk_region(region), tcx.mk_substs(substs)))
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_uniq(a_inner), &ty::ty_uniq(b_inner)) => {
-          let typ = try!(this.tys(a_inner, b_inner));
-          Ok(ty::mk_uniq(tcx, typ))
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_uniq(a_inner), &ty::ty_uniq(b_inner)) => {
+            let typ = try!(this.tys(a_inner, b_inner));
+            Ok(ty::mk_uniq(tcx, typ))
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_ptr(ref a_mt), &ty::ty_ptr(ref b_mt)) => {
-          let mt = try!(this.mts(a_mt, b_mt));
-          Ok(ty::mk_ptr(tcx, mt))
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_ptr(ref a_mt), &ty::ty_ptr(ref b_mt)) => {
+            let mt = try!(this.mts(a_mt, b_mt));
+            Ok(ty::mk_ptr(tcx, mt))
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_rptr(a_r, ref a_mt), &ty::ty_rptr(b_r, ref b_mt)) => {
+        (&ty::ty_rptr(a_r, ref a_mt), &ty::ty_rptr(b_r, ref b_mt)) => {
             let r = try!(this.regions_with_variance(ty::Contravariant, *a_r, *b_r));
             // FIXME(14985)  If we have mutable references to trait objects, we
@@ -551,45 +545,43 @@ pub fn super_tys<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(this: &C,
                 _ => try!(this.mts(a_mt, b_mt))
             Ok(ty::mk_rptr(tcx, tcx.mk_region(r), mt))
-      }
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_vec(a_t, Some(sz_a)), &ty::ty_vec(b_t, Some(sz_b))) => {
-        this.tys(a_t, b_t).and_then(|t| {
-            if sz_a == sz_b {
-                Ok(ty::mk_vec(tcx, t, Some(sz_a)))
-            } else {
-                Err(ty::terr_fixed_array_size(expected_found(this, sz_a, sz_b)))
-            }
-        })
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_vec(a_t, Some(sz_a)), &ty::ty_vec(b_t, Some(sz_b))) => {
+            this.tys(a_t, b_t).and_then(|t| {
+                if sz_a == sz_b {
+                    Ok(ty::mk_vec(tcx, t, Some(sz_a)))
+                } else {
+                    Err(ty::terr_fixed_array_size(expected_found(this, sz_a, sz_b)))
+                }
+            })
+        }
-      (&ty::ty_vec(a_t, sz_a), &ty::ty_vec(b_t, sz_b)) => {
-        this.tys(a_t, b_t).and_then(|t| {
-            if sz_a == sz_b {
-                Ok(ty::mk_vec(tcx, t, sz_a))
+        (&ty::ty_vec(a_t, sz_a), &ty::ty_vec(b_t, sz_b)) => {
+            this.tys(a_t, b_t).and_then(|t| {
+                if sz_a == sz_b {
+                    Ok(ty::mk_vec(tcx, t, sz_a))
+                } else {
+                    Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b)))
+                }
+            })
+        }
+        (&ty::ty_str, &ty::ty_str) => Ok(ty::mk_str(tcx)),
+        (&ty::ty_tup(ref as_), &ty::ty_tup(ref bs)) => {
+            if as_.len() == bs.len() {
+                as_.iter().zip(bs.iter())
+                   .map(|(a, b)| this.tys(*a, *b))
+                   .collect::<Result<_, _>>()
+                   .map(|ts| ty::mk_tup(tcx, ts))
+            } else if as_.len() != 0 && bs.len() != 0 {
+                Err(ty::terr_tuple_size(
+                    expected_found(this, as_.len(), bs.len())))
             } else {
                 Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b)))
-        })
-      }
-      (&ty::ty_str, &ty::ty_str) => {
-            Ok(ty::mk_str(tcx))
-      }
-      (&ty::ty_tup(ref as_), &ty::ty_tup(ref bs)) => {
-        if as_.len() == bs.len() {
-            as_.iter().zip(bs.iter())
-               .map(|(a, b)| this.tys(*a, *b))
-               .collect::<Result<_, _>>()
-               .map(|ts| ty::mk_tup(tcx, ts))
-        } else if as_.len() != 0 && bs.len() != 0 {
-            Err(ty::terr_tuple_size(
-                expected_found(this, as_.len(), bs.len())))
-        } else {
-            Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b)))
-      }
         (&ty::ty_bare_fn(a_opt_def_id, a_fty), &ty::ty_bare_fn(b_opt_def_id, b_fty))
             if a_opt_def_id == b_opt_def_id =>
@@ -598,33 +590,33 @@ pub fn super_tys<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(this: &C,
             Ok(ty::mk_bare_fn(tcx, a_opt_def_id, tcx.mk_bare_fn(fty)))
-      (&ty::ty_projection(ref a_data), &ty::ty_projection(ref b_data)) => {
-          let projection_ty = try!(this.projection_tys(a_data, b_data));
-          Ok(ty::mk_projection(tcx, projection_ty.trait_ref, projection_ty.item_name))
-      }
+        (&ty::ty_projection(ref a_data), &ty::ty_projection(ref b_data)) => {
+            let projection_ty = try!(this.projection_tys(a_data, b_data));
+            Ok(ty::mk_projection(tcx, projection_ty.trait_ref, projection_ty.item_name))
+        }
-      _ => Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b)))
+        _ => Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(this, a, b))),
-    fn unify_integral_variable<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(
-        this: &C,
-        vid_is_expected: bool,
-        vid: ty::IntVid,
-        val: ty::IntVarValue) -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
-    {
+    fn unify_integral_variable<'tcx, C>(this: &C,
+                                        vid_is_expected: bool,
+                                        vid: ty::IntVid,
+                                        val: ty::IntVarValue)
+                                        -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
+                                        where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         try!(this.infcx().simple_var_t(vid_is_expected, vid, val));
         match val {
             IntType(v) => Ok(ty::mk_mach_int(this.tcx(), v)),
-            UintType(v) => Ok(ty::mk_mach_uint(this.tcx(), v))
+            UintType(v) => Ok(ty::mk_mach_uint(this.tcx(), v)),
-    fn unify_float_variable<'tcx, C: Combine<'tcx>>(
-        this: &C,
-        vid_is_expected: bool,
-        vid: ty::FloatVid,
-        val: ast::FloatTy) -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
-    {
+    fn unify_float_variable<'tcx, C>(this: &C,
+                                     vid_is_expected: bool,
+                                     vid: ty::FloatVid,
+                                     val: ast::FloatTy)
+                                     -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
+                                     where C: Combine<'tcx> {
         try!(this.infcx().simple_var_t(vid_is_expected, vid, val));
         Ok(ty::mk_mach_float(this.tcx(), val))
@@ -696,12 +688,8 @@ impl<'f, 'tcx> CombineFields<'f, 'tcx> {
                 None => {     // ...not yet instantiated:
                     // Generalize type if necessary.
                     let generalized_ty = try!(match dir {
-                        EqTo => {
-                            self.generalize(a_ty, b_vid, false)
-                        }
-                        BiTo | SupertypeOf | SubtypeOf => {
-                            self.generalize(a_ty, b_vid, true)
-                        }
+                        EqTo => self.generalize(a_ty, b_vid, false),
+                        BiTo | SupertypeOf | SubtypeOf => self.generalize(a_ty, b_vid, true),
                     debug!("instantiate(a_ty={}, dir={:?}, \
                                         b_vid={}, generalized_ty={})",
@@ -723,22 +711,14 @@ impl<'f, 'tcx> CombineFields<'f, 'tcx> {
             // to associate causes/spans with each of the relations in
             // the stack to get this right.
             match dir {
-                BiTo => {
-                    try!(self.bivariate().tys(a_ty, b_ty));
-                }
+                BiTo => try!(self.bivariate().tys(a_ty, b_ty)),
-                EqTo => {
-                    try!(self.equate().tys(a_ty, b_ty));
-                }
+                EqTo => try!(self.equate().tys(a_ty, b_ty)),
-                SubtypeOf => {
-                    try!(self.sub().tys(a_ty, b_ty));
-                }
+                SubtypeOf => try!(self.sub().tys(a_ty, b_ty)),
-                SupertypeOf => {
-                    try!(self.sub().tys_with_variance(ty::Contravariant, a_ty, b_ty));
-                }
-            }
+                SupertypeOf => try!(self.sub().tys_with_variance(ty::Contravariant, a_ty, b_ty)),
+            };
@@ -754,11 +734,13 @@ impl<'f, 'tcx> CombineFields<'f, 'tcx> {
                   make_region_vars: bool)
                   -> cres<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
-        let mut generalize = Generalizer { infcx: self.infcx,
-                                           span: self.trace.origin.span(),
-                                           for_vid: for_vid,
-                                           make_region_vars: make_region_vars,
-                                           cycle_detected: false };
+        let mut generalize = Generalizer {
+            infcx: self.infcx,
+            span: self.trace.origin.span(),
+            for_vid: for_vid,
+            make_region_vars: make_region_vars,
+            cycle_detected: false
+        };
         let u = ty.fold_with(&mut generalize);
         if generalize.cycle_detected {
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/infer/region_inference/mod.rs b/src/librustc/middle/infer/region_inference/mod.rs
index 7800d99f8ed..759d7357df1 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/infer/region_inference/mod.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/infer/region_inference/mod.rs
@@ -1133,18 +1133,12 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> RegionVarBindings<'a, 'tcx> {
                 true // changed
-            ErrorValue => {
-                false // no change
-            }
+            ErrorValue => false, // no change
             Value(a_region) => {
                 match a_data.classification {
-                    Expanding => {
-                        check_node(self, a_vid, a_data, a_region, b_region)
-                    }
-                    Contracting => {
-                        adjust_node(self, a_vid, a_data, a_region, b_region)
-                    }
+                    Expanding => check_node(self, a_vid, a_data, a_region, b_region),
+                    Contracting => adjust_node(self, a_vid, a_data, a_region, b_region),
@@ -1154,7 +1148,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> RegionVarBindings<'a, 'tcx> {
                       a_data: &mut VarData,
                       a_region: Region,
                       b_region: Region)
-                   -> bool {
+                      -> bool {
             if !this.is_subregion_of(a_region, b_region) {
                 debug!("Setting {:?} to ErrorValue: {} not subregion of {}",
@@ -1170,7 +1164,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> RegionVarBindings<'a, 'tcx> {
                        a_data: &mut VarData,
                        a_region: Region,
                        b_region: Region)
-                    -> bool {
+                       -> bool {
             match this.glb_concrete_regions(a_region, b_region) {
                 Ok(glb) => {
                     if glb == a_region {
diff --git a/src/librustc/middle/traits/select.rs b/src/librustc/middle/traits/select.rs
index 8086ca71e01..9ec89f55b8f 100644
--- a/src/librustc/middle/traits/select.rs
+++ b/src/librustc/middle/traits/select.rs
@@ -1409,27 +1409,23 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         let self_ty = self.infcx.shallow_resolve(obligation.predicate.0.self_ty());
         return match self_ty.sty {
-            ty::ty_infer(ty::IntVar(_)) |
-            ty::ty_infer(ty::FloatVar(_)) |
-            ty::ty_uint(_) |
-            ty::ty_int(_) |
-            ty::ty_bool |
-            ty::ty_float(_) |
-            ty::ty_bare_fn(..) |
-            ty::ty_char => {
+            ty::ty_infer(ty::IntVar(_))
+            | ty::ty_infer(ty::FloatVar(_))
+            | ty::ty_uint(_)
+            | ty::ty_int(_)
+            | ty::ty_bool
+            | ty::ty_float(_)
+            | ty::ty_bare_fn(..)
+            | ty::ty_char => {
                 // safe for everything
             ty::ty_uniq(_) => {  // Box<T>
                 match bound {
-                    ty::BoundCopy => {
-                        Err(Unimplemented)
-                    }
+                    ty::BoundCopy => Err(Unimplemented),
-                    ty::BoundSized => {
-                        Ok(If(Vec::new()))
-                    }
+                    ty::BoundSized => Ok(If(Vec::new())),
                     ty::BoundSync | ty::BoundSend => {
                         self.tcx().sess.bug("Send/Sync shouldn't occur in builtin_bounds()");
@@ -1439,9 +1435,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
             ty::ty_ptr(..) => {     // *const T, *mut T
                 match bound {
-                    ty::BoundCopy | ty::BoundSized => {
-                        Ok(If(Vec::new()))
-                    }
+                    ty::BoundCopy | ty::BoundSized => Ok(If(Vec::new())),
                     ty::BoundSync | ty::BoundSend => {
                         self.tcx().sess.bug("Send/Sync shouldn't occur in builtin_bounds()");
@@ -1451,9 +1445,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
             ty::ty_trait(ref data) => {
                 match bound {
-                    ty::BoundSized => {
-                        Err(Unimplemented)
-                    }
+                    ty::BoundSized => Err(Unimplemented),
                     ty::BoundCopy => {
                         if data.bounds.builtin_bounds.contains(&bound) {
@@ -1485,20 +1477,14 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                     ty::BoundCopy => {
                         match mutbl {
                             // &mut T is affine and hence never `Copy`
-                            ast::MutMutable => {
-                                Err(Unimplemented)
-                            }
+                            ast::MutMutable => Err(Unimplemented),
                             // &T is always copyable
-                            ast::MutImmutable => {
-                                Ok(If(Vec::new()))
-                            }
+                            ast::MutImmutable => Ok(If(Vec::new())),
-                    ty::BoundSized => {
-                        Ok(If(Vec::new()))
-                    }
+                    ty::BoundSized => Ok(If(Vec::new())),
                     ty::BoundSync | ty::BoundSend => {
                         self.tcx().sess.bug("Send/Sync shouldn't occur in builtin_bounds()");
@@ -1511,14 +1497,11 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                 match bound {
                     ty::BoundCopy => {
                         match *len {
-                            Some(_) => {
-                                // [T, ..n] is copy iff T is copy
-                                Ok(If(vec![element_ty]))
-                            }
-                            None => {
-                                // [T] is unsized and hence affine
-                                Err(Unimplemented)
-                            }
+                            // [T, ..n] is copy iff T is copy
+                            Some(_) => Ok(If(vec![element_ty])),
+                            // [T] is unsized and hence affine
+                            None => Err(Unimplemented),
@@ -1543,16 +1526,12 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                         self.tcx().sess.bug("Send/Sync shouldn't occur in builtin_bounds()");
-                    ty::BoundCopy | ty::BoundSized => {
-                        Err(Unimplemented)
-                    }
+                    ty::BoundCopy | ty::BoundSized => Err(Unimplemented),
-            ty::ty_tup(ref tys) => {
-                // (T1, ..., Tn) -- meets any bound that all of T1...Tn meet
-                Ok(If(tys.clone()))
-            }
+            // (T1, ..., Tn) -- meets any bound that all of T1...Tn meet
+            ty::ty_tup(ref tys) => Ok(If(tys.clone())),
             ty::ty_closure(def_id, _, substs) => {
                 // FIXME -- This case is tricky. In the case of by-ref
@@ -1581,9 +1560,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                 match self.closure_typer.closure_upvars(def_id, substs) {
-                    Some(upvars) => {
-                        Ok(If(upvars.iter().map(|c| c.ty).collect()))
-                    }
+                    Some(upvars) => Ok(If(upvars.iter().map(|c| c.ty).collect())),
                     None => {
                         debug!("assemble_builtin_bound_candidates: no upvar types available yet");
@@ -1609,8 +1586,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                 nominal(bound, types)
-            ty::ty_projection(_) |
-            ty::ty_param(_) => {
+            ty::ty_projection(_) | ty::ty_param(_) => {
                 // Note: A type parameter is only considered to meet a
                 // particular bound if there is a where clause telling
                 // us that it does, and that case is handled by
@@ -1626,12 +1602,10 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
-            ty::ty_err => {
-                Ok(If(Vec::new()))
-            }
+            ty::ty_err => Ok(If(Vec::new())),
-            ty::ty_infer(ty::FreshTy(_)) |
-            ty::ty_infer(ty::FreshIntTy(_)) => {
+            ty::ty_infer(ty::FreshTy(_))
+            | ty::ty_infer(ty::FreshIntTy(_)) => {
                         "asked to assemble builtin bounds of unexpected type: {}",
@@ -1641,7 +1615,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         fn nominal<'cx, 'tcx>(bound: ty::BuiltinBound,
                               types: Vec<Ty<'tcx>>)
-                              -> Result<BuiltinBoundConditions<'tcx>,SelectionError<'tcx>>
+                              -> Result<BuiltinBoundConditions<'tcx>, SelectionError<'tcx>>
             // First check for markers and other nonsense.
             match bound {
@@ -1692,7 +1666,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                         "asked to assemble constituent types of unexpected type: {}",
-                        t.repr(self.tcx()))[]);
+                        t.repr(self.tcx())));
             ty::ty_uniq(referent_ty) => {  // Box<T>
@@ -1909,7 +1883,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         }).collect::<Result<_, _>>();
         let obligations = match obligations {
             Ok(o) => o,
-            Err(ErrorReported) => Vec::new()
+            Err(ErrorReported) => Vec::new(),
         let obligations = VecPerParamSpace::new(obligations, Vec::new(), Vec::new());
@@ -1937,14 +1911,12 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         let self_ty = self.infcx.shallow_resolve(obligation.predicate.0.self_ty());
         match self.constituent_types_for_ty(self_ty) {
-            Some(types) => {
-                Ok(self.vtable_default_impl(obligation, impl_def_id, types))
-            }
+            Some(types) => Ok(self.vtable_default_impl(obligation, impl_def_id, types)),
             None => {
                         "asked to confirm default implementation for ambiguous type: {}",
-                        self_ty.repr(self.tcx()))[]);
+                        self_ty.repr(self.tcx())));
@@ -2223,9 +2195,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         match self.match_impl(impl_def_id, obligation, snapshot,
                               skol_map, skol_obligation_trait_ref) {
-            Ok(substs) => {
-                substs
-            }
+            Ok(substs) => substs,
             Err(()) => {
                     &format!("Impl {} was matchable against {} but now is not",
@@ -2273,30 +2243,26 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         let origin = infer::RelateOutputImplTypes(obligation.cause.span);
-        match self.infcx.sub_trait_refs(false,
-                                        origin,
-                                        impl_trait_ref.value.clone(),
-                                        skol_obligation_trait_ref) {
-            Ok(()) => { }
-            Err(e) => {
-                debug!("match_impl: failed sub_trait_refs due to `{}`",
-                       ty::type_err_to_str(self.tcx(), &e));
-                return Err(());
-            }
+        if let Err(e) = self.infcx.sub_trait_refs(false,
+                                                  origin,
+                                                  impl_trait_ref.value.clone(),
+                                                  skol_obligation_trait_ref) {
+            debug!("match_impl: failed sub_trait_refs due to `{}`",
+                   ty::type_err_to_str(self.tcx(), &e));
+            return Err(());
-        match self.infcx.leak_check(skol_map, snapshot) {
-            Ok(()) => { }
-            Err(e) => {
-                debug!("match_impl: failed leak check due to `{}`",
-                       ty::type_err_to_str(self.tcx(), &e));
-                return Err(());
-            }
+        if let Err(e) = self.infcx.leak_check(skol_map, snapshot) {
+            debug!("match_impl: failed leak check due to `{}`",
+                   ty::type_err_to_str(self.tcx(), &e));
+            return Err(());
         debug!("match_impl: success impl_substs={}", impl_substs.repr(self.tcx()));
-        Ok(Normalized { value: impl_substs,
-                        obligations: impl_trait_ref.obligations })
+        Ok(Normalized {
+            value: impl_substs,
+            obligations: impl_trait_ref.obligations
+        })
     fn fast_reject_trait_refs(&mut self,
@@ -2332,9 +2298,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
                                     where_clause_trait_ref: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>)
                                     -> Result<Vec<PredicateObligation<'tcx>>,()>
-        let () =
-            try!(self.match_poly_trait_ref(obligation, where_clause_trait_ref));
+        try!(self.match_poly_trait_ref(obligation, where_clause_trait_ref));
@@ -2451,7 +2415,7 @@ impl<'cx, 'tcx> SelectionContext<'cx, 'tcx> {
         match self.tcx().trait_impls.borrow().get(&trait_def_id) {
             None => Vec::new(),
-            Some(impls) => impls.borrow().clone()
+            Some(impls) => impls.borrow().clone(),
@@ -2549,9 +2513,7 @@ impl<'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for SelectionCandidate<'tcx> {
             DefaultImplCandidate(t) => format!("DefaultImplCandidate({:?})", t),
             ProjectionCandidate => format!("ProjectionCandidate"),
             FnPointerCandidate => format!("FnPointerCandidate"),
-            ObjectCandidate => {
-                format!("ObjectCandidate")
-            }
+            ObjectCandidate => format!("ObjectCandidate"),
             ClosureCandidate(c, ref s) => {
                 format!("ClosureCandidate({:?},{})", c, s.repr(tcx))
@@ -2582,9 +2544,7 @@ impl<'o, 'tcx> Iterator for Option<&'o TraitObligationStack<'o, 'tcx>> {
                 *self = o.previous;
-            None => {
-                None
-            }
+            None => None
@@ -2599,15 +2559,11 @@ impl<'o, 'tcx> Repr<'tcx> for TraitObligationStack<'o, 'tcx> {
 impl<'tcx> EvaluationResult<'tcx> {
     fn may_apply(&self) -> bool {
         match *self {
-            EvaluatedToOk |
-            EvaluatedToAmbig |
-            EvaluatedToErr(Overflow) |
-            EvaluatedToErr(OutputTypeParameterMismatch(..)) => {
-                true
-            }
-            EvaluatedToErr(Unimplemented) => {
-                false
-            }
+            EvaluatedToOk
+            | EvaluatedToAmbig
+            | EvaluatedToErr(Overflow)
+            | EvaluatedToErr(OutputTypeParameterMismatch(..)) => true,
+            EvaluatedToErr(Unimplemented) => false,
diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/trans/consts.rs b/src/librustc_trans/trans/consts.rs
index 19046d84d69..5cbe9dd71fb 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/trans/consts.rs
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/trans/consts.rs
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ fn const_expr_unadjusted<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
     unsafe {
         let _icx = push_ctxt("const_expr");
-        return match e.node {
+        match e.node {
           ast::ExprLit(ref lit) => {
               const_lit(cx, e, &**lit)
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ fn const_expr_unadjusted<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
             let (te2, _) = const_expr(cx, &**e2, param_substs);
             let te2 = base::cast_shift_const_rhs(b, te1, te2);
-            return match b.node {
+            match b.node {
               ast::BiAdd   => {
                 if is_float { llvm::LLVMConstFAdd(te1, te2) }
                 else        { llvm::LLVMConstAdd(te1, te2) }
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ fn const_expr_unadjusted<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
           ast::ExprUnary(u, ref e) => {
             let (te, ty) = const_expr(cx, &**e, param_substs);
             let is_float = ty::type_is_fp(ty);
-            return match u {
+            match u {
               ast::UnUniq | ast::UnDeref => {
                 const_deref(cx, te, ty).0
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ fn const_expr_unadjusted<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
             if expr::cast_is_noop(basety, ety) {
                 return v;
-            return match (expr::cast_type_kind(cx.tcx(), basety),
-                           expr::cast_type_kind(cx.tcx(), ety)) {
+            match (expr::cast_type_kind(cx.tcx(), basety),
+                   expr::cast_type_kind(cx.tcx(), ety)) {
               (expr::cast_integral, expr::cast_integral) => {
                 let s = ty::type_is_signed(basety) as Bool;
@@ -584,13 +584,13 @@ fn const_expr_unadjusted<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
               let opt_def = cx.tcx().def_map.borrow().get(&cur.id).cloned();
               if let Some(def::DefStatic(def_id, _)) = opt_def {
-                  return get_static_val(cx, def_id, ety);
+                  get_static_val(cx, def_id, ety)
+              } else {
+                  // If this isn't the address of a static, then keep going through
+                  // normal constant evaluation.
+                  let (v, _) = const_expr(cx, &**sub, param_substs);
+                  addr_of(cx, v, "ref", e.id)
-              // If this isn't the address of a static, then keep going through
-              // normal constant evaluation.
-              let (v, _) = const_expr(cx, &**sub, param_substs);
-              addr_of(cx, v, "ref", e.id)
           ast::ExprAddrOf(ast::MutMutable, ref sub) => {
               let (v, _) = const_expr(cx, &**sub, param_substs);
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ fn const_expr_unadjusted<'a, 'tcx>(cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
           _ => cx.sess().span_bug(e.span,
                   "bad constant expression type in consts::const_expr")
-        };
+        }