rustdoc: added tests for header rendering & minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
Simon Mazur 2015-09-19 04:43:59 +03:00
parent d6f0a21e20
commit 09c1ce18a2

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@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ pub fn render(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, s: &str, print_toc: bool) -> fmt::Result {
// html for text rather than the raw text.
let mut id = s.clone();
let repl_sub = vec!["<em>", "</em>", "<code>", "</code>",
"<strong>", "</strong>",
"&lt;", "&gt;", "&amp;", "&#39;", "&quot;"];
for sub in repl_sub {
id = id.replace(sub, "");
@ -326,8 +327,8 @@ pub fn render(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, s: &str, print_toc: bool) -> fmt::Result {
// Render the HTML
let text = format!(r##"<h{lvl} id="{id}" class='section-header'><a
let text = format!("<h{lvl} id='{id}' class='section-header'>\
<a href='#{id}'>{sec}{}</a></h{lvl}>",
s, lvl = level, id = id, sec = sec);
let text = CString::new(text).unwrap();
@ -612,6 +613,27 @@ mod tests {
format!("{}", Markdown(markdown));
fn test_header() {
fn t(input: &str, expect: &str) {
let output = format!("{}", Markdown(input));
assert_eq!(output, expect);
t("# Foo bar", "\n<h1 id='foo-bar' class='section-header'>\
<a href='#foo-bar'>Foo bar</a></h1>");
t("## Foo-bar_baz qux", "\n<h2 id='foo-bar_baz-qux' class=\'section-\
header'><a href='#foo-bar_baz-qux'>Foo-bar_baz qux</a></h2>");
t("### **Foo** *bar* baz!?!& -_qux_-%",
"\n<h3 id='foo-bar-baz--_qux_-' class='section-header'>\
<a href='#foo-bar-baz--_qux_-'><strong>Foo</strong> \
<em>bar</em> baz!?!&amp; -_qux_-%</a></h3>");
t("####**Foo?** & \\*bar?!* _`baz`_ ❤ #qux",
"\n<h4 id='foo--bar--baz--qux' class='section-header'>\
<a href='#foo--bar--baz--qux'><strong>Foo?</strong> &amp; *bar?!* \
<em><code>baz</code></em> #qux</a></h4>");
fn test_plain_summary_line() {
fn t(input: &str, expect: &str) {