diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/metadata.rs b/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/metadata.rs
index 6ccf7ccfa08..b8feecd0a55 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/metadata.rs
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/metadata.rs
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ use llvm::debuginfo::{DIType, DIFile, DIScope, DIDescriptor, DICompositeType};
 use metadata::csearch;
 use middle::pat_util;
 use middle::subst::{self, Substs};
-use middle::infer;
 use rustc::ast_map;
 use trans::{type_of, adt, machine, monomorphize};
 use trans::common::{self, CrateContext, FunctionContext, Block};
@@ -287,12 +286,18 @@ impl<'tcx> TypeMap<'tcx> {
-            ty::TyClosure(def_id, ref substs) => {
-                let infcx = infer::normalizing_infer_ctxt(cx.tcx(), &cx.tcx().tables);
-                let closure_ty = infcx.closure_type(def_id, substs);
-                self.get_unique_type_id_of_closure_type(cx,
-                                                        closure_ty,
-                                                        &mut unique_type_id);
+            ty::TyClosure(_, ref substs) if substs.upvar_tys.is_empty() => {
+                push_debuginfo_type_name(cx, type_, false, &mut unique_type_id);
+            },
+            ty::TyClosure(_, ref substs) => {
+                unique_type_id.push_str("closure ");
+                for upvar_type in &substs.upvar_tys {
+                    let upvar_type_id =
+                        self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, upvar_type);
+                    let upvar_type_id =
+                        self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(upvar_type_id);
+                    unique_type_id.push_str(&upvar_type_id[..]);
+                }
             _ => {
                 cx.sess().bug(&format!("get_unique_type_id_of_type() - unexpected type: {:?}",
@@ -361,49 +366,6 @@ impl<'tcx> TypeMap<'tcx> {
-    fn get_unique_type_id_of_closure_type<'a>(&mut self,
-                                              cx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
-                                              closure_ty: ty::ClosureTy<'tcx>,
-                                              unique_type_id: &mut String) {
-        let ty::ClosureTy { unsafety,
-                            ref sig,
-                            abi: _ } = closure_ty;
-        if unsafety == ast::Unsafety::Unsafe {
-            unique_type_id.push_str("unsafe ");
-        }
-        unique_type_id.push_str("|");
-        let sig = cx.tcx().erase_late_bound_regions(sig);
-        for &parameter_type in &sig.inputs {
-            let parameter_type_id =
-                self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, parameter_type);
-            let parameter_type_id =
-                self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(parameter_type_id);
-            unique_type_id.push_str(&parameter_type_id[..]);
-            unique_type_id.push(',');
-        }
-        if sig.variadic {
-            unique_type_id.push_str("...");
-        }
-        unique_type_id.push_str("|->");
-        match sig.output {
-            ty::FnConverging(ret_ty) => {
-                let return_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_of_type(cx, ret_ty);
-                let return_type_id = self.get_unique_type_id_as_string(return_type_id);
-                unique_type_id.push_str(&return_type_id[..]);
-            }
-            ty::FnDiverging => {
-                unique_type_id.push_str("!");
-            }
-        }
-    }
     // Get the UniqueTypeId for an enum variant. Enum variants are not really
     // types of their own, so they need special handling. We still need a
     // UniqueTypeId for them, since to debuginfo they *are* real types.
diff --git a/src/test/debuginfo/basic-types-metadata.rs b/src/test/debuginfo/basic-types-metadata.rs
index 2468150a6a5..3b662ae0264 100644
--- a/src/test/debuginfo/basic-types-metadata.rs
+++ b/src/test/debuginfo/basic-types-metadata.rs
@@ -46,6 +46,21 @@
 // gdb-check:type = [...] (*)([...])
 // gdb-command:info functions _yyy
 // gdb-check:[...]![...]_yyy([...]);
+// gdb-command:ptype closure_0
+// gdb-check: type = struct closure {
+// gdb-check:     <no data fields>
+// gdb-check: }
+// gdb-command:ptype closure_1
+// gdb-check: type = struct closure {
+// gdb-check:     bool *__0;
+// gdb-check: }
+// gdb-command:ptype closure_2
+// gdb-check: type = struct closure {
+// gdb-check:     bool *__0;
+// gdb-check:     isize *__1;
+// gdb-check: }
 // gdb-command:continue
@@ -68,6 +83,9 @@ fn main() {
     let f32: f32 = 2.5;
     let f64: f64 = 3.5;
     let fnptr : fn() = _zzz;
+    let closure_0 = || {};
+    let closure_1 = || { b; };
+    let closure_2 = || { if b { i } else { i }; };
     _zzz(); // #break
     if 1 == 1 { _yyy(); }