Change how libgetopts handles options grouped together

As soon as an option is found that takes an argument, consume the rest
of the string and store it into i_arg. Previously this would only happen
if the character after the option was not a recognized option.

Addresses issue #16348
This commit is contained in:
wickerwaka 2014-08-14 21:44:55 -07:00
parent 1d12b6d444
commit 08d7fc76cf

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@ -567,7 +567,6 @@ pub fn getopts(args: &[String], optgrps: &[OptGroup]) -> Result {
} else {
let mut j = 1;
let mut last_valid_opt_id = None;
names = Vec::new();
while j < curlen {
let range = cur.as_slice().char_range_at(j);
@ -580,27 +579,24 @@ pub fn getopts(args: &[String], optgrps: &[OptGroup]) -> Result {
interpreted correctly
match find_opt(opts.as_slice(), opt.clone()) {
Some(id) => last_valid_opt_id = Some(id),
None => {
let arg_follows =
last_valid_opt_id.is_some() &&
match opts[last_valid_opt_id.unwrap()]
.hasarg {
let opt_id = match find_opt(opts.as_slice(), opt.clone()) {
Some(id) => id,
None => return Err(UnrecognizedOption(opt.to_string()))
Yes | Maybe => true,
No => false
if arg_follows && j < curlen {
i_arg = Some(cur.as_slice()
.slice(j, curlen).to_string());
} else {
last_valid_opt_id = None;
let arg_follows = match opts[opt_id].hasarg {
Yes | Maybe => true,
No => false
if arg_follows && < curlen {
i_arg = Some(cur.as_slice()
.slice(, curlen).to_string());
j =;
@ -613,7 +609,7 @@ pub fn getopts(args: &[String], optgrps: &[OptGroup]) -> Result {
match opts[optid].hasarg {
No => {
if !i_arg.is_none() {
if name_pos == names.len() && !i_arg.is_none() {
return Err(UnexpectedArgument(nm.to_string()));
@ -1437,6 +1433,21 @@ mod tests {
fn test_nospace_conflict() {
let args = vec!("-vvLverbose".to_string(), "-v".to_string() );
let opts = vec!(optmulti("L", "", "library directory", "LIB"),
optflagmulti("v", "verbose", "Verbose"));
let matches = &match getopts(args.as_slice(), opts.as_slice()) {
result::Ok(m) => m,
result::Err(e) => fail!( "{}", e )
assert_eq!(matches.opts_str(["L".to_string()]).unwrap(), "verbose".to_string());
assert_eq!(3, matches.opt_count("v"));
fn test_long_to_short() {
let mut short = Opt {