diff --git a/crates/ra_analysis/src/descriptors/function/mod.rs b/crates/ra_analysis/src/descriptors/function/mod.rs
index bb68b0ce757..ae40f3e8f86 100644
--- a/crates/ra_analysis/src/descriptors/function/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/ra_analysis/src/descriptors/function/mod.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 pub(super) mod imp;
 mod scope;
+use std::cmp::{min, max};
 use ra_syntax::{
-    ast::{self, AstNode, NameOwner}
+    ast::{self, AstNode, DocCommentsOwner, NameOwner},
+    TextRange, TextUnit
 use crate::{
@@ -30,14 +33,17 @@ pub struct FnDescriptor {
     pub label: String,
     pub ret_type: Option<String>,
     pub params: Vec<String>,
+    pub doc: Option<String>
 impl FnDescriptor {
     pub fn new(node: ast::FnDef) -> Option<Self> {
         let name = node.name()?.text().to_string();
+        let mut doc = None;
         // Strip the body out for the label.
-        let label: String = if let Some(body) = node.body() {
+        let mut label: String = if let Some(body) = node.body() {
             let body_range = body.syntax().range();
             let label: String = node
@@ -50,6 +56,36 @@ impl FnDescriptor {
+        if let Some((comment_range, docs)) = FnDescriptor::extract_doc_comments(node) {
+            let comment_range = comment_range.checked_sub(node.syntax().range().start()).unwrap();
+            let start = comment_range.start().to_usize();
+            let end = comment_range.end().to_usize();
+            // Remove the comment from the label
+            label.replace_range(start..end, "");
+            // Massage markdown
+            let mut processed_lines = Vec::new();
+            let mut in_code_block = false;
+            for line in docs.lines() {
+                if line.starts_with("```") {
+                    in_code_block = !in_code_block;
+                }
+                let line = if in_code_block && line.starts_with("```") && !line.contains("rust") {
+                    "```rust".into()
+                } else {
+                    line.to_string()
+                };
+                processed_lines.push(line);
+            }
+            if !processed_lines.is_empty() {
+                doc = Some(processed_lines.join("\n"));
+            }
+        }
         let params = FnDescriptor::param_list(node);
         let ret_type = node.ret_type().map(|r| r.syntax().text().to_string());
@@ -57,10 +93,28 @@ impl FnDescriptor {
-            label,
+            label: label.trim().to_owned(),
+            doc
+    fn extract_doc_comments(node: ast::FnDef) -> Option<(TextRange, String)> {
+        if node.doc_comments().count() == 0 {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let comment_text = node.doc_comment_text();
+        let (begin, end) = node.doc_comments()
+            .map(|comment| comment.syntax().range())
+            .map(|range| (range.start().to_usize(), range.end().to_usize()))
+            .fold((std::usize::MAX, std::usize::MIN), |acc, range| (min(acc.0, range.0), max(acc.1, range.1)));
+        let range = TextRange::from_to(TextUnit::from_usize(begin), TextUnit::from_usize(end));
+        Some((range, comment_text))
+    }
     fn param_list(node: ast::FnDef) -> Vec<String> {
         let mut res = vec![];
         if let Some(param_list) = node.param_list() {
diff --git a/crates/ra_analysis/tests/tests.rs b/crates/ra_analysis/tests/tests.rs
index f5683aec5b5..03e2df48e26 100644
--- a/crates/ra_analysis/tests/tests.rs
+++ b/crates/ra_analysis/tests/tests.rs
@@ -185,6 +185,153 @@ fn bar() {
     assert_eq!(param, Some(1));
+fn test_fn_signature_with_docs_simple() {
+    let (desc, param) = get_signature(
+        r#"
+// test
+fn foo(j: u32) -> u32 {
+    j
+fn bar() {
+    let _ = foo(<|>);
+    );
+    assert_eq!(desc.name, "foo".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.params, vec!["j".to_string()]);
+    assert_eq!(desc.ret_type, Some("-> u32".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!(param, Some(0));
+    assert_eq!(desc.label, "fn foo(j: u32) -> u32".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.doc, Some("test".into()));
+fn test_fn_signature_with_docs() {
+    let (desc, param) = get_signature(
+        r#"
+/// Adds one to the number given.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// let five = 5;
+/// assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5));
+/// ```
+pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
+    x + 1
+pub fn do() {
+    add_one(<|>
+    );
+    assert_eq!(desc.name, "add_one".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.params, vec!["x".to_string()]);
+    assert_eq!(desc.ret_type, Some("-> i32".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!(param, Some(0));
+    assert_eq!(desc.label, "pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.doc, Some(
+r#"Adds one to the number given.
+# Examples
+let five = 5;
+assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5));
+fn test_fn_signature_with_docs_impl() {
+    let (desc, param) = get_signature(
+        r#"
+struct addr;
+impl addr {
+    /// Adds one to the number given.
+    ///
+    /// # Examples
+    ///
+    /// ```
+    /// let five = 5;
+    ///
+    /// assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5));
+    /// ```
+    pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
+        x + 1
+    }
+pub fn do_it() {
+    addr {};
+    addr::add_one(<|>);
+    assert_eq!(desc.name, "add_one".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.params, vec!["x".to_string()]);
+    assert_eq!(desc.ret_type, Some("-> i32".to_string()));
+    assert_eq!(param, Some(0));
+    assert_eq!(desc.label, "pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.doc, Some(
+r#"Adds one to the number given.
+# Examples
+let five = 5;
+assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5));
+fn test_fn_signature_with_docs_from_actix() {
+    let (desc, param) = get_signature(
+        r#"
+pub trait WriteHandler<E>
+    Self: Actor,
+    Self::Context: ActorContext,
+    /// Method is called when writer emits error.
+    ///
+    /// If this method returns `ErrorAction::Continue` writer processing
+    /// continues otherwise stream processing stops.
+    fn error(&mut self, err: E, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Running {
+        Running::Stop
+    }
+    /// Method is called when writer finishes.
+    ///
+    /// By default this method stops actor's `Context`.
+    fn finished(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
+        ctx.stop()
+    }
+pub fn foo() {
+    WriteHandler r;
+    r.finished(<|>);
+    assert_eq!(desc.name, "finished".to_string());
+    assert_eq!(desc.params, vec!["&mut self".to_string(), "ctx".to_string()]);
+    assert_eq!(desc.ret_type, None);
+    assert_eq!(param, Some(1));
+    assert_eq!(desc.doc, Some(
+r#"Method is called when writer finishes.
+By default this method stops actor's `Context`."#.into()));
 fn get_all_refs(text: &str) -> Vec<(FileId, TextRange)> {
     let (offset, code) = extract_offset(text);
     let code = code.as_str();
diff --git a/crates/ra_editor/src/extend_selection.rs b/crates/ra_editor/src/extend_selection.rs
index 9d8df25c3ad..71be15d39c5 100644
--- a/crates/ra_editor/src/extend_selection.rs
+++ b/crates/ra_editor/src/extend_selection.rs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pub fn extend_selection(file: &File, range: TextRange) -> Option<TextRange> {
     extend(syntax.borrowed(), range)
-pub(crate) fn extend(root: SyntaxNodeRef, range: TextRange) -> Option<TextRange> {
+pub fn extend(root: SyntaxNodeRef, range: TextRange) -> Option<TextRange> {
     if range.is_empty() {
         let offset = range.start();
         let mut leaves = find_leaf_at_offset(root, offset);
diff --git a/crates/ra_editor/src/lib.rs b/crates/ra_editor/src/lib.rs
index 02a1b2d45c4..b98461ed220 100644
--- a/crates/ra_editor/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/ra_editor/src/lib.rs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ mod typing;
 pub use self::{
     code_actions::{add_derive, add_impl, flip_comma, introduce_variable, LocalEdit},
     edit::{Edit, EditBuilder},
-    extend_selection::extend_selection,
+    extend_selection::{extend, extend_selection},
     folding_ranges::{folding_ranges, Fold, FoldKind},
     line_index::{LineCol, LineIndex},
     symbols::{file_structure, file_symbols, FileSymbol, StructureNode},
diff --git a/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop/handlers.rs b/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop/handlers.rs
index 4ac08e527f6..20cb5f7728d 100644
--- a/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop/handlers.rs
+++ b/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop/handlers.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use languageserver_types::{
     CodeActionResponse, Command, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, Diagnostic,
     DiagnosticSeverity, DocumentSymbol, FoldingRange, FoldingRangeKind, FoldingRangeParams,
     InsertTextFormat, Location, Position, SymbolInformation, TextDocumentIdentifier, TextEdit,
-    RenameParams, WorkspaceEdit, PrepareRenameResponse
+    RenameParams, WorkspaceEdit, PrepareRenameResponse, Documentation, MarkupContent, MarkupKind
 use gen_lsp_server::ErrorCode;
 use ra_analysis::{FileId, FoldKind, Query, RunnableKind};
@@ -465,9 +465,18 @@ pub fn handle_signature_help(
+        let documentation = if let Some(doc) = descriptor.doc {
+            Some(Documentation::MarkupContent(MarkupContent {
+                kind: MarkupKind::Markdown,
+                value: doc
+            }))
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
         let sig_info = SignatureInformation {
             label: descriptor.label,
-            documentation: None,
+            documentation,
             parameters: Some(parameters),