diff --git a/src/libstd/tuple.rs b/src/libstd/tuple.rs
index f40b62182d4..a12844f039e 100644
--- a/src/libstd/tuple.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/tuple.rs
@@ -10,18 +10,12 @@
 //! Operations on tuples
-//! To access a single element of a tuple one can use the following
-//! methods:
+//! To access the _N_-th element of a tuple one can use `N` itself
+//! as a field of the tuple.
-//! * `valN` - returns a value of _N_-th element
-//! * `refN` - returns a reference to _N_-th element
-//! * `mutN` - returns a mutable reference to _N_-th element
-//! Indexing starts from zero, so `val0` returns first value, `val1`
+//! Indexing starts from zero, so `0` returns first value, `1`
 //! returns second value, and so on. In general, a tuple with _S_
-//! elements provides aforementioned methods suffixed with numbers
-//! from `0` to `S-1`. Traits which contain these methods are
-//! implemented for tuples with up to 12 elements.
+//! elements provides aforementioned fields from `0` to `S-1`
 //! If every type inside a tuple implements one of the following
 //! traits, then a tuple itself also implements it.