Refactor to make inference code around unification more readable
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export ProvidedMethodSource;
export ProvidedMethodInfo;
export ProvidedMethodsMap;
export InstantiatedTraitRef;
export TyVid, IntVid, FloatVid, FnVid, RegionVid, Vid;
export TyVid, IntVid, FloatVid, RegionVid, Vid;
export br_hashmap;
export is_instantiable;
export node_id_to_type;
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ export ty_sort_str;
export normalize_ty;
export to_str;
export bound_const;
export terr_no_integral_type, terr_no_floating_point_type;
export terr_int_mismatch, terr_float_mismatch, terr_sigil_mismatch;
export terr_ty_param_size, terr_self_substs;
export terr_in_field, terr_record_fields, terr_vstores_differ, terr_arg_count;
export terr_sorts, terr_vec, terr_str, terr_record_size, terr_tuple_size;
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ export AutoRef;
export AutoRefKind, AutoPtr, AutoBorrowVec, AutoBorrowVecRef, AutoBorrowFn;
export iter_bound_traits_and_supertraits;
export count_traits_and_supertraits;
export IntVarValue, IntType, UintType;
// Data types
@ -703,6 +704,12 @@ enum sty {
enum IntVarValue {
enum terr_vstore_kind {
terr_vec, terr_str, terr_fn, terr_trait
@ -740,8 +747,8 @@ enum type_err {
enum param_bound {
@ -752,10 +759,16 @@ enum param_bound {
enum TyVid = uint;
enum IntVid = uint;
enum FloatVid = uint;
enum FnVid = uint;
enum RegionVid = uint;
@ -851,14 +864,6 @@ impl FloatVid: ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str { fmt!("<VF%u>", self.to_uint()) }
impl FnVid: Vid {
pure fn to_uint() -> uint { *self }
impl FnVid: ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str { fmt!("<F%u>", self.to_uint()) }
impl RegionVid: Vid {
pure fn to_uint() -> uint { *self }
@ -884,33 +889,36 @@ impl InferTy: ToStr {
impl RegionVid : to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(&self, +lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(**self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
impl IntVarValue : ToStr {
pure fn to_str() -> ~str {
match self {
IntType(ref v) => v.to_str(),
UintType(ref v) => v.to_str(),
impl TyVid : to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(&self, +lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(**self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
self.to_uint().iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
impl IntVid : to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(&self, +lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(**self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
self.to_uint().iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
impl FloatVid : to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(&self, +lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(**self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
self.to_uint().iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
impl FnVid : to_bytes::IterBytes {
impl RegionVid : to_bytes::IterBytes {
pure fn iter_bytes(&self, +lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) {
(**self).iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
self.to_uint().iter_bytes(lsb0, f)
@ -3575,17 +3583,18 @@ fn type_err_to_str(cx: ctxt, err: &type_err) -> ~str {
terr_self_substs => {
~"inconsistent self substitution" // XXX this is more of a bug
terr_no_integral_type => {
~"couldn't determine an appropriate integral type for integer \
terr_integer_as_char => {
~"integer literals can't be inferred to char type \
(try an explicit cast)"
fmt!("expected an integral type but found char")
terr_no_floating_point_type => {
~"couldn't determine an appropriate floating point type for \
floating point literal"
terr_int_mismatch(ref values) => {
fmt!("expected %s but found %s",
terr_float_mismatch(ref values) => {
fmt!("expected %s but found %s",
@ -4451,31 +4460,6 @@ impl vstore : cmp::Eq {
pure fn ne(&self, other: &vstore) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
impl TyVid : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &TyVid) -> bool { *(*self) == *(*other) }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &TyVid) -> bool { *(*self) != *(*other) }
impl IntVid : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &IntVid) -> bool { *(*self) == *(*other) }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &IntVid) -> bool { *(*self) != *(*other) }
impl FloatVid : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &FloatVid) -> bool { *(*self) == *(*other) }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &FloatVid) -> bool { *(*self) != *(*other) }
impl FnVid : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &FnVid) -> bool { *(*self) == *(*other) }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &FnVid) -> bool { *(*self) != *(*other) }
impl RegionVid : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &RegionVid) -> bool { *(*self) == *(*other) }
pure fn ne(&self, other: &RegionVid) -> bool { *(*self) != *(*other) }
impl Region : cmp::Eq {
pure fn eq(&self, other: &Region) -> bool {
match (*self) {
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ impl Assign {
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
let nde_a = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings, a_id);
let nde_b = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings, b_id);
let nde_a = self.infcx.get(a_id);
let nde_b = self.infcx.get(b_id);
let a_bounds = nde_a.possible_types;
let b_bounds = nde_b.possible_types;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ impl Assign {
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), _) => {
let nde_a = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings, a_id);
let nde_a = self.infcx.get(a_id);
let a_bounds = nde_a.possible_types;
let a_bnd = option::or(a_bounds.ub,;
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ impl Assign {
(_, ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
let nde_b = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings, b_id);
let nde_b = self.infcx.get(b_id);
let b_bounds = nde_b.possible_types;
let b_bnd = option::or(, b_bounds.ub);
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
use core::prelude::*;
use middle::ty::{FloatVar, FnTyBase, FnMeta, FnSig, IntVar, TyVar};
use middle::ty::{IntType, UintType};
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck::infer::glb::Glb;
use middle::typeck::infer::lub::Lub;
@ -112,8 +113,8 @@ pub struct CombineFields {
fn expected_found<C:Combine,T>(
self: &C, +a: T, +b: T) -> ty::expected_found<T> {
self: &C, +a: T, +b: T) -> ty::expected_found<T>
if self.a_is_expected() {
ty::expected_found {expected: move a, found: move b}
} else {
@ -392,7 +393,7 @@ fn super_tys<C:Combine>(
self: &C, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> cres<ty::t>
let tcx = self.infcx().tcx;
match (/*bad*/copy ty::get(a).sty, /*bad*/copy ty::get(b).sty) {
return match (/*bad*/copy ty::get(a).sty, /*bad*/copy ty::get(b).sty) {
// The "subtype" ought to be handling cases involving bot or var:
(ty::ty_bot, _) |
(_, ty::ty_bot) |
@ -405,53 +406,46 @@ fn super_tys<C:Combine>(
// Relate integral variables to other types
(ty::ty_infer(IntVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(IntVar(b_id))) => {
a_id, b_id));
(ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id)), ty::ty_int(v)) |
(ty::ty_int(v), ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id))) => {
if v == ast::ty_char {
} else {
v_id, IntType(v)));
Ok(ty::mk_mach_int(tcx, v))
// Relate integral variables to other types
(ty::ty_infer(IntVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(IntVar(b_id))) => {
a_id, b_id));
(ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id)), ty::ty_int(v)) => {
unify_integral_variable(self, self.a_is_expected(),
v_id, IntType(v))
(ty::ty_int(v), ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id))) => {
unify_integral_variable(self, !self.a_is_expected(),
v_id, IntType(v))
(ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id)), ty::ty_uint(v)) => {
unify_integral_variable(self, self.a_is_expected(),
v_id, UintType(v))
(ty::ty_uint(v), ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id))) => {
unify_integral_variable(self, !self.a_is_expected(),
v_id, UintType(v))
(ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id)), ty::ty_uint(v)) |
(ty::ty_uint(v), ty::ty_infer(IntVar(v_id))) => {
v_id, UintType(v)));
Ok(ty::mk_mach_uint(tcx, v))
// Relate floating-point variables to other types
(ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(b_id))) => {
a_id, b_id));
(ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(v_id)), ty::ty_float(v)) |
(ty::ty_float(v), ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(v_id))) => {
v_id, v));
Ok(ty::mk_mach_float(tcx, v))
// Relate floating-point variables to other types
(ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(b_id))) => {
a_id, b_id));
(ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(v_id)), ty::ty_float(v)) => {
unify_float_variable(self, self.a_is_expected(), v_id, v)
(ty::ty_float(v), ty::ty_infer(FloatVar(v_id))) => {
unify_float_variable(self, !self.a_is_expected(), v_id, v)
(ty::ty_int(_), _) |
(ty::ty_uint(_), _) |
(ty::ty_float(_), _) => {
let as_ = /*bad*/copy ty::get(a).sty;
let bs = /*bad*/copy ty::get(b).sty;
if as_ == bs {
if ty::get(a).sty == ty::get(b).sty {
} else {
Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(self, a, b)))
@ -516,11 +510,9 @@ fn super_tys<C:Combine>(
(ty::ty_rptr(a_r, a_mt), ty::ty_rptr(b_r, b_mt)) => {
do self.contraregions(a_r, b_r).chain |r| {
do self.mts(a_mt, b_mt).chain |mt| {
Ok(ty::mk_rptr(tcx, r, mt))
let r = if_ok!(self.contraregions(a_r, b_r));
let mt = if_ok!(self.mts(a_mt, b_mt));
Ok(ty::mk_rptr(tcx, r, mt))
(ty::ty_evec(a_mt, vs_a), ty::ty_evec(b_mt, vs_b)) => {
@ -565,5 +557,34 @@ fn super_tys<C:Combine>(
_ => Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(self, a, b)))
fn unify_integral_variable<C:Combine>(
self: &C,
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::IntVid,
val: ty::IntVarValue) -> cres<ty::t>
let tcx = self.infcx().tcx;
if val == IntType(ast::ty_char) {
} else {
if_ok!(self.infcx().simple_var_t(vid_is_expected, vid, val));
match val {
IntType(v) => Ok(ty::mk_mach_int(tcx, v)),
UintType(v) => Ok(ty::mk_mach_uint(tcx, v))
fn unify_float_variable<C:Combine>(
self: &C,
vid_is_expected: bool,
vid: ty::FloatVid,
val: ast::float_ty) -> cres<ty::t>
let tcx = self.infcx().tcx;
if_ok!(self.infcx().simple_var_t(vid_is_expected, vid, val));
Ok(ty::mk_mach_float(tcx, val))
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ impl FnMeta: LatticeValue {
impl CombineFields {
fn var_sub_var<V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr, T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
fn var_sub_var<T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue,
V:Copy Eq ToStr Vid UnifyVid<Bounds<T>>>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Bounds<T>>,
+a_id: V,
+b_id: V) -> ures
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ impl CombineFields {
* top of*/
// Need to make sub_id a subtype of sup_id.
let node_a = self.infcx.get(vb, a_id);
let node_b = self.infcx.get(vb, b_id);
let node_a = self.infcx.get(a_id);
let node_b = self.infcx.get(b_id);
let a_id = node_a.root;
let b_id = node_b.root;
let a_bounds = node_a.possible_types;
@ -135,17 +135,17 @@ impl CombineFields {
// A remains a subtype of B. Actually, there are other options,
// but that's the route we choose to take.
self.infcx.unify(vb, &node_a, &node_b, |new_root, new_rank| {
self.set_var_to_merged_bounds(vb, new_root,
self.infcx.unify(&node_a, &node_b, |new_root, new_rank| {
&a_bounds, &b_bounds,
/// make variable a subtype of T
fn var_sub_t<V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr, T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
fn var_sub_t<T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue,
V:Copy Eq ToStr Vid UnifyVid<Bounds<T>>>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Bounds<T>>,
+a_id: V,
+b: T) -> ures
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ impl CombineFields {
* Make a variable (`a_id`) a subtype of the concrete type `b` */
let node_a = self.infcx.get(vb, a_id);
let node_a = self.infcx.get(a_id);
let a_id = node_a.root;
let a_bounds = &node_a.possible_types;
let b_bounds = &{lb: None, ub: Some(b)};
@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ impl CombineFields {
vb, a_id, a_bounds, b_bounds, node_a.rank)
a_id, a_bounds, b_bounds, node_a.rank)
fn t_sub_var<V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr, T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
fn t_sub_var<T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue,
V:Copy Eq ToStr Vid UnifyVid<Bounds<T>>>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Bounds<T>>,
+a: T,
+b_id: V) -> ures
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ impl CombineFields {
* Make a concrete type (`a`) a subtype of the variable `b_id` */
let a_bounds = &{lb: Some(a), ub: None};
let node_b = self.infcx.get(vb, b_id);
let node_b = self.infcx.get(b_id);
let b_id = node_b.root;
let b_bounds = &node_b.possible_types;
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ impl CombineFields {
vb, b_id, a_bounds, b_bounds, node_b.rank)
b_id, a_bounds, b_bounds, node_b.rank)
fn merge_bnd<T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
@ -219,10 +219,9 @@ impl CombineFields {
fn set_var_to_merged_bounds<V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr,
T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
fn set_var_to_merged_bounds<T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue,
V:Copy Eq ToStr Vid UnifyVid<Bounds<T>>>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Bounds<T>>,
+v_id: V,
a: &Bounds<T>,
b: &Bounds<T>,
@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ impl CombineFields {
// the new bounds must themselves
// be relatable:
let () = if_ok!(self.bnds(&, &bounds.ub));
self.infcx.set(vb, v_id, Root(bounds, rank));
self.infcx.set(v_id, Root(bounds, rank));
@ -369,8 +368,7 @@ fn super_lattice_tys<L:LatticeDir TyLatticeDir Combine>(
(_, ty::ty_bot) => { return self.ty_bot(a); }
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
let r = if_ok!(lattice_vars(self, &self.infcx().ty_var_bindings,
a_id, b_id,
let r = if_ok!(lattice_vars(self, a_id, b_id,
|x, y| self.tys(*x, *y)));
return match r {
VarResult(v) => Ok(ty::mk_var(tcx, v)),
@ -379,14 +377,12 @@ fn super_lattice_tys<L:LatticeDir TyLatticeDir Combine>(
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), _) => {
return lattice_var_and_t(self, &self.infcx().ty_var_bindings,
a_id, &b,
return lattice_var_and_t(self, a_id, &b,
|x, y| self.tys(*x, *y));
(_, ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
return lattice_var_and_t(self, &self.infcx().ty_var_bindings,
b_id, &a,
return lattice_var_and_t(self, b_id, &a,
|x, y| self.tys(*x, *y));
@ -419,17 +415,16 @@ enum LatticeVarResult<V,T> {
* result is a variable. This is indicated with a `VarResult`
* return. */
fn lattice_vars<L:LatticeDir Combine,
V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr,
T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue,
V:Copy Eq ToStr Vid UnifyVid<Bounds<T>>>(
self: &L, // defines whether we want LUB or GLB
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Bounds<T>>, // relevant variable bindings
+a_vid: V, // first variable
+b_vid: V, // second variable
lattice_dir_op: LatticeDirOp<T>) // LUB or GLB operation on types
-> cres<LatticeVarResult<V,T>>
let nde_a = self.infcx().get(vb, a_vid);
let nde_b = self.infcx().get(vb, b_vid);
let nde_a = self.infcx().get(a_vid);
let nde_b = self.infcx().get(b_vid);
let a_vid = nde_a.root;
let b_vid = nde_b.root;
let a_bounds = &nde_a.possible_types;
@ -461,22 +456,21 @@ fn lattice_vars<L:LatticeDir Combine,
// Otherwise, we need to merge A and B into one variable. We can
// then use either variable as an upper bound:
let cf = self.combine_fields();
do cf.var_sub_var(vb, a_vid, b_vid).then {
do cf.var_sub_var(a_vid, b_vid).then {
fn lattice_var_and_t<L:LatticeDir Combine,
V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr,
T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue>(
T:Copy InferStr LatticeValue,
V:Copy Eq ToStr Vid UnifyVid<Bounds<T>>>(
self: &L,
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Bounds<T>>,
+a_id: V,
b: &T,
lattice_dir_op: LatticeDirOp<T>)
-> cres<T>
let nde_a = self.infcx().get(vb, a_id);
let nde_a = self.infcx().get(a_id);
let a_id = nde_a.root;
let a_bounds = &nde_a.possible_types;
@ -501,7 +495,7 @@ fn lattice_var_and_t<L:LatticeDir Combine,
let a_bounds = self.with_bnd(a_bounds, *b);
do self.combine_fields().bnds(&, &a_bounds.ub).then {
self.infcx().set(vb, a_id, Root(a_bounds, nde_a.rank));
self.infcx().set(a_id, Root(a_bounds, nde_a.rank));
@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ use core::prelude::*;
use middle::ty::{TyVid, IntVid, FloatVid, RegionVid, Vid};
use middle::ty::{mk_fn, type_is_bot};
use middle::ty::{ty_int, ty_uint, get, terr_fn, TyVar, IntVar, FloatVar};
use middle::ty::IntVarValue;
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck::check::regionmanip::{replace_bound_regions_in_fn_sig};
use middle::typeck::infer::assignment::Assign;
@ -351,12 +352,6 @@ type ures = cres<()>; // "unify result"
type fres<T> = Result<T, fixup_err>; // "fixup result"
type ares = cres<Option<@ty::AutoAdjustment>>; // "assignment result"
enum IntVarValue {
struct InferCtxt {
tcx: ty::ctxt,
@ -364,22 +359,14 @@ struct InferCtxt {
// types that might instantiate a general type variable have an
// order, represented by its upper and lower bounds.
ty_var_bindings: ValsAndBindings<ty::TyVid, Bounds<ty::t>>,
// Number of type variables created thus far.
mut ty_var_counter: uint,
// The types that might instantiate an integral type variable are
// represented by an int_ty_set.
// Map from integral variable to the kind of integer it represents
int_var_bindings: ValsAndBindings<ty::IntVid, Option<IntVarValue>>,
// Number of integral variables created thus far.
mut int_var_counter: uint,
// The types that might instantiate a floating-point type variable are
// represented by an float_ty_set.
// Map from floating variable to the kind of float it represents
float_var_bindings: ValsAndBindings<ty::FloatVid, Option<ast::float_ty>>,
// Number of floating-point variables created thus far.
mut float_var_counter: uint,
// For region variables.
@ -582,6 +569,7 @@ fn rollback_to<V:Copy Vid, T:Copy>(
struct Snapshot {
ty_var_bindings_len: uint,
int_var_bindings_len: uint,
float_var_bindings_len: uint,
region_vars_snapshot: uint,
@ -607,6 +595,8 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
@ -616,9 +606,11 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
rollback_to(&self.ty_var_bindings, snapshot.ty_var_bindings_len);
// FIXME(#3211) -- int_var not transactional
// FIXME(#3211) -- int_var and float_var not transactional
// snapshot.int_var_bindings_len);
// snapshot.float_var_bindings_len);
@ -664,6 +656,16 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
fn next_simple_var<V: Copy,T: Copy>(
+counter: &mut uint,
+bindings: &ValsAndBindings<V,Option<T>>) -> uint
let id = *counter;
*counter += 1;
bindings.vals.insert(id, Root(None, 0));
return id;
impl @InferCtxt {
fn next_ty_var_id() -> TyVid {
let id = self.ty_var_counter;
@ -682,11 +684,8 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
fn next_int_var_id() -> IntVid {
let id = self.int_var_counter;
self.int_var_counter += 1;
self.int_var_bindings.vals.insert(id, Root(None, 0));
return IntVid(id);
IntVid(next_simple_var(&mut self.int_var_counter,
fn next_int_var() -> ty::t {
@ -694,11 +693,8 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
fn next_float_var_id() -> FloatVid {
let id = self.float_var_counter;
self.float_var_counter += 1;
self.float_var_bindings.vals.insert(id, Root(None, 0));
return FloatVid(id);
FloatVid(next_simple_var(&mut self.float_var_counter,
fn next_float_var() -> ty::t {
@ -49,11 +49,10 @@
use core::prelude::*;
use middle::ty::{FloatVar, FloatVid, IntVar, IntVid, RegionVid, TyVar, TyVid};
use middle::ty::{type_is_bot};
use middle::ty::{type_is_bot, IntType, UintType};
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck::infer::{cyclic_ty, fixup_err, fres, InferCtxt};
use middle::typeck::infer::{region_var_bound_by_region_var, unresolved_ty};
use middle::typeck::infer::{IntType, UintType};
use middle::typeck::infer::to_str::InferStr;
use middle::typeck::infer::unify::Root;
use util::common::{indent, indenter};
@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ impl ResolveState {
// tend to carry more restrictions or higher
// perf. penalties, so it pays to know more.
let nde = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings, vid);
let nde = self.infcx.get(vid);
let bounds = nde.possible_types;
let t1 = match bounds {
@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ impl ResolveState {
return ty::mk_int_var(self.infcx.tcx, vid);
let node = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.int_var_bindings, vid);
let node = self.infcx.get(vid);
match node.possible_types {
Some(IntType(t)) => ty::mk_mach_int(self.infcx.tcx, t),
Some(UintType(t)) => ty::mk_mach_uint(self.infcx.tcx, t),
@ -251,9 +250,8 @@ impl ResolveState {
if self.should(force_ivar) {
// As a last resort, default to int.
let ty = ty::mk_int(self.infcx.tcx);
&self.infcx.int_var_bindings, vid,
Root(Some(IntType(ast::ty_i)), node.rank));
Root(Some(IntType(ast::ty_i)), node.rank));
} else {
ty::mk_int_var(self.infcx.tcx, vid)
@ -267,17 +265,14 @@ impl ResolveState {
return ty::mk_float_var(self.infcx.tcx, vid);
let node = self.infcx.get(&self.infcx.float_var_bindings, vid);
let node = self.infcx.get(vid);
match node.possible_types {
Some(t) => ty::mk_mach_float(self.infcx.tcx, t),
None => {
if self.should(force_fvar) {
// As a last resort, default to float.
let ty = ty::mk_float(self.infcx.tcx);
Root(Some(ast::ty_f), node.rank));
self.infcx.set(vid, Root(Some(ast::ty_f), node.rank));
} else {
ty::mk_float_var(self.infcx.tcx, vid)
@ -102,38 +102,31 @@ impl Sub: Combine {
debug!("%s.tys(%s, %s)", self.tag(),
a.inf_str(self.infcx), b.inf_str(self.infcx));
if a == b { return Ok(a); }
do indent {
match (ty::get(a).sty, ty::get(b).sty) {
(ty::ty_bot, _) => {
let _indenter = indenter();
match (ty::get(a).sty, ty::get(b).sty) {
(ty::ty_bot, _) => {
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
do self.var_sub_var(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings,
a_id, b_id).then {
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), _) => {
do self.var_sub_t(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings,
a_id, b).then {
(_, ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
do self.t_sub_var(&self.infcx.ty_var_bindings,
a, b_id).then {
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
if_ok!(self.var_sub_var(a_id, b_id));
(ty::ty_infer(TyVar(a_id)), _) => {
if_ok!(self.var_sub_t(a_id, b));
(_, ty::ty_infer(TyVar(b_id))) => {
if_ok!(self.t_sub_var(a, b_id));
(_, ty::ty_bot) => {
Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(&self, a, b)))
(_, ty::ty_bot) => {
Err(ty::terr_sorts(expected_found(&self, a, b)))
_ => {
super_tys(&self, a, b)
_ => {
super_tys(&self, a, b)
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
use core::prelude::*;
use middle::ty::{FnMeta, FnTyBase, FnSig, FnVid, Vid};
use middle::ty::{FnMeta, FnTyBase, FnSig, Vid};
use middle::ty::{IntVarValue, IntType, UintType};
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck::infer::{Bound, Bounds};
use middle::typeck::infer::{IntVarValue, IntType, UintType};
use middle::typeck::infer::InferCtxt;
use middle::typeck::infer::unify::{Redirect, Root, VarValue};
use util::ppaux::{mt_to_str, ty_to_str};
@ -25,23 +25,23 @@ use core::uint;
use core::str;
pub trait InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str;
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str;
impl ty::t : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
ty_to_str(cx.tcx, self)
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
ty_to_str(cx.tcx, *self)
impl FnMeta : InferStr {
fn inf_str(_cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("%?", self)
fn inf_str(&self, _cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("%?", *self)
impl FnSig : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("(%s) -> %s",
str::connect(|a| a.ty.inf_str(cx)), ", "),
@ -49,26 +49,26 @@ impl FnSig : InferStr {
impl<M:InferStr> FnTyBase<M> : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("%s%s", self.meta.inf_str(cx), self.sig.inf_str(cx))
impl ty::mt : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
mt_to_str(cx.tcx, self)
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
mt_to_str(cx.tcx, *self)
impl ty::Region : InferStr {
fn inf_str(_cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("%?", self)
fn inf_str(&self, _cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("%?", *self)
impl<V:InferStr> Bound<V> : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
match self {
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
match *self {
Some(ref v) => v.inf_str(cx),
None => ~"none"
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ impl<V:InferStr> Bound<V> : InferStr {
impl<T:InferStr> Bounds<T> : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fmt!("{%s <: %s}",
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ impl<T:InferStr> Bounds<T> : InferStr {
impl<V:Vid ToStr, T:InferStr> VarValue<V, T> : InferStr {
fn inf_str(cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
match self {
fn inf_str(&self, cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
match *self {
Redirect(ref vid) => fmt!("Redirect(%s)", vid.to_str()),
Root(ref pt, rk) => fmt!("Root(%s, %s)", pt.inf_str(cx),
uint::to_str(rk, 10u))
@ -94,17 +94,13 @@ impl<V:Vid ToStr, T:InferStr> VarValue<V, T> : InferStr {
impl IntVarValue : InferStr {
fn inf_str(_cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
match self {
IntType(t) => ast_util::int_ty_to_str(t),
UintType(t) => ast_util::uint_ty_to_str(t)
fn inf_str(&self, _cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
impl ast::float_ty : InferStr {
fn inf_str(_cx: @InferCtxt) -> ~str {
fn inf_str(&self, _cx: &InferCtxt) -> ~str {
@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
// except according to those terms.
use core::prelude::*;
use core::result;
use std::smallintmap::SmallIntMap;
use middle::ty::Vid;
use middle::ty::{Vid, expected_found, IntVarValue};
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck::infer::{Bound, Bounds, cres, uok, ures};
use middle::typeck::infer::combine::Combine;
use middle::typeck::infer::InferCtxt;
use middle::typeck::infer::to_str::InferStr;
use syntax::ast;
use util::common::{indent, indenter};
use core::result;
use std::smallintmap::SmallIntMap;
enum VarValue<V, T> {
Root(T, uint),
struct ValsAndBindings<V:Copy, T:Copy> {
struct ValsAndBindings<V, T> {
vals: SmallIntMap<VarValue<V, T>>,
mut bindings: ~[(V, VarValue<V, T>)],
@ -37,11 +37,15 @@ struct Node<V:Copy, T:Copy> {
rank: uint,
impl @InferCtxt {
fn get<V:Copy Eq Vid, T:Copy>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, T>,
vid: V)
-> Node<V, T>
trait UnifyVid<T> {
static fn appropriate_vals_and_bindings(infcx: &v/InferCtxt)
-> &v/ValsAndBindings<self, T>;
impl InferCtxt {
fn get<T:Copy, V:Copy Eq Vid UnifyVid<T>>(
+vid: V) -> Node<V, T>
@ -50,6 +54,7 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
let vb = UnifyVid::appropriate_vals_and_bindings(self);
let vid_u = vid.to_uint();
match vb.vals.find(vid_u) {
None => {
@ -57,9 +62,9 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
Some(ref var_val) => {
match (*var_val) {
Redirect(ref vid) => {
let node = self.get(vb, (*vid));
if {
Redirect(vid) => {
let node: Node<V,T> = self.get(vid);
if node.root != vid {
// Path compression
vb.vals.insert(vid.to_uint(), Redirect(node.root));
@ -73,9 +78,9 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
fn set<V:Copy Vid ToStr, T:Copy InferStr>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, T>,
vid: V,
fn set<T:Copy InferStr, V:Copy Vid ToStr UnifyVid<T>>(
+vid: V,
+new_v: VarValue<V, T>)
@ -83,6 +88,7 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
* Sets the value for `vid` to `new_v`. `vid` MUST be a root node!
let vb = UnifyVid::appropriate_vals_and_bindings(self);
let old_v = vb.vals.get(vid.to_uint());
vb.bindings.push((vid, old_v));
vb.vals.insert(vid.to_uint(), new_v);
@ -91,8 +97,8 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
vid.to_str(), old_v.inf_str(self), new_v.inf_str(self));
fn unify<V:Copy Vid ToStr, T:Copy InferStr, R>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, T>,
fn unify<T:Copy InferStr, V:Copy Vid ToStr UnifyVid<T>, R>(
node_a: &Node<V, T>,
node_b: &Node<V, T>,
op: &fn(new_root: V, new_rank: uint) -> R
@ -108,17 +114,17 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
if node_a.rank > node_b.rank {
// a has greater rank, so a should become b's parent,
// i.e., b should redirect to a.
self.set(vb, node_b.root, Redirect(node_a.root));
self.set(node_b.root, Redirect(node_a.root));
op(node_a.root, node_a.rank)
} else if node_a.rank < node_b.rank {
// b has greater rank, so a should redirect to b.
self.set(vb, node_a.root, Redirect(node_b.root));
self.set(node_a.root, Redirect(node_b.root));
op(node_b.root, node_b.rank)
} else {
// If equal, redirect one to the other and increment the
// other's rank.
assert node_a.rank == node_b.rank;
self.set(vb, node_b.root, Redirect(node_a.root));
self.set(node_b.root, Redirect(node_a.root));
op(node_a.root, node_a.rank + 1)
@ -129,12 +135,30 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
// Code to handle simple variables like ints, floats---anything that
// doesn't have a subtyping relationship we need to worry about.
impl @InferCtxt {
fn simple_vars<V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr, T:Copy Eq InferStr>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Option<T>>,
err: ty::type_err,
a_id: V,
b_id: V) -> ures
trait SimplyUnifiable {
static fn to_type_err(expected_found<self>) -> ty::type_err;
fn mk_err<T: SimplyUnifiable>(+a_is_expected: bool,
+a_t: T,
+b_t: T) -> ures
if a_is_expected {
ty::expected_found {expected: a_t, found: b_t}))
} else {
ty::expected_found {expected: b_t, found: a_t}))
impl InferCtxt {
fn simple_vars<T:Copy Eq InferStr SimplyUnifiable,
V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr UnifyVid<Option<T>>>(
+a_is_expected: bool,
+a_id: V,
+b_id: V) -> ures
@ -143,8 +167,8 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
* have already been associated with a value, then those two
* values must be the same. */
let node_a = self.get(vb, a_id);
let node_b = self.get(vb, b_id);
let node_a = self.get(a_id);
let node_b = self.get(b_id);
let a_id = node_a.root;
let b_id = node_b.root;
@ -155,22 +179,24 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
(&None, &None) => None,
(&Some(ref v), &None) | (&None, &Some(ref v)) => Some(*v),
(&Some(ref v1), &Some(ref v2)) => {
if *v1 != *v2 { return Err(err); }
if *v1 != *v2 {
return mk_err(a_is_expected, *v1, *v2);
self.unify(vb, &node_a, &node_b, |new_root, new_rank| {
self.set(vb, new_root, Root(combined, new_rank));
self.unify(&node_a, &node_b, |new_root, new_rank| {
self.set(new_root, Root(combined, new_rank));
return uok();
fn simple_var_t<V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr, T:Copy Eq InferStr>(
vb: &ValsAndBindings<V, Option<T>>,
err: ty::type_err,
a_id: V,
b: T) -> ures
fn simple_var_t<T:Copy Eq InferStr SimplyUnifiable,
V:Copy Eq Vid ToStr UnifyVid<Option<T>>>(
+a_is_expected: bool,
+a_id: V,
+b: T) -> ures
@ -179,19 +205,66 @@ impl @InferCtxt {
* if `a_id` already has a value, it must be the same as
* `b`. */
let node_a = self.get(vb, a_id);
let node_a = self.get(a_id);
let a_id = node_a.root;
if node_a.possible_types.is_none() {
self.set(vb, a_id, Root(Some(b), node_a.rank));
return uok();
match node_a.possible_types {
None => {
self.set(a_id, Root(Some(b), node_a.rank));
return uok();
if node_a.possible_types == Some(b) {
return uok();
Some(ref a_t) => {
if *a_t == b {
return uok();
} else {
return mk_err(a_is_expected, *a_t, b);
return Err(err);
// ______________________________________________________________________
impl ty::TyVid : UnifyVid<Bounds<ty::t>> {
static fn appropriate_vals_and_bindings(infcx: &v/InferCtxt)
-> &v/ValsAndBindings<ty::TyVid, Bounds<ty::t>>
return &infcx.ty_var_bindings;
impl ty::IntVid : UnifyVid<Option<IntVarValue>> {
static fn appropriate_vals_and_bindings(infcx: &v/InferCtxt)
-> &v/ValsAndBindings<ty::IntVid, Option<IntVarValue>>
return &infcx.int_var_bindings;
impl IntVarValue : SimplyUnifiable {
static fn to_type_err(err: expected_found<IntVarValue>)
-> ty::type_err
return ty::terr_int_mismatch(err);
impl ty::FloatVid : UnifyVid<Option<ast::float_ty>> {
static fn appropriate_vals_and_bindings(infcx: &v/InferCtxt)
-> &v/ValsAndBindings<ty::FloatVid, Option<ast::float_ty>>
return &infcx.float_var_bindings;
impl ast::float_ty : SimplyUnifiable {
static fn to_type_err(err: expected_found<ast::float_ty>)
-> ty::type_err
return ty::terr_float_mismatch(err);
Reference in New Issue
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