diff --git a/mk/platform.mk b/mk/platform.mk
index fcb6a5b50d3..856a22dc606 100644
--- a/mk/platform.mk
+++ b/mk/platform.mk
@@ -208,6 +208,14 @@ define CFG_MAKE_TOOLCHAIN
   ifeq ($$(findstring $(HOST_$(1)),arm aarch64 mips mipsel powerpc),)
+  # On OpenBSD, we need to pass the path of libstdc++.so to the linker
+  # (use path of libstdc++.a which is a known name for the same path)
+  ifeq ($(OSTYPE_$(1)),unknown-openbsd)
+    RUSTC_FLAGS_$(1)=-L "$$(dir $$(shell $$(CC_$(1)) $$(CFG_GCCISH_CFLAGS_$(1)) \
+        -print-file-name=lib$(CFG_STDCPP_NAME).a))" \
+        $(RUSTC_FLAGS_$(1))
+  endif
   # On Bitrig, we need the relocation model to be PIC for everything
   ifeq (,$(filter $(OSTYPE_$(1)),bitrig))