codegen_ssa_create_temp_dir = couldn't create a temp dir: {$error}
codegen_ssa_incompatible_linking_modifiers = the linking modifiers `+bundle` and `+whole-archive` are not compatible with each other when generating rlibs
codegen_ssa_add_native_library = failed to add native library {$library_path}: {$error}
codegen_ssa_multiple_external_func_decl = multiple declarations of external function `{$function}` from library `{$library_name}` have different calling conventions
codegen_ssa_rlib_missing_format = could not find formats for rlibs
codegen_ssa_rlib_only_rmeta_found = could not find rlib for: `{$crate_name}`, found rmeta (metadata) file
codegen_ssa_rlib_not_found = could not find rlib for: `{$crate_name}`
codegen_ssa_linking_failed = linking with `{$linker_path}` failed: {$exit_status}
codegen_ssa_extern_funcs_not_found = some `extern` functions couldn't be found; some native libraries may need to be installed or have their path specified
codegen_ssa_specify_libraries_to_link = use the `-l` flag to specify native libraries to link
codegen_ssa_use_cargo_directive = use the `cargo:rustc-link-lib` directive to specify the native libraries to link with Cargo (see
codegen_ssa_link_exe_unexpected_error = `link.exe` returned an unexpected error
codegen_ssa_repair_vs_build_tools = the Visual Studio build tools may need to be repaired using the Visual Studio installer
codegen_ssa_missing_cpp_build_tool_component = or a necessary component may be missing from the "C++ build tools" workload
codegen_ssa_select_cpp_build_tool_workload = in the Visual Studio installer, ensure the "C++ build tools" workload is selected
codegen_ssa_visual_studio_not_installed = you may need to install Visual Studio build tools with the "C++ build tools" workload
codegen_ssa_linker_not_found = linker `{$linker_path}` not found
.note = {$error}
codegen_ssa_unable_to_exe_linker = could not exec the linker `{$linker_path}`
.note = {$error}
.command_note = {$command_formatted}
codegen_ssa_msvc_missing_linker = the msvc targets depend on the msvc linker but `link.exe` was not found
codegen_ssa_check_installed_visual_studio = please ensure that Visual Studio 2017 or later, or Build Tools for Visual Studio were installed with the Visual C++ option.
codegen_ssa_unsufficient_vs_code_product = VS Code is a different product, and is not sufficient.
codegen_ssa_processing_dymutil_failed = processing debug info with `dsymutil` failed: {$status}
.note = {$output}
codegen_ssa_unable_to_run_dsymutil = unable to run `dsymutil`: {$error}
codegen_ssa_stripping_debu_info_failed = stripping debug info with `{$util}` failed: {$status}
.note = {$output}
codegen_ssa_unable_to_run = unable to run `{$util}`: {$error}
codegen_ssa_linker_file_stem = couldn't extract file stem from specified linker
codegen_ssa_static_library_native_artifacts = Link against the following native artifacts when linking against this static library. The order and any duplication can be significant on some platforms.
codegen_ssa_link_script_unavailable = can only use link script when linking with GNU-like linker
codegen_ssa_link_script_write_failure = failed to write link script to {$path}: {$error}
codegen_ssa_failed_to_write = failed to write {$path}: {$error}
codegen_ssa_unable_to_write_debugger_visualizer = Unable to write debugger visualizer file `{$path}`: {$error}
codegen_ssa_rlib_archive_build_failure = failed to build archive from rlib: {$error}
codegen_ssa_option_gcc_only = option `-Z gcc-ld` is used even though linker flavor is not gcc
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_floating_point_vector = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: unsupported element type `{$f_ty}` of floating-point vector `{$in_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_floating_point_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: `{$in_ty}` is not a floating-point type
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_unrecognized_intrinsic = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: unrecognized intrinsic `{$name}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_return_length_input_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected return type with length {$in_len} (same as input type `{$in_ty}`), found `{$ret_ty}` with length {$out_len}
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_second_argument_length = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected second argument with length {$in_len} (same as input type `{$in_ty}`), found `{$arg_ty}` with length {$out_len}
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_third_argument_length = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected third argument with length {$in_len} (same as input type `{$in_ty}`), found `{$arg_ty}` with length {$out_len}
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_return_integer_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected return type with integer elements, found `{$ret_ty}` with non-integer `{$out_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_simd_shuffle = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: simd_shuffle index must be an array of `u32`, got `{$ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_return_length = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected return type of length {$in_len}, found `{$ret_ty}` with length {$out_len}
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_return_element = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected return element type `{$in_elem}` (element of input `{$in_ty}`), found `{$ret_ty}` with element type `{$out_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_shuffle_index_not_constant = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: shuffle index #{$arg_idx} is not a constant
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_shuffle_index_out_of_bounds = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: shuffle index #{$arg_idx} is out of bounds (limit {$total_len})
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_inserted_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected inserted type `{$in_elem}` (element of input `{$in_ty}`), found `{$out_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_return_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected return type `{$in_elem}` (element of input `{$in_ty}`), found `{$ret_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_expected_return_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected return type `{$in_ty}`, found `{$ret_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_mismatched_lengths = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: mismatched lengths: mask length `{$m_len}` != other vector length `{$v_len}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_mask_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: mask element type is `{$ty}`, expected `i_`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_vector_argument = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: vector argument `{$in_ty}`'s element type `{$in_elem}`, expected integer element type
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_cannot_return = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: cannot return `{$ret_ty}`, expected `u{$expected_int_bits}` or `[u8; {$expected_bytes}]`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_expected_element_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected element type `{$expected_element}` of second argument `{$second_arg}` to be a pointer to the element type `{$in_elem}` of the first argument `{$in_ty}`, found `{$expected_element}` != `{$mutability} {$in_elem}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_third_arg_element_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected element type `{$expected_element}` of third argument `{$third_arg}` to be a signed integer type
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_unsupported_symbol_of_size = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: unsupported {$symbol} from `{$in_ty}` with element `{$in_elem}` of size `{$size}` to `{$ret_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_unsupported_symbol = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: unsupported {$symbol} from `{$in_ty}` with element `{$in_elem}` to `{$ret_ty}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_unsupported_cast = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: unsupported cast from `{$in_ty}` with element `{$in_elem}` to `{$ret_ty}` with element `{$out_elem}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_unsupported_operation = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: unsupported operation on `{$in_ty}` with element `{$in_elem}`
codegen_ssa_invalid_monomorphization_expected_vector_element_type = invalid monomorphization of `{$name}` intrinsic: expected element type `{$expected_element}` of vector type `{$vector_type}` to be a signed or unsigned integer type