2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
/* The 'fmt' extension is modeled on the posix printf system.
* A posix conversion ostensibly looks like this:
* %[parameter][flags][width][.precision][length]type
* Given the different numeric type bestiary we have, we omit the 'length'
* parameter and support slightly different conversions for 'type':
* %[parameter][flags][width][.precision]type
* we also only support translating-to-rust a tiny subset of the possible
* combinations at the moment.
2011-02-27 17:23:16 -06:00
import util.common;
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
import std._str;
import std._vec;
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
import std.option;
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
import std.option.none;
import std.option.some;
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
tag signedness {
tag caseness {
tag ty {
// FIXME: More types
tag flag {
tag count {
// A formatted conversion from an expression to a string
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
type conv = rec(option.t[int] param,
vec[flag] flags,
count width,
count precision,
ty typ);
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
// A fragment of the output sequence
tag piece {
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
fn bad_fmt_call() {
log "malformed #fmt call";
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
fn expand_syntax_ext(vec[@ast.expr] args,
option.t[@ast.expr] body) -> @ast.expr {
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
if (_vec.len[@ast.expr](args) == 0u) {
auto fmt = expr_to_str(args.(0));
log fmt;
auto pieces = parse_fmt_string(fmt);
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
log "printing all pieces";
for (piece p in pieces) {
alt (p) {
case (piece_string(?s)) {
log s;
case (piece_conv(_)) {
log "conv";
log "done printing all pieces";
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
ret pieces_to_expr(pieces, args);
fn expr_to_str(@ast.expr expr) -> str {
alt (expr.node) {
case (ast.expr_lit(?l, _)) {
alt (l.node) {
case (ast.lit_str(?s)) {
ret s;
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
fn parse_fmt_string(str s) -> vec[piece] {
let vec[piece] pieces = vec();
// FIXME: Should be counting codepoints instead of bytes
auto lim = _str.byte_len(s);
auto buf = "";
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
fn flush_buf(str buf, &vec[piece] pieces) -> str {
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
if (_str.byte_len(buf) > 0u) {
auto piece = piece_string(buf);
pieces += piece;
ret "";
auto i = 0u;
while (i < lim) {
auto curr = _str.substr(s, i, 1u);
if (_str.eq(curr, "%")) {
i += 1u;
if (i >= lim) {
log "unterminated conversion at end of string";
auto curr2 = _str.substr(s, i, 1u);
if (_str.eq(curr2, "%")) {
i += 1u;
} else {
buf = flush_buf(buf, pieces);
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
auto res = parse_conversion(s, i, lim);
pieces += res._0;
i = res._1;
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
} else {
buf += curr;
i += 1u;
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
buf = flush_buf(buf, pieces);
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
ret pieces;
2011-02-27 13:30:44 -06:00
fn peek_num(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> option.t[tup(int, int)] {
if (i >= lim) {
ret none[tup(int, int)];
} else {
ret none[tup(int, int)];
/*if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
log c;
} else {
ret option.none[tup(int, int)];
fn parse_conversion(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(piece, uint) {
auto parm = parse_parameter(s, i, lim);
auto flags = parse_flags(s, parm._1, lim);
auto width = parse_width(s, flags._1, lim);
auto prec = parse_precision(s, width._1, lim);
auto ty = parse_type(s, prec._1, lim);
ret tup(piece_conv(rec(param = parm._0,
flags = flags._0,
width = width._0,
precision = prec._0,
typ = ty._0)),
fn parse_parameter(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(option.t[int], uint) {
if (i >= lim) {
ret tup(none[int], i);
auto num = peek_num(s, i, lim);
alt (num) {
case (none[tup(int, int)]) {
ret tup(none[int], i);
case (some[tup(int, int)](?t)) {
fn parse_flags(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(vec[flag], uint) {
let vec[flag] flags = vec();
ret tup(flags, i);
fn parse_width(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(count, uint) {
ret tup(count_implied, i);
fn parse_precision(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(count, uint) {
ret tup(count_implied, i);
fn parse_type(str s, uint i, uint lim) -> tup(ty, uint) {
if (i >= lim) {
log "missing type in conversion";
auto t;
auto tstr = _str.substr(s, i, 1u);
if (_str.eq(tstr, "b")) {
t = ty_bool;
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "s")) {
t = ty_str;
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "c")) {
t = ty_char;
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "d")
|| _str.eq(tstr, "i")) {
// TODO: Do we really want two signed types here?
// How important is it to be printf compatible?
t = ty_int(signed);
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "u")) {
t = ty_int(unsigned);
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "x")) {
t = ty_hex(case_lower);
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "X")) {
t = ty_hex(case_upper);
} else if (_str.eq(tstr, "t")) {
t = ty_bits;
} else {
// FIXME: This is a hack to avoid 'unsatisfied precondition
// constraint' on uninitialized variable t below
t = ty_bool;
log "unknown type in conversion";
ret tup(t, i + 1u);
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
fn pieces_to_expr(vec[piece] pieces, vec[@ast.expr] args) -> @ast.expr {
2011-02-27 17:23:16 -06:00
fn make_new_str(common.span sp, str s) -> @ast.expr {
auto strlit = ast.lit_str(s);
auto spstrlit = @parser.spanned[ast.lit_](sp, sp, strlit);
auto expr = ast.expr_lit(spstrlit, ast.ann_none);
ret @parser.spanned[ast.expr_](sp, sp, expr);
fn make_add_expr(common.span sp,
@ast.expr lhs, @ast.expr rhs) -> @ast.expr {
auto binexpr = ast.expr_binary(ast.add, lhs, rhs, ast.ann_none);
ret @parser.spanned[ast.expr_](sp, sp, binexpr);
auto sp = args.(0).span;
auto n = 0;
auto tmp_expr = make_new_str(sp, "whatever");
for (piece p in pieces) {
alt (p) {
case (piece_string(?s)) {
auto s_expr = make_new_str(sp, s);
tmp_expr = make_add_expr(sp, tmp_expr, s_expr);
case (piece_conv(?conv)) {
// TODO: Remove this print and return the real expanded AST
log "dumping expanded ast:";
log pretty.print_expr(tmp_expr);
ret make_new_str(sp, "TODO");
2011-02-24 22:22:36 -06:00
2011-02-23 22:48:01 -06:00
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: