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// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#![cfg_attr(stage0, feature(custom_attribute))]
#![crate_name = "alloc_system"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
2015-11-24 01:52:55 +03:00
#![cfg_attr(stage0, staged_api)]
#![cfg_attr(not(stage0), allocator)]
#![cfg_attr(stage0, allow(improper_ctypes))]
#![unstable(feature = "alloc_system",
reason = "this library is unlikely to be stabilized in its current \
2015-08-13 13:06:25 -07:00
form or name",
issue = "27783")]
std: Stabilize APIs for the 1.6 release This commit is the standard API stabilization commit for the 1.6 release cycle. The list of issues and APIs below have all been through their cycle-long FCP and the libs team decisions are listed below Stabilized APIs * `Read::read_exact` * `ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof` (renamed from `UnexpectedEOF`) * libcore -- this was a bit of a nuanced stabilization, the crate itself is now marked as `#[stable]` and the methods appearing via traits for primitives like `char` and `str` are now also marked as stable. Note that the extension traits themeselves are marked as unstable as they're imported via the prelude. The `try!` macro was also moved from the standard library into libcore to have the same interface. Otherwise the functions all have copied stability from the standard library now. * The `#![no_std]` attribute * `fs::DirBuilder` * `fs::DirBuilder::new` * `fs::DirBuilder::recursive` * `fs::DirBuilder::create` * `os::unix::fs::DirBuilderExt` * `os::unix::fs::DirBuilderExt::mode` * `vec::Drain` * `vec::Vec::drain` * `string::Drain` * `string::String::drain` * `vec_deque::Drain` * `vec_deque::VecDeque::drain` * `collections::hash_map::Drain` * `collections::hash_map::HashMap::drain` * `collections::hash_set::Drain` * `collections::hash_set::HashSet::drain` * `collections::binary_heap::Drain` * `collections::binary_heap::BinaryHeap::drain` * `Vec::extend_from_slice` (renamed from `push_all`) * `Mutex::get_mut` * `Mutex::into_inner` * `RwLock::get_mut` * `RwLock::into_inner` * `Iterator::min_by_key` (renamed from `min_by`) * `Iterator::max_by_key` (renamed from `max_by`) Deprecated APIs * `ErrorKind::UnexpectedEOF` (renamed to `UnexpectedEof`) * `OsString::from_bytes` * `OsStr::to_cstring` * `OsStr::to_bytes` * `fs::walk_dir` and `fs::WalkDir` * `path::Components::peek` * `slice::bytes::MutableByteVector` * `slice::bytes::copy_memory` * `Vec::push_all` (renamed to `extend_from_slice`) * `Duration::span` * `IpAddr` * `SocketAddr::ip` * `Read::tee` * `io::Tee` * `Write::broadcast` * `io::Broadcast` * `Iterator::min_by` (renamed to `min_by_key`) * `Iterator::max_by` (renamed to `max_by_key`) * `net::lookup_addr` New APIs (still unstable) * `<[T]>::sort_by_key` (added to mirror `min_by_key`) Closes #27585 Closes #27704 Closes #27707 Closes #27710 Closes #27711 Closes #27727 Closes #27740 Closes #27744 Closes #27799 Closes #27801 cc #27801 (doesn't close as `Chars` is still unstable) Closes #28968
2015-12-02 17:31:49 -08:00
#![cfg_attr(stage0, feature(no_std))]
extern crate libc;
// The minimum alignment guaranteed by the architecture. This value is used to
// add fast paths for low alignment values. In practice, the alignment is a
// constant at the call site and the branch will be optimized out.
#[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "mips",
target_arch = "mipsel",
target_arch = "powerpc")))]
const MIN_ALIGN: usize = 8;
#[cfg(all(any(target_arch = "x86_64",
target_arch = "aarch64")))]
const MIN_ALIGN: usize = 16;
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub extern "C" fn __rust_allocate(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
unsafe { imp::allocate(size, align) }
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub extern "C" fn __rust_deallocate(ptr: *mut u8, old_size: usize, align: usize) {
unsafe { imp::deallocate(ptr, old_size, align) }
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub extern "C" fn __rust_reallocate(ptr: *mut u8,
old_size: usize,
size: usize,
align: usize)
-> *mut u8 {
unsafe { imp::reallocate(ptr, old_size, size, align) }
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub extern "C" fn __rust_reallocate_inplace(ptr: *mut u8,
old_size: usize,
size: usize,
align: usize)
-> usize {
unsafe { imp::reallocate_inplace(ptr, old_size, size, align) }
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub extern "C" fn __rust_usable_size(size: usize, align: usize) -> usize {
imp::usable_size(size, align)
mod imp {
use core::cmp;
use core::ptr;
use libc;
extern "C" {
// Apparently android doesn't have posix_memalign
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn memalign(align: libc::size_t, size: libc::size_t) -> *mut libc::c_void;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))]
fn posix_memalign(memptr: *mut *mut libc::c_void,
align: libc::size_t,
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
size: libc::size_t)
-> libc::c_int;
pub unsafe fn allocate(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
if align <= MIN_ALIGN {
libc::malloc(size as libc::size_t) as *mut u8
} else {
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
unsafe fn more_aligned_malloc(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
memalign(align as libc::size_t, size as libc::size_t) as *mut u8
#[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))]
unsafe fn more_aligned_malloc(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let mut out = ptr::null_mut();
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
let ret = posix_memalign(&mut out, align as libc::size_t, size as libc::size_t);
if ret != 0 {
} else {
out as *mut u8
more_aligned_malloc(size, align)
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub unsafe fn reallocate(ptr: *mut u8, old_size: usize, size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
if align <= MIN_ALIGN {
libc::realloc(ptr as *mut libc::c_void, size as libc::size_t) as *mut u8
} else {
let new_ptr = allocate(size, align);
ptr::copy(ptr, new_ptr, cmp::min(size, old_size));
deallocate(ptr, old_size, align);
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub unsafe fn reallocate_inplace(_ptr: *mut u8,
old_size: usize,
_size: usize,
_align: usize)
-> usize {
pub unsafe fn deallocate(ptr: *mut u8, _old_size: usize, _align: usize) {
libc::free(ptr as *mut libc::c_void)
pub fn usable_size(size: usize, _align: usize) -> usize {
mod imp {
type LPVOID = *mut u8;
type SIZE_T = usize;
type DWORD = u32;
type BOOL = i32;
extern "system" {
fn GetProcessHeap() -> HANDLE;
fn HeapAlloc(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, dwBytes: SIZE_T) -> LPVOID;
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
fn HeapReAlloc(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMem: LPVOID, dwBytes: SIZE_T) -> LPVOID;
fn HeapFree(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMem: LPVOID) -> BOOL;
struct Header(*mut u8);
unsafe fn get_header<'a>(ptr: *mut u8) -> &'a mut Header {
&mut *(ptr as *mut Header).offset(-1)
unsafe fn align_ptr(ptr: *mut u8, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let aligned = ptr.offset((align - (ptr as usize & (align - 1))) as isize);
*get_header(aligned) = Header(ptr);
pub unsafe fn allocate(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
if align <= MIN_ALIGN {
HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size as SIZE_T) as *mut u8
} else {
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
let ptr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (size + align) as SIZE_T) as *mut u8;
if ptr.is_null() {
return ptr;
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
align_ptr(ptr, align)
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub unsafe fn reallocate(ptr: *mut u8, _old_size: usize, size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
if align <= MIN_ALIGN {
HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr as LPVOID, size as SIZE_T) as *mut u8
} else {
let header = get_header(ptr);
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
let new = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
header.0 as LPVOID,
(size + align) as SIZE_T) as *mut u8;
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
if new.is_null() {
return new;
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
align_ptr(new, align)
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
pub unsafe fn reallocate_inplace(ptr: *mut u8,
old_size: usize,
size: usize,
align: usize)
-> usize {
if align <= MIN_ALIGN {
2015-10-11 23:35:08 -07:00
let new = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),
ptr as LPVOID,
size as SIZE_T) as *mut u8;
if new.is_null() {
} else {
} else {
pub unsafe fn deallocate(ptr: *mut u8, _old_size: usize, align: usize) {
if align <= MIN_ALIGN {
let err = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr as LPVOID);
debug_assert!(err != 0);
} else {
let header = get_header(ptr);
let err = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, header.0 as LPVOID);
debug_assert!(err != 0);
pub fn usable_size(size: usize, _align: usize) -> usize {