2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
use rustc ::ty ::{ self , Ty } ;
use rustc ::hir ::def_id ::{ DefId , CRATE_DEF_INDEX } ;
use rustc ::mir ;
use syntax ::attr ;
use syntax ::abi ::Abi ;
use syntax ::codemap ::Span ;
use std ::mem ;
use rustc_miri ::interpret ::* ;
use super ::{
TlsKey ,
EvalContext ,
} ;
2017-07-31 13:30:44 +02:00
use tls ::MemoryExt ;
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
use super ::memory ::Kind ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
pub trait EvalContextExt < ' tcx > {
fn call_c_abi (
& mut self ,
def_id : DefId ,
arg_operands : & [ mir ::Operand < ' tcx > ] ,
dest : Lvalue < ' tcx > ,
dest_ty : Ty < ' tcx > ,
dest_block : mir ::BasicBlock ,
) -> EvalResult < ' tcx > ;
fn resolve_path ( & self , path : & [ & str ] ) -> EvalResult < ' tcx , ty ::Instance < ' tcx > > ;
fn call_missing_fn (
& mut self ,
instance : ty ::Instance < ' tcx > ,
destination : Option < ( Lvalue < ' tcx > , mir ::BasicBlock ) > ,
arg_operands : & [ mir ::Operand < ' tcx > ] ,
sig : ty ::FnSig < ' tcx > ,
path : String ,
) -> EvalResult < ' tcx > ;
fn eval_fn_call (
& mut self ,
instance : ty ::Instance < ' tcx > ,
destination : Option < ( Lvalue < ' tcx > , mir ::BasicBlock ) > ,
arg_operands : & [ mir ::Operand < ' tcx > ] ,
span : Span ,
sig : ty ::FnSig < ' tcx > ,
) -> EvalResult < ' tcx , bool > ;
impl < ' a , ' tcx > EvalContextExt < ' tcx > for EvalContext < ' a , ' tcx , super ::Evaluator > {
fn eval_fn_call (
& mut self ,
instance : ty ::Instance < ' tcx > ,
destination : Option < ( Lvalue < ' tcx > , mir ::BasicBlock ) > ,
arg_operands : & [ mir ::Operand < ' tcx > ] ,
span : Span ,
sig : ty ::FnSig < ' tcx > ,
) -> EvalResult < ' tcx , bool > {
trace! ( " eval_fn_call: {:#?}, {:#?} " , instance , destination ) ;
let mir = match self . load_mir ( instance . def ) {
Ok ( mir ) = > mir ,
Err ( EvalError ::NoMirFor ( path ) ) = > {
self . call_missing_fn ( instance , destination , arg_operands , sig , path ) ? ;
return Ok ( true ) ;
} ,
Err ( other ) = > return Err ( other ) ,
} ;
let ( return_lvalue , return_to_block ) = match destination {
Some ( ( lvalue , block ) ) = > ( lvalue , StackPopCleanup ::Goto ( block ) ) ,
None = > ( Lvalue ::undef ( ) , StackPopCleanup ::None ) ,
} ;
self . push_stack_frame (
instance ,
span ,
mir ,
return_lvalue ,
return_to_block ,
) ? ;
Ok ( false )
fn call_c_abi (
& mut self ,
def_id : DefId ,
arg_operands : & [ mir ::Operand < ' tcx > ] ,
dest : Lvalue < ' tcx > ,
dest_ty : Ty < ' tcx > ,
dest_block : mir ::BasicBlock ,
) -> EvalResult < ' tcx > {
let name = self . tcx . item_name ( def_id ) ;
let attrs = self . tcx . get_attrs ( def_id ) ;
let link_name = attr ::first_attr_value_str_by_name ( & attrs , " link_name " )
. unwrap_or ( name )
. as_str ( ) ;
let args_res : EvalResult < Vec < Value > > = arg_operands . iter ( )
. map ( | arg | self . eval_operand ( arg ) )
. collect ( ) ;
let args = args_res ? ;
let usize = self . tcx . types . usize ;
match & link_name [ .. ] {
" malloc " = > {
let size = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if size = = 0 {
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
} else {
let align = self . memory . pointer_size ( ) ;
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
let ptr = self . memory . allocate ( size , align , Kind ::C . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Ptr ( ptr ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" free " = > {
let ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
if ! ptr . is_null ( ) ? {
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
self . memory . deallocate ( ptr . to_ptr ( ) ? , None , Kind ::C . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
" syscall " = > {
match self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? {
511 = > return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( " miri does not support random number generators " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ,
id = > return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( format! ( " miri does not support syscall id {} " , id ) ) ) ,
" dlsym " = > {
let _handle = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let symbol = args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let symbol_name = self . memory . read_c_str ( symbol ) ? ;
let err = format! ( " bad c unicode symbol: {:?} " , symbol_name ) ;
let symbol_name = ::std ::str ::from_utf8 ( symbol_name ) . unwrap_or ( & err ) ;
return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( format! ( " miri does not support dynamically loading libraries (requested symbol: {} ) " , symbol_name ) ) ) ;
" __rust_maybe_catch_panic " = > {
// fn __rust_maybe_catch_panic(f: fn(*mut u8), data: *mut u8, data_ptr: *mut usize, vtable_ptr: *mut usize) -> u32
// We abort on panic, so not much is going on here, but we still have to call the closure
let u8_ptr_ty = self . tcx . mk_mut_ptr ( self . tcx . types . u8 ) ;
let f = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let data = args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let f_instance = self . memory . get_fn ( f ) ? ;
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
// Now we make a function call. TODO: Consider making this re-usable? EvalContext::step does sth. similar for the TLS dtors,
// and of course eval_main.
let mir = self . load_mir ( f_instance . def ) ? ;
self . push_stack_frame (
f_instance ,
mir . span ,
mir ,
Lvalue ::undef ( ) ,
StackPopCleanup ::Goto ( dest_block ) ,
) ? ;
let arg_local = self . frame ( ) . mir . args_iter ( ) . next ( ) . ok_or ( EvalError ::AbiViolation ( " Argument to __rust_maybe_catch_panic does not take enough arguments. " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ? ;
let arg_dest = self . eval_lvalue ( & mir ::Lvalue ::Local ( arg_local ) ) ? ;
self . write_ptr ( arg_dest , data , u8_ptr_ty ) ? ;
// We ourselves return 0
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
// Don't fall through
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
" __rust_start_panic " = > {
return Err ( EvalError ::Panic ) ;
" memcmp " = > {
let left = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let right = args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let n = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 2 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let result = {
let left_bytes = self . memory . read_bytes ( left , n ) ? ;
let right_bytes = self . memory . read_bytes ( right , n ) ? ;
use std ::cmp ::Ordering ::* ;
match left_bytes . cmp ( right_bytes ) {
Less = > - 1 i8 ,
Equal = > 0 ,
Greater = > 1 ,
} ;
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Bytes ( result as u128 ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" memrchr " = > {
let ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let val = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 1 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? as u8 ;
let num = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 2 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if let Some ( idx ) = self . memory . read_bytes ( ptr , num ) ? . iter ( ) . rev ( ) . position ( | & c | c = = val ) {
let new_ptr = ptr . offset ( num - idx as u64 - 1 , & self ) ? ;
self . write_ptr ( dest , new_ptr , dest_ty ) ? ;
} else {
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
" memchr " = > {
let ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let val = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 1 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? as u8 ;
let num = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 2 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if let Some ( idx ) = self . memory . read_bytes ( ptr , num ) ? . iter ( ) . position ( | & c | c = = val ) {
let new_ptr = ptr . offset ( idx as u64 , & self ) ? ;
self . write_ptr ( dest , new_ptr , dest_ty ) ? ;
} else {
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
" getenv " = > {
let result = {
let name_ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let name = self . memory . read_c_str ( name_ptr ) ? ;
match self . machine_data . env_vars . get ( name ) {
Some ( & var ) = > PrimVal ::Ptr ( var ) ,
None = > PrimVal ::Bytes ( 0 ) ,
} ;
self . write_primval ( dest , result , dest_ty ) ? ;
" unsetenv " = > {
let mut success = None ;
let name_ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
if ! name_ptr . is_null ( ) ? {
let name = self . memory . read_c_str ( name_ptr . to_ptr ( ) ? ) ? ;
if ! name . is_empty ( ) & & ! name . contains ( & b '=' ) {
success = Some ( self . machine_data . env_vars . remove ( name ) ) ;
if let Some ( old ) = success {
if let Some ( var ) = old {
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
self . memory . deallocate ( var , None , Kind ::Env . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
} else {
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::from_i128 ( - 1 ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" setenv " = > {
let mut new = None ;
let name_ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let value_ptr = args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let value = self . memory . read_c_str ( value_ptr ) ? ;
if ! name_ptr . is_null ( ) ? {
let name = self . memory . read_c_str ( name_ptr . to_ptr ( ) ? ) ? ;
if ! name . is_empty ( ) & & ! name . contains ( & b '=' ) {
new = Some ( ( name . to_owned ( ) , value . to_owned ( ) ) ) ;
if let Some ( ( name , value ) ) = new {
// +1 for the null terminator
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
let value_copy = self . memory . allocate ( ( value . len ( ) + 1 ) as u64 , 1 , Kind ::Env . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . memory . write_bytes ( value_copy . into ( ) , & value ) ? ;
let trailing_zero_ptr = value_copy . offset ( value . len ( ) as u64 , & self ) ? . into ( ) ;
self . memory . write_bytes ( trailing_zero_ptr , & [ 0 ] ) ? ;
if let Some ( var ) = self . machine_data . env_vars . insert ( name . to_owned ( ) , value_copy ) {
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
self . memory . deallocate ( var , None , Kind ::Env . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
} else {
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::from_i128 ( - 1 ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" write " = > {
let fd = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let buf = args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
let n = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 2 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
trace! ( " Called write({:?}, {:?}, {:?}) " , fd , buf , n ) ;
let result = if fd = = 1 | | fd = = 2 { // stdout/stderr
use std ::io ::{ self , Write } ;
let buf_cont = self . memory . read_bytes ( buf , n ) ? ;
let res = if fd = = 1 { io ::stdout ( ) . write ( buf_cont ) } else { io ::stderr ( ) . write ( buf_cont ) } ;
match res { Ok ( n ) = > n as isize , Err ( _ ) = > - 1 }
} else {
info! ( " Ignored output to FD {} " , fd ) ;
n as isize // pretend it all went well
} ; // now result is the value we return back to the program
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Bytes ( result as u128 ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" strlen " = > {
let ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let n = self . memory . read_c_str ( ptr ) ? . len ( ) ;
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Bytes ( n as u128 ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
// Some things needed for sys::thread initialization to go through
" signal " | " sigaction " | " sigaltstack " = > {
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Bytes ( 0 ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" sysconf " = > {
let name = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
trace! ( " sysconf() called with name {} " , name ) ;
// cache the sysconf integers via miri's global cache
let paths = & [
( & [ " libc " , " _SC_PAGESIZE " ] , PrimVal ::Bytes ( 4096 ) ) ,
( & [ " libc " , " _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX " ] , PrimVal ::from_i128 ( - 1 ) ) ,
] ;
let mut result = None ;
for & ( path , path_value ) in paths {
if let Ok ( instance ) = self . resolve_path ( path ) {
let cid = GlobalId { instance , promoted : None } ;
// compute global if not cached
let val = match self . globals . get ( & cid ) . map ( | glob | glob . value ) {
Some ( value ) = > self . value_to_primval ( value , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ,
None = > eval_body_as_primval ( self . tcx , instance ) ? . 0. to_u64 ( ) ? ,
} ;
if val = = name {
result = Some ( path_value ) ;
break ;
if let Some ( result ) = result {
self . write_primval ( dest , result , dest_ty ) ? ;
} else {
return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( format! ( " Unimplemented sysconf name: {} " , name ) ) ) ;
// Hook pthread calls that go to the thread-local storage memory subsystem
" pthread_key_create " = > {
let key_ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
// Extract the function type out of the signature (that seems easier than constructing it ourselves...)
let dtor = match args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . into_inner_primval ( ) {
PrimVal ::Ptr ( dtor_ptr ) = > Some ( self . memory . get_fn ( dtor_ptr ) ? ) ,
PrimVal ::Bytes ( 0 ) = > None ,
PrimVal ::Bytes ( _ ) = > return Err ( EvalError ::ReadBytesAsPointer ) ,
PrimVal ::Undef = > return Err ( EvalError ::ReadUndefBytes ) ,
} ;
// Figure out how large a pthread TLS key actually is. This is libc::pthread_key_t.
let key_type = self . operand_ty ( & arg_operands [ 0 ] ) . builtin_deref ( true , ty ::LvaluePreference ::NoPreference )
. ok_or ( EvalError ::AbiViolation ( " Wrong signature used for pthread_key_create: First argument must be a raw pointer. " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ? . ty ;
let key_size = {
let layout = self . type_layout ( key_type ) ? ;
layout . size ( & self . tcx . data_layout )
} ;
// Create key and write it into the memory where key_ptr wants it
let key = self . memory . create_tls_key ( dtor ) as u128 ;
if key_size . bits ( ) < 128 & & key > = ( 1 u128 < < key_size . bits ( ) as u128 ) {
return Err ( EvalError ::OutOfTls ) ;
// TODO: Does this need checking for alignment?
self . memory . write_uint ( key_ptr . to_ptr ( ) ? , key , key_size . bytes ( ) ) ? ;
// Return success (0)
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
" pthread_key_delete " = > {
// The conversion into TlsKey here is a little fishy, but should work as long as usize >= libc::pthread_key_t
let key = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? as TlsKey ;
self . memory . delete_tls_key ( key ) ? ;
// Return success (0)
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
" pthread_getspecific " = > {
// The conversion into TlsKey here is a little fishy, but should work as long as usize >= libc::pthread_key_t
let key = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? as TlsKey ;
let ptr = self . memory . load_tls ( key ) ? ;
self . write_ptr ( dest , ptr , dest_ty ) ? ;
" pthread_setspecific " = > {
// The conversion into TlsKey here is a little fishy, but should work as long as usize >= libc::pthread_key_t
let key = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? as TlsKey ;
let new_ptr = args [ 1 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? ;
self . memory . store_tls ( key , new_ptr ) ? ;
// Return success (0)
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
// Stub out all the other pthread calls to just return 0
link_name if link_name . starts_with ( " pthread_ " ) = > {
warn! ( " ignoring C ABI call: {} " , link_name ) ;
self . write_null ( dest , dest_ty ) ? ;
} ,
_ = > {
return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( format! ( " can't call C ABI function: {} " , link_name ) ) ) ;
// Since we pushed no stack frame, the main loop will act
// as if the call just completed and it's returning to the
// current frame.
self . dump_local ( dest ) ;
self . goto_block ( dest_block ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Get an instance for a path.
fn resolve_path ( & self , path : & [ & str ] ) -> EvalResult < ' tcx , ty ::Instance < ' tcx > > {
let cstore = & self . tcx . sess . cstore ;
let crates = cstore . crates ( ) ;
crates . iter ( )
. find ( | & & krate | cstore . crate_name ( krate ) = = path [ 0 ] )
. and_then ( | krate | {
let krate = DefId {
krate : * krate ,
} ;
let mut items = cstore . item_children ( krate , self . tcx . sess ) ;
let mut path_it = path . iter ( ) . skip ( 1 ) . peekable ( ) ;
while let Some ( segment ) = path_it . next ( ) {
for item in & mem ::replace ( & mut items , vec! [ ] ) {
if item . ident . name = = * segment {
if path_it . peek ( ) . is_none ( ) {
return Some ( ty ::Instance ::mono ( self . tcx , item . def . def_id ( ) ) ) ;
items = cstore . item_children ( item . def . def_id ( ) , self . tcx . sess ) ;
break ;
} )
. ok_or_else ( | | {
let path = path . iter ( )
. map ( | & s | s . to_owned ( ) )
. collect ( ) ;
EvalError ::PathNotFound ( path )
} )
fn call_missing_fn (
& mut self ,
instance : ty ::Instance < ' tcx > ,
destination : Option < ( Lvalue < ' tcx > , mir ::BasicBlock ) > ,
arg_operands : & [ mir ::Operand < ' tcx > ] ,
sig : ty ::FnSig < ' tcx > ,
path : String ,
) -> EvalResult < ' tcx > {
// In some cases in non-MIR libstd-mode, not having a destination is legit. Handle these early.
match & path [ .. ] {
" std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook " |
" std::rt::begin_panic_fmt " = > return Err ( EvalError ::Panic ) ,
_ = > { } ,
let dest_ty = sig . output ( ) ;
let ( dest , dest_block ) = destination . ok_or_else ( | | EvalError ::NoMirFor ( path . clone ( ) ) ) ? ;
if sig . abi = = Abi ::C {
// An external C function
// TODO: That functions actually has a similar preamble to what follows here. May make sense to
// unify these two mechanisms for "hooking into missing functions".
self . call_c_abi ( instance . def_id ( ) , arg_operands , dest , dest_ty , dest_block ) ? ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
let args_res : EvalResult < Vec < Value > > = arg_operands . iter ( )
. map ( | arg | self . eval_operand ( arg ) )
. collect ( ) ;
let args = args_res ? ;
let usize = self . tcx . types . usize ;
match & path [ .. ] {
// Allocators are magic. They have no MIR, even when the rest of libstd does.
" alloc::heap::::__rust_alloc " = > {
let size = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let align = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 1 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if size = = 0 {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocZeroBytes ) ;
if ! align . is_power_of_two ( ) {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment ( align ) ) ;
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
let ptr = self . memory . allocate ( size , align , Kind ::Rust . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Ptr ( ptr ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" alloc::heap::::__rust_alloc_zeroed " = > {
let size = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 0 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let align = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 1 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if size = = 0 {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocZeroBytes ) ;
if ! align . is_power_of_two ( ) {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment ( align ) ) ;
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
let ptr = self . memory . allocate ( size , align , Kind ::Rust . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . memory . write_repeat ( ptr . into ( ) , 0 , size ) ? ;
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Ptr ( ptr ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
" alloc::heap::::__rust_dealloc " = > {
let ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let old_size = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 1 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let align = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 2 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if old_size = = 0 {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocZeroBytes ) ;
if ! align . is_power_of_two ( ) {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment ( align ) ) ;
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
self . memory . deallocate ( ptr , Some ( ( old_size , align ) ) , Kind ::Rust . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
" alloc::heap::::__rust_realloc " = > {
let ptr = args [ 0 ] . into_ptr ( & mut self . memory ) ? . to_ptr ( ) ? ;
let old_size = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 1 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let old_align = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 2 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let new_size = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 3 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
let new_align = self . value_to_primval ( args [ 4 ] , usize ) ? . to_u64 ( ) ? ;
if old_size = = 0 | | new_size = = 0 {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocZeroBytes ) ;
if ! old_align . is_power_of_two ( ) {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment ( old_align ) ) ;
if ! new_align . is_power_of_two ( ) {
return Err ( EvalError ::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment ( new_align ) ) ;
2017-07-28 16:48:43 +02:00
let new_ptr = self . memory . reallocate ( ptr , old_size , old_align , new_size , new_align , Kind ::Rust . into ( ) ) ? ;
2017-07-28 09:52:19 +02:00
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::Ptr ( new_ptr ) , dest_ty ) ? ;
// A Rust function is missing, which means we are running with MIR missing for libstd (or other dependencies).
// Still, we can make many things mostly work by "emulating" or ignoring some functions.
" std::io::_print " = > {
trace! ( " Ignoring output. To run programs that print, make sure you have a libstd with full MIR. " ) ;
" std::thread::Builder::new " = > return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( " miri does not support threading " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ,
" std::env::args " = > return Err ( EvalError ::Unimplemented ( " miri does not support program arguments " . to_owned ( ) ) ) ,
" std::panicking::panicking " |
" std::rt::panicking " = > {
// we abort on panic -> `std::rt::panicking` always returns false
let bool = self . tcx . types . bool ;
self . write_primval ( dest , PrimVal ::from_bool ( false ) , bool ) ? ;
_ = > return Err ( EvalError ::NoMirFor ( path ) ) ,
// Since we pushed no stack frame, the main loop will act
// as if the call just completed and it's returning to the
// current frame.
self . dump_local ( dest ) ;
self . goto_block ( dest_block ) ;
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;