1234 lines
43 KiB
1234 lines
43 KiB
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::{env, fs};
use crate::sort::ffi_types::{F128, FFIOneKibiByte};
use crate::sort::{Sort, known_good_stable_sort, patterns};
const TEST_LENGTHS: &[usize] = &[2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 24, 33, 50, 100, 171, 300];
const TEST_LENGTHS: &[usize] = &[
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 30, 32, 33, 35, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1_000,
2_048, 5_000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_100_000,
fn check_is_sorted<T: Ord + Clone + Debug, S: Sort>(v: &mut [T]) {
let seed = patterns::get_or_init_rand_seed();
let is_small_test = v.len() <= 100;
let v_orig = v.to_vec();
<S as Sort>::sort(v);
assert_eq!(v.len(), v_orig.len());
for window in v.windows(2) {
if window[0] > window[1] {
let mut known_good_sorted_vec = v_orig.clone();
if is_small_test {
eprintln!("Orginal: {:?}", v_orig);
eprintln!("Expected: {:?}", known_good_sorted_vec);
eprintln!("Got: {:?}", v);
} else {
if env::var("WRITE_LARGE_FAILURE").is_ok() {
// Large arrays output them as files.
let original_name = format!("original_{}.txt", seed);
let std_name = format!("known_good_sorted_{}.txt", seed);
let testsort_name = format!("{}_sorted_{}.txt", S::name(), seed);
fs::write(&original_name, format!("{:?}", v_orig)).unwrap();
fs::write(&std_name, format!("{:?}", known_good_sorted_vec)).unwrap();
fs::write(&testsort_name, format!("{:?}", v)).unwrap();
"Failed comparison, see files {original_name}, {std_name}, and {testsort_name}"
} else {
"Failed comparison, re-run with WRITE_LARGE_FAILURE env var set, to get output."
panic!("Test assertion failed!")
fn test_is_sorted<T: Ord + Clone + Debug, S: Sort>(
test_len: usize,
map_fn: impl Fn(i32) -> T,
pattern_fn: impl Fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>,
) {
let mut test_data: Vec<T> = pattern_fn(test_len).into_iter().map(map_fn).collect();
check_is_sorted::<T, S>(test_data.as_mut_slice());
trait DynTrait: Debug {
fn get_val(&self) -> i32;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct DynValA {
value: i32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct DynValB {
value: u64,
impl DynTrait for DynValA {
fn get_val(&self) -> i32 {
impl DynTrait for DynValB {
fn get_val(&self) -> i32 {
let bytes = self.value.to_ne_bytes();
i32::from_ne_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[6], bytes[7]])
impl PartialOrd for dyn DynTrait {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for dyn DynTrait {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialEq for dyn DynTrait {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.get_val() == other.get_val()
impl Eq for dyn DynTrait {}
fn shift_i32_to_u32(val: i32) -> u32 {
(val as i64 + (i32::MAX as i64 + 1)) as u32
fn reverse_shift_i32_to_u32(val: u32) -> i32 {
(val as i64 - (i32::MAX as i64 + 1)) as i32
fn extend_i32_to_u64(val: i32) -> u64 {
// Extends the value into the 64 bit range,
// while preserving input order.
(shift_i32_to_u32(val) as u64) * i32::MAX as u64
fn extend_i32_to_u128(val: i32) -> u128 {
// Extends the value into the 64 bit range,
// while preserving input order.
(shift_i32_to_u32(val) as u128) * i64::MAX as u128
fn dyn_trait_from_i32(val: i32) -> Rc<dyn DynTrait> {
if val % 2 == 0 {
Rc::new(DynValA { value: val })
} else {
Rc::new(DynValB { value: extend_i32_to_u64(val) })
fn i32_from_i32(val: i32) -> i32 {
fn i32_from_i32_ref(val: &i32) -> i32 {
fn string_from_i32(val: i32) -> String {
format!("{:010}", shift_i32_to_u32(val))
fn i32_from_string(val: &String) -> i32 {
fn cell_i32_from_i32(val: i32) -> Cell<i32> {
fn i32_from_cell_i32(val: &Cell<i32>) -> i32 {
fn calc_comps_required<T, S: Sort>(v: &mut [T], mut cmp_fn: impl FnMut(&T, &T) -> Ordering) -> u32 {
let mut comp_counter = 0u32;
<S as Sort>::sort_by(v, |a, b| {
comp_counter += 1;
cmp_fn(a, b)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
struct CompCount {
val: i32,
comp_count: Cell<u32>,
impl CompCount {
fn new(val: i32) -> Self {
Self { val, comp_count: Cell::new(0) }
/// Generates $base_name_pattern_name_impl functions calling the test_fns for all test_len.
macro_rules! gen_sort_test_fns {
[$(($pattern_name:ident, $pattern_fn:expr)),* $(,)?] $(,)?
) => {
$(fn ${concat($base_name, _, $pattern_name, _impl)}<S: Sort>() {
for test_len in $test_lengths {
$test_fn(*test_len, $pattern_fn);
/// Generates $base_name_pattern_name_impl functions calling the test_fns for all test_len,
/// with a default set of patterns that can be extended by the caller.
macro_rules! gen_sort_test_fns_with_default_patterns {
[$(($pattern_name:ident, $pattern_fn:expr)),* $(,)?] $(,)?
) => {
(random, patterns::random),
(random_z1, |len| patterns::random_zipf(len, 1.0)),
(random_d2, |len| patterns::random_uniform(len, 0..2)),
(random_d20, |len| patterns::random_uniform(len, 0..16)),
(random_s95, |len| patterns::random_sorted(len, 95.0)),
(ascending, patterns::ascending),
(descending, patterns::descending),
(saw_mixed, |len| patterns::saw_mixed(
((len as f64).log2().round()) as usize
$(($pattern_name, $pattern_fn),)*
/// Generates $base_name_type_pattern_name_impl functions calling the test_fns for all test_len for
/// three types that cover the core specialization differences in the sort implementations, with a
/// default set of patterns that can be extended by the caller.
macro_rules! gen_sort_test_fns_with_default_patterns_3_ty {
[$(($pattern_name:ident, $pattern_fn:expr)),* $(,)?] $(,)?
) => {
${concat($base_name, _i32)},
|len, pattern_fn| $test_fn::<i32, S>(len, i32_from_i32, i32_from_i32_ref, pattern_fn),
[$(($pattern_name, $pattern_fn),)*],
${concat($base_name, _cell_i32)},
|len, pattern_fn| $test_fn::<Cell<i32>, S>(len, cell_i32_from_i32, i32_from_cell_i32, pattern_fn),
[$(($pattern_name, $pattern_fn),)*],
${concat($base_name, _string)},
|len, pattern_fn| $test_fn::<String, S>(len, string_from_i32, i32_from_string, pattern_fn),
[$(($pattern_name, $pattern_fn),)*],
// --- TESTS ---
pub fn basic_impl<S: Sort>() {
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut []);
check_is_sorted::<(), S>(&mut []);
check_is_sorted::<(), S>(&mut [()]);
check_is_sorted::<(), S>(&mut [(), ()]);
check_is_sorted::<(), S>(&mut [(), (), ()]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut []);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [77]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [2, 3]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [2, 3, 6]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [2, 3, 99, 6]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [2, 7709, 400, 90932]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [15, -1, 3, -1, -3, -1, 7]);
fn fixed_seed_impl<S: Sort>() {
let fixed_seed_a = patterns::get_or_init_rand_seed();
let fixed_seed_b = patterns::get_or_init_rand_seed();
assert_eq!(fixed_seed_a, fixed_seed_b);
fn fixed_seed_rand_vec_prefix_impl<S: Sort>() {
let vec_rand_len_5 = patterns::random(5);
let vec_rand_len_7 = patterns::random(7);
assert_eq!(vec_rand_len_5, vec_rand_len_7[..5]);
fn int_edge_impl<S: Sort>() {
// Ensure that the sort can handle integer edge cases.
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MIN, i32::MAX]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MAX, i32::MIN]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MIN, 3]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MIN, -3]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MIN, -3, i32::MAX]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MIN, -3, i32::MAX, i32::MIN, 5]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut [i32::MAX, 3, i32::MIN, 5, i32::MIN, -3, 60, 200, 50, 7, 10]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [u64::MIN, u64::MAX]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [u64::MAX, u64::MIN]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [u64::MIN, 3]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [u64::MIN, u64::MAX - 3]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [u64::MIN, u64::MAX - 3, u64::MAX]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [u64::MIN, u64::MAX - 3, u64::MAX, u64::MIN, 5]);
check_is_sorted::<u64, S>(&mut [
u64::MAX - 3,
let mut large = patterns::random(TEST_LENGTHS[TEST_LENGTHS.len() - 2]);
check_is_sorted::<i32, S>(&mut large);
fn sort_vs_sort_by_impl<S: Sort>() {
// Ensure that sort and sort_by produce the same result.
let mut input_normal = [800, 3, -801, 5, -801, -3, 60, 200, 50, 7, 10];
let expected = [-801, -801, -3, 3, 5, 7, 10, 50, 60, 200, 800];
let mut input_sort_by = input_normal.to_vec();
<S as Sort>::sort(&mut input_normal);
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut input_sort_by, |a, b| a.cmp(b));
assert_eq!(input_normal, expected);
assert_eq!(input_sort_by, expected);
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<i32, S>(len, |val| val, pattern_fn),
(random_d4, |len| patterns::random_uniform(len, 0..4)),
(random_d8, |len| patterns::random_uniform(len, 0..8)),
(random_d311, |len| patterns::random_uniform(len, 0..311)),
(random_d1024, |len| patterns::random_uniform(len, 0..1024)),
(random_z1_03, |len| patterns::random_zipf(len, 1.03)),
(random_z2, |len| patterns::random_zipf(len, 2.0)),
(random_s50, |len| patterns::random_sorted(len, 50.0)),
(narrow, |len| patterns::random_uniform(
0..=(((len as f64).log2().round()) as i32) * 100
(all_equal, patterns::all_equal),
(saw_mixed_range, |len| patterns::saw_mixed_range(len, 20..50)),
(pipe_organ, patterns::pipe_organ),
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<u64, S>(len, extend_i32_to_u64, pattern_fn),
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<u128, S>(len, extend_i32_to_u128, pattern_fn),
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<Cell<i32>, S>(len, Cell::new, pattern_fn),
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<String, S>(
|val| format!("{:010}", shift_i32_to_u32(val)),
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<F128, S>(len, F128::new, pattern_fn),
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<FFIOneKibiByte, S>(len, FFIOneKibiByte::new, pattern_fn),
// Dyn values are fat pointers, something the implementation might have overlooked.
|len, pattern_fn| test_is_sorted::<Rc<dyn DynTrait>, S>(len, dyn_trait_from_i32, pattern_fn),
fn stability_legacy_impl<S: Sort>() {
// This non pattern variant has proven to catch some bugs the pattern version of this function
// doesn't catch, so it remains in conjunction with the other one.
if <S as Sort>::name().contains("unstable") {
// It would be great to mark the test as skipped, but that isn't possible as of now.
let large_range = if cfg!(miri) { 100..110 } else { 3000..3010 };
let rounds = if cfg!(miri) { 1 } else { 10 };
let rand_vals = patterns::random_uniform(5_000, 0..=9);
let mut rand_idx = 0;
for len in (2..55).chain(large_range) {
for _ in 0..rounds {
let mut counts = [0; 10];
// create a vector like [(6, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2), ...],
// where the first item of each tuple is random, but
// the second item represents which occurrence of that
// number this element is, i.e., the second elements
// will occur in sorted order.
let orig: Vec<_> = (0..len)
.map(|_| {
let n = rand_vals[rand_idx];
rand_idx += 1;
if rand_idx >= rand_vals.len() {
rand_idx = 0;
counts[n as usize] += 1;
i32_tup_as_u64((n, counts[n as usize]))
let mut v = orig.clone();
// Only sort on the first element, so an unstable sort
// may mix up the counts.
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut v, |a_packed, b_packed| {
let a = i32_tup_from_u64(*a_packed).0;
let b = i32_tup_from_u64(*b_packed).0;
// This comparison includes the count (the second item
// of the tuple), so elements with equal first items
// will need to be ordered with increasing
// counts... i.e., exactly asserting that this sort is
// stable.
assert!(v.windows(2).all(|w| i32_tup_from_u64(w[0]) <= i32_tup_from_u64(w[1])));
// For cpp_sorts that only support u64 we can pack the two i32 inside a u64.
fn i32_tup_as_u64(val: (i32, i32)) -> u64 {
let a_bytes = val.0.to_le_bytes();
let b_bytes = val.1.to_le_bytes();
u64::from_le_bytes([a_bytes, b_bytes].concat().try_into().unwrap())
fn i32_tup_from_u64(val: u64) -> (i32, i32) {
let bytes = val.to_le_bytes();
let a = i32::from_le_bytes(bytes[0..4].try_into().unwrap());
let b = i32::from_le_bytes(bytes[4..8].try_into().unwrap());
(a, b)
fn stability_with_patterns<T: Ord + Clone, S: Sort>(
len: usize,
type_into_fn: impl Fn(i32) -> T,
_type_from_fn: impl Fn(&T) -> i32,
pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>,
) {
if <S as Sort>::name().contains("unstable") {
// It would be great to mark the test as skipped, but that isn't possible as of now.
let pattern = pattern_fn(len);
let mut counts = [0i32; 128];
// create a vector like [(6, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2), ...],
// where the first item of each tuple is random, but
// the second item represents which occurrence of that
// number this element is, i.e., the second elements
// will occur in sorted order.
let orig: Vec<_> = pattern
.map(|val| {
let n = val.saturating_abs() % counts.len() as i32;
counts[n as usize] += 1;
(type_into_fn(n), counts[n as usize])
let mut v = orig.clone();
// Only sort on the first element, so an unstable sort
// may mix up the counts.
<S as Sort>::sort(&mut v);
// This comparison includes the count (the second item
// of the tuple), so elements with equal first items
// will need to be ordered with increasing
// counts... i.e., exactly asserting that this sort is
// stable.
assert!(v.windows(2).all(|w| w[0] <= w[1]));
gen_sort_test_fns_with_default_patterns_3_ty!(stability, stability_with_patterns, []);
fn observable_is_less<S: Sort>(len: usize, pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>) {
// This test, tests that every is_less is actually observable. Ie. this can go wrong if a hole
// is created using temporary memory and, the whole is used as comparison but not copied back.
// If this is not upheld a custom type + comparison function could yield UB in otherwise safe
// code. Eg T == Mutex<Option<Box<str>>> which replaces the pointer with none in the comparison
// function, which would not be observed in the original slice and would lead to a double free.
let pattern = pattern_fn(len);
let mut test_input = pattern.into_iter().map(|val| CompCount::new(val)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut comp_count_global = 0;
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_input, |a, b| {
a.comp_count.replace(a.comp_count.get() + 1);
b.comp_count.replace(b.comp_count.get() + 1);
comp_count_global += 1;
let total_inner: u64 = test_input.iter().map(|c| c.comp_count.get() as u64).sum();
assert_eq!(total_inner, comp_count_global * 2);
fn panic_retain_orig_set<T: Ord + Clone, S: Sort>(
len: usize,
type_into_fn: impl Fn(i32) -> T + Copy,
type_from_fn: impl Fn(&T) -> i32,
pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>,
) {
let mut test_data: Vec<T> = pattern_fn(len).into_iter().map(type_into_fn).collect();
let sum_before: i64 = test_data.iter().map(|x| type_from_fn(x) as i64).sum();
// Calculate a specific comparison that should panic.
// Ensure that it can be any of the possible comparisons and that it always panics.
let required_comps = calc_comps_required::<T, S>(&mut test_data.clone(), |a, b| a.cmp(b));
let panic_threshold = patterns::random_uniform(1, 1..=required_comps as i32)[0] as usize - 1;
let mut comp_counter = 0;
let res = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_data, |a, b| {
if comp_counter == panic_threshold {
// Make the panic dependent on the test len and some random factor. We want to
// make sure that panicking may also happen when comparing elements a second
// time.
comp_counter += 1;
// If the sum before and after don't match, it means the set of elements hasn't remained the
// same.
let sum_after: i64 = test_data.iter().map(|x| type_from_fn(x) as i64).sum();
assert_eq!(sum_before, sum_after);
gen_sort_test_fns_with_default_patterns_3_ty!(panic_retain_orig_set, panic_retain_orig_set, []);
fn panic_observable_is_less<S: Sort>(len: usize, pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>) {
// This test, tests that every is_less is actually observable. Ie. this can go wrong if a hole
// is created using temporary memory and, the whole is used as comparison but not copied back.
// This property must also hold if the user provided comparison panics.
// If this is not upheld a custom type + comparison function could yield UB in otherwise safe
// code. Eg T == Mutex<Option<Box<str>>> which replaces the pointer with none in the comparison
// function, which would not be observed in the original slice and would lead to a double free.
let mut test_input =
pattern_fn(len).into_iter().map(|val| CompCount::new(val)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let sum_before: i64 = test_input.iter().map(|x| x.val as i64).sum();
// Calculate a specific comparison that should panic.
// Ensure that it can be any of the possible comparisons and that it always panics.
let required_comps =
calc_comps_required::<CompCount, S>(&mut test_input.clone(), |a, b| a.val.cmp(&b.val));
let panic_threshold = patterns::random_uniform(1, 1..=required_comps as i32)[0] as u64 - 1;
let mut comp_count_global = 0;
let res = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_input, |a, b| {
if comp_count_global == panic_threshold {
// Make the panic dependent on the test len and some random factor. We want to
// make sure that panicking may also happen when comparing elements a second
// time.
a.comp_count.replace(a.comp_count.get() + 1);
b.comp_count.replace(b.comp_count.get() + 1);
comp_count_global += 1;
let total_inner: u64 = test_input.iter().map(|c| c.comp_count.get() as u64).sum();
assert_eq!(total_inner, comp_count_global * 2);
// If the sum before and after don't match, it means the set of elements hasn't remained the
// same.
let sum_after: i64 = test_input.iter().map(|x| x.val as i64).sum();
assert_eq!(sum_before, sum_after);
fn deterministic<T: Ord + Clone + Debug, S: Sort>(
len: usize,
type_into_fn: impl Fn(i32) -> T + Copy,
type_from_fn: impl Fn(&T) -> i32,
pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>,
) {
// A property similar to stability is deterministic output order. If the entire value is used as
// the comparison key a lack of determinism has no effect. But if only a part of the value is
// used as comparison key, a lack of determinism can manifest itself in the order of values
// considered equal by the comparison predicate.
// This test only tests that results are deterministic across runs, it does not test determinism
// on different platforms and with different toolchains.
let mut test_input =
pattern_fn(len).into_iter().map(|val| type_into_fn(val)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut test_input_clone = test_input.clone();
let comparison_fn = |a: &T, b: &T| {
let a_i32 = type_from_fn(a);
let b_i32 = type_from_fn(b);
let a_i32_key_space_reduced = a_i32 % 10_000;
let b_i32_key_space_reduced = b_i32 % 10_000;
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_input, comparison_fn);
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_input_clone, comparison_fn);
assert_eq!(test_input, test_input_clone);
gen_sort_test_fns_with_default_patterns_3_ty!(deterministic, deterministic, []);
fn self_cmp<T: Ord + Clone + Debug, S: Sort>(
len: usize,
type_into_fn: impl Fn(i32) -> T + Copy,
_type_from_fn: impl Fn(&T) -> i32,
pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>,
) {
// It's possible for comparisons to run into problems if the values of `a` and `b` passed into
// the comparison function are the same reference. So this tests that they never are.
let mut test_input =
pattern_fn(len).into_iter().map(|val| type_into_fn(val)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let comparison_fn = |a: &T, b: &T| {
assert_ne!(a as *const T as usize, b as *const T as usize);
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_input, comparison_fn);
// Check that the output is actually sorted and wasn't stopped by the assert.
for window in test_input.windows(2) {
assert!(window[0] <= window[1]);
gen_sort_test_fns_with_default_patterns_3_ty!(self_cmp, self_cmp, []);
fn violate_ord_retain_orig_set<T: Ord, S: Sort>(
len: usize,
type_into_fn: impl Fn(i32) -> T + Copy,
type_from_fn: impl Fn(&T) -> i32,
pattern_fn: fn(usize) -> Vec<i32>,
) {
// A user may implement Ord incorrectly for a type or violate it by calling sort_by with a
// comparison function that violates Ord with the orderings it returns. Even under such
// circumstances the input must retain its original set of elements.
// Ord implies a strict total order see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order.
// Generating random numbers with miri is quite expensive.
let random_orderings_len = if cfg!(miri) { 200 } else { 10_000 };
// Make sure we get a good distribution of random orderings, that are repeatable with the seed.
// Just using random_uniform with the same len and range will always yield the same value.
let random_orderings = patterns::random_uniform(random_orderings_len, 0..2);
let get_random_0_1_or_2 = |random_idx: &mut usize| {
let ridx = *random_idx;
*random_idx += 1;
if ridx + 1 == random_orderings.len() {
*random_idx = 0;
random_orderings[ridx] as usize
let mut random_idx_a = 0;
let mut random_idx_b = 0;
let mut random_idx_c = 0;
let mut last_element_a = -1;
let mut last_element_b = -1;
let mut rand_counter_b = 0;
let mut rand_counter_c = 0;
let mut streak_counter_a = 0;
let mut streak_counter_b = 0;
// Examples, a = 3, b = 5, c = 9.
// Correct Ord -> 10010 | is_less(a, b) is_less(a, a) is_less(b, a) is_less(a, c) is_less(c, a)
let mut invalid_ord_comp_functions: Vec<Box<dyn FnMut(&T, &T) -> Ordering>> = vec![
Box::new(|_a, _b| -> Ordering {
// random
// Eg. is_less(3, 5) == true, is_less(3, 5) == false
let idx = get_random_0_1_or_2(&mut random_idx_a);
[Ordering::Less, Ordering::Equal, Ordering::Greater][idx]
Box::new(|_a, _b| -> Ordering {
// everything is less -> 11111
Box::new(|_a, _b| -> Ordering {
// everything is equal -> 00000
Box::new(|_a, _b| -> Ordering {
// everything is greater -> 00000
// Eg. is_less(3, 5) == false, is_less(5, 3) == false, is_less(3, 3) == false
Box::new(|a, b| -> Ordering {
// equal means less else greater -> 01000
if a == b { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Greater }
Box::new(|a, b| -> Ordering {
// Transitive breaker. remember last element -> 10001
let lea = last_element_a;
let leb = last_element_b;
let a_as_i32 = type_from_fn(a);
let b_as_i32 = type_from_fn(b);
last_element_a = a_as_i32;
last_element_b = b_as_i32;
if a_as_i32 == lea && b_as_i32 != leb { b.cmp(a) } else { a.cmp(b) }
Box::new(|a, b| -> Ordering {
// Sampled random 1% of comparisons are reversed.
rand_counter_b += get_random_0_1_or_2(&mut random_idx_b);
if rand_counter_b >= 100 {
rand_counter_b = 0;
} else {
Box::new(|a, b| -> Ordering {
// Sampled random 33% of comparisons are reversed.
rand_counter_c += get_random_0_1_or_2(&mut random_idx_c);
if rand_counter_c >= 3 {
rand_counter_c = 0;
} else {
Box::new(|a, b| -> Ordering {
// STREAK_LEN comparisons yield a.cmp(b) then STREAK_LEN comparisons less. This can
// discover bugs that neither, random Ord, or just Less or Greater can find. Because it
// can push a pointer further than expected. Random Ord will average out how far a
// comparison based pointer travels. Just Less or Greater will be caught by pattern
// analysis and never enter interesting code.
const STREAK_LEN: usize = 50;
streak_counter_a += 1;
if streak_counter_a <= STREAK_LEN {
} else {
if streak_counter_a == STREAK_LEN * 2 {
streak_counter_a = 0;
Box::new(|a, b| -> Ordering {
// See above.
const STREAK_LEN: usize = 50;
streak_counter_b += 1;
if streak_counter_b <= STREAK_LEN {
} else {
if streak_counter_b == STREAK_LEN * 2 {
streak_counter_b = 0;
for comp_func in &mut invalid_ord_comp_functions {
let mut test_data: Vec<T> = pattern_fn(len).into_iter().map(type_into_fn).collect();
let sum_before: i64 = test_data.iter().map(|x| type_from_fn(x) as i64).sum();
// It's ok to panic on Ord violation or to complete.
// In both cases the original elements must still be present.
let _ = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
<S as Sort>::sort_by(&mut test_data, &mut *comp_func);
// If the sum before and after don't match, it means the set of elements hasn't remained the
// same.
let sum_after: i64 = test_data.iter().map(|x| type_from_fn(x) as i64).sum();
assert_eq!(sum_before, sum_after);
if cfg!(miri) {
// This test is prohibitively expensive in miri, so only run one of the comparison
// functions. This test is not expected to yield direct UB, but rather surface potential
// UB by showing that the sum is different now.
macro_rules! instantiate_sort_test_inner {
($sort_impl:ty, miri_yes, $test_fn_name:ident) => {
fn $test_fn_name() {
($sort_impl:ty, miri_no, $test_fn_name:ident) => {
#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
fn $test_fn_name() {
// Using this construct allows us to get warnings for unused test functions.
macro_rules! define_instantiate_sort_tests {
($([$miri_use:ident, $test_fn_name:ident]),*,) => {
$(pub fn $test_fn_name<S: Sort>() {
${concat($test_fn_name, _impl)}::<S>();
macro_rules! instantiate_sort_tests_gen {
($sort_impl:ty) => {
// Some tests are not tested with miri to avoid prohibitively long test times. This leaves coverage
// holes, but the way they are selected should make for relatively small holes. Many properties that
// can lead to UB are tested directly, for example that the original set of elements is retained
// even when a panic occurs or Ord is implemented incorrectly.
[miri_yes, basic],
[miri_yes, fixed_seed],
[miri_yes, fixed_seed_rand_vec_prefix],
[miri_yes, int_edge],
[miri_yes, sort_vs_sort_by],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_random],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_random_z1],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_random_d2],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_random_d20],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_random_s95],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_ascending],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_descending],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_d4],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_d8],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_d311],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_d1024],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_z1_03],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_z2],
[miri_no, correct_i32_random_s50],
[miri_no, correct_i32_narrow],
[miri_no, correct_i32_all_equal],
[miri_no, correct_i32_saw_mixed_range],
[miri_yes, correct_i32_pipe_organ],
[miri_no, correct_u64_random],
[miri_yes, correct_u64_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_u64_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_u64_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_u64_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_u64_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_u64_descending],
[miri_no, correct_u64_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_u128_random],
[miri_yes, correct_u128_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_u128_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_u128_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_u128_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_u128_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_u128_descending],
[miri_no, correct_u128_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_random],
[miri_yes, correct_cell_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_descending],
[miri_no, correct_cell_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_string_random],
[miri_yes, correct_string_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_string_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_string_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_string_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_string_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_string_descending],
[miri_no, correct_string_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_f128_random],
[miri_yes, correct_f128_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_f128_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_f128_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_f128_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_f128_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_f128_descending],
[miri_no, correct_f128_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_1k_random],
[miri_yes, correct_1k_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_1k_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_1k_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_1k_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_1k_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_1k_descending],
[miri_no, correct_1k_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_random],
[miri_yes, correct_dyn_val_random_z1],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_random_d2],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_random_d20],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_random_s95],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_ascending],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_descending],
[miri_no, correct_dyn_val_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, stability_legacy],
[miri_no, stability_i32_random],
[miri_yes, stability_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, stability_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, stability_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, stability_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, stability_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, stability_i32_descending],
[miri_no, stability_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_random],
[miri_yes, stability_cell_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_descending],
[miri_no, stability_cell_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, stability_string_random],
[miri_yes, stability_string_random_z1],
[miri_no, stability_string_random_d2],
[miri_no, stability_string_random_d20],
[miri_no, stability_string_random_s95],
[miri_no, stability_string_ascending],
[miri_no, stability_string_descending],
[miri_no, stability_string_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_random],
[miri_yes, observable_is_less_random_z1],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_random_d2],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_random_d20],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_random_s95],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_ascending],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_descending],
[miri_no, observable_is_less_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_random],
[miri_yes, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_descending],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random],
[miri_yes, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_descending],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_random],
[miri_yes, panic_retain_orig_set_string_random_z1],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_random_d2],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_random_d20],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_random_s95],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_ascending],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_descending],
[miri_no, panic_retain_orig_set_string_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_random],
[miri_yes, panic_observable_is_less_random_z1],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_random_d2],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_random_d20],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_random_s95],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_ascending],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_descending],
[miri_no, panic_observable_is_less_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_random],
[miri_yes, deterministic_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_descending],
[miri_no, deterministic_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_random],
[miri_yes, deterministic_cell_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_descending],
[miri_no, deterministic_cell_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_random],
[miri_yes, deterministic_string_random_z1],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_random_d2],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_random_d20],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_random_s95],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_ascending],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_descending],
[miri_no, deterministic_string_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_random],
[miri_yes, self_cmp_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_descending],
[miri_no, self_cmp_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_random],
[miri_yes, self_cmp_cell_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_descending],
[miri_no, self_cmp_cell_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_random],
[miri_yes, self_cmp_string_random_z1],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_random_d2],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_random_d20],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_random_s95],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_ascending],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_descending],
[miri_no, self_cmp_string_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_random],
[miri_yes, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_descending],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random],
[miri_yes, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_z1],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_d2],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_d20],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_random_s95],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_ascending],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_descending],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_cell_i32_saw_mixed],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_random],
[miri_yes, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_random_z1],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_random_d2],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_random_d20],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_random_s95],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_ascending],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_descending],
[miri_no, violate_ord_retain_orig_set_string_saw_mixed],
macro_rules! instantiate_sort_tests {
($sort_impl:ty) => {
mod unstable {
struct SortImpl {}
impl crate::sort::Sort for SortImpl {
fn name() -> String {
fn sort<T>(v: &mut [T])
T: Ord,
fn sort_by<T, F>(v: &mut [T], mut compare: F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> std::cmp::Ordering,
v.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| compare(a, b));
mod stable {
struct SortImpl {}
impl crate::sort::Sort for SortImpl {
fn name() -> String {
fn sort<T>(v: &mut [T])
T: Ord,
fn sort_by<T, F>(v: &mut [T], mut compare: F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> std::cmp::Ordering,
v.sort_by(|a, b| compare(a, b));