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// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Utilities for formatting and printing strings
use any;
use cast;
use cell::Cell;
use char::Char;
use container::Container;
use iter::{Iterator, range};
use kinds::Copy;
use option::{Option, Some, None};
use owned::Box;
use result;
use result::{Ok, Err};
use slice::{Vector, ImmutableVector};
use slice;
use str::StrSlice;
use str;
pub use self::num::radix;
pub use self::num::Radix;
pub use self::num::RadixFmt;
macro_rules! write(
($dst:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
let dst: &mut ::fmt::FormatWriter = $dst;
format_args!(|args| { ::std::fmt::write(dst, args) }, $($arg)*)
mod num;
mod float;
pub mod rt;
pub mod parse {
pub enum Alignment {
pub enum PluralKeyword {
pub enum Flag {
pub type Result = result::Result<(), FormatError>;
/// dox
pub enum FormatError {
/// dox
/// dox
pub trait FormatWriter {
/// dox
fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result;
/// A struct to represent both where to emit formatting strings to and how they
/// should be formatted. A mutable version of this is passed to all formatting
/// traits.
pub struct Formatter<'a> {
/// Flags for formatting (packed version of rt::Flag)
pub flags: uint,
/// Character used as 'fill' whenever there is alignment
pub fill: char,
/// Boolean indication of whether the output should be left-aligned
pub align: rt::Alignment,
/// Optionally specified integer width that the output should be
pub width: Option<uint>,
/// Optionally specified precision for numeric types
pub precision: Option<uint>,
/// dox
pub buf: &'a mut FormatWriter,
buf: &'a mut FormatWriter,
curarg: slice::Items<'a, Argument<'a>>,
args: &'a [Argument<'a>],
enum CurrentlyFormatting<'a> {
RawString(&'a str),
/// This struct represents the generic "argument" which is taken by the Xprintf
/// family of functions. It contains a function to format the given value. At
/// compile time it is ensured that the function and the value have the correct
/// types, and then this struct is used to canonicalize arguments to one type.
pub struct Argument<'a> {
formatter: extern "Rust" fn(&any::Void, &mut Formatter) -> Result,
value: &'a any::Void,
impl<'a> Arguments<'a> {
/// When using the format_args!() macro, this function is used to generate the
/// Arguments structure. The compiler inserts an `unsafe` block to call this,
/// which is valid because the compiler performs all necessary validation to
/// ensure that the resulting call to format/write would be safe.
#[doc(hidden)] #[inline]
pub unsafe fn new<'a>(fmt: &'static [rt::Piece<'static>],
args: &'a [Argument<'a>]) -> Arguments<'a> {
Arguments{ fmt: cast::transmute(fmt), args: args }
/// This structure represents a safely precompiled version of a format string
/// and its arguments. This cannot be generated at runtime because it cannot
/// safely be done so, so no constructors are given and the fields are private
/// to prevent modification.
/// The `format_args!` macro will safely create an instance of this structure
/// and pass it to a user-supplied function. The macro validates the format
/// string at compile-time so usage of the `write` and `format` functions can
/// be safely performed.
pub struct Arguments<'a> {
fmt: &'a [rt::Piece<'a>],
args: &'a [Argument<'a>],
impl<'a> Show for Arguments<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
write(fmt.buf, self)
/// When a format is not otherwise specified, types are formatted by ascribing
/// to this trait. There is not an explicit way of selecting this trait to be
/// used for formatting, it is only if no other format is specified.
pub trait Show {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `b` character
pub trait Bool {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `c` character
pub trait Char {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `i` and `d` characters
pub trait Signed {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `u` character
pub trait Unsigned {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `o` character
pub trait Octal {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `t` character
pub trait Binary {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `x` character
pub trait LowerHex {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `X` character
pub trait UpperHex {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `s` character
pub trait String {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `p` character
pub trait Pointer {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `f` character
pub trait Float {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `e` character
pub trait LowerExp {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
/// Format trait for the `E` character
pub trait UpperExp {
/// Formats the value using the given formatter.
fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;
// FIXME #11938 - UFCS would make us able call the above methods
// directly Show::show(x, fmt).
macro_rules! uniform_fn_call_workaround {
($( $name: ident, $trait_: ident; )*) => {
pub fn $name<T: $trait_>(x: &T, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
uniform_fn_call_workaround! {
secret_show, Show;
secret_bool, Bool;
secret_char, Char;
secret_signed, Signed;
secret_unsigned, Unsigned;
secret_octal, Octal;
secret_binary, Binary;
secret_lower_hex, LowerHex;
secret_upper_hex, UpperHex;
secret_string, String;
secret_pointer, Pointer;
secret_float, Float;
secret_lower_exp, LowerExp;
secret_upper_exp, UpperExp;
/// The `write` function takes an output stream, a precompiled format string,
/// and a list of arguments. The arguments will be formatted according to the
/// specified format string into the output stream provided.
/// # Arguments
/// * output - the buffer to write output to
/// * args - the precompiled arguments generated by `format_args!`
pub fn write(output: &mut FormatWriter, args: &Arguments) -> Result {
let mut formatter = Formatter {
flags: 0,
width: None,
precision: None,
buf: output,
align: rt::AlignUnknown,
fill: ' ',
args: args.args,
curarg: args.args.iter(),
for piece in args.fmt.iter() {
try!(formatter.run(piece, Nothing));
impl<'a> Formatter<'a> {
// First up is the collection of functions used to execute a format string
// at runtime. This consumes all of the compile-time statics generated by
// the format! syntax extension.
fn run(&mut self, piece: &rt::Piece, cur: CurrentlyFormatting) -> Result {
match *piece {
rt::String(s) => self.buf.write(s.as_bytes()),
rt::CurrentArgument(()) => {
match cur {
Nothing => Ok(()),
Number(n) => secret_show(&radix(n, 10), self),
RawString(s) => self.buf.write(s.as_bytes()),
rt::Argument(ref arg) => {
// Fill in the format parameters into the formatter
self.fill = arg.format.fill;
self.align = arg.format.align;
self.flags = arg.format.flags;
self.width = self.getcount(&arg.format.width);
self.precision = self.getcount(&arg.format.precision);
// Extract the correct argument
let value = match arg.position {
rt::ArgumentNext => { *self.curarg.next().unwrap() }
rt::ArgumentIs(i) => self.args[i],
// Then actually do some printing
match arg.method {
None => (value.formatter)(value.value, self),
Some(ref method) => self.execute(*method, value)
fn getcount(&mut self, cnt: &rt::Count) -> Option<uint> {
match *cnt {
rt::CountIs(n) => { Some(n) }
rt::CountImplied => { None }
rt::CountIsParam(i) => {
let v = self.args[i].value;
unsafe { Some(*(v as *any::Void as *uint)) }
rt::CountIsNextParam => {
let v = self.curarg.next().unwrap().value;
unsafe { Some(*(v as *any::Void as *uint)) }
fn execute(&mut self, method: &rt::Method, arg: Argument) -> Result {
match *method {
// Pluralization is selection upon a numeric value specified as the
// parameter.
rt::Plural(offset, ref selectors, ref default) => {
// This is validated at compile-time to be a pointer to a
// '&uint' value.
let value: &uint = unsafe { cast::transmute(arg.value) };
let value = *value;
// First, attempt to match against explicit values without the
// offsetted value
for s in selectors.iter() {
match s.selector {
rt::Literal(val) if value == val => {
return self.runplural(value, s.result);
_ => {}
// Next, offset the value and attempt to match against the
// keyword selectors.
let value = value - match offset { Some(i) => i, None => 0 };
for s in selectors.iter() {
let run = match s.selector {
rt::Keyword(rt::Zero) => value == 0,
rt::Keyword(rt::One) => value == 1,
rt::Keyword(rt::Two) => value == 2,
// FIXME: Few/Many should have a user-specified boundary
// One possible option would be in the function
// pointer of the 'arg: Argument' struct.
rt::Keyword(rt::Few) => value < 8,
rt::Keyword(rt::Many) => value >= 8,
rt::Literal(..) => false
if run {
return self.runplural(value, s.result);
self.runplural(value, *default)
// Select is just a matching against the string specified.
rt::Select(ref selectors, ref default) => {
// This is validated at compile-time to be a pointer to a
// string slice,
let value: & &str = unsafe { cast::transmute(arg.value) };
let value = *value;
for s in selectors.iter() {
if s.selector == value {
for piece in s.result.iter() {
try!(self.run(piece, RawString(value)));
return Ok(());
for piece in default.iter() {
try!(self.run(piece, RawString(value)));
fn runplural(&mut self, value: uint, pieces: &[rt::Piece]) -> Result {
for piece in pieces.iter() {
try!(self.run(piece, Number(value)));
// Helper methods used for padding and processing formatting arguments that
// all formatting traits can use.
/// Performs the correct padding for an integer which has already been
/// emitted into a byte-array. The byte-array should *not* contain the sign
/// for the integer, that will be added by this method.
/// # Arguments
/// * is_positive - whether the original integer was positive or not.
/// * prefix - if the '#' character (FlagAlternate) is provided, this
/// is the prefix to put in front of the number.
/// * buf - the byte array that the number has been formatted into
/// This function will correctly account for the flags provided as well as
/// the minimum width. It will not take precision into account.
pub fn pad_integral(&mut self, is_positive: bool, prefix: &str,
buf: &[u8]) -> Result {
use fmt::rt::{FlagAlternate, FlagSignPlus, FlagSignAwareZeroPad};
let mut width = buf.len();
let mut sign = None;
if !is_positive {
sign = Some('-'); width += 1;
} else if self.flags & (1 << (FlagSignPlus as uint)) != 0 {
sign = Some('+'); width += 1;
let mut prefixed = false;
if self.flags & (1 << (FlagAlternate as uint)) != 0 {
prefixed = true; width += prefix.len();
// Writes the sign if it exists, and then the prefix if it was requested
let write_prefix = |f: &mut Formatter| {
for c in sign.move_iter() {
let mut b = [0, ..4];
let n = c.encode_utf8(b);
if prefixed { f.buf.write(prefix.as_bytes()) }
else { Ok(()) }
// The `width` field is more of a `min-width` parameter at this point.
match self.width {
// If there's no minimum length requirements then we can just
// write the bytes.
None => {
try!(write_prefix(self)); self.buf.write(buf)
// Check if we're over the minimum width, if so then we can also
// just write the bytes.
Some(min) if width >= min => {
try!(write_prefix(self)); self.buf.write(buf)
// The sign and prefix goes before the padding if the fill character
// is zero
Some(min) if self.flags & (1 << (FlagSignAwareZeroPad as uint)) != 0 => {
self.fill = '0';
self.with_padding(min - width, rt::AlignRight, |f| f.buf.write(buf))
// Otherwise, the sign and prefix goes after the padding
Some(min) => {
self.with_padding(min - width, rt::AlignRight, |f| {
try!(write_prefix(f)); f.buf.write(buf)
/// This function takes a string slice and emits it to the internal buffer
/// after applying the relevant formatting flags specified. The flags
/// recognized for generic strings are:
/// * width - the minimum width of what to emit
/// * fill/align - what to emit and where to emit it if the string
/// provided needs to be padded
/// * precision - the maximum length to emit, the string is truncated if it
/// is longer than this length
/// Notably this function ignored the `flag` parameters
pub fn pad(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result {
// Make sure there's a fast path up front
if self.width.is_none() && self.precision.is_none() {
return self.buf.write(s.as_bytes());
// The `precision` field can be interpreted as a `max-width` for the
// string being formatted
match self.precision {
Some(max) => {
// If there's a maximum width and our string is longer than
// that, then we must always have truncation. This is the only
// case where the maximum length will matter.
let char_len = s.char_len();
if char_len >= max {
let nchars = ::cmp::min(max, char_len);
return self.buf.write(s.slice_chars(0, nchars).as_bytes());
None => {}
// The `width` field is more of a `min-width` parameter at this point.
match self.width {
// If we're under the maximum length, and there's no minimum length
// requirements, then we can just emit the string
None => self.buf.write(s.as_bytes()),
// If we're under the maximum width, check if we're over the minimum
// width, if so it's as easy as just emitting the string.
Some(width) if s.char_len() >= width => {
// If we're under both the maximum and the minimum width, then fill
// up the minimum width with the specified string + some alignment.
Some(width) => {
self.with_padding(width - s.len(), rt::AlignLeft, |me| {
/// Runs a callback, emitting the correct padding either before or
/// afterwards depending on whether right or left alingment is requested.
fn with_padding(&mut self,
padding: uint,
default: rt::Alignment,
f: |&mut Formatter| -> Result) -> Result {
let align = match self.align {
rt::AlignUnknown => default,
rt::AlignLeft | rt::AlignRight => self.align
if align == rt::AlignLeft {
let mut fill = [0u8, ..4];
let len = self.fill.encode_utf8(fill);
for _ in range(0, padding) {
if align == rt::AlignRight {
/// Writes some data to the underlying buffer contained within this
/// formatter.
pub fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result {
/// Writes some formatted information into this instance
pub fn write_fmt(&mut self, fmt: &Arguments) -> Result {
write(self.buf, fmt)
/// This is a function which calls are emitted to by the compiler itself to
/// create the Argument structures that are passed into the `format` function.
#[doc(hidden)] #[inline]
pub fn argument<'a, T>(f: extern "Rust" fn(&T, &mut Formatter) -> Result,
t: &'a T) -> Argument<'a> {
unsafe {
Argument {
formatter: cast::transmute(f),
value: cast::transmute(t)
/// When the compiler determines that the type of an argument *must* be a string
/// (such as for select), then it invokes this method.
#[doc(hidden)] #[inline]
pub fn argumentstr<'a>(s: &'a &str) -> Argument<'a> {
argument(secret_string, s)
/// When the compiler determines that the type of an argument *must* be a uint
/// (such as for plural), then it invokes this method.
#[doc(hidden)] #[inline]
pub fn argumentuint<'a>(s: &'a uint) -> Argument<'a> {
argument(secret_unsigned, s)
// Implementations of the core formatting traits
impl<T: Show> Show for @T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { secret_show(&**self, f) }
impl<T: Show> Show for Box<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { secret_show(&**self, f) }
impl<'a, T: Show> Show for &'a T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { secret_show(*self, f) }
impl Bool for bool {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
secret_string(&(if *self {"true"} else {"false"}), f)
impl<'a, T: str::Str> String for T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
impl Char for char {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
let mut utf8 = [0u8, ..4];
let amt = self.encode_utf8(utf8);
let s: &str = unsafe { cast::transmute(utf8.slice_to(amt)) };
secret_string(&s, f)
impl<T> Pointer for *T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
f.flags |= 1 << (rt::FlagAlternate as uint);
secret_lower_hex::<uint>(&(*self as uint), f)
impl<T> Pointer for *mut T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
secret_pointer::<*T>(&(*self as *T), f)
impl<'a, T> Pointer for &'a T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
secret_pointer::<*T>(&(&**self as *T), f)
impl<'a, T> Pointer for &'a mut T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
secret_pointer::<*T>(&(&**self as *T), f)
macro_rules! floating(($ty:ident) => {
impl Float for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
use num::Signed;
let digits = match fmt.precision {
Some(i) => float::DigExact(i),
None => float::DigMax(6),
|bytes| {
fmt.pad_integral(*self >= 0.0, "", bytes)
impl LowerExp for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
use num::Signed;
let digits = match fmt.precision {
Some(i) => float::DigExact(i),
None => float::DigMax(6),
|bytes| {
fmt.pad_integral(*self >= 0.0, "", bytes)
impl UpperExp for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
use num::Signed;
let digits = match fmt.precision {
Some(i) => float::DigExact(i),
None => float::DigMax(6),
|bytes| {
fmt.pad_integral(*self >= 0.0, "", bytes)
// Implementation of Show for various core types
macro_rules! delegate(($ty:ty to $other:ident) => {
impl<'a> Show for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
(concat_idents!(secret_, $other)(self, f))
delegate!(~str to string)
delegate!(&'a str to string)
delegate!(bool to bool)
delegate!(char to char)
delegate!(f32 to float)
delegate!(f64 to float)
impl<T> Show for *T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { secret_pointer(self, f) }
impl<T> Show for *mut T {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { secret_pointer(self, f) }
macro_rules! peel(($name:ident, $($other:ident,)*) => (tuple!($($other,)*)))
macro_rules! tuple (
() => ();
( $($name:ident,)+ ) => (
impl<$($name:Show),*> Show for ($($name,)*) {
#[allow(uppercase_variables, dead_assignment)]
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
try!(write!(f.buf, "("));
let ($(ref $name,)*) = *self;
let mut n = 0;
if n > 0 {
try!(write!(f.buf, ", "));
try!(write!(f.buf, "{}", *$name));
n += 1;
if n == 1 {
try!(write!(f.buf, ","));
write!(f.buf, ")")
tuple! { T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, }
impl Show for Box<any::Any> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { f.pad("Box<Any>") }
impl<'a> Show for &'a any::Any {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result { f.pad("&Any") }
impl<'a, T: Show> Show for &'a [T] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
if f.flags & (1 << (rt::FlagAlternate as uint)) == 0 {
try!(write!(f.buf, "["));
let mut is_first = true;
for x in self.iter() {
if is_first {
is_first = false;
} else {
try!(write!(f.buf, ", "));
try!(write!(f.buf, "{}", *x))
if f.flags & (1 << (rt::FlagAlternate as uint)) == 0 {
try!(write!(f.buf, "]"));
impl<'a, T: Show> Show for &'a mut [T] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
secret_show(&self.as_slice(), f)
impl<T: Show> Show for ~[T] {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
secret_show(&self.as_slice(), f)
impl Show for () {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
impl<T: Copy + Show> Show for Cell<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
write!(f.buf, r"Cell \{ value: {} \}", self.get())
// If you expected tests to be here, look instead at the run-pass/ifmt.rs test,
// it's a lot easier than creating all of the rt::Piece structures here.