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iface to_str { fn to_str() -> ~str; }
impl of to_str for int {
fn to_str() -> ~str { int::str(self) }
impl of to_str for i8 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { i8::str(self) }
impl of to_str for i16 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { i16::str(self) }
impl of to_str for i32 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { i32::str(self) }
impl of to_str for i64 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { i64::str(self) }
impl of to_str for uint {
fn to_str() -> ~str { uint::str(self) }
impl of to_str for u8 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { u8::str(self) }
impl of to_str for u16 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { u16::str(self) }
impl of to_str for u32 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { u32::str(self) }
impl of to_str for u64 {
fn to_str() -> ~str { u64::str(self) }
impl of to_str for float {
fn to_str() -> ~str { float::to_str(self, 4u) }
impl of to_str for bool {
fn to_str() -> ~str { bool::to_str(self) }
impl of to_str for () {
fn to_str() -> ~str { ~"()" }
impl of to_str for ~str {
fn to_str() -> ~str { self }
impl <A: to_str copy, B: to_str copy> of to_str for (A, B) {
fn to_str() -> ~str {
let (a, b) = self;
~"(" + a.to_str() + ~", " + b.to_str() + ~")"
impl <A: to_str copy, B: to_str copy, C: to_str copy> of to_str for (A, B, C){
fn to_str() -> ~str {
let (a, b, c) = self;
~"(" + a.to_str() + ~", " + b.to_str() + ~", " + c.to_str() + ~")"
impl <A: to_str> of to_str for ~[A] {
fn to_str() -> ~str {
let mut acc = ~"[", first = true;
2012-06-30 18:19:07 -05:00
for vec::each(self) |elt| {
if first { first = false; }
else { str::push_str(acc, ~", "); }
str::push_str(acc, elt.to_str());
str::push_char(acc, ']');
impl <A: to_str> of to_str for @A {
fn to_str() -> ~str { ~"@" + (*self).to_str() }
impl <A: to_str> of to_str for ~A {
fn to_str() -> ~str { ~"~" + (*self).to_str() }
mod tests {
fn test_simple_types() {
assert 1.to_str() == ~"1";
assert (-1).to_str() == ~"-1";
assert 200u.to_str() == ~"200";
assert 2u8.to_str() == ~"2";
assert true.to_str() == ~"true";
assert false.to_str() == ~"false";
assert ().to_str() == ~"()";
assert (~"hi").to_str() == ~"hi";
fn test_tuple_types() {
assert (1, 2).to_str() == ~"(1, 2)";
assert (~"a", ~"b", false).to_str() == ~"(a, b, false)";
assert ((), ((), 100)).to_str() == ~"((), ((), 100))";
fn test_vectors() {
let x: ~[int] = ~[];
assert x.to_str() == ~"~[]";
assert (~[1]).to_str() == ~"~[1]";
assert (~[1, 2, 3]).to_str() == ~"~[1, 2, 3]";
assert (~[~[], ~[1], ~[1, 1]]).to_str() ==
~"~[~[], ~[1], ~[1, 1]]";
fn test_pointer_types() {
assert (@1).to_str() == ~"@1";
assert (~(true, false)).to_str() == ~"~(true, false)";