2012-03-22 16:56:56 -05:00
import syntax::ast::*;
// FIXME this doesn't handle big integer/float literals correctly (nor does
// the rest of our literal handling)
enum const_val {
2012-06-04 19:26:17 -05:00
2012-03-22 16:56:56 -05:00
// FIXME: issue #1417
fn eval_const_expr(tcx: middle::ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> const_val {
import middle::ty;
fn fromb(b: bool) -> const_val { const_int(b as i64) }
alt check e.node {
expr_unary(neg, inner) {
alt check eval_const_expr(tcx, inner) {
const_float(f) { const_float(-f) }
const_int(i) { const_int(-i) }
const_uint(i) { const_uint(-i) }
expr_unary(not, inner) {
alt check eval_const_expr(tcx, inner) {
const_int(i) { const_int(!i) }
const_uint(i) { const_uint(!i) }
expr_binary(op, a, b) {
alt check (eval_const_expr(tcx, a), eval_const_expr(tcx, b)) {
(const_float(a), const_float(b)) {
alt check op {
add { const_float(a + b) } subtract { const_float(a - b) }
mul { const_float(a * b) } div { const_float(a / b) }
rem { const_float(a % b) } eq { fromb(a == b) }
lt { fromb(a < b) } le { fromb(a <= b) } ne { fromb(a != b) }
ge { fromb(a >= b) } gt { fromb(a > b) }
(const_int(a), const_int(b)) {
alt check op {
add { const_int(a + b) } subtract { const_int(a - b) }
mul { const_int(a * b) } div { const_int(a / b) }
rem { const_int(a % b) } and | bitand { const_int(a & b) }
or | bitor { const_int(a | b) } bitxor { const_int(a ^ b) }
2012-05-22 16:59:15 -05:00
shl { const_int(a << b) } shr { const_int(a >> b) }
2012-03-22 16:56:56 -05:00
eq { fromb(a == b) } lt { fromb(a < b) }
le { fromb(a <= b) } ne { fromb(a != b) }
ge { fromb(a >= b) } gt { fromb(a > b) }
(const_uint(a), const_uint(b)) {
alt check op {
add { const_uint(a + b) } subtract { const_uint(a - b) }
mul { const_uint(a * b) } div { const_uint(a / b) }
rem { const_uint(a % b) } and | bitand { const_uint(a & b) }
or | bitor { const_uint(a | b) } bitxor { const_uint(a ^ b) }
2012-05-22 16:59:15 -05:00
shl { const_uint(a << b) } shr { const_uint(a >> b) }
2012-03-22 16:56:56 -05:00
eq { fromb(a == b) } lt { fromb(a < b) }
le { fromb(a <= b) } ne { fromb(a != b) }
ge { fromb(a >= b) } gt { fromb(a > b) }
2012-05-30 17:03:24 -05:00
// shifts can have any integral type as their rhs
(const_int(a), const_uint(b)) {
alt check op {
shl { const_int(a << b) } shr { const_int(a >> b) }
(const_uint(a), const_int(b)) {
alt check op {
shl { const_uint(a << b) } shr { const_uint(a >> b) }
2012-03-22 16:56:56 -05:00
expr_cast(base, _) {
let ety = ty::expr_ty(tcx, e);
let base = eval_const_expr(tcx, base);
alt check ty::get(ety).struct {
ty::ty_float(_) {
alt check base {
const_uint(u) { const_float(u as f64) }
const_int(i) { const_float(i as f64) }
const_float(_) { base }
ty::ty_uint(_) {
alt check base {
const_uint(_) { base }
const_int(i) { const_uint(i as u64) }
const_float(f) { const_uint(f as u64) }
ty::ty_int(_) | ty::ty_bool {
alt check base {
const_uint(u) { const_int(u as i64) }
const_int(_) { base }
const_float(f) { const_int(f as i64) }
expr_lit(lit) { lit_to_const(lit) }
fn lit_to_const(lit: @lit) -> const_val {
alt lit.node {
lit_str(s) { const_str(s) }
lit_int(n, _) { const_int(n) }
lit_uint(n, _) { const_uint(n) }
2012-06-04 19:26:17 -05:00
lit_float(n, _) { const_float(option::get(float::from_str(n)) as f64) }
2012-03-22 16:56:56 -05:00
lit_nil { const_int(0i64) }
lit_bool(b) { const_int(b as i64) }
fn compare_const_vals(a: const_val, b: const_val) -> int {
alt (a, b) {
(const_int(a), const_int(b)) {
if a == b {
} else if a < b {
} else {
(const_uint(a), const_uint(b)) {
if a == b {
} else if a < b {
} else {
(const_float(a), const_float(b)) {
if a == b {
} else if a < b {
} else {
(const_str(a), const_str(b)) {
if a == b {
} else if a < b {
} else {
_ {
fail "compare_const_vals: ill-typed comparison";
fn compare_lit_exprs(tcx: middle::ty::ctxt, a: @expr, b: @expr) -> int {
compare_const_vals(eval_const_expr(tcx, a), eval_const_expr(tcx, b))
fn lit_expr_eq(tcx: middle::ty::ctxt, a: @expr, b: @expr) -> bool {
compare_lit_exprs(tcx, a, b) == 0
fn lit_eq(a: @lit, b: @lit) -> bool {
compare_const_vals(lit_to_const(a), lit_to_const(b)) == 0