-`single_match`: Warns when a match statement with a single nontrivial arm (i.e, where the other arm is `_ => {}`) is used, and recommends `if let` instead.
-`box_vec`: Warns on usage of `Box<Vec<T>>`
-`dlist`: Warns on usage of `DList`
-`str_to_string`: Warns on usage of `str::to_string()`
-`eq_op`: Warns on equal operands on both sides of a comparison or bitwise combination
-`bad_bit_mask`: Denies expressions of the form `_ & mask == select` that will only ever return `true` or `false` (because in the example `select` containing bits that `mask` doesn't have)
-`approx_constant`: Warns if the approximate of a known float constant (in `std::f64::consts` or `std::f32::consts`) is found and suggests to use the constant
More to come, please [file an issue](https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy/issues) if you have ideas!
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