
180 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import std::smallintmap;
import std::option;
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::visit;
2011-08-10 23:43:36 -05:00
import syntax::codemap;
import visit::vt;
tag ast_node {
type map = std::map::hashmap<node_id, ast_node>;
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
fn map_crate(c: &crate) -> map {
// FIXME: This is using an adapter to convert the smallintmap
// interface to the hashmap interface. It would be better to just
// convert everything to use the smallintmap.
let map = new_smallintmap_int_adapter::<ast_node>();
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
let v_map =
@{visit_item: bind map_item(map, _, _, _),
visit_native_item: bind map_native_item(map, _, _, _),
visit_expr: bind map_expr(map, _, _, _)
with *visit::default_visitor::<()>()};
visit::visit_crate(c, (), visit::mk_vt(v_map));
ret map;
fn map_item(map: &map, i: &@item, e: &(), v: &vt<()>) {
map.insert(, node_item(i));
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
alt i.node {
item_obj(_, _, ctor_id) { map.insert(ctor_id, node_obj_ctor(i)); }
_ { }
visit::visit_item(i, e, v);
fn map_native_item(map: &map, i: &@native_item, e: &(), v: &vt<()>) {
map.insert(, node_native_item(i));
visit::visit_native_item(i, e, v);
fn map_expr(map: &map, ex: &@expr, e: &(), v: &vt<()>) {
map.insert(, node_expr(ex));
visit::visit_expr(ex, e, v);
fn new_smallintmap_int_adapter<@V>() -> std::map::hashmap<int, V> {
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
let key_idx = fn (key: &int) -> uint { key as uint };
let idx_key = fn (idx: &uint) -> int { idx as int };
ret new_smallintmap_adapter(key_idx, idx_key);
// This creates an object with the hashmap interface backed
// by the smallintmap type, because I don't want to go through
// the entire codebase adapting all the callsites to the different
// interface.
// FIXME: hashmap and smallintmap should support the same interface.
fn new_smallintmap_adapter<@K,
@V>(key_idx: fn(&K) -> uint,
idx_key: fn(&uint) -> K) ->
std::map::hashmap<K, V> {
obj adapter<@K,
@V>(map: smallintmap::smallintmap<V>,
key_idx: fn(&K) -> uint,
idx_key: fn(&uint) -> K) {
fn size() -> uint { fail }
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
fn insert(key: &K, value: &V) -> bool {
let exists = smallintmap::contains_key(map, key_idx(key));
smallintmap::insert(map, key_idx(key), value);
ret !exists;
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
fn contains_key(key: &K) -> bool {
ret smallintmap::contains_key(map, key_idx(key));
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
fn get(key: &K) -> V { ret smallintmap::get(map, key_idx(key)); }
fn find(key: &K) -> option::t<V> {
ret smallintmap::find(map, key_idx(key));
fn remove(_key: &K) -> option::t<V> { fail }
fn rehash() { fail }
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
iter items() -> @{key: K, val: V} {
let idx = 0u;
for item: option::t<V> in map.v {
2011-07-27 07:19:39 -05:00
alt item {
option::some(elt) {
let value = elt;
let key = idx_key(idx);
put @{key: key, val: value};
option::none. { }
idx += 1u;
iter keys() -> K {
for each p: @{key: K, val: V} in self.items() { put p.key; }
let map = smallintmap::mk::<V>();
ret adapter(map, key_idx, idx_key);
2011-08-10 23:43:36 -05:00
fn node_span(node: &ast_node) -> codemap::span {
alt node {
node_item(item) { item.span }
node_obj_ctor(item) { item.span }
node_native_item(nitem) { nitem.span }
node_expr(expr) { expr.span }
mod test {
fn test_node_span_item() {
let expected: codemap::span = mk_sp(20u, 30u);
let node =
node_item(@{ident: "test",
attrs: [],
id: 0,
node: item_mod({view_items: [], items: []}),
span: expected});
assert (node_span(node) == expected);
2011-08-10 23:43:36 -05:00
fn test_node_span_obj_ctor() {
let expected: codemap::span = mk_sp(20u, 30u);
let node =
node_obj_ctor(@{ident: "test",
attrs: [],
id: 0,
node: item_mod({view_items: [], items: []}),
span: expected});
assert (node_span(node) == expected);
2011-08-10 23:43:36 -05:00
fn test_node_span_native_item() {
let expected: codemap::span = mk_sp(20u, 30u);
let node =
node_native_item(@{ident: "test",
attrs: [],
node: native_item_ty,
id: 0,
span: expected});
assert (node_span(node) == expected);
2011-08-10 23:43:36 -05:00
fn test_node_span_expr() {
let expected: codemap::span = mk_sp(20u, 30u);
let node = node_expr(@{id: 0, node: expr_break, span: expected});
assert (node_span(node) == expected);
2011-08-10 23:43:36 -05:00
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: