2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This digests UnicodeData.txt and DerivedCoreProperties.txt and emits rust
# code covering the core properties. Since this is a pretty rare event we
# just store this out-of-line and check the unicode.rs file into git.
# The emitted code is "the minimum we think is necessary for libcore", that
# is, to support basic operations of the compiler and "most nontrivial rust
# programs". It is not meant to be a complete implementation of unicode.
# For that we recommend you use a proper binding to libicu.
import fileinput, re, os, sys
def fetch(f):
if not os.path.exists(f):
os.system("curl -O http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/%s"
% f)
if not os.path.exists(f):
sys.stderr.write("cannot load %s" % f)
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
def load_unicode_data(f):
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
gencats = {}
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
canon_decomp = {}
compat_decomp = {}
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
curr_cat = ""
c_lo = 0
c_hi = 0
for line in fileinput.input(f):
fields = line.split(";")
if len(fields) != 15:
[code, name, gencat, combine, bidi,
decomp, deci, digit, num, mirror,
old, iso, upcase, lowcsae, titlecase ] = fields
code = int(code, 16)
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
if decomp != "":
if decomp.startswith('<'):
seq = []
for i in decomp.split()[1:]:
seq.append(int(i, 16))
compat_decomp[code] = seq
seq = []
for i in decomp.split():
seq.append(int(i, 16))
canon_decomp[code] = seq
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
if curr_cat == "":
curr_cat = gencat
c_lo = code
c_hi = code
if curr_cat == gencat:
c_hi = code
if curr_cat not in gencats:
gencats[curr_cat] = []
gencats[curr_cat].append((c_lo, c_hi))
curr_cat = gencat
c_lo = code
c_hi = code
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
return (canon_decomp, compat_decomp, gencats)
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
def load_derived_core_properties(f):
derivedprops = {}
interestingprops = ["XID_Start", "XID_Continue", "Alphabetic"]
re1 = re.compile("^([0-9A-F]+) +; (\w+)")
re2 = re.compile("^([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+) +; (\w+)")
for line in fileinput.input(f):
prop = None
d_lo = 0
d_hi = 0
m = re1.match(line)
if m:
d_lo = m.group(1)
d_hi = m.group(1)
prop = m.group(2)
m = re2.match(line)
if m:
d_lo = m.group(1)
d_hi = m.group(2)
prop = m.group(3)
if prop not in interestingprops:
d_lo = int(d_lo, 16)
d_hi = int(d_hi, 16)
if prop not in derivedprops:
derivedprops[prop] = []
derivedprops[prop].append((d_lo, d_hi))
return derivedprops
def escape_char(c):
if c <= 0xff:
return "'\\x%2.2x'" % c
if c <= 0xffff:
return "'\\u%4.4x'" % c
return "'\\U%8.8x'" % c
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
def emit_property_module(f, mod, tbl):
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
f.write("mod %s {\n" % mod)
keys = tbl.keys()
for cat in keys:
f.write(" pure fn %s(c: char) -> bool {\n" % cat)
f.write(" ret alt c {\n")
prefix = ' '
for pair in tbl[cat]:
if pair[0] == pair[1]:
f.write(" %c %s\n" %
(prefix, escape_char(pair[0])))
f.write(" %c %s to %s\n" %
prefix = '|'
f.write(" { true }\n")
f.write(" _ { false }\n")
f.write(" };\n")
f.write(" }\n\n")
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
def emit_decomp_module(f, canon, compat):
canon_keys = canon.keys()
compat_keys = compat.keys()
f.write("mod decompose {\n\n");
f.write(" export canonical, compatibility;\n\n")
2011-12-29 17:30:43 -08:00
f.write(" fn canonical(c: char, i: block(char)) "
+ "{ d(c, i, false); }\n\n")
f.write(" fn compatibility(c: char, i: block(char)) "
+"{ d(c, i, true); }\n\n")
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
f.write(" fn d(c: char, i: block(char), k: bool) {\n")
f.write(" if c <= '\\x7f' { i(c); ret; }\n")
# First check the canonical decompositions
f.write(" // Canonical decomposition\n")
f.write(" alt c {\n")
for char in canon_keys:
f.write(" %s {\n" % escape_char(char))
for d in canon[char]:
f.write(" d(%s, i, k);\n"
% escape_char(d))
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" _ { }\n")
f.write(" }\n\n")
# Bottom out if we're not doing compat.
f.write(" if !k { i(c); ret; }\n\n ")
# Then check the compatibility decompositions
f.write(" // Compatibility decomposition\n")
f.write(" alt c {\n")
for char in compat_keys:
f.write(" %s {\n" % escape_char(char))
for d in compat[char]:
f.write(" d(%s, i, k);\n"
% escape_char(d))
f.write(" }\n")
f.write(" _ { }\n")
f.write(" }\n\n")
# Finally bottom out.
f.write(" i(c);\n")
f.write(" }\n")
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
r = "unicode.rs"
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
for i in [r]:
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
if os.path.exists(i):
rf = open(r, "w")
2011-12-29 17:24:04 -08:00
(canon_decomp, compat_decomp, gencats) = load_unicode_data("UnicodeData.txt")
emit_decomp_module(rf, canon_decomp, compat_decomp)
emit_property_module(rf, "general_category", gencats)
2011-12-23 18:48:08 -08:00
2011-12-29 17:30:43 -08:00
derived = load_derived_core_properties("DerivedCoreProperties.txt")
emit_property_module(rf, "derived_property", derived)