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// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Implementation of lint checking.
//! The lint checking is mostly consolidated into one pass which runs just
//! before translation to LLVM bytecode. Throughout compilation, lint warnings
//! can be added via the `add_lint` method on the Session structure. This
//! requires a span and an id of the node that the lint is being added to. The
//! lint isn't actually emitted at that time because it is unknown what the
//! actual lint level at that location is.
//! To actually emit lint warnings/errors, a separate pass is used just before
//! translation. A context keeps track of the current state of all lint levels.
//! Upon entering a node of the ast which can modify the lint settings, the
//! previous lint state is pushed onto a stack and the ast is then recursed
//! upon. As the ast is traversed, this keeps track of the current lint level
//! for all lint attributes.
use self::TargetLint::*;
use dep_graph::DepNode;
use middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
2016-02-29 23:36:51 +00:00
use middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use session::{config, early_error, Session};
use lint::{Level, LevelSource, Lint, LintId, LintArray, LintPass};
use lint::{EarlyLintPass, EarlyLintPassObject, LateLintPass, LateLintPassObject};
use lint::{Default, CommandLine, Node, Allow, Warn, Deny, Forbid};
use lint::builtin;
use util::nodemap::FnvHashMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp;
use std::default::Default as StdDefault;
use std::mem;
use syntax::ast_util::{self, IdVisitingOperation};
use syntax::attr::{self, AttrMetaMethods};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
2015-11-15 17:17:50 +01:00
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::attr::ThinAttributesExt;
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
use rustc_front::hir;
use rustc_front::util;
use rustc_front::intravisit as hir_visit;
use syntax::visit as ast_visit;
/// Information about the registered lints.
/// This is basically the subset of `Context` that we can
/// build early in the compile pipeline.
pub struct LintStore {
/// Registered lints. The bool is true if the lint was
/// added by a plugin.
lints: Vec<(&'static Lint, bool)>,
/// Trait objects for each lint pass.
/// This is only `None` while iterating over the objects. See the definition
/// of run_lints.
early_passes: Option<Vec<EarlyLintPassObject>>,
late_passes: Option<Vec<LateLintPassObject>>,
/// Lints indexed by name.
by_name: FnvHashMap<String, TargetLint>,
/// Current levels of each lint, and where they were set.
levels: FnvHashMap<LintId, LevelSource>,
/// Map of registered lint groups to what lints they expand to. The bool
/// is true if the lint group was added by a plugin.
lint_groups: FnvHashMap<&'static str, (Vec<LintId>, bool)>,
/// Extra info for future incompatibility lints, descibing the
/// issue or RFC that caused the incompatibility.
future_incompatible: FnvHashMap<LintId, FutureIncompatibleInfo>,
/// Maximum level a lint can be
lint_cap: Option<Level>,
/// Extra information for a future incompatibility lint. See the call
/// to `register_future_incompatible` in `librustc_lint/` for
/// guidelines.
pub struct FutureIncompatibleInfo {
pub id: LintId,
pub reference: &'static str // e.g., a URL for an issue/PR/RFC or error code
/// The targed of the `by_name` map, which accounts for renaming/deprecation.
enum TargetLint {
/// A direct lint target
/// Temporary renaming, used for easing migration pain; see #16545
Renamed(String, LintId),
/// Lint with this name existed previously, but has been removed/deprecated.
/// The string argument is the reason for removal.
enum FindLintError {
impl LintStore {
fn get_level_source(&self, lint: LintId) -> LevelSource {
2014-11-06 12:25:16 -05:00
match self.levels.get(&lint) {
Some(&s) => s,
None => (Allow, Default),
fn set_level(&mut self, lint: LintId, mut lvlsrc: LevelSource) {
if let Some(cap) = self.lint_cap {
lvlsrc.0 = cmp::min(lvlsrc.0, cap);
2014-12-09 12:21:18 -05:00
if lvlsrc.0 == Allow {
} else {
self.levels.insert(lint, lvlsrc);
pub fn new() -> LintStore {
LintStore {
lints: vec!(),
early_passes: Some(vec!()),
late_passes: Some(vec!()),
by_name: FnvHashMap(),
levels: FnvHashMap(),
future_incompatible: FnvHashMap(),
lint_groups: FnvHashMap(),
lint_cap: None,
pub fn get_lints<'t>(&'t self) -> &'t [(&'static Lint, bool)] {
pub fn get_lint_groups<'t>(&'t self) -> Vec<(&'static str, Vec<LintId>, bool)> {
self.lint_groups.iter().map(|(k, v)| (*k,
2014-12-09 12:21:18 -05:00
pub fn register_early_pass(&mut self,
sess: Option<&Session>,
from_plugin: bool,
pass: EarlyLintPassObject) {
self.push_pass(sess, from_plugin, &pass);
pub fn register_late_pass(&mut self,
sess: Option<&Session>,
from_plugin: bool,
pass: LateLintPassObject) {
self.push_pass(sess, from_plugin, &pass);
// Helper method for register_early/late_pass
fn push_pass<P: LintPass + ?Sized + 'static>(&mut self,
sess: Option<&Session>,
from_plugin: bool,
pass: &Box<P>) {
2015-01-31 12:20:46 -05:00
for &lint in pass.get_lints() {
2014-10-06 17:30:54 -07:00
self.lints.push((*lint, from_plugin));
2014-10-06 17:30:54 -07:00
let id = LintId::of(*lint);
2014-11-06 12:25:16 -05:00
if self.by_name.insert(lint.name_lower(), Id(id)).is_some() {
let msg = format!("duplicate specification of lint {}", lint.name_lower());
match (sess, from_plugin) {
// We load builtin lints first, so a duplicate is a compiler bug.
// Use early_error when handling -W help with no crate.
(None, _) => early_error(config::ErrorOutputType::default(), &msg[..]),
(Some(sess), false) => sess.bug(&msg[..]),
// A duplicate name from a plugin is a user error.
(Some(sess), true) => sess.err(&msg[..]),
if lint.default_level != Allow {
self.levels.insert(id, (lint.default_level, Default));
pub fn register_future_incompatible(&mut self,
sess: Option<&Session>,
lints: Vec<FutureIncompatibleInfo>) {
let ids = lints.iter().map(|f|;
self.register_group(sess, false, "future_incompatible", ids);
for info in lints {
self.future_incompatible.insert(, info);
pub fn future_incompatible(&self, id: LintId) -> Option<&FutureIncompatibleInfo> {
pub fn register_group(&mut self, sess: Option<&Session>,
from_plugin: bool, name: &'static str,
to: Vec<LintId>) {
2014-11-06 12:25:16 -05:00
let new = self.lint_groups.insert(name, (to, from_plugin)).is_none();
if !new {
let msg = format!("duplicate specification of lint group {}", name);
match (sess, from_plugin) {
// We load builtin lints first, so a duplicate is a compiler bug.
// Use early_error when handling -W help with no crate.
(None, _) => early_error(config::ErrorOutputType::default(), &msg[..]),
(Some(sess), false) => sess.bug(&msg[..]),
// A duplicate name from a plugin is a user error.
(Some(sess), true) => sess.err(&msg[..]),
pub fn register_renamed(&mut self, old_name: &str, new_name: &str) {
let target = match self.by_name.get(new_name) {
Some(&Id(lint_id)) => lint_id.clone(),
_ => panic!("invalid lint renaming of {} to {}", old_name, new_name)
self.by_name.insert(old_name.to_string(), Renamed(new_name.to_string(), target));
pub fn register_removed(&mut self, name: &str, reason: &str) {
self.by_name.insert(name.into(), Removed(reason.into()));
2014-10-30 09:13:02 -07:00
fn find_lint(&self, lint_name: &str, sess: &Session, span: Option<Span>)
-> Result<LintId, FindLintError>
match self.by_name.get(lint_name) {
Some(&Id(lint_id)) => Ok(lint_id),
Some(&Renamed(_, lint_id)) => {
Some(&Removed(ref reason)) => {
None => Err(FindLintError::NotFound)
pub fn process_command_line(&mut self, sess: &Session) {
2015-01-31 12:20:46 -05:00
for &(ref lint_name, level) in &sess.opts.lint_opts {
check_lint_name_cmdline(sess, self,
&lint_name[..], level);
match self.find_lint(&lint_name[..], sess, None) {
Ok(lint_id) => self.set_level(lint_id, (level, CommandLine)),
Err(FindLintError::Removed) => { }
Err(_) => {
2014-12-09 12:21:18 -05:00
match self.lint_groups.iter().map(|(&x, pair)| (x, pair.0.clone()))
.collect::<FnvHashMap<&'static str,
.get(&lint_name[..]) {
Some(v) => {
.map(|lint_id: &LintId|
self.set_level(*lint_id, (level, CommandLine)))
None => {
// The lint or lint group doesn't exist.
// This is an error, but it was handled
// by check_lint_name_cmdline.
self.lint_cap = sess.opts.lint_cap;
if let Some(cap) = self.lint_cap {
for level in self.levels.iter_mut().map(|p| &mut (p.1).0) {
*level = cmp::min(*level, cap);
/// Context for lint checking after type checking.
pub struct LateContext<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
/// Type context we're checking in.
2016-02-29 23:36:51 +00:00
pub tcx: &'a TyCtxt<'tcx>,
/// The crate being checked.
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
pub krate: &'a hir::Crate,
/// Items accessible from the crate being checked.
pub access_levels: &'a AccessLevels,
/// The store of registered lints.
lints: LintStore,
/// When recursing into an attributed node of the ast which modifies lint
/// levels, this stack keeps track of the previous lint levels of whatever
/// was modified.
level_stack: Vec<(LintId, LevelSource)>,
/// Level of lints for certain NodeIds, stored here because the body of
/// the lint needs to run in trans.
node_levels: RefCell<FnvHashMap<(ast::NodeId, LintId), LevelSource>>,
/// Context for lint checking of the AST, after expansion, before lowering to
/// HIR.
pub struct EarlyContext<'a> {
/// Type context we're checking in.
pub sess: &'a Session,
/// The crate being checked.
pub krate: &'a ast::Crate,
/// The store of registered lints.
lints: LintStore,
/// When recursing into an attributed node of the ast which modifies lint
/// levels, this stack keeps track of the previous lint levels of whatever
/// was modified.
level_stack: Vec<(LintId, LevelSource)>,
/// Convenience macro for calling a `LintPass` method on every pass in the context.
macro_rules! run_lints { ($cx:expr, $f:ident, $ps:ident, $($args:expr),*) => ({
// Move the vector of passes out of `$cx` so that we can
// iterate over it mutably while passing `$cx` to the methods.
let mut passes = $cx.mut_lints().$ps.take().unwrap();
for obj in &mut passes {
obj.$f($cx, $($args),*);
$cx.mut_lints().$ps = Some(passes);
}) }
/// Parse the lint attributes into a vector, with `Err`s for malformed lint
/// attributes. Writing this as an iterator is an enormous mess.
2015-07-31 00:04:06 -07:00
// See also the hir version just below.
pub fn gather_attrs(attrs: &[ast::Attribute])
-> Vec<Result<(InternedString, Level, Span), Span>> {
let mut out = vec!();
2015-01-31 12:20:46 -05:00
for attr in attrs {
let r = gather_attr(attr);
pub fn gather_attr(attr: &ast::Attribute)
-> Vec<Result<(InternedString, Level, Span), Span>> {
let mut out = vec!();
let level = match Level::from_str(& {
None => return out,
Some(lvl) => lvl,
2015-07-31 00:04:06 -07:00
let meta = &attr.node.value;
let metas = match meta.node {
ast::MetaItemKind::List(_, ref metas) => metas,
_ => {
return out;
2015-07-31 00:04:06 -07:00
for meta in metas {
out.push(match meta.node {
ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref lint_name) => Ok((lint_name.clone(), level, meta.span)),
_ => Err(meta.span),
2015-07-31 00:04:06 -07:00
2015-07-31 00:04:06 -07:00
/// Emit a lint as a warning or an error (or not at all)
/// according to `level`.
/// This lives outside of `Context` so it can be used by checks
/// in trans that run after the main lint pass is finished. Most
/// lints elsewhere in the compiler should call
/// `Session::add_lint()` instead.
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
pub fn raw_emit_lint(sess: &Session,
lints: &LintStore,
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
lint: &'static Lint,
lvlsrc: LevelSource,
span: Option<Span>,
msg: &str) {
raw_struct_lint(sess, lints, lint, lvlsrc, span, msg).emit();
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
pub fn raw_struct_lint<'a>(sess: &'a Session,
lints: &LintStore,
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
lint: &'static Lint,
lvlsrc: LevelSource,
span: Option<Span>,
msg: &str)
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
let (mut level, source) = lvlsrc;
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
if level == Allow {
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
return sess.diagnostic().struct_dummy();
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
let name = lint.name_lower();
Preliminary feature staging This partially implements the feature staging described in the [release channel RFC][rc]. It does not yet fully conform to the RFC as written, but does accomplish its goals sufficiently for the 1.0 alpha release. It has three primary user-visible effects: * On the nightly channel, use of unstable APIs generates a warning. * On the beta channel, use of unstable APIs generates a warning. * On the beta channel, use of feature gates generates a warning. Code that does not trigger these warnings is considered 'stable', modulo pre-1.0 bugs. Disabling the warnings for unstable APIs continues to be done in the existing (i.e. old) style, via `#[allow(...)]`, not that specified in the RFC. I deem this marginally acceptable since any code that must do this is not using the stable dialect of Rust. Use of feature gates is itself gated with the new 'unstable_features' lint, on nightly set to 'allow', and on beta 'warn'. The attribute scheme used here corresponds to an older version of the RFC, with the `#[staged_api]` crate attribute toggling the staging behavior of the stability attributes, but the user impact is only in-tree so I'm not concerned about having to make design changes later (and I may ultimately prefer the scheme here after all, with the `#[staged_api]` crate attribute). Since the Rust codebase itself makes use of unstable features the compiler and build system to a midly elaborate dance to allow it to bootstrap while disobeying these lints (which would otherwise be errors because Rust builds with `-D warnings`). This patch includes one significant hack that causes a regression. Because the `format_args!` macro emits calls to unstable APIs it would trigger the lint. I added a hack to the lint to make it not trigger, but this in turn causes arguments to `println!` not to be checked for feature gates. I don't presently understand macro expansion well enough to fix. This is bug #20661. Closes #16678 [rc]:
2015-01-06 06:26:08 -08:00
let mut def = None;
let msg = match source {
Default => {
format!("{}, #[{}({})] on by default", msg,
level.as_str(), name)
CommandLine => {
format!("{} [-{} {}]", msg,
match level {
Warn => 'W', Deny => 'D', Forbid => 'F',
Allow => panic!()
}, name.replace("_", "-"))
Node(src) => {
Preliminary feature staging This partially implements the feature staging described in the [release channel RFC][rc]. It does not yet fully conform to the RFC as written, but does accomplish its goals sufficiently for the 1.0 alpha release. It has three primary user-visible effects: * On the nightly channel, use of unstable APIs generates a warning. * On the beta channel, use of unstable APIs generates a warning. * On the beta channel, use of feature gates generates a warning. Code that does not trigger these warnings is considered 'stable', modulo pre-1.0 bugs. Disabling the warnings for unstable APIs continues to be done in the existing (i.e. old) style, via `#[allow(...)]`, not that specified in the RFC. I deem this marginally acceptable since any code that must do this is not using the stable dialect of Rust. Use of feature gates is itself gated with the new 'unstable_features' lint, on nightly set to 'allow', and on beta 'warn'. The attribute scheme used here corresponds to an older version of the RFC, with the `#[staged_api]` crate attribute toggling the staging behavior of the stability attributes, but the user impact is only in-tree so I'm not concerned about having to make design changes later (and I may ultimately prefer the scheme here after all, with the `#[staged_api]` crate attribute). Since the Rust codebase itself makes use of unstable features the compiler and build system to a midly elaborate dance to allow it to bootstrap while disobeying these lints (which would otherwise be errors because Rust builds with `-D warnings`). This patch includes one significant hack that causes a regression. Because the `format_args!` macro emits calls to unstable APIs it would trigger the lint. I added a hack to the lint to make it not trigger, but this in turn causes arguments to `println!` not to be checked for feature gates. I don't presently understand macro expansion well enough to fix. This is bug #20661. Closes #16678 [rc]:
2015-01-06 06:26:08 -08:00
def = Some(src);
// For purposes of printing, we can treat forbid as deny.
if level == Forbid { level = Deny; }
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
let mut err = match (level, span) {
(Warn, Some(sp)) => sess.struct_span_warn(sp, &msg[..]),
(Warn, None) => sess.struct_warn(&msg[..]),
(Deny, Some(sp)) => sess.struct_span_err(sp, &msg[..]),
(Deny, None) => sess.struct_err(&msg[..]),
_ => sess.bug("impossible level in raw_emit_lint"),
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
// Check for future incompatibility lints and issue a stronger warning.
if let Some(future_incompatible) = lints.future_incompatible(LintId::of(lint)) {
let explanation = format!("this was previously accepted by the compiler \
2016-01-13 15:56:53 -05:00
but is being phased out; \
it will become a hard error in a future release!");
let citation = format!("for more information, see {}",
if let Some(sp) = span {
err.fileline_warn(sp, &explanation);
err.fileline_note(sp, &citation);
} else {
if let Some(span) = def {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
err.span_note(span, "lint level defined here");
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
pub trait LintContext: Sized {
fn sess(&self) -> &Session;
fn lints(&self) -> &LintStore;
fn mut_lints(&mut self) -> &mut LintStore;
fn level_stack(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<(LintId, LevelSource)>;
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
fn enter_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]);
fn exit_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]);
/// Get the level of `lint` at the current position of the lint
/// traversal.
fn current_level(&self, lint: &'static Lint) -> Level {
self.lints().levels.get(&LintId::of(lint)).map_or(Allow, |&(lvl, _)| lvl)
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
fn level_src(&self, lint: &'static Lint) -> Option<LevelSource> {
self.lints().levels.get(&LintId::of(lint)).map(|ls| match ls {
&(Warn, _) => {
let lint_id = LintId::of(builtin::WARNINGS);
let warn_src = self.lints().get_level_source(lint_id);
if warn_src.0 != Warn {
} else {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
_ => *ls
fn lookup_and_emit(&self, lint: &'static Lint, span: Option<Span>, msg: &str) {
let (level, src) = match self.level_src(lint) {
None => return,
Some(pair) => pair,
raw_emit_lint(&self.sess(), self.lints(), lint, (level, src), span, msg);
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
fn lookup(&self,
lint: &'static Lint,
span: Option<Span>,
msg: &str)
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
-> DiagnosticBuilder {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
let (level, src) = match self.level_src(lint) {
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
None => return self.sess().diagnostic().struct_dummy(),
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
Some(pair) => pair,
raw_struct_lint(&self.sess(), self.lints(), lint, (level, src), span, msg)
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
/// Emit a lint at the appropriate level, for a particular span.
fn span_lint(&self, lint: &'static Lint, span: Span, msg: &str) {
self.lookup_and_emit(lint, Some(span), msg);
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
fn struct_span_lint(&self,
lint: &'static Lint,
span: Span,
msg: &str)
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
-> DiagnosticBuilder {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
self.lookup(lint, Some(span), msg)
/// Emit a lint and note at the appropriate level, for a particular span.
fn span_lint_note(&self, lint: &'static Lint, span: Span, msg: &str,
note_span: Span, note: &str) {
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
let mut err = self.lookup(lint, Some(span), msg);
if self.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
if note_span == span {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
err.fileline_note(note_span, note);
} else {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
err.span_note(note_span, note);
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
/// Emit a lint and help at the appropriate level, for a particular span.
fn span_lint_help(&self, lint: &'static Lint, span: Span,
msg: &str, help: &str) {
2015-12-23 19:27:20 +13:00
let mut err = self.lookup(lint, Some(span), msg);
self.span_lint(lint, span, msg);
if self.current_level(lint) != Level::Allow {
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
err.span_help(span, help);
2015-12-21 10:00:43 +13:00
/// Emit a lint at the appropriate level, with no associated span.
fn lint(&self, lint: &'static Lint, msg: &str) {
self.lookup_and_emit(lint, None, msg);
/// Merge the lints specified by any lint attributes into the
/// current lint context, call the provided function, then reset the
/// lints in effect to their previous state.
2014-12-08 20:26:43 -05:00
fn with_lint_attrs<F>(&mut self,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&mut Self),
2014-12-08 20:26:43 -05:00
// Parse all of the lint attributes, and then add them all to the
// current dictionary of lint information. Along the way, keep a history
// of what we changed so we can roll everything back after invoking the
// specified closure
let mut pushed = 0;
for result in gather_attrs(attrs) {
let v = match result {
Err(span) => {
span_err!(self.sess(), span, E0452,
"malformed lint attribute");
Ok((lint_name, level, span)) => {
match self.lints().find_lint(&lint_name, &self.sess(), Some(span)) {
Ok(lint_id) => vec![(lint_id, level, span)],
Err(FindLintError::NotFound) => {
match self.lints().lint_groups.get(&lint_name[..]) {
Some(&(ref v, _)) => v.iter()
.map(|lint_id: &LintId|
(*lint_id, level, span))
None => {
// The lint or lint group doesn't exist.
// This is an error, but it was handled
// by check_lint_name_attribute.
Err(FindLintError::Removed) => { continue; }
for (lint_id, level, span) in v {
let now = self.lints().get_level_source(lint_id).0;
if now == Forbid && level != Forbid {
let lint_name = lint_id.as_str();
span_err!(self.sess(), span, E0453,
"{}({}) overruled by outer forbid({})",
level.as_str(), lint_name,
} else if now != level {
let src = self.lints().get_level_source(lint_id).1;
self.level_stack().push((lint_id, (now, src)));
pushed += 1;
self.mut_lints().set_level(lint_id, (level, Node(span)));
// rollback
for _ in 0..pushed {
let (lint, lvlsrc) = self.level_stack().pop().unwrap();
self.mut_lints().set_level(lint, lvlsrc);
impl<'a> EarlyContext<'a> {
fn new(sess: &'a Session,
krate: &'a ast::Crate) -> EarlyContext<'a> {
2015-09-11 20:15:58 +12:00
// We want to own the lint store, so move it out of the session. Remember
// to put it back later...
let lint_store = mem::replace(&mut *sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(),
EarlyContext {
sess: sess,
krate: krate,
lints: lint_store,
level_stack: vec![],
fn visit_ids<F>(&mut self, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&mut ast_util::IdVisitor<EarlyContext>)
let mut v = ast_util::IdVisitor {
operation: self,
visited_outermost: false,
f(&mut v);
impl<'a, 'tcx> LateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
2016-02-29 23:36:51 +00:00
fn new(tcx: &'a TyCtxt<'tcx>,
krate: &'a hir::Crate,
access_levels: &'a AccessLevels) -> LateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
// We want to own the lint store, so move it out of the session.
let lint_store = mem::replace(&mut *tcx.sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(),
LateContext {
tcx: tcx,
krate: krate,
access_levels: access_levels,
lints: lint_store,
level_stack: vec![],
node_levels: RefCell::new(FnvHashMap()),
fn visit_ids<F>(&mut self, f: F)
where F: FnOnce(&mut util::IdVisitor<LateContext>)
2014-12-08 20:26:43 -05:00
let mut v = util::IdVisitor::new(self);
f(&mut v);
impl<'a, 'tcx> LintContext for LateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Get the overall compiler `Session` object.
fn sess(&self) -> &Session {
fn lints(&self) -> &LintStore {
fn mut_lints(&mut self) -> &mut LintStore {
&mut self.lints
fn level_stack(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<(LintId, LevelSource)> {
&mut self.level_stack
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
fn enter_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) {
debug!("late context: enter_attrs({:?})", attrs);
run_lints!(self, enter_lint_attrs, late_passes, attrs);
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
fn exit_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) {
debug!("late context: exit_attrs({:?})", attrs);
run_lints!(self, exit_lint_attrs, late_passes, attrs);
impl<'a> LintContext for EarlyContext<'a> {
/// Get the overall compiler `Session` object.
fn sess(&self) -> &Session {
fn lints(&self) -> &LintStore {
fn mut_lints(&mut self) -> &mut LintStore {
&mut self.lints
fn level_stack(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<(LintId, LevelSource)> {
&mut self.level_stack
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
fn enter_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) {
debug!("early context: enter_attrs({:?})", attrs);
run_lints!(self, enter_lint_attrs, early_passes, attrs);
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
fn exit_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) {
debug!("early context: exit_attrs({:?})", attrs);
run_lints!(self, exit_lint_attrs, early_passes, attrs);
impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> hir_visit::Visitor<'v> for LateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
/// Because lints are scoped lexically, we want to walk nested
/// items in the context of the outer item, so enable
/// deep-walking.
fn visit_nested_item(&mut self, item: hir::ItemId) {
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_item(&mut self, it: &hir::Item) {
self.with_lint_attrs(&it.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_item, late_passes, it);
cx.visit_ids(|v| v.visit_item(it));
hir_visit::walk_item(cx, it);
2016-02-11 18:19:18 +01:00
run_lints!(cx, check_item_post, late_passes, it);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, it: &hir::ForeignItem) {
self.with_lint_attrs(&it.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_foreign_item, late_passes, it);
hir_visit::walk_foreign_item(cx, it);
run_lints!(cx, check_foreign_item_post, late_passes, it);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_pat(&mut self, p: &hir::Pat) {
run_lints!(self, check_pat, late_passes, p);
hir_visit::walk_pat(self, p);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &hir::Expr) {
2015-11-15 17:17:50 +01:00
self.with_lint_attrs(e.attrs.as_attr_slice(), |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_expr, late_passes, e);
hir_visit::walk_expr(cx, e);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_stmt(&mut self, s: &hir::Stmt) {
// statement attributes are actually just attributes on one of
// - item
// - local
// - expression
// so we keep track of lint levels there
run_lints!(self, check_stmt, late_passes, s);
hir_visit::walk_stmt(self, s);
fn visit_fn(&mut self, fk: hir_visit::FnKind<'v>, decl: &'v hir::FnDecl,
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
body: &'v hir::Block, span: Span, id: ast::NodeId) {
run_lints!(self, check_fn, late_passes, fk, decl, body, span, id);
hir_visit::walk_fn(self, fk, decl, body, span);
run_lints!(self, check_fn_post, late_passes, fk, decl, body, span, id);
fn visit_variant_data(&mut self,
s: &hir::VariantData,
2015-09-20 03:34:12 +03:00
name: ast::Name,
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
g: &hir::Generics,
item_id: ast::NodeId,
_: Span) {
run_lints!(self, check_struct_def, late_passes, s, name, g, item_id);
hir_visit::walk_struct_def(self, s);
run_lints!(self, check_struct_def_post, late_passes, s, name, g, item_id);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &hir::StructField) {
self.with_lint_attrs(&s.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_struct_field, late_passes, s);
hir_visit::walk_struct_field(cx, s);
fn visit_variant(&mut self, v: &hir::Variant, g: &hir::Generics, item_id: ast::NodeId) {
self.with_lint_attrs(&v.node.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_variant, late_passes, v, g);
hir_visit::walk_variant(cx, v, g, item_id);
run_lints!(cx, check_variant_post, late_passes, v, g);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &hir::Ty) {
run_lints!(self, check_ty, late_passes, t);
hir_visit::walk_ty(self, t);
2015-09-20 03:34:12 +03:00
fn visit_name(&mut self, sp: Span, name: ast::Name) {
run_lints!(self, check_name, late_passes, sp, name);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_mod(&mut self, m: &hir::Mod, s: Span, n: ast::NodeId) {
run_lints!(self, check_mod, late_passes, m, s, n);
hir_visit::walk_mod(self, m);
run_lints!(self, check_mod_post, late_passes, m, s, n);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_local(&mut self, l: &hir::Local) {
2015-11-15 17:17:50 +01:00
self.with_lint_attrs(l.attrs.as_attr_slice(), |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_local, late_passes, l);
hir_visit::walk_local(cx, l);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_block(&mut self, b: &hir::Block) {
run_lints!(self, check_block, late_passes, b);
hir_visit::walk_block(self, b);
run_lints!(self, check_block_post, late_passes, b);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_arm(&mut self, a: &hir::Arm) {
run_lints!(self, check_arm, late_passes, a);
hir_visit::walk_arm(self, a);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_decl(&mut self, d: &hir::Decl) {
run_lints!(self, check_decl, late_passes, d);
hir_visit::walk_decl(self, d);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_expr_post(&mut self, e: &hir::Expr) {
run_lints!(self, check_expr_post, late_passes, e);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_generics(&mut self, g: &hir::Generics) {
run_lints!(self, check_generics, late_passes, g);
hir_visit::walk_generics(self, g);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, trait_item: &hir::TraitItem) {
self.with_lint_attrs(&trait_item.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_trait_item, late_passes, trait_item);
cx.visit_ids(|v| v.visit_trait_item(trait_item));
hir_visit::walk_trait_item(cx, trait_item);
run_lints!(cx, check_trait_item_post, late_passes, trait_item);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, impl_item: &hir::ImplItem) {
self.with_lint_attrs(&impl_item.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_impl_item, late_passes, impl_item);
cx.visit_ids(|v| v.visit_impl_item(impl_item));
hir_visit::walk_impl_item(cx, impl_item);
run_lints!(cx, check_impl_item_post, late_passes, impl_item);
fn visit_lifetime(&mut self, lt: &hir::Lifetime) {
run_lints!(self, check_lifetime, late_passes, lt);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_lifetime_def(&mut self, lt: &hir::LifetimeDef) {
run_lints!(self, check_lifetime_def, late_passes, lt);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_explicit_self(&mut self, es: &hir::ExplicitSelf) {
run_lints!(self, check_explicit_self, late_passes, es);
hir_visit::walk_explicit_self(self, es);
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
fn visit_path(&mut self, p: &hir::Path, id: ast::NodeId) {
run_lints!(self, check_path, late_passes, p, id);
hir_visit::walk_path(self, p);
2015-09-17 15:19:24 +03:00
fn visit_path_list_item(&mut self, prefix: &hir::Path, item: &hir::PathListItem) {
run_lints!(self, check_path_list_item, late_passes, item);
hir_visit::walk_path_list_item(self, prefix, item);
fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
check_lint_name_attribute(self, attr);
run_lints!(self, check_attribute, late_passes, attr);
impl<'a, 'v> ast_visit::Visitor<'v> for EarlyContext<'a> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, it: &ast::Item) {
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
self.with_lint_attrs(&it.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_item, early_passes, it);
cx.visit_ids(|v| v.visit_item(it));
ast_visit::walk_item(cx, it);
2016-02-12 18:21:43 +01:00
run_lints!(cx, check_item_post, early_passes, it);
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, it: &ast::ForeignItem) {
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
self.with_lint_attrs(&it.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_foreign_item, early_passes, it);
ast_visit::walk_foreign_item(cx, it);
run_lints!(cx, check_foreign_item_post, early_passes, it);
fn visit_pat(&mut self, p: &ast::Pat) {
run_lints!(self, check_pat, early_passes, p);
ast_visit::walk_pat(self, p);
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &ast::Expr) {
self.with_lint_attrs(e.attrs.as_attr_slice(), |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_expr, early_passes, e);
ast_visit::walk_expr(cx, e);
fn visit_stmt(&mut self, s: &ast::Stmt) {
run_lints!(self, check_stmt, early_passes, s);
ast_visit::walk_stmt(self, s);
fn visit_fn(&mut self, fk: ast_visit::FnKind<'v>, decl: &'v ast::FnDecl,
body: &'v ast::Block, span: Span, id: ast::NodeId) {
run_lints!(self, check_fn, early_passes, fk, decl, body, span, id);
ast_visit::walk_fn(self, fk, decl, body, span);
run_lints!(self, check_fn_post, early_passes, fk, decl, body, span, id);
fn visit_variant_data(&mut self,
s: &ast::VariantData,
ident: ast::Ident,
g: &ast::Generics,
item_id: ast::NodeId,
_: Span) {
run_lints!(self, check_struct_def, early_passes, s, ident, g, item_id);
ast_visit::walk_struct_def(self, s);
run_lints!(self, check_struct_def_post, early_passes, s, ident, g, item_id);
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &ast::StructField) {
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
self.with_lint_attrs(&s.node.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_struct_field, early_passes, s);
ast_visit::walk_struct_field(cx, s);
fn visit_variant(&mut self, v: &ast::Variant, g: &ast::Generics, item_id: ast::NodeId) {
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
self.with_lint_attrs(&v.node.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_variant, early_passes, v, g);
ast_visit::walk_variant(cx, v, g, item_id);
run_lints!(cx, check_variant_post, early_passes, v, g);
fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &ast::Ty) {
run_lints!(self, check_ty, early_passes, t);
ast_visit::walk_ty(self, t);
fn visit_ident(&mut self, sp: Span, id: ast::Ident) {
run_lints!(self, check_ident, early_passes, sp, id);
fn visit_mod(&mut self, m: &ast::Mod, s: Span, n: ast::NodeId) {
run_lints!(self, check_mod, early_passes, m, s, n);
ast_visit::walk_mod(self, m);
run_lints!(self, check_mod_post, early_passes, m, s, n);
fn visit_local(&mut self, l: &ast::Local) {
self.with_lint_attrs(l.attrs.as_attr_slice(), |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_local, early_passes, l);
ast_visit::walk_local(cx, l);
fn visit_block(&mut self, b: &ast::Block) {
run_lints!(self, check_block, early_passes, b);
ast_visit::walk_block(self, b);
run_lints!(self, check_block_post, early_passes, b);
fn visit_arm(&mut self, a: &ast::Arm) {
run_lints!(self, check_arm, early_passes, a);
ast_visit::walk_arm(self, a);
fn visit_decl(&mut self, d: &ast::Decl) {
run_lints!(self, check_decl, early_passes, d);
ast_visit::walk_decl(self, d);
fn visit_expr_post(&mut self, e: &ast::Expr) {
run_lints!(self, check_expr_post, early_passes, e);
fn visit_generics(&mut self, g: &ast::Generics) {
run_lints!(self, check_generics, early_passes, g);
ast_visit::walk_generics(self, g);
fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, trait_item: &ast::TraitItem) {
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
self.with_lint_attrs(&trait_item.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_trait_item, early_passes, trait_item);
cx.visit_ids(|v| v.visit_trait_item(trait_item));
ast_visit::walk_trait_item(cx, trait_item);
run_lints!(cx, check_trait_item_post, early_passes, trait_item);
fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, impl_item: &ast::ImplItem) {
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
self.with_lint_attrs(&impl_item.attrs, |cx| {
run_lints!(cx, check_impl_item, early_passes, impl_item);
cx.visit_ids(|v| v.visit_impl_item(impl_item));
ast_visit::walk_impl_item(cx, impl_item);
run_lints!(cx, check_impl_item_post, early_passes, impl_item);
fn visit_lifetime(&mut self, lt: &ast::Lifetime) {
run_lints!(self, check_lifetime, early_passes, lt);
fn visit_lifetime_def(&mut self, lt: &ast::LifetimeDef) {
run_lints!(self, check_lifetime_def, early_passes, lt);
fn visit_explicit_self(&mut self, es: &ast::ExplicitSelf) {
run_lints!(self, check_explicit_self, early_passes, es);
ast_visit::walk_explicit_self(self, es);
fn visit_path(&mut self, p: &ast::Path, id: ast::NodeId) {
run_lints!(self, check_path, early_passes, p, id);
ast_visit::walk_path(self, p);
2015-09-17 15:19:24 +03:00
fn visit_path_list_item(&mut self, prefix: &ast::Path, item: &ast::PathListItem) {
run_lints!(self, check_path_list_item, early_passes, item);
ast_visit::walk_path_list_item(self, prefix, item);
fn visit_attribute(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
run_lints!(self, check_attribute, early_passes, attr);
// Output any lints that were previously added to the session.
impl<'a, 'tcx> IdVisitingOperation for LateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn visit_id(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId) {
match self.sess().lints.borrow_mut().remove(&id) {
None => {}
Some(lints) => {
debug!("LateContext::visit_id: id={:?} lints={:?}", id, lints);
for (lint_id, span, msg) in lints {
self.span_lint(lint_id.lint, span, &msg[..])
impl<'a> IdVisitingOperation for EarlyContext<'a> {
fn visit_id(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId) {
match self.sess.lints.borrow_mut().remove(&id) {
None => {}
Some(lints) => {
for (lint_id, span, msg) in lints {
self.span_lint(lint_id.lint, span, &msg[..])
// This lint pass is defined here because it touches parts of the `LateContext`
// that we don't want to expose. It records the lint level at certain AST
// nodes, so that the variant size difference check in trans can call
// `raw_emit_lint`.
pub struct GatherNodeLevels;
impl LintPass for GatherNodeLevels {
fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
impl LateLintPass for GatherNodeLevels {
fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, it: &hir::Item) {
match it.node {
2015-09-03 18:59:56 +05:30
hir::ItemEnum(..) => {
let lint_id = LintId::of(builtin::VARIANT_SIZE_DIFFERENCES);
let lvlsrc = cx.lints.get_level_source(lint_id);
match lvlsrc {
(lvl, _) if lvl != Allow => {
.insert((, lint_id), lvlsrc);
_ => { }
_ => { }
enum CheckLintNameResult<'a> {
// Lint doesn't exist
// The lint is either renamed or removed and a warning was
// generated in the DiagnosticBuilder
/// Checks the name of a lint for its existence, and whether it was
/// renamed or removed. Generates a DiagnosticBuilder containing a
/// warning for renamed and removed lints. This is over both lint
/// names from attributes and those passed on the command line. Since
/// it emits non-fatal warnings and there are *two* lint passes that
/// inspect attributes, this is only run from the late pass to avoid
/// printing duplicate warnings.
fn check_lint_name<'a>(sess: &'a Session,
lint_cx: &LintStore,
lint_name: &str,
span: Option<Span>) -> CheckLintNameResult<'a> {
match lint_cx.by_name.get(lint_name) {
Some(&Renamed(ref new_name, _)) => {
let warning = format!("lint {} has been renamed to {}",
lint_name, new_name);
let db = match span {
Some(span) => sess.struct_span_warn(span, &warning[..]),
None => sess.struct_warn(&warning[..]),
Some(&Removed(ref reason)) => {
let warning = format!("lint {} has been removed: {}", lint_name, reason);
let db = match span {
Some(span) => sess.struct_span_warn(span, &warning[..]),
None => sess.struct_warn(&warning[..])
None => {
match lint_cx.lint_groups.get(lint_name) {
None => {
Some(_) => {
/* lint group exists */
Some(_) => {
/* lint exists */
// Checks the validity of lint names derived from attributes
fn check_lint_name_attribute(cx: &LateContext, attr: &ast::Attribute) {
for result in gather_attr(attr) {
match result {
Err(_) => {
// Malformed lint attr. Reported by with_lint_attrs
Ok((lint_name, _, span)) => {
match check_lint_name(&cx.tcx.sess, &cx.lints, &lint_name[..], Some(span)) {
CheckLintNameResult::Ok => (),
CheckLintNameResult::Mentioned(mut db) => {
CheckLintNameResult::NoLint => {
cx.span_lint(builtin::UNKNOWN_LINTS, span,
&format!("unknown lint: `{}`",
// Checks the validity of lint names derived from the command line
fn check_lint_name_cmdline(sess: &Session, lint_cx: &LintStore,
lint_name: &str, level: Level) {
let db = match check_lint_name(sess, lint_cx, lint_name, None) {
CheckLintNameResult::Ok => None,
CheckLintNameResult::Mentioned(db) => Some(db),
CheckLintNameResult::NoLint => {
Some(sess.struct_err(&format!("unknown lint: `{}`", lint_name)))
if let Some(mut db) = db {
let msg = format!("requested on the command line with `{} {}`",
match level {
Level::Allow => "-A",
Level::Warn => "-W",
Level::Deny => "-D",
Level::Forbid => "-F",
/// Perform lint checking on a crate.
/// Consumes the `lint_store` field of the `Session`.
2016-02-29 23:36:51 +00:00
pub fn check_crate(tcx: &TyCtxt, access_levels: &AccessLevels) {
let _task = tcx.dep_graph.in_task(DepNode::LateLintCheck);
let krate =;
let mut cx = LateContext::new(tcx, krate, access_levels);
// Visit the whole crate.
cx.with_lint_attrs(&krate.attrs, |cx| {
cx.visit_ids(|v| {
hir_visit::walk_crate(v, krate);
// since the root module isn't visited as an item (because it isn't an
// item), warn for it here.
run_lints!(cx, check_crate, late_passes, krate);
hir_visit::walk_crate(cx, krate);
run_lints!(cx, check_crate_post, late_passes, krate);
// If we missed any lints added to the session, then there's a bug somewhere
// in the iteration code.
for (id, v) in tcx.sess.lints.borrow().iter() {
2015-01-31 12:20:46 -05:00
for &(lint, span, ref msg) in v {
&format!("unprocessed lint {} at {}: {}",
lint.as_str(),*id), *msg))
*tcx.node_lint_levels.borrow_mut() = cx.node_levels.into_inner();
// Put the lint store back in the session.
mem::replace(&mut *tcx.sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), cx.lints);
pub fn check_ast_crate(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate) {
let mut cx = EarlyContext::new(sess, krate);
// Visit the whole crate.
2015-09-15 17:31:33 +12:00
cx.with_lint_attrs(&krate.attrs, |cx| {
cx.visit_ids(|v| {
v.visited_outermost = true;
ast_visit::walk_crate(v, krate);
// since the root module isn't visited as an item (because it isn't an
// item), warn for it here.
run_lints!(cx, check_crate, early_passes, krate);
ast_visit::walk_crate(cx, krate);
run_lints!(cx, check_crate_post, early_passes, krate);
// Put the lint store back in the session.
mem::replace(&mut *sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), cx.lints);
// If we missed any lints added to the session, then there's a bug somewhere
// in the iteration code.
for (_, v) in sess.lints.borrow().iter() {
for &(lint, span, ref msg) in v {
&format!("unprocessed lint {}: {}",
lint.as_str(), *msg))