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// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use ast;
use ast::{P, Ident, Name, Mrk};
use ast_util;
use ext::mtwt;
use parse::token;
use util::interner::{RcStr, StrInterner};
use util::interner;
use serialize::{Decodable, Decoder, Encodable, Encoder};
use std::cast;
use std::char;
use std::fmt;
2013-06-24 20:40:33 -04:00
use std::local_data;
use std::path::BytesContainer;
2014-03-27 19:28:38 +02:00
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::strbuf::StrBuf;
2010-08-18 11:35:12 -07:00
2014-03-22 16:30:45 -04:00
#[deriving(Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Eq, TotalEq, Hash, Show)]
pub enum BinOp {
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
2014-03-22 16:30:45 -04:00
#[deriving(Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Eq, TotalEq, Hash, Show)]
pub enum Token {
/* Expression-operator symbols. */
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
/* Structural symbols */
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
/* Literals */
LIT_INT(i64, ast::IntTy),
LIT_UINT(u64, ast::UintTy),
LIT_FLOAT(ast::Ident, ast::FloatTy),
2013-09-02 02:50:59 +02:00
LIT_STR_RAW(ast::Ident, uint), /* raw str delimited by n hash symbols */
/* Name components */
// an identifier contains an "is_mod_name" boolean,
// indicating whether :: follows this token with no
// whitespace in between.
2013-09-02 02:50:59 +02:00
IDENT(ast::Ident, bool),
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
2013-09-02 02:50:59 +02:00
/* For interpolation */
2013-09-02 02:50:59 +02:00
2012-01-19 17:56:05 -08:00
2010-08-18 11:35:12 -07:00
2014-03-22 16:30:45 -04:00
#[deriving(Clone, Encodable, Decodable, Eq, TotalEq, Hash)]
/// For interpolation during macro expansion.
pub enum Nonterminal {
NtPat( @ast::Pat),
NtTy( P<ast::Ty>),
NtIdent(~ast::Ident, bool),
NtMeta(@ast::MetaItem), // stuff inside brackets for attributes
NtTT( @ast::TokenTree), // needs @ed to break a circularity
NtMatchers(Vec<ast::Matcher> )
impl fmt::Show for Nonterminal {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
NtItem(..) => f.pad("NtItem(..)"),
NtBlock(..) => f.pad("NtBlock(..)"),
NtStmt(..) => f.pad("NtStmt(..)"),
NtPat(..) => f.pad("NtPat(..)"),
NtExpr(..) => f.pad("NtExpr(..)"),
NtTy(..) => f.pad("NtTy(..)"),
NtIdent(..) => f.pad("NtIdent(..)"),
NtMeta(..) => f.pad("NtMeta(..)"),
NtPath(..) => f.pad("NtPath(..)"),
NtTT(..) => f.pad("NtTT(..)"),
NtMatchers(..) => f.pad("NtMatchers(..)"),
pub fn binop_to_str(o: BinOp) -> ~str {
2012-08-06 12:34:08 -07:00
match o {
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
PLUS => "+".to_owned(),
MINUS => "-".to_owned(),
STAR => "*".to_owned(),
SLASH => "/".to_owned(),
PERCENT => "%".to_owned(),
CARET => "^".to_owned(),
AND => "&".to_owned(),
OR => "|".to_owned(),
SHL => "<<".to_owned(),
SHR => ">>".to_owned()
2010-08-20 15:57:59 -07:00
pub fn to_str(t: &Token) -> ~str {
match *t {
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
EQ => "=".to_owned(),
LT => "<".to_owned(),
LE => "<=".to_owned(),
EQEQ => "==".to_owned(),
NE => "!=".to_owned(),
GE => ">=".to_owned(),
GT => ">".to_owned(),
NOT => "!".to_owned(),
TILDE => "~".to_owned(),
OROR => "||".to_owned(),
ANDAND => "&&".to_owned(),
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
BINOP(op) => binop_to_str(op),
BINOPEQ(op) => binop_to_str(op) + "=",
2011-09-02 15:34:58 -07:00
2011-07-27 14:19:39 +02:00
/* Structural symbols */
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
AT => "@".to_owned(),
DOT => ".".to_owned(),
DOTDOT => "..".to_owned(),
DOTDOTDOT => "...".to_owned(),
COMMA => ",".to_owned(),
SEMI => ";".to_owned(),
COLON => ":".to_owned(),
MOD_SEP => "::".to_owned(),
RARROW => "->".to_owned(),
LARROW => "<-".to_owned(),
DARROW => "<->".to_owned(),
FAT_ARROW => "=>".to_owned(),
LPAREN => "(".to_owned(),
RPAREN => ")".to_owned(),
LBRACKET => "[".to_owned(),
RBRACKET => "]".to_owned(),
LBRACE => "{".to_owned(),
RBRACE => "}".to_owned(),
POUND => "#".to_owned(),
DOLLAR => "$".to_owned(),
2011-07-27 14:19:39 +02:00
/* Literals */
LIT_CHAR(c) => {
let mut res = StrBuf::from_str("'");
char::from_u32(c).unwrap().escape_default(|c| {
LIT_INT(i, t) => ast_util::int_ty_to_str(t, Some(i)),
LIT_UINT(u, t) => ast_util::uint_ty_to_str(t, Some(u)),
LIT_INT_UNSUFFIXED(i) => { i.to_str() }
LIT_FLOAT(s, t) => {
let mut body = StrBuf::from_str(get_ident(s).get());
if body.as_slice().ends_with(".") {
body.push_char('0'); // `10.f` is not a float literal
let mut body = StrBuf::from_str(get_ident(s).get());
if body.as_slice().ends_with(".") {
body.push_char('0'); // `10.f` is not a float literal
LIT_STR(s) => {
format!("\"{}\"", get_ident(s).get().escape_default())
LIT_STR_RAW(s, n) => {
delim="#".repeat(n), string=get_ident(s))
2011-07-27 14:19:39 +02:00
/* Name components */
IDENT(s, _) => get_ident(s).get().to_str(),
LIFETIME(s) => {
format!("'{}", get_ident(s))
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
UNDERSCORE => "_".to_owned(),
/* Other */
DOC_COMMENT(s) => get_ident(s).get().to_str(),
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
EOF => "<eof>".to_owned(),
INTERPOLATED(ref nt) => {
match nt {
&NtExpr(e) => ::print::pprust::expr_to_str(e),
&NtMeta(e) => ::print::pprust::meta_item_to_str(e),
_ => {
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
"an interpolated ".to_owned() +
2014-01-19 19:21:14 +11:00
match *nt {
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
NtItem(..) => "item".to_owned(),
NtBlock(..) => "block".to_owned(),
NtStmt(..) => "statement".to_owned(),
NtPat(..) => "pattern".to_owned(),
NtMeta(..) => fail!("should have been handled"),
NtExpr(..) => fail!("should have been handled above"),
2014-04-15 18:17:48 -07:00
NtTy(..) => "type".to_owned(),
NtIdent(..) => "identifier".to_owned(),
NtPath(..) => "path".to_owned(),
NtTT(..) => "tt".to_owned(),
NtMatchers(..) => "matcher sequence".to_owned()
2012-07-06 14:48:01 -07:00
pub fn can_begin_expr(t: &Token) -> bool {
match *t {
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
LPAREN => true,
LBRACE => true,
LBRACKET => true,
IDENT(_, _) => true,
TILDE => true,
LIT_CHAR(_) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
LIT_INT(_, _) => true,
LIT_UINT(_, _) => true,
LIT_FLOAT(_, _) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
LIT_STR(_) => true,
LIT_STR_RAW(_, _) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
POUND => true,
AT => true,
NOT => true,
BINOP(MINUS) => true,
BINOP(STAR) => true,
BINOP(AND) => true,
BINOP(OR) => true, // in lambda syntax
OROR => true, // in lambda syntax
MOD_SEP => true,
| INTERPOLATED(NtPath(..)) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
_ => false
/// Returns the matching close delimiter if this is an open delimiter,
/// otherwise `None`.
pub fn close_delimiter_for(t: &Token) -> Option<Token> {
match *t {
_ => None
pub fn is_lit(t: &Token) -> bool {
match *t {
LIT_CHAR(_) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
LIT_INT(_, _) => true,
LIT_UINT(_, _) => true,
LIT_FLOAT(_, _) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
LIT_STR(_) => true,
LIT_STR_RAW(_, _) => true,
2012-08-03 19:59:04 -07:00
_ => false
2012-04-22 14:59:04 -07:00
pub fn is_ident(t: &Token) -> bool {
match *t { IDENT(_, _) => true, _ => false }
pub fn is_ident_or_path(t: &Token) -> bool {
match *t {
IDENT(_, _) | INTERPOLATED(NtPath(..)) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_plain_ident(t: &Token) -> bool {
match *t { IDENT(_, false) => true, _ => false }
pub fn is_bar(t: &Token) -> bool {
match *t { BINOP(OR) | OROR => true, _ => false }
// Get the first "argument"
macro_rules! first {
( $first:expr, $( $remainder:expr, )* ) => ( $first )
// Get the last "argument" (has to be done recursively to avoid phoney local ambiguity error)
macro_rules! last {
( $first:expr, $( $remainder:expr, )+ ) => ( last!( $( $remainder, )+ ) );
( $first:expr, ) => ( $first )
// In this macro, there is the requirement that the name (the number) must be monotonically
// increasing by one in the special identifiers, starting at 0; the same holds for the keywords,
// except starting from the next number instead of zero, and with the additional exception that
// special identifiers are *also* allowed (they are deduplicated in the important place, the
// interner), an exception which is demonstrated by "static" and "self".
macro_rules! declare_special_idents_and_keywords {(
// So now, in these rules, why is each definition parenthesised?
// Answer: otherwise we get a spurious local ambiguity bug on the "}"
pub mod special_idents {
$( ($si_name:expr, $si_static:ident, $si_str:expr); )*
pub mod keywords {
$( ($sk_name:expr, $sk_variant:ident, $sk_str:expr); )*
$( ($rk_name:expr, $rk_variant:ident, $rk_str:expr); )*
) => {
static STRICT_KEYWORD_START: Name = first!($( $sk_name, )*);
static STRICT_KEYWORD_FINAL: Name = last!($( $sk_name, )*);
static RESERVED_KEYWORD_START: Name = first!($( $rk_name, )*);
static RESERVED_KEYWORD_FINAL: Name = last!($( $rk_name, )*);
pub mod special_idents {
use ast::Ident;
$( pub static $si_static: Ident = Ident { name: $si_name, ctxt: 0 }; )*
* All the valid words that have meaning in the Rust language.
* Rust keywords are either 'strict' or 'reserved'. Strict keywords may not
* appear as identifiers at all. Reserved keywords are not used anywhere in
* the language and may not appear as identifiers.
pub mod keywords {
use ast::Ident;
pub enum Keyword {
$( $sk_variant, )*
$( $rk_variant, )*
impl Keyword {
pub fn to_ident(&self) -> Ident {
match *self {
$( $sk_variant => Ident { name: $sk_name, ctxt: 0 }, )*
$( $rk_variant => Ident { name: $rk_name, ctxt: 0 }, )*
fn mk_fresh_ident_interner() -> IdentInterner {
// The indices here must correspond to the numbers in
// special_idents, in Keyword to_ident(), and in static
// constants below.
let mut init_vec = Vec::new();
// If the special idents get renumbered, remember to modify these two as appropriate
static SELF_KEYWORD_NAME: Name = 1;
static STATIC_KEYWORD_NAME: Name = 2;
declare_special_idents_and_keywords! {
pub mod special_idents {
// These ones are statics
(0, invalid, "");
(super::SELF_KEYWORD_NAME, self_, "self");
(super::STATIC_KEYWORD_NAME, statik, "static");
// for matcher NTs
(3, tt, "tt");
(4, matchers, "matchers");
// outside of libsyntax
(5, clownshoe_abi, "__rust_abi");
(6, opaque, "<opaque>");
(7, unnamed_field, "<unnamed_field>");
(8, type_self, "Self");
pub mod keywords {
// These ones are variants of the Keyword enum
(9, As, "as");
(10, Break, "break");
(11, Const, "const");
(12, Crate, "crate");
(13, Else, "else");
(14, Enum, "enum");
(15, Extern, "extern");
(16, False, "false");
(17, Fn, "fn");
(18, For, "for");
(19, If, "if");
(20, Impl, "impl");
(21, In, "in");
(22, Let, "let");
log: Introduce liblog, the old std::logging This commit moves all logging out of the standard library into an external crate. This crate is the new crate which is responsible for all logging macros and logging implementation. A few reasons for this change are: * The crate map has always been a bit of a code smell among rust programs. It has difficulty being loaded on almost all platforms, and it's used almost exclusively for logging and only logging. Removing the crate map is one of the end goals of this movement. * The compiler has a fair bit of special support for logging. It has the __log_level() expression as well as generating a global word per module specifying the log level. This is unfairly favoring the built-in logging system, and is much better done purely in libraries instead of the compiler itself. * Initialization of logging is much easier to do if there is no reliance on a magical crate map being available to set module log levels. * If the logging library can be written outside of the standard library, there's no reason that it shouldn't be. It's likely that we're not going to build the highest quality logging library of all time, so third-party libraries should be able to provide just as high-quality logging systems as the default one provided in the rust distribution. With a migration such as this, the change does not come for free. There are some subtle changes in the behavior of liblog vs the previous logging macros: * The core change of this migration is that there is no longer a physical log-level per module. This concept is still emulated (it is quite useful), but there is now only a global log level, not a local one. This global log level is a reflection of the maximum of all log levels specified. The previously generated logging code looked like: if specified_level <= __module_log_level() { println!(...) } The newly generated code looks like: if specified_level <= ::log::LOG_LEVEL { if ::log::module_enabled(module_path!()) { println!(...) } } Notably, the first layer of checking is still intended to be "super fast" in that it's just a load of a global word and a compare. The second layer of checking is executed to determine if the current module does indeed have logging turned on. This means that if any module has a debug log level turned on, all modules with debug log levels get a little bit slower (they all do more expensive dynamic checks to determine if they're turned on or not). Semantically, this migration brings no change in this respect, but runtime-wise, this will have a perf impact on some code. * A `RUST_LOG=::help` directive will no longer print out a list of all modules that can be logged. This is because the crate map will no longer specify the log levels of all modules, so the list of modules is not known. Additionally, warnings can no longer be provided if a malformed logging directive was supplied. The new "hello world" for logging looks like: #[phase(syntax, link)] extern crate log; fn main() { debug!("Hello, world!"); }
2014-03-08 22:11:44 -08:00
(23, Loop, "loop");
(24, Match, "match");
(25, Mod, "mod");
(26, Mut, "mut");
(27, Once, "once");
(28, Pub, "pub");
(29, Ref, "ref");
(30, Return, "return");
// Static and Self are also special idents (prefill de-dupes)
(super::STATIC_KEYWORD_NAME, Static, "static");
(super::SELF_KEYWORD_NAME, Self, "self");
(31, Struct, "struct");
(32, Super, "super");
(33, True, "true");
(34, Trait, "trait");
(35, Type, "type");
(36, Unsafe, "unsafe");
(37, Use, "use");
(38, While, "while");
(39, Continue, "continue");
(40, Proc, "proc");
(41, Box, "box");
(42, Alignof, "alignof");
(43, Be, "be");
(44, Offsetof, "offsetof");
(45, Priv, "priv");
log: Introduce liblog, the old std::logging This commit moves all logging out of the standard library into an external crate. This crate is the new crate which is responsible for all logging macros and logging implementation. A few reasons for this change are: * The crate map has always been a bit of a code smell among rust programs. It has difficulty being loaded on almost all platforms, and it's used almost exclusively for logging and only logging. Removing the crate map is one of the end goals of this movement. * The compiler has a fair bit of special support for logging. It has the __log_level() expression as well as generating a global word per module specifying the log level. This is unfairly favoring the built-in logging system, and is much better done purely in libraries instead of the compiler itself. * Initialization of logging is much easier to do if there is no reliance on a magical crate map being available to set module log levels. * If the logging library can be written outside of the standard library, there's no reason that it shouldn't be. It's likely that we're not going to build the highest quality logging library of all time, so third-party libraries should be able to provide just as high-quality logging systems as the default one provided in the rust distribution. With a migration such as this, the change does not come for free. There are some subtle changes in the behavior of liblog vs the previous logging macros: * The core change of this migration is that there is no longer a physical log-level per module. This concept is still emulated (it is quite useful), but there is now only a global log level, not a local one. This global log level is a reflection of the maximum of all log levels specified. The previously generated logging code looked like: if specified_level <= __module_log_level() { println!(...) } The newly generated code looks like: if specified_level <= ::log::LOG_LEVEL { if ::log::module_enabled(module_path!()) { println!(...) } } Notably, the first layer of checking is still intended to be "super fast" in that it's just a load of a global word and a compare. The second layer of checking is executed to determine if the current module does indeed have logging turned on. This means that if any module has a debug log level turned on, all modules with debug log levels get a little bit slower (they all do more expensive dynamic checks to determine if they're turned on or not). Semantically, this migration brings no change in this respect, but runtime-wise, this will have a perf impact on some code. * A `RUST_LOG=::help` directive will no longer print out a list of all modules that can be logged. This is because the crate map will no longer specify the log levels of all modules, so the list of modules is not known. Additionally, warnings can no longer be provided if a malformed logging directive was supplied. The new "hello world" for logging looks like: #[phase(syntax, link)] extern crate log; fn main() { debug!("Hello, world!"); }
2014-03-08 22:11:44 -08:00
(46, Pure, "pure");
(47, Sizeof, "sizeof");
(48, Typeof, "typeof");
(49, Unsized, "unsized");
(50, Yield, "yield");
(51, Do, "do");
2013-07-03 15:15:45 -07:00
* Maps a token to a record specifying the corresponding binary
* operator
pub fn token_to_binop(tok: &Token) -> Option<ast::BinOp> {
2013-07-02 12:47:32 -07:00
match *tok {
BINOP(STAR) => Some(ast::BiMul),
BINOP(SLASH) => Some(ast::BiDiv),
BINOP(PERCENT) => Some(ast::BiRem),
BINOP(PLUS) => Some(ast::BiAdd),
BINOP(MINUS) => Some(ast::BiSub),
BINOP(SHL) => Some(ast::BiShl),
BINOP(SHR) => Some(ast::BiShr),
BINOP(AND) => Some(ast::BiBitAnd),
BINOP(CARET) => Some(ast::BiBitXor),
BINOP(OR) => Some(ast::BiBitOr),
LT => Some(ast::BiLt),
LE => Some(ast::BiLe),
GE => Some(ast::BiGe),
GT => Some(ast::BiGt),
EQEQ => Some(ast::BiEq),
NE => Some(ast::BiNe),
ANDAND => Some(ast::BiAnd),
OROR => Some(ast::BiOr),
_ => None
// looks like we can get rid of this completely...
pub type IdentInterner = StrInterner;
2013-06-19 21:12:40 -04:00
2013-04-23 10:57:41 -07:00
// if an interner exists in TLS, return it. Otherwise, prepare a
// fresh one.
2014-03-27 19:28:38 +02:00
// FIXME(eddyb) #8726 This should probably use a task-local reference.
pub fn get_ident_interner() -> Rc<IdentInterner> {
local_data_key!(key: Rc<::parse::token::IdentInterner>)
match local_data::get(key, |k||k| k.clone())) {
Some(interner) => interner,
None => {
2014-03-27 19:28:38 +02:00
let interner = Rc::new(mk_fresh_ident_interner());
local_data::set(key, interner.clone());
2012-08-02 14:33:26 -07:00
/// Represents a string stored in the task-local interner. Because the
/// interner lives for the life of the task, this can be safely treated as an
/// immortal string, as long as it never crosses between tasks.
/// FIXME(pcwalton): You must be careful about what you do in the destructors
/// of objects stored in TLS, because they may run after the interner is
/// destroyed. In particular, they must not access string contents. This can
/// be fixed in the future by just leaking all strings until task death
/// somehow.
#[deriving(Clone, Eq, Hash, Ord, TotalEq, TotalOrd)]
pub struct InternedString {
string: RcStr,
impl InternedString {
pub fn new(string: &'static str) -> InternedString {
InternedString {
string: RcStr::new(string),
fn new_from_rc_str(string: RcStr) -> InternedString {
InternedString {
string: string,
pub fn get<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str {
impl BytesContainer for InternedString {
fn container_as_bytes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
// FIXME(pcwalton): This is a workaround for the incorrect signature
// of `BytesContainer`, which is itself a workaround for the lack of
// DST.
unsafe {
let this = self.get();
impl fmt::Show for InternedString {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f.buf, "{}", self.string.as_slice())
impl<'a> Equiv<&'a str> for InternedString {
fn equiv(&self, other: & &'a str) -> bool {
(*other) == self.string.as_slice()
impl<D:Decoder<E>, E> Decodable<D, E> for InternedString {
fn decode(d: &mut D) -> Result<InternedString, E> {
impl<S:Encoder<E>, E> Encodable<S, E> for InternedString {
fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), E> {
/// Returns the string contents of a name, using the task-local interner.
pub fn get_name(name: Name) -> InternedString {
let interner = get_ident_interner();
/// Returns the string contents of an identifier, using the task-local
/// interner.
pub fn get_ident(ident: Ident) -> InternedString {
/// Interns and returns the string contents of an identifier, using the
/// task-local interner.
pub fn intern_and_get_ident(s: &str) -> InternedString {
2012-07-18 16:18:02 -07:00
/// Maps a string to its interned representation.
pub fn intern(s: &str) -> Name {
/// gensym's a new uint, using the current interner.
pub fn gensym(s: &str) -> Name {
/// Maps a string to an identifier with an empty syntax context.
pub fn str_to_ident(s: &str) -> ast::Ident {
/// Maps a string to a gensym'ed identifier.
pub fn gensym_ident(s: &str) -> ast::Ident {
2013-05-07 12:34:52 -07:00
// create a fresh name that maps to the same string as the old one.
// note that this guarantees that str_ptr_eq(ident_to_str(src),interner_get(fresh_name(src)));
// that is, that the new name and the old one are connected to ptr_eq strings.
pub fn fresh_name(src: &ast::Ident) -> Name {
let interner = get_ident_interner();
2013-06-07 14:53:53 -07:00
// following: debug version. Could work in final except that it's incompatible with
// good error messages and uses of struct names in ambiguous could-be-binding
// locations. Also definitely destroys the guarantee given above about ptr_eq.
/*let num = rand::task_rng().gen_uint_range(0,0xffff);
2013-09-27 21:01:58 -07:00
2013-05-14 11:34:17 -07:00
// create a fresh mark.
pub fn fresh_mark() -> Mrk {
// See the macro above about the types of keywords
pub fn is_keyword(kw: keywords::Keyword, tok: &Token) -> bool {
match *tok {
2013-05-17 10:18:09 -07:00
token::IDENT(sid, false) => { kw.to_ident().name == }
_ => { false }
2013-06-19 21:12:40 -04:00
pub fn is_any_keyword(tok: &Token) -> bool {
match *tok {
token::IDENT(sid, false) => match {
2013-06-19 21:12:40 -04:00
_ => false,
_ => false
pub fn is_strict_keyword(tok: &Token) -> bool {
match *tok {
token::IDENT(sid, false) => match {
2013-06-19 21:12:40 -04:00
_ => false,
_ => false,
pub fn is_reserved_keyword(tok: &Token) -> bool {
match *tok {
token::IDENT(sid, false) => match {
2013-06-19 21:12:40 -04:00
_ => false,
_ => false,
2013-09-05 14:15:00 -07:00
pub fn mtwt_token_eq(t1 : &Token, t2 : &Token) -> bool {
match (t1,t2) {
(&IDENT(id1,_),&IDENT(id2,_)) | (&LIFETIME(id1),&LIFETIME(id2)) =>
mtwt::resolve(id1) == mtwt::resolve(id2),
2013-09-05 14:15:00 -07:00
_ => *t1 == *t2
2013-05-14 11:34:17 -07:00
mod test {
use super::*;
use ast;
use ext::mtwt;
2013-07-10 16:40:09 -07:00
fn mark_ident(id : ast::Ident, m : ast::Mrk) -> ast::Ident {
2013-09-05 14:15:00 -07:00
#[test] fn mtwt_token_eq_test() {
let a = str_to_ident("bac");
let a1 = mark_ident(a,92);
2013-05-14 11:34:17 -07:00